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Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite


A bug
RP Moderator
Apr 8, 2009
Reputation score
Liezelotte - HP = 56, PP = 47, EP = 91, Status = Fine
Isabell - HP = 102, PP = 46, EP = 46, Status = Fine
Anael - HP = 55, PP = 65, EP = 90, Status = Fine

As far as Liezelotte was concerned humans were nothing more than creatures to be put to use, cattle bred to serve her every need. And the two that had followed her did so beautifully. Though Lord Bachsmien had nearly ordered her to leave his lands for a place he felt was far more secure one of his messengers arrived and reported that all was lost. The lands, the Lord, everything had been destroyed by the alien onslaught. It was almost unbelievable that her father could ever lose to such things, and in less than a couple hours she set off for her home.

And that's when her two servants came to use. Though the bulk of the enemy forces had simply ignored her hiding spot Liezelotte did encounter a few random patrols. That's when her bodyguard pulled his Lady back and stood his ground. It was such a wondrous thing, offering to stand as a line of defense against overwhelming numbers, and though his screams and cries for betrayal echoed across the land she knew full well that he had finally served his purpose. And her handmaid soon learned to do the same. Some time after the event with the bodyguard they pair were attacked by some odd flying creatures. They tried to swarm the Lady, but a decent blast of Hellfire forced them to ease back. The Lady was prepared to fire another, but to her surprise her servant pleaded for the woman to escape. It was such a beautiful thing, such selflessness which was in no way a result of any telepathic suggestion, and though the girl's eye twitched as if trying to contain some deep seated rage Liezelotte would not let those words go to waste.

And now the young Lady Bachsmien found herself traveling home all by her lonesome. There were a couple times when she wish she had another human or two that would 'sacrifice' themselves on her behalf, but she could still make do. Unfortunately there was still some ground to cover, and a few odd noises were coming from a nearby copse of trees. Perhaps her luck would still hold out...


A strange pressure from overhead was the first thing the demon felt as soon as she started to wake. All she could truly see was utter darkness, but a muffled noise soon became the very nervous chittering of a few of the local birds. As far as Isabell could tell she was laying on her stomach somewhere, and an immense weight was keeping her down. But determination wouldn't leave her lying on the ground, and after some struggling she finally managed to pull herself free. What she found was the ruined wall of the servants' quarters lying all around, her weapon still embedded in one of the walking lizards that she was fighting just before that wall crumbled on top of the both of them. Unfortunately for her opponent he was still stabbed by the time he was buried, so he simply bled out without any hope of surviving.

And it seemed there was little hope for anyone else. Though Isabell had fought valiantly she could remember the sheer numbers of the invading force, and with men being slaughtered and women being fucked there was no telling when the tide that was these aliens would shift and overwhelm her where she stood. But shoddy construction proved to be her savior, and now that she was left she looked around and saw not but devastation. Bodies lay everywhere, some tentacled masses that barely looked like they could walk on the legs that sprouted beneath their bodies, but most belonged to the defenders. There was no stopping their advance, and as she looked toward the mansion she could see the thing barely standing as a fire started to grow from some room on the first floor. Not a movement or sound was made save by anything other than the slowly growing flames, and there was little doubt that anyone else had survived.

But the young Lady had been sent away... She was at least safe, and thought she may be miles from here Liezelotte was the only thing she had left. And Isabell knew where Liezelotte had been sent. All she had to do now was figure out how to get there...


If Anael were seen cursing her former Lord then no one could truly blame her. She was the primary servant to his daughter, but he had forbid Anael from leaving with her mistress in order to help defend his lands from the coming invasion. And she had, her duty as a Bachsmien servant demanded as much. But things went downhill fast, and once the final defensive line fell Anael found herself nearly surrounded by monstrosities that looked like they were designed to rape and pillage instead of search and destroy. Thankfully her ability to fly kept her out of harm's reach, but those creatures were persistent. They chased her through her former Lord's lands tirelessly, and took a great deal of deceit to lose her pursuers, especially when those strange flying things joined the chase.

But now that she was alone she had time to sit and think. By the looks of things when she was forced to leave the mansion and its grounds were completely lost. It would be a miracle if a soul were left alive, even more so if that soul was still intact. That meant that her service under Lord Bachsmien was now complete. She was free to do whatever she... No, the young lady still lived. Liezelotte had been sent away, a father's precaution probably saving her from a fate far worse than any death the angel could imagine. That meant she still had a purpose and a Master. She would need to find the woman, but where would she start? She was never told were the young lady had been sent, and she wasn't about to degrade herself to do so like that Isabell creature. But there had to be some record back at the mansion, and there were only so many hidden villas that would that the Lord would think would survive an attack. But searching them all would take luck and time. It was another reason to return to the mansion. But then again there could still be some creatures lingering. If she went back she may well be walking into a trap. But this reasoning was starting to become circular, so Anael would simply need to decide what she needed to do.
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Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Isabell cringed as she slowly regained consciousness. Upon feeling the heavy weight crushing her down, she was already moving, trying to pull herself out from underneath the rubble before her thoughts were even gathered properly. Once she was free, she laid on her back on the floor, gathering herself, before pushing herself up to a kneeling stance. Looking around the room, and taking note what had happened, Isabell let out a low growl. "The old bastard knew this would happen," she thought to herself. "Why was I ordered to be amongst those to become a slave to the aliens when my proper place is next to my mistress? I would give that old relic a piece of my mind if he wasn't likely dead."

Angry, Isabell stood, and drew her sword from the lizardkin who was acting as the temporary sheath for her blade, and pulled her shield out from the rubble as well. "I was given this blessing, that I survive the invasion, and I start by having little clue where My Lady is located... My Lady Liezelotte likely thinks poorly of me after this display of incompetence."

Looking about the room, Isabell used all of her knowledge to map out the quickest way to reach the location Liezelotte was told to hide, before vaulting over one of the chunks of rubble, and making her way over any obstacles in order to reach her destination quickly. "Though, come to think of it," she wondered, "I am quite certain Anael survived this as well. I wonder where she is... She'd better not desert her duty to My Lady."


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Any lesser being would be exhausted after what Anael had been through. She had fought monstrous creatures with even more monstrous intentions, witnessed the destruction of a kingdom, and had escaped with her life, sanity, and purity. No small feat. But for an angel like herself, a being of extraordinary majesty, grace, power, and beauty, she found herself merely sighing at the inconvenience of the events as she landed daintily in a clearing some ways from her Lord's mansion. "Former Lord," she thought with a smile, contemplating her new found freedom in the absence of any master.

"No Master, but a Mistress." Despite her normally calm and peaceful demeanor, Anael grumbled in frustration as she realized the Lord's daughter, the spiteful Lady Liezolette, was probably still alive. And regardless of whatever she felt about the spoiled and cruel young woman, she had sworn an oath to serve her, and nothing could break the word of an angel. Anael had to find the noble young demoness and serve her as she had before, there simply was no other choice. "But where?" she pondered, having no knowledge of the Lady's location. A number of thoughts on how to find her quarry came to the angel, but only one seemed likely to bear results. The mansion. The place she had just fled, desperate to avoid the horrible fates she witnessed other lesser beings succumb to. And now she must return.

But she would not return unprepared. Anael had never been one to sneak and hide, such activities were beneath her. It would be foolhardy to attempt to fight her way in, there was no telling how many of the alien monstrosities were still in the area. No, she would simply best the creatures in the way she had already, through speed and cunning. With the right application of magical power, she could fly back to the mansion and either find the knowledge she sought, or escape again. It was simple for her to control the flows of energy, and soon the air was crackling with electricity as her body was suffused with power, making her as fast as lightning. None of her aerial pursuers would be able to catch her now, and she took to the air, speeding off towards the ruins.

Cast Power of Lightning (Speed). Level 3, Lightning. +21 to speed.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

It had been a bad week for Lieze. Her life of comfy fun and games had now turned into boring and dirty trek across the countryside to a place where there might be a new home for her and any possible survivors. Maybe some of the more decent servitors were still alive and aiming to carry on with keeping her life as enjoyable as it could possibly be in any given situation. "Father... it's such a shame..." the young Lady briefly pondered her sweet dad, who had always been such a strange demon to be honest. Still, he was an entertaining and loving person, the kind that pretty much everyone would like to have as father. No matter what, he had always provided them both with the things they needed, regardless of what it had been and what it took. In that aspect, the blonde part-demoness was really her father's child, for she too had little concern about what it took to get something.

Getting out from her brief thought train about the sadly deceased Lord Bachsmien and all the luxury of her former home, the Lady Bachsmien turned her attention towards a nearby tree patch, where things seemed to be happening. Maybe that would be of some relief to this dreadfully boring trek across the land. So, deciding to check things out, Lieze switched her walk towards there for a change. The other place could wait that long for her to arrive.


A bug
RP Moderator
Apr 8, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Liezelotte - HP = 56, PP = 47, EP = 91, Status = Fine
Isabell - HP = 102, PP = 46, EP = 46, Status = Grappled, Resistance 36/39
Anael - HP = 55, PP = 65, EP = 86/90, Status = Power of Lightning (Speed), Submission, Resistance 14/20

Perception (Anael): Rolled a 10
Perception (Isabell): Rolled a 1

Sneak Grapple (Skyray1 on Anael): Auto-hit
--- Submission: 24 + 4 = 28 vs 24 = 18 + 6 Success
------ Aphrodisiacs 1: 6

Sneak Grapple (Skyray2 on Isabell): Auto-hit
--- Submission: 24 + 19 = 43 vs 45 = 15 + 30 Failure
------ Aphrodisiacs 1: 3

Whether Isabell expected an answer to her question or not she soon had one. None too far into her trek to find her mistress a dark blur in the sky caught her attention, and when the demon turned to look she found the fallen angel speeding along a course that led directly back to the ruined mansion. In a moment she would pass overhead, and if Isabell wished she could attempt to catch the airborne woman's attention.

A few seconds earlier Anael had called upon her mastery of magic, and with the power of a storm brimming through her veins the angel found her speed growing to new heights. The world beneath her became no more than a blur as she sped to learn what she could back at the destroyed manor, but up ahead she spotted a rather familiar looking form in armor. It appeared Isabell had managed to survive the battle, and though she looked somewhat worn and dirty the demon still knew something she did not. Perhaps they could put aside their differences and work together...

But neither woman noticed the strange rustling from a nearby tree, and while each distracted the other a couple of small forms suddenly took flight. Anael had only a moment's notice to recognize those flying creatures before one spread its body wide and nearly wrapped around her face. Her hands rose on instinct, but instead of managing to fling the beast away all she managed was to get her arms trapped beside her head as a long tail and two surprisingly strong tendrils ensnared their catch. Thankfully her wings were still free, so falling to her death wasn't an immediate concern, but without the ability to see Anael was flying blind. And to make matters worse something had lodged itself within her mouth. A strange taste soon followed, one that left her tongue tingling as a liquid started to run down her throat, and that could only mean one thing. Aphrodisiacs. She would need to find someplace to land safely, and then she could deal with the threat attached to her face.

Much the same happened to Isabell. One moment she was watching Anael quickly approaching, the next something darted into the sky and snagged her. And then there was darkness. Something warm had flung itself into her face, and though her head nearly whipped back at the sudden impact she could already feel some strange creature trying to secure itself around her neck. Her hands rose, but though they were grabbed the demon managed to hold the tendrils at bay and kept the thing from anchoring itself. But its grip was still firm, and a moment later something long started poking its way past her lips. A strange liquid immediately started dripping into her mouth, and as she was forced to swallow it she could feel her body starting to grow hot. At the moment it was just a pleasant warmth, but if left unchecked Isabell knew her senses would soon falter and leave her panting for more than the blowjob she was being forced to give this little monster.


With a chance for at least some entertainment so near Liezelotte turned her attention to the nearby patch of forest. For a while the sounds were faint, somewhat indistinct, but as she approached she could hear the light squelch of flesh on flesh. Something interesting was happening, and after a few more seconds she soon her a faint gasp. Behind the next tree the young woman found what could only be described as a small orgy. At first glance it didn't look like anything ordinarily special, merely a couple of demons being satisfied by the a couple pairs of humans, something she'd heard and seen more than once while under her father's care, but something wasn't quite right. The male and female demons looked rather relaxed, and the two women servicing each of them were obviously well trained. The male had his set lovingly licking his shaft, the pair of tongues reaching around his length to meet before the women kissed each other and every inch of him in turn, and the female had a mouth at each tit while a pair of hands were quite thoroughly exploring the depths of her sex. And by the looks of things they'd all been at it for quite some time. The humans were practically drenched in various sexual fluids, but it didn't seem to be enough. They were working for even more, and the demons were basking in utter sexual bliss.

But a closer look showed that the demons weren't actually doing much of anything. They seemed to be simply sitting their, their mouths hanging open and offering gasps of intense pleasure and little more. Even when the male erupted and coated his ladies in his release he only grunted before the light in his eyes dulled. And that was what was wrong. They looked tired. Or empty. It looked like they were being eaten, their spirits fading under sexual bliss as if they were being attacked by succubi. Perhaps that was what was happening. But then they wouldn't look this drained. Liezelotte couldn't remember anyone looking that drained. And the sexual slime that covered the women seemed to be pouring out of their skin. There was no end to it, and their entire bodies glistened even while gigantic drops feel onto their partners and even pooled under all the bodies laying on the ground.

Something odd was happening, and Lieze had a front row seat. Thankfully she had yet to be noticed by anyone involved, but she wouldn't be able to stay hidden forever. The trees that surrounded her weren't exactly thick, and though she had no idea how she knew something was telling her that this business would soon be at an end. And it wouldn't be pretty. She could announce herself, figure out what's going on. Or she could attack. This appeared to be a case of humans overcoming demons, and that couldn't sit well with the demon. But then again looks weren't always what they seemed. Perhaps she should simply back away and leave this group to whatever fate awaited them. She had her own life to worry about, and she couldn't simply waste it watching all those bodies writhing against each together, and least not while there were still threats in the area.
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Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Making her way along, the black figure moving through the sky was no doubt Anael. And when she noticed her, Isabell put her hands to her mouth, and shouted, "Anael!" to get her attention. But then the skyrays attacked from nowhere, and Isabell let out a muffled shout as the creature latched itself onto her face. Growling, and struggling, she desperately tried to remove the thing with all the might she could muster. "I can't let myself be distracted by something like this while my mistress could be in danger!" Isabell thought to herself, steeling her nerves to resist the aphrodisiacs.

Isabell uses all her might to rip the skyray off of her face.
-Isabell has a resistance to Fire and Force, ignoring the first 5 points of damage from sources of either type
-Isabell gets a +10 bonus to resistance against attempts to move her, or to give her the Stunned or Prone statuses

-Isabell deals 2d4 + 22 PP damage during foreplay
-Isabell deals 2d8 + 29 PP damage during penetration
-Isabell drains an extra +6 EP from her victim.
-Isabell can continue to corrupt even Supernatural beings for an equal amount of PP delt, except if they have the Corruptive Special Mutation

-If Liezelotte is directly involved (via dirty talk, or mere physical contact), Isabell takes +8 PP damage
-Isabell takes a flat extra +4 PP damage

-Creatures who swallow Isabell's sexual fluids have their Resistance stat decreased by 2d6 temporarily. Creatures reduced to 0 Resistance by this method gain the Aroused status and have their resistance reset, and if their Resistance drops to 0 again they gain the Horny status.

-Isabell has selective fertility, and can choose if she gets pregnant.
-Isabell has the Pull Out succubus power, and can also prevent pregnancy that way.
-Isabell has the Fertile flaw, so rolls of 2 or more indicate success

-Dazzling Beauty: All creatures able to see Isabell take a -10 penalty to their Perception stat when trying to perceive someone other than Isabell.

Ancient Longsword:
Total Damage: 2d6 + 31 = (Base Damage + Body)
To-hit: (+80) +62, +12, +6 (Body + Skill with + Ero-Fighter)

Isabell's Stats:
Speed: 25(13 While wearing armor and shield)
Dodge: 63
Armor: 4(24 While wearing armor)
Resistance: 39
Perception: 25
Stealth: 17(-7 While wearing armor and shield)
Grapple: 62

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Wandering near the trees where she had heard the action coming from, Lady Bachsmien found some demons and humans going at it in full force, all wet and sloppy with love liquids. "Looks like they are having fun..." she though, always liking the sight of trained pets doing their work like instructed and in all due efficiency. Leaning against a tree casually, she observed the going-ons for some time, even if she was not in the mood right now. "Hmm... something's fishy here..." she thought after observing the proceedings for some time, minute details coming in clearer after she had some time to look into them. These humans were likely not your average cattle, having the ability to drain out some of the demons she respected in this kind of manner. While she was not entirely sure what was going on, it did look like the demons were the ones being used here, and that was just not going to go on further.

Focusing on her potent psychic powers, Lieze sought to cut down the closest human with a mind blade, seeing what reactions the total slicing and dicing of one would cause in the rest.

(Use Mind Blade with 5 EP, +52 to hit, dealing 2d8+1 damage for each of the points. Given that Lieze has Harmful Spirit, she will deal at least 9 points of damage for each point.)


Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Anael smiled as she soared through the sky, even with the knowledge of the danger she was in. She had always loved to fly, just one of the many advantages of being an angel. A blessing, really, being an angel, being able to enjoy the wonder of flight. And joy was something Anael hadn't been able to experience much ever since being pressed into the service of the demons. Thus she exalted in the feeling of the wind against her skin, whipping her hair back, and tugging at her dress. It was only by chance that she happened to look down in time to spot the demoness Isabell, shouting up her.

'Foolish demon,' Anael thought as she realized just who was calling such undue attention to themselves in this dangerous area. Still, it was quite probable that the Lady's personal bodyguard might have some idea where their Mistress had been sent before the invasion. Anael banked and began descending towards the demon, still moving at incredible speed. She was moving so fast, in fact that she had no time to react to the rustling in one of the trees near Isabell. She could only raise her hands and gasp as one of the flying creatures she had earlier evaded leapt directly towards her and latched onto her face.

"No-oompf!" Anael cried as the creature wrapped it's tendrils around the back of her head and slipped something into her unfortunately opened mouth. 'That stupid demon!' she fumed internally, while frantically swinging her head around to dislodge the creature. Only a second later though, her mind reeled as the strange tasting liquid began to seep onto her tongue, sending jolts of sensation through her mouth. 'No, it's going to-,' she realized, remembering what she had seen the flying aliens do to their unsuspecting victims earlier. Horrified, but at the same time slightly excited, Anael forced herself to calm down and begin thinking of how to get herself out of this predicament.

With the creature firmly gripping her head and hands, Anael knew she wouldn't be able to focus enough to use her magic, and her conditioning by her demon captors had left her strangely unable, or perhaps unwilling, to throw off an attacker like this. If she were exceedingly lucky, she might be able to slip her wrists free of its strong grip, but she knew that such a thing was a long shot. Her only real chance was if the demon Isabell could use her ridiculous strength to yank the creature free. Blinded as she was by the alien's bulk blocking her view, Anael at least had an idea of where the demon was before she was attacked. Trying her best to ignore the aphrodisiac spreading through her mouth and the object inside of it, Anael spread her wings and began to glide down to the ground, hoping to land near enough to Isabell that the demon could assist her.

(Move towards Isabell. Attempt to escape submission if possible this turn)
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A bug
RP Moderator
Apr 8, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Liezelotte - HP = 56, PP = 47, EP = 91, Status = Fine
Isabell - HP = 102, PP = 46, EP = 46, Status = Resistance 36/39
Anael - HP = 55, PP = 65, EP = 86/90, Status = Power of Lightning (Speed), Submission, Resistance 13/20
I'm not sure why I only put down 30 for Isabell's grapple in the last round, but it wouldn't change anything. Oh well.

Grapple (Anael vs Skyray1): 8 + 11 = 19 vs 34 = 10 + 24
--- Anael is still in Submission
------ Aphrodisiacs 1: 1

Grapple (Isabell vs Skyray2): 62 + 13 = 75 vs 33 = 9 + 24
--- Isabell is no longer grappled

Lieze uses Mind Cutter, X=5 (Duo1): Hit
--- Damage: (8 + 4 + 1)*5 = 65 DEAD

Duo2a uses Charm (Lieze): Hit
--- Charm: 20 + 10 = 30 vs 37 = 9 + 28 Failure
Duo2b uses Charm (Lieze): Hit
--- Charm: 20 + 8 = 28 vs 44 = 16 + 28 Failure

With Isabell's determination set on her mistress she managed to grip the creature stuck to her face and wrench it free before it was unceremoniously flung to the ground. It floundered for a couple of seconds, but once it righted itself it immediately took to the air and started circling the demon while searching for an appropriate spot to attack. It even managed to dive under Anael as she came to a somewhat harsh but safe landing, but that was all she could manage. The ray stuck to her face kept its grip firm, no amount of struggling allowing the angel to work even a single hand free, and all she earned as a reward was another dose of fluid flowing down her throat.


With only a minor force of will Lieze was able to rouse her spirit and sent it out as a mental blade that spun through the air in only a matter of moments. And in that much time one of the humans simply fell apart, her limbs falling next to her dismembered body as if the forces holding her together simply failed. But two bodies fell when she only attacked one, and the male demon was left with the various pieces of a pair of women nearly covering his legs while only a small amount of blood started leaking from the humans' open wounds.

The male looked both confused and relieved, but he wasn't the only one that noticed the sudden attack. The other pair of women turned their heads as one, and once they spotted Lieze their faces lit with an almost creepy joy. They both rose, the bodies different enough to show no relation between them yet somehow moving as if they were simply one being, and as they started walking toward the half-demon a strange light started to fill their eyes. A moment later Lieze felt a pair of wills pressing against her own, and for a moment suddenly felt as if these women were a grace unto this world. That moment quickly passed, but the women were practically on top of her by then. All they needed to do now was take just a couple more steps before they could reach out and take the young lady into their arms.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

"Ahahaa, always a pretty sight to see..." Lieze laughed out in an audible voice, amused by the spectacle of dismemberment. It was made even more of a treat by the fact that there seemed to be some sort of connection between the two who had been going at the male demon, ending in the other one too getting torn apart even though she had not targeted it in any way. "Right, most definately not average cattle..." she thought about the sight.

As anyone possessing brains would expect, the sudden mutilation of the others was a call to action for the ones still going at the demon lady. The pair sprung up from their from their former pleasuring spot, looking almost gleefully happy to see the young part-demon lady. Getting a view of the pair's glowing eyes, a mental bumping happened between Lieze's and the two's minds. For a quick few seconds, she actually thought that these creatures were entitled to exist and live like they wanted, but a quick headshake removed such blasphemous ponderings away. The creatures had advanced closer to her by then, almost on the lady's face. Since only one apparently needed to be killed in order to get rid of them both, she would be rid of them fast. Another quick psychic focus brought out the power again, this time in the form of a hellish fire that she would poke into one of the things and see what happened.

(Use Hellfire Blast at 5, the touch attack form. +52 to hit, deals 1d6+5 per point used, damage dealt with the usual Harmful Spirit boosting to get at least 40 points of damage.)


Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Even with all her past experience with flying, Anael was still unable to do more than crash when descending blind. The force of the landing caused her to stumble and fall down to her knees. Caught off guard as she was, she still tried to use the sudden impact to her advantage in her attempt at escaping the creature stuck to her face. It didn't budge, causing the angel to grunt in annoyance.

The crash also caused a sudden spurt of the creatures juices to shoot into her mouth and slide down her throat. The sensations it caused as it flowed through her and the growing restlessness of her body drove her to shuffle her legs, unknowingly spreading them further apart on the ground beneath her. Though it didn't move from it's position on her face, the creatures breathing caused it's body to naturally pull back and then push forward a small bit slowly every few moments. The motion, combined with the feeling of it's appendage between her lips and the drips of fluid falling onto her tongue, reminded the angel of how she had sometimes been treated by her demonic captors before her submission, and how she had begun to enjoy it. Her tongue flipped up to lick at the appendage, to urge it to stop teasing her with such small movements, and she moaned softly despite her usual demeanor.

It was only after she had moaned a few more times and begun to rock her hips that Anael remembered the predicament she was in. Fighting off her baser urges, she tried to listen for Isabell's struggles against her own attacker and turn on her knees towards the demon. She could do little more than struggle vainly at the moment, but if she could just get the succubi's attention, she might not have to endure this embarrassment for much longer. With no way to properly call out or bring attention to herself, Anael settled for mumbling around the appendage stuck between her lips. "Mmfm-mmf," she tried to call, choking slightly as some of the creatures slime stuck in her throat. "MMPH-MN-MMF!" Louder that time, or so she hoped, while also flapping her otherwise useless wings. It was all she could do until Isabell came to her rescue, or the creature got tired of her face.

(Try to escape submission, come on 20 for Anael and 1 for Facehugger!)

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Ripping the thing off of her face, Isabell ignored the creature once it decided to retreat to the skies, before rushing over to assist Anael. "You will continue your disrespectful words even after I save you from this, I imagine, but I will still..." she announced, before gripping at the thing on her face. "-aid you!"

Isabell now uses all her might to rip the skyray off of Anael's face.
-Isabell has a resistance to Fire and Force, ignoring the first 5 points of damage from sources of either type
-Isabell gets a +10 bonus to resistance against attempts to move her, or to give her the Stunned or Prone statuses

-Isabell deals 2d4 + 22 PP damage during foreplay
-Isabell deals 2d8 + 29 PP damage during penetration
-Isabell drains an extra +6 EP from her victim.
-Isabell can continue to corrupt even Supernatural beings for an equal amount of PP delt, except if they have the Corruptive Special Mutation

-If Liezelotte is directly involved (via dirty talk, or mere physical contact), Isabell takes +8 PP damage
-Isabell takes a flat extra +4 PP damage

-Creatures who swallow Isabell's sexual fluids have their Resistance stat decreased by 2d6 temporarily. Creatures reduced to 0 Resistance by this method gain the Aroused status and have their resistance reset, and if their Resistance drops to 0 again they gain the Horny status.

-Isabell has selective fertility, and can choose if she gets pregnant.
-Isabell has the Pull Out succubus power, and can also prevent pregnancy that way.
-Isabell has the Fertile flaw, so rolls of 2 or more indicate success

-Dazzling Beauty: All creatures able to see Isabell take a -10 penalty to their Perception stat when trying to perceive someone other than Isabell.

Ancient Longsword:
Total Damage: 2d6 + 31 = (Base Damage + Body)
To-hit: (+80) +62, +12, +6 (Body + Skill with + Ero-Fighter)

Isabell's Stats:
Speed: 25(13 While wearing armor and shield)
Dodge: 63
Armor: 4(24 While wearing armor)
Resistance: 39
Perception: 25
Stealth: 17(-7 While wearing armor and shield)
Grapple: 62


A bug
RP Moderator
Apr 8, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Liezelotte - HP = 56, PP = 47, EP = 81/91, Status = Fine
Isabell - HP = 102, PP = 46, EP = 46, Status = Resistance 36/39
Anael - HP = 55, PP = 65, EP = 90, Status = Power of Lightning (Speed), Resistance 8/20
Grapple (Anael vs Skyray1): 8 + 5 = 13 vs 41 = 17 + 24
--- Skyray1 maintains Submission
--- Skyray1 starts enjoying himself (forced Foreplay from Anael)
------ Pleasure: 2 + 3 + 10 = 15 PP Orgasm
------ EP Drain: 15/2 = 8
--------- Aphrodisiacs 1: 5

Grapple (Isabell vs Skyray1): Auto-success on stunned Skyray
--- Skyray1 is ripped loose

Skyray1 is Stunned due to Orgasm

Skyray2 attacks (Grapple on Anael): Miss

Lieze uses Hellfire Blast, X=5 (Touch on Duo2): Hit
--- Damage: (3 + 5)*5 = 40 DEAD

Anael's initial struggles left the skyray purring in her mouth as her tongue gave it some much sought after attention, and once it realized its grip would stay firm it sought even more. The phallus stuffed between her lips started to gyrate against her tongue, each little pulse leaving even more of the fluid for her to swallow. A slight trill could be heard from within the creature, and soon its entire body was bucking into the mouth that had so eagerly attended to it and was forced to do so once again.

But such a small creature was not built for stamina, and that bucking soon reached a fever pitch that left the alien's cock throbbing within the fallen angel's mouth. A small cry was let out in the same moment a flood of fluid hit the back of her throat. But the skyray's wish to fill that mouth were denied as a strong hand gripped its body and tore it free, the sudden release causing the alien's release to fire into the air and grace the angel with a very light facial before it was tossed to the side, and as it floundered on the ground another spurt erupted from the flying monster's still exposed tip and left a rather curiously solid lump laying in a puddle of the thing's fluids.

Even if that little bit of foreplay was all she felt it was more than enough for Anael to consume the little flyer's spirit. Or most of it. She could feel its pitiful form struggling to stay conscious, especially after having already cum, and that small spike was what let her duck at just the right moment. The skyray still gliding through the air saw an opening, and it swooped down to lay claim to its comrade's prey. But Anael was far from the whimpering mass of unfulfilled sexual tension it was used to dealing with, and now that its one shot was lost it rose into the air to wait for another chance.


This was an odd sight. On one side there was a body lit aflame, the muscles of the human woman writhing within a dance of agony. Skin blackened and peeled and turned to ash, and the muscle underneath seared and left the smell of burnt flesh in its wake before that body simply collapsed. On the other side another body was doing much the same, but no flames had appeared to touch. But the girl still danced her dance of death, her skin flaking and peeling away and turning darker by the second until the pair were left as twin husks that would soon leave nothing but bone and ash in their wake and a smell that would linger in Lieze's clothes for quite some time.

But the humans were dead, and the demons had been saved. All is at it should be. Or it would if the demons looked like they had any life in them. They appeared to be rather typical, a gorgeous pair with equally gorgeous bodies and the horns and tails one would expect from one of Hell's own, but whatever life remained in those red eyes was a mere shadow of its former self. Something still remained, a spark that was intrinsically their own, but it was like their souls didn't even have the fuel to power their bodies. Had they not blinked in her direction Lieze wouldn't be faulted for thinking they had fallen asleep. But they were definitely still conscious, and by the looks of things their bodies were still quite aroused. Perhaps the young lady would be thankful that these two weren't of the succubus persuasion. Otherwise she may have been the next one lying on the ground while two others took liberties with her lithe frame in the name of self-preservation.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

The assailants had obviously not prepared for this possibility, since it was as if they didn't event try to move away from their impending doom that approached at the tip of Lieze's slender finger. When the Hell-born flame transferred onto the creature's body, it began to writhe around in searing agony, the fire slowly consuming it away to dust. It was delightful to see the second body experience the same thing, the absence of the flames grabbing the part-demon's attention. "So, that's how the process happens..." she pondered out aloud, paying attention to the minute details that occurred under the fires's scorching touch. When the process began to finish, she poked down on one body with the tip of her fan, toppling both corpses onto the ground with one simple movement. "This smell is such a bother... going to need something to get it away..."

Now rid of these bothersome critters, Lieze's attention turned to the pair of demons who looked as if they were far gone to other, imaginary worlds. It was a saddening thing, since there was a possibility that she might have to mercy-kill the pair. None of demonkind needed to exist like this. "Hey, can you hear me?" she asked repeatedly from both of them, poking the pair in their faces and testing if she could get any understandable reaction out.


Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

As she mumbled around the creature's appendage, Anael could feel more than hear it begin to purr. Like a soft rumbling that shook her head. 'It likes that,' she thought happily, despite her anger at it's actions. If the angel's face were visible, Isabell might have seen a softening of Anael's expression and a tightening of her lips. Without her meaning to, the angel's mumbles changed back to moans as the creature's member pressed against her tongue, coating her mouth with yet more of the incredible liquid it had been secreting. She swallowed it instinctively, and felt her body warm even more in response. 'No, this is beneath me,' Anael protested inwardly, though a dark, base part of her mind disagreed.

Anael was losing her will to the creature, and when it began to piston it's phallus in and out of her mouth, her ministrations of it only intensified. She could only weakly attempt to pull her hands free, but they remained fixed within her attacker's grasp. In truth, Anael was becoming conflicted about freeing herself. As part of her 'gift' of corruption, she had become like the succubi that were ever present in the company of demons. The pleasure of others fueled Anael's spirit, and even this alien creature was serving to sate the minor hunger she had briefly developed. The more it used her mouth to slake it's lust, the more she used it's spirit to bolster her own. Her mouth and tongue worked in unison now to please the unwelcome invader, licking and suckling on it as it pushed past her lips, and in doing so worked to please herself. As the creature's motions sped up, Anael realized it was near release, its inevitable climax exciting her at the same time she cursed herself to having helped it along.

The sudden spray of warmth in her mouth brought a mixture of disgust and exhilaration to the fallen angel, and she closed her eyes tightly as she struggled to maintain a proper outward display of nobility despite the repulsive, delightful, offensive, euphoria she felt. Consumed with re-establishing her facade, Anael instinctively swallowed everything the creature pumped into her mouth, until a quick tug pulled the offending organ free of her lips. The warmth spread to her face, a long thick streak that began just under her left eye, ran down under her nose, dripped over both of her lips and trailed off on her chin. Anael opened her eyes to see Isabell slamming the stunned creature onto the ground. Just as she was about to offer a quick gesture of thanks, a slight sound alerted the angel to the other creature swooping towards her, and she moved just in time to see it fly past and back into the air.

While the invader's strange fluid was still affecting her body, Anael knew that Isabell's timely intervention had saved her from becoming too entranced by it's effects. Angered by her failure to maintain composure, and not eager to see it happen again, the angel stood straight and held a hand palm out towards the flying terror while summoning her magical power. Her eyes shone with white hot fire as she concentrated the raw power into her hand, then released it in a bolt of lightning at the creature. Despite her roiling emotions, Anael managed to stay stony eyed and calm as she channeled her fury at her target.

(Lightning bolt on Skyray 2. Lightning, level 3. (1d8 + 5) *3)

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Once she was freed, Isabell turned to the creature she had pulled off of Anael, and gripped her sword. "Do not let your mouth so easily be taken by such small creatures!" Isabell lectured the angel, though she was a bit excited herself at seeing the dark angel with such an erotic appeal. Instead of so snappy and cold as she normally was towards the demon knight, it was an expression Isabell wished she had seen as a result of her own doing; however, given how little Anael cares for her, Isabell doubted she'd ever feel Anael's lips around her own dick.

Putting such a lewd fantasy behind, Isabell turned, and sought to strike at the alien she had ripped from Anael's mouth.

Isabell goes in swinging at Skyray 1!
-Isabell has a resistance to Fire and Force, ignoring the first 5 points of damage from sources of either type
-Isabell gets a +10 bonus to resistance against attempts to move her, or to give her the Stunned or Prone statuses

-Isabell deals 2d4 + 22 PP damage during foreplay
-Isabell deals 2d8 + 29 PP damage during penetration
-Isabell drains an extra +6 EP from her victim.
-Isabell can continue to corrupt even Supernatural beings for an equal amount of PP delt, except if they have the Corruptive Special Mutation

-If Liezelotte is directly involved (via dirty talk, or mere physical contact), Isabell takes +8 PP damage
-Isabell takes a flat extra +4 PP damage

-Creatures who swallow Isabell's sexual fluids have their Resistance stat decreased by 2d6 temporarily. Creatures reduced to 0 Resistance by this method gain the Aroused status and have their resistance reset, and if their Resistance drops to 0 again they gain the Horny status.

-Isabell has selective fertility, and can choose if she gets pregnant.
-Isabell has the Pull Out succubus power, and can also prevent pregnancy that way.
-Isabell has the Fertile flaw, so rolls of 2 or more indicate success

-Dazzling Beauty: All creatures able to see Isabell take a -10 penalty to their Perception stat when trying to perceive someone other than Isabell.

Ancient Longsword:
Total Damage: 2d6 + 31 = (Base Damage + Body)
To-hit: (+80) +62, +12, +6 (Body + Skill with + Ero-Fighter)

Isabell's Stats:
Speed: 25(13 While wearing armor and shield)
Dodge: 63
Armor: 4(24 While wearing armor)
Resistance: 39
Perception: 25
Stealth: 17(-7 While wearing armor and shield)
Grapple: 62


A bug
RP Moderator
Apr 8, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Liezelotte - HP = 56, PP = 47, EP = 81/91, Status = Fine
Isabell - HP = 102, PP = 46, EP = 46, Status = Resistance 36/39
Anael - HP = 55, PP = 65, EP = 86/90, Status = Power of Lightning (Speed), Resistance 8/20
Both Isabell and Anael have more than enough to reliably hit the Skyray's and they don't have the health to survive.

Isabell gains 2 Exp
Anael gains 2 Exp
Lieze gains 4 Exp for dealing with more enemies

With its brother on the ground and two women nearby the airborne skyray continued to circle around the pair at what it considered a safe distance. But it was far from safe enough. The only warning it received was the small glow of gathering magic before a bolt of lightning tore free of the angel's open palm. Its body was nearly engulfed, and in the course of a second parts of its mass simply exploded while a charred husk simply fell from the sky and landed with a dull thud. Upon seeing this the grounded skyray redoubled its efforts to get back to the air. It even managed to gain some purchase, but before it could do more than rise a couple feet a rather impressive length of steel swing through its body and left one wing flying to the left while another decided to turn right. The two halves of the creature landed with the same dull thud, and a moment later its split body started leaking its fluids onto the ground.

With both of the creatures dead the angel and the demon were allowed the chance to catch their breath. A small rustling from a nearby bush stole that chance away, but when a small wood mouse popped its head out to see what all the commotion was outside of its burrow it quickly decided to head back into its comfy little hole and wait for the giants to simply run away. Nothing else appeared to bother the two, and that left Isabell and Anael the chance to plan their next move.


Not much of an answer was given to Lieze even when the pair of demons turned toward her voice. All she received was a rather needy whine from the both of them, their bodies practically quivering with arousal until they managed to each take matters into their own hands. As far as Lieze could tell there was no reaching them, but then again this did look somewhat familiar. She'd been told about the natural aphrodisiacs that some creatures possessed, most noticeably the pollen from a Shorn Weed, and a bit of experimentation with some of the servants had left the humans nothing more than whiny little toys that would let anyone do anything as long as they were getting screwed in some way. These demons looked much the same, and that meant they would be rather out of it until those aphrodisiacs were burned out of their system. Of course the humans who were serviced recovered far faster than the ones left to their own devices, so maybe easing some of that need would help matters along.

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

After cutting the creature in two, Isabell took out a strip of cloth, and trailed it along her blade, cleaning it of the alien's juices before looking to Anael. "I am going to the location My Lady was sent to. You could come with me, but you are also fast on your wings. The choice is your's, whether or not you want to go ahead, and I leave it to you." Isabell said flatly, and quickly. With her mistress's whereabouts unknown, she wanted to spare no time. That, and Anael, by Isabell's observation, had no love for either Isabell or her mistress, and only serves her by the honor she is bound by. Given that, Isabell wouldn't be surprised if Anael took off flying while Isabell shuffled through the ruins on her own, hoping not to encounter more leftover creatures from the beyond.

The angel was gorgeous, but it couldn't be helped if there was no chemistry between the two of them.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

"Hmm, this just might be a case of aphrosiac overdose..." Lieze pondered as her pokings produced nearly zero reply from the two mentally crippled demons. At first, it looked like she might have to insert herself into this, but the lady was not feeling the desires right there. Since it was possible that the two would recover faster if given the relief they desired, it would be less of a wait. So, since she was not willing to take part herself, Lieze went to the female of the pair and helped her up. She would guide the sex-dazed demoness onto the lap of her male counterpart, where it was possible for them to have a quick fuck. As for herself, Lieze would watch from the sides and see if this helped any.


Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Anael's cold gaze lingered on the spot where the flying terror had just been, the angel still chiding herself for her reactions to what had happened. The nearby rustling though caused her to quickly point her open palm at the sound's source, but she slowly lowered her arm with a sigh as the animal that made it hid once again. 'If only we could find safety so easily,' she thought, her mind returning to the now ruined castle that she and the demons had once lived in.

Isabell's voice brought the angel from her wistful dream and she turned to face the demoness as calmly and smoothly as possible. Though she bristled at Isabell's earlier lecture, Anael saw no point in retorting. Instead, she listened to the demoness speak, considered her words, then folded her arms, her wings folding back into a neutral position while her tail began to swish lazily back and forth behind her. "We should reach the Lady with all due haste" the angel said simply, her face betraying no emotion, "but we would be better served by traveling together." Anael walked slowly towards Isabell, her hips swaying seductively as she had begun doing ever since her submission to the demons. "These creatures seek prey, and I imagine those alone will prove most tempting" When she came closer to the demoness, Anael stopped, looked her in the eyes and continued, calmly as ever, "And I am indebted to you after what happened here. I will repay that debt, however it need be served." Perhaps dispelling Anael's serious demeanor somewhat, Isabell might notice that the fallen angel had apparently forgotten to clean her face since the recent activities...