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Dungeon Crawl

Re: Dungeon Crawl

You close your eyes and find your emotional center. This isn't the time to freak out. That's what your tormentor is depending on. You also can't lash out. It will only act as an invitation for harsher treatment. What you need to do is put the man off his guard and try to waste time and delay enough for Hadrian to intervene.

"I won't ask you to stop this, since it won't make a difference, would it?" You begin.

"No, girlie, it won't." He shakes his head with a slow malevolence.

"If I'm honest, I wouldn't want you to stop this."

"Oh? Do you think I'm going to just tickle you?"

"Of course not. But as a bard, I've heard all sorts of stories, and so many of them have damsels in distress. And though I don't consider myself to be helpless, I can't say the idea of being... vulnerable like this, isn't a little exciting."

The jailor considers this for a long moment, which you're inwardly pleased by. The more time he spends altering his preferred script for this little scenario he's planned out, the more time it gives your rescuer to arrive. You know that you have to hold out that much hope.

"So you think that you're going to enjoy this? Feh. I can try to make you enjoy this, I suppose. But then what's in it for me? I just want to hear you scream for mercy, after all."

"You still will. If you give me your word that you'll let me go afterward. I'll give you what you want."

"All that I want?" His voice raises curiously.

"Yes. All. But only if you're good to me." You breathe deeply, your bound body on display for the brutish jailer. "And thorough."

"Oh. I'll be good and thorough darling." The jailer steps behind you and presses is body up against your back, his meaty hands wrapping around your smaller form and roaming across your chest. You stifle a wincing gasp as he grips your breasts and kneads the flesh of your orbs between his fingers. "We've got plenty of time."

"Ahh... t-too rough."

"No no. Just right," he answers, taking one twisting hand away and using it to smack the top of your butt, harshly. This time you do wince and let out a pained utterance.

He slips his hand inbetween your legs and starts to rub you through the thin fabric of your underwear. Instinctively your thighs tighten, denying him space to move but this only seems to encourage him.

Suddenly he rips the stool out from under you, forcing your weight entirely onto his molesting hand. You let out a squeal of surprise, and fight to suppress further indignities from escaping your lips.

"Don't like this kind of support?" He asks whimsically, to which you only wince and twist on the suspending manacles in response.

Momentarily he lets you hang freely again, which brings back the pain from your injured shoulder. He walks to the levers and crank again, proceeding to winch you up higher just a bit before locking you in place again. He then moves to the bench and putting all his weight into pulling it, heaves the heavy wooden and metal structure into place beneath you.

"H-hurry! My arm, it's really sore!" You exclaim. This doesn't necessarily put him into a faster pace, but you're hoping it means he'll avoid leaving you suspended for long periods.

With the turn of the crank, you are lowered onto the triangular wooden horse. The edge of the torture device is lined up perfectly with the center of your body, and with your legs bound as they are, you have no way of preventing your own weight from pressing your sensitive folds against the cool metal.

The feeling is both painful and pleasurable at the same time, which you did not expect. You had been thinking that it would simply be the former and that you would need to put on an act. Now however, you find the coolness of the metal's touch, combined with the helplessness of your bindings, is causing the heat of your body to rise. The instinctive moan that escapes your lips surprises both you and your captor with its genuine sound.

"Well well, look at you. Cheeks beginning to match your hair, and it looks as though these have come out to play."

The man's fingers flick against your nipples, which have hardened into pert, extended nubs. The sudden attention he pays to them makes you fidget your body, which only adds to the sensations being experienced below your waist. You moan again, and a new fear enters your mind: you may end up enjoying this way too much!

Ariel has failed another Constitution roll and will now suffer pleasure damage. This works as non-lethal fatigue, and it will minus off from her current HP total (10), however, should she reach zero or below, it will not result in her death, but rather, her physical defenses will be exhausted and her body will give in and climax against her will. When and if this happens, Ariel may start to mentally fatigue as well, and become more inclined to let the jailer have his way with her.

Ariel suffers 5 pleasure damage! 5 (10) / 18 HP left.

You think about possibly changing tactics with him. This is disturbingly feeling way too good, and you are worried your body will betray you. (A)

1. Stay the course. Let the jailer continue what he's doing and just try to physically resist letting yourself succumb.

2. Try to anger him, to take your mind off of the pleasure. It might hurt though if he lashes out at you.

3. Ask him to kiss you. Ironically enough, it could make you less horny, given how repulsed you are by him, but it also could lead him to getting very hands on, and if you're not careful, he could take it as permission to have his way with you.


(You are now Hadrian)

"By Jorn... it's no use. We'll withdraw and come at them from another way. I swear it."

"Yah yah, knechts and their oaths. Come on." Reina hisses and pulls you by your elbow backwards into the darkness. "Hurry, hurry! Faster! They have our scent!"

You stumble through the darkness, making sounds as you nearly trip over a corpse in the dark. You can hear scuffling in the distance behind you, and you think this may imply that the ghouls will soon be coming this way to investigate. Reina keeps pulling you forward until you come within sight of the lit doorway. Together, the two of you break into a run for it and slip into the less awful smelling part of the dungeon. Zan runs in behind you and growls, his menacing, savage countenance eyeing the darkness behind him. (B)

Do you bar the door? Yes/No?

"Let's go back to the keep, I can reclaim my armor and equipment, and I might be able to rouse my ally, Elise."

"A good idea, and I will need to find my own equipment as well. But while my Zan is good at hiding in the dark and in the wild, he will stick out in the halls of a keep. The guards will surely see us and raise the alarm."

"It's a risk we shall have to take," you determine, as the three of you run back through the cells and winding tunnel until you return to the sleeping sentry, still snoring away at his post.

Reina looks around and then points at a locked cage, behind which you can see some stylized black leather armor with etched whorls and web patterns over the surface, a dark cloak, a pair of sinuous and cruel looking blades, and a dark hunting bow with a quiver of arrows.

She then points toward the snoring guard who has a key ring on his hip. She gives you a questioning look and then draws her finger across her throat and holds out her hand for you to give her your sword. (C)

1. Give her your sword and let her murder the guard.

2. Tell her no killing, just get the keys from his belt.

3. Tell her no killing, and that she should leave her stuff rather than risk waking the guard.
Re: Dungeon Crawl

A1. I'd rather risk an orgasm and a hard fucking over getting killed. Just try and hold out as well as you can.

Yes, bar the door.

C2. The first is out of character, and the third is just stupid. Aside, she can kill him herself with her own gear once she gets it in a moment. I'm sure she can sneak just fine.
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Re: Dungeon Crawl

2. and lets hope Ariel isn't dormant sadomasochist :)

Bar the door - not like we're going to want to trespe through a room through of undead on the way out.

4. Don't give her the sword, use your knightly training (which would involve wrastlin) to knock out the guard, possibly without killing him. Besides if it goes wrong theres a Dire Wolf just sitting by ready to rip his throat out.
Re: Dungeon Crawl

A3 - hopefully the kiss will be repulsive enough...

Yes, bar the door

C2 a dead guard is more likely to attract attention if a passerby takes a look in his direction than a sleeping one
Re: Dungeon Crawl

Bar the door and C2, for the reasons mentioned. Still deciding between A1 or 3.
Re: Dungeon Crawl

"Kiss me!" You cry out, your body undulating as the jailer's rough hands pinch and twist your nipples. The reactionary movement presses the wedge of the triangle saddle further against your soft, moistened flesh, with more pain and pleasure charging from your loins up through the base of your spine.

"Eh? Like this do you?" Your captor grins and removes one hand from your breasts to turn your head sideways and smash your lips against his. His tongue invades your mouth, his breath hot, swampy and unpleasant. Instinctively you pull away.

"Oh? My kiss too rough for you girlie? Not gentle or knightly enough? Well too bad!"

Your face is pressed against him once more, the bristles on his unshaven face scrape against your chin, lips and cheeks. His other hand squeezes the entirety of your left breast. You gasp into his mouth, struggling at first under this rough treatment, but soon enough your feel yourself relaxing and giving into it - your body betraying you again. Gods above, you think, you must secretly like being roughly taken!

Ariel's resistance check is failed, she takes 2 more pleasure damage. 3/18 (10/18 HP).

The man senses your reluctance fading and pulls away.

"Ho ho! A true wanton underneath all that finery and those pretty songs of romance! You're just like any other woman. You put up a front about wanting love and chivalry and tenderness... but what you really want... what you need is a man like me to put you in your place and give you a good hard tumble!"

"No! That's not it at all!"

"Protest however you like, girlie! It only gives me a reason to punish you further!" The man harks and moves to a nearby chest, opening it and taking out a heavy flog with a tail of nine or ten straps. He tests the sound of its impact upon his palm just where you can see him out of the corner of your eye.

"No! Please! Don't!" You exclaim.

"You say no, but your body doesn't lie, girlie. Look at your underwear. Soaked through, despite your pain and discomfort. You get off on this don't you? Admit it!"

"No, I--"

"Admit it!" He says again and with a great slap, he brings the heavy flog down on your back, then again across your exposed butt, then your thighs and across to the front of your body, slapping it across your breasts.

"Gyahhh!" You howl, but more out of shock than true pain. The flog his heavy, but not sharp, and the feel of the animal hide is somehow appealing. You curse yourself for actually giving in to any of this, as the shame in realizing there's even a kernal of truth to this sadist's ramblings causes a tear to run down your face.

"Well? Are you prepared to submit your body to me, wench? Or do you need another lesson?"

You grimace through the aches covering your body and the continued humiliation and pressure of your discomfort upon the triangle saddle. You have to delay as long as you can, even if it's only for a minute more. Hadrian surely has to come soon.

"I-I think I'll take another..."

The jailor grins and swings the flog down again.


(You are now Hadrian)

You move the sword away from Reina's hand and shake your head. Then point at the keyring in the sleeping soldier's belt. The elf's expression sours, but she moves close to the soldier, and puts her hand on the keys to take them away.

Reina rolls poorly and fails her stealth check. Our heroes are having a string of bad luck.

As soon as the first soft clink occurs, the soldier awakes with a sudden start, his chair tipping backwards and his flailing legs kicking Reina backwards, landing ungracefully on her perfectly formed ass.

"ESCAPE! PRISONER ESCAPE!" The guard shouts, scrambling to his feet.

The man pulls a short sword free of his sheath just as you descend on him with your own blade. His blade parries your first blow, but your strength and speed are quicker than he. In desperation he nicks your shoulder, but fails to defend against your follow up attack. It bites through his old mail shirt, rending the rings and snapping his collar bone in half as it travels inward towards his heart, stopping only as it hits the upper rib. A gout of blood spills from him as you wrench your sword free from his falling corpse.

Hadrian is hit for 3 damage. (16/23 HP)

Reina swears in her mother tongue and tears the keys from his belt.

"Would have been better to slit his throat."

"I'll not kill a defenseless man."

"But the fool awakes, calls the household down upon our heads, and you kill him anyway? Sja Ananasi Matri! Knechts and their honor!"

She starts to try the keys to the cage locker, but as she does so, you can hear sounds above, a door opening and a voice from the upper landing call down.

"Obbi? Obbi what's happened?!"

"Hurry!" you exclaim, moving towards the bottom of the stairs.

"I am going as fast as I can, manling! Zan! Go!"

The wolf beast charges up the stairs, and moments later you hear a shout of fright and then a blood curdling scream.

"The whole keep will be roused..." You murmur through gritted teeth.

"Then we will just have to slaughter every one of them, won't we?"

"No... this isn't right... these are men doing their duty to their lord and the laws of the land."

"This lord harbors necromancers and ghouls beneath his keep. Do you suggest surrender?" She opens the cage with a snarl and grabs her leathers, swiftly sliding her gorgeous fae body into the tight leather armor, and pants, both of which leave a decent portion of her flesh exposed, such that the armor seems more alluring and decorative than practical. All save the braces, which seem to be extra thick and designed to parry aside incoming blows. She slips her knives into either side of her belt, pulls her quiver over her shoulder and keeps the darkwood bow in her hand.

"The count and his necromancers will pay for their crimes, but we should endeavor to leave the common soldiers alive when possible." You say moving to the upper level with Reina hot on your feet.

"I doubt they shall be as accommodating to us should we fail."

You reach the upper landing to see the savage ash hound burying its bloody muzzle into the torn flesh of the unfortunate guard. From the great hall to your right you can hear the bootsteps of guards. You know that through the great hall you can get to the second floor, where Elise sleeps, as well as the Count's private quarters. From your left, you see one guard with a halberd advancing from his post that leads to the outer ramparts of the keep and possibly an alternate access to either the second floor, the tower, or maybe a way around to the dungeons?. Across the corridor from you is another doorway, you're not sure where it leads, but no guards seem to be coming from it. It may allow you a place to hide or shake the guards for the moment.

You consider your options.

Only one adventurer gets a choice this time, as Ariel is literally in a bind and I want to try and keep these things chronologically synced. So what direction does Hadrian choose? (A)

1. Go left to the ramparts.
2. Go right through the great hall.
3. Go straight through the unguarded door.

And what is his priority?

1. Try to find a way through to the other side of the dungeon (looking for ways going down)
2. Find and recruit Elise, the Priestess.
3. Find and threaten the Count.
4. Find D'Graz in his tower (look for ways to go up.)
5. Suggest another priority.
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Re: Dungeon Crawl

2, the ramparts.
2 again. She doesn't know what's going on, so she's in danger and doesn't know it. She can also possibly heal you. If you're lucky you might even be able to get your other gear, making it easier to get down through the dungeon to save the bard. Sure, she'll be getting her brains fucked out at this point, but we don't actually know that. For all the character knows, she's managed to kill whoever is in that room with her and is simply waiting for you. The priestess however, is most definitely in danger.
Re: Dungeon Crawl

3: the quiet door. I don't know that much about castles, but I don't think too many of them will have an access to their dungeons on the outside. And, fighting a troop of guards unarmored is beyond stupid.

1: find a way down. I disagree that Elise is in immediate danger. All that is known (to the guards) is that a prisoner has probably escaped. I doubt they would just automatically assume that one of the Count's honored guests had anything to do with that. Ariel, on the other hand, (from Hadrian's POV) has most likely gotten in over her head. We should prioritize rescuing her first and foremost.
Re: Dungeon Crawl

Told you we should've knocked the guard out ;)

3: the quiet door. I don't know that much about castles, but I don't think too many of them will have an access to their dungeons on the outside. And, fighting a troop of guards unarmored is beyond stupid.

1: find a way down. I disagree that Elise is in immediate danger. All that is known (to the guards) is that a prisoner has probably escaped. I doubt they would just automatically assume that one of the Count's honored guests had anything to do with that. Ariel, on the other hand, (from Hadrian's POV) has most likely gotten in over her head. We should prioritize rescuing her first and foremost.

Re: Dungeon Crawl

You thought you were going to be able to take it. You thought that you could find an inner reserve of strength, of toughness, of willpower that could overcome the physical pain of this torturer's implements. But you aren't built like a knight or a valkyrie. You aren't rippling with muscles. Your skin is soft and supple, your legs long and shapely, your back and chest unused to blemish. Yes, the road of an adventurer had begun to work its harsh regimen upon you, so that you consider yourself tougher than the average women of gentile upbringing - but you have not yet encountered the caress of a torturer's lash. Not until now.

"Eaayahh! No more! No more please! I beg you!" You choke out the words, which spit forth before any thought of pride. The jailer has been relentless, and you have been pushed to your brink, and now you are trapped in a space of madness somewhere beyond it.

Ariel fails another constitution check, the pleasure and pain damage

Red welts cover your pale skin, your back, thighs, butt, stomach and breasts all showing the telltale signs of a flogging. And amid the sea of pain, as if by some out-of-body experience, you see yourself as you are in this moment: a pitiful victim, trapped and alone and at the mercy of a beast who must soon have his way. Worse still among all of this, as that a dark part of you likes the pain, likes the anguish and the shame and the bondage. And something in you has snapped, and your brain, striving to make sense of this predicament, raving against irrationality, begins to tell you that you must have liked this, wanted this, deserved this.

"Then you submit?" Your cruel captor asks, triumphantly.

"Yes! Gods forgive me, yes!"

The flogging stops, and you sit upon the triangle saddle, body sweating and quivering, dull throbbing aches covering you. Your head hangs in defeat as his footsteps cross the stone floor. There is the sound of levers being pulled and then the crank that slowly lifts your body upwards like a tenderized piece of meat. You sway, deadened inside, as the triangle horse is slid against the wall. Then you are lowered down to the ground, the leather bands around your upper and lower legs keeping you in a kneeling position.

"You look good like this, girlie. Seeing you now, it makes a black heart like mine truly happy. And you're gonna make me even more happy now, aren't ya lass?"

He stands in front of you, his pelvis just above your forehead. His hands unfasten his breeches, and then reach inside to bring out his manhood. It's darker in appearance than the rest of his skin, and quite thick. He is uncut, and the smell emanating from the member as he lets it fall against your forehead and the bridge of your nose is sadly unsurprising, giving your earlier appraisal of the man's overall cleanliness.

"Go on then. You don't want me to hoist you back up there, hmm? It's beautiful to look at, I know it, but I didn't pull it out to win first prize at the fair."

You glance up at him, your feelings numb, your appearance that of total defeat. You know Hadrian isn't coming now. You've held out as long as you can. Your arms are still manacled above you and your legs are trussed up like a game bird for the spit. You have no freedom, you have no choice.

Your arm begins to itch, right at the shoulder where the mark of the dragon was placed on you. In your head, you hear a voice, but in a language that is not of anything known to man. It is the wurm tongue of the dragons. The itch at your arm becomes bitterly cold and smoking hot at the same time, the unearthly juxtaposition of forces snapping your mind for a precious second out of your mindbroken state. The wurm tongue becomes understandable in your head. The voice of Xaratchul burns inside of you.

"Messenger. The will of Xaratchul compels thee. The spell has been written in the heart's blood of a true dragon. It cannot be ignored. It cannot be undone. The spell will not stop."

Something about the dragon's words sends a tingling chill down your body. But as you consider it, you feel your captor's hardened tip pressing against your lips. You know what it is that he expects of you, but the icy burning in your shoulder is hammering at your already beleaguered mind. You feel your emotions beginning to twist. You feel hunger... you feel greedy and lustful... you feel violent... and with a rising ire, you think of your pride. Dare you listen to these wild emotions, which seem to come unbidden into your mind? Or do you choose to rely on the course that your captor has laid out for you? What do you do? (A)

1. Do what your captor wants, taking your time and trying to build up his pleasure slowly.

2. Give in to your hunger... take him in at once and then bite down... hard.

3. Give in to your greed and lust... try to overwhelm your captor with an eager mouth and lustful appetite.

4. Give in to your violence. Try to wrap the chains that bind your wrist around his neck and choke the life out of him. You can bite with this option too, but it'll be aiming at his jugular.

5. Give in to your pride. Refuse to do anything that he wants.


(You are now Hadrian the Paladin)

"Follow me," you tell Reina as you rush across the hall and burst through the unguarded doorway into what seems to be a kitchen preparation area. The room is lined with counter surfaces and has a large fire place built into the far end, ideal for roasting. The center of the room is dominated by no less that four wooden tables. There are two other doors in the room and you choose to cross to the far one first, pulling it open to reveal the larder.

"Bah! No good this way," you mutter.

"Quickly then, to the other door!" Reina says as the door bursts open and the guard with the halberd runs in.

The two of you beat the man at arms to the other door, but he is closing in on you fast. The next room is in fact a side corridor that appears to skirt the edge of the great hall area. Presumably this is a passageway meant for servants to access the other rooms of the household without having to be seen by the nobles and gentry. There must be a stairway somewhere along here.

You run along, with Zan panting directly behind you and Reina bringing up the rear. The corridor is not wide enough for the ash hound to run comfortably beside a human or elf. Suddenly the door in front of you and on your right bursts open and you are caught with two spear holding guards pointing their weapons right in front of you. You try to get your sword up in time to bat the spears aside, but the quick appearance of the soldiers means that you are struck painfully!

Hadrian takes 5 damage! 11/23 HP. Armor would be helpful!

Behind you, Reina whirls in time to raise her bow just as the man-at-arms bears down on her. Her elven quickness allows her to dodge her head to the side just in time so that her pretty face gets knicked only slightly by the halberd. Her arrow goes wide as the man falls upon her, but before he can do anything to press his advantage, Zan reverses his direction and sinks his fangs into the man-at-arms' neck.

Unfortunately, the two soldiers in front of you are trained extremely well. You'd have been proud to have fought beside these Dalish soldiers from their hard discipline and reliance on one another to fight as a team. Their spears thrust at you from behind their shields. And you are forced to open yourself up to a scarring strike that opens a deep cut above your eye. Even then, your initial strike is repulsed, and it takes a second lunging effort to kill the first hardy soldier. You curse your ill fortune that you were caught in this hallway, and wonder if the soldiers' plan had been to force you into a place where their spear and shield advance would give you the least ability to come at them safely.

The remaining soldier, seeing you cut down his brother in arms, smashes you violently in the head with his shield while you are still removing your sword from his body and sends you crashing into the wall. Your senses reel as the avenging man steps in to finish you off with his spear, but his powerful thrust, aimed at your unguarded heart, is intercepted by Reina, who has her knives out and thrusts her body in the way.

The blow is turned aside, but not without spilling some elven blood. Your companion snarls hatefully in her harsh, foreign tongue. Seizing the moment, you grit your teeth through the blood and the dizziness and stab upwards with your sword, burying it underneath the soldier's armor and killing him.

The corridor goes silent again, but the smell of death, blood, and offal, corrodes it. Reina turns to you and helps you up. She is bloody, but by the way she looks at you, you figure that you must look bad.

Hadrian suffered terrible wounds, but his Paladin's Aegis has allowed him to divert outright damage into debilities. Debilities take longer to heal than basic injuries, and will require proper medical care and rest before they fade. Hadrian's Constitution, Intelligence, and Charisma are currently reduced.

"You look terrible. I had thought you dead, sir knect."

"Then why did you take that spear thrust in my stead, lady elf?" You ask groggily as you attempt to steady yourself. You vision refuses to stop swimming and the blood from your head gash is producing a warmth down your face. On top of that, you feel a horrible nauseousness that has plagued you ever since that ghoul's talon broke your skin in the dungeon. The wounds that you have suffered would likely have killed most any other man, but you are a Paladin of Jorn. Your duty and oaths sustain you. Still, you wouldn't mind some scale armor and your sturdy shield to sustain you as well.

"You have saved my life. Now I have saved yours. My life debt to you is paid."

"So does that mean you will leave me now?"

"Nen. Our paths are linked within these walls at least. And perhaps I shall save your life a second time, so that then you will be bound to me? I think I would like this very much."

You attempt a scowl through the haze of your maladies, but she already has turned away to bend over and pick up her bow. Stumbling forward with heavy feet, you try to remember why it was you were going this way in the first place. Something about going downward.

"Here, Hadrian. I see stairs ahead. They appear to go up and down."

The three of you advance to where the elf indicates, and she is indeed correct. Stairs head down and up from here. You presume that the upstairs will lead to the second level, but you are pretty certain that you were wanting to go down, and to go quickly.

Unwilling to admit that you've had the purpose of your haste knocked from your senses, you descend the stairs, reaching an unlit passageway, where you are again dependent on Reina to guide you. The elf does this without asking, slipping her arm around yours and walking beside you. Without your armor on, you are aware of her pressing choosing to press up against you in the dark, though she makes no comment on it.

You feel a draft up ahead, and after walking a short ways, you come to a doorway. Heaving it open, you feel the night air upon you, and see that the path you take opens up onto a rock shelf exposed to the open air.

"This will lead to the tower," Reina says.

"And the tower is our destination?" You ask, holding your head with your off hand. The elf maiden gives you a curious look.

"Our destination is to rescue your companion. The one called Ariel. I believe that she is in the dungeon beneath the tower. Remember that there was a winding passage of earth that connected one part of the dungeon to the normal cells."

"Of course, then let us move on."

"Hold, not so quick. There is something guarding the entrance."

"No. Only a statue. A grotesque for the rainwater."

"We've already seen foul magic in this tower, Hadrian. Should we risk going further in your condition? And with you wearing no armor?" (B)

1. You must go forward. You are bloody, but unbowed and undeterred. Move with all speed, and cut down anything that stands in your way.

2. Approach with caution. Have Reina fire at the 'statue.'

3. The two of you are hurt. It's foolish to not seek your armor and healing from Elise. You do Ariel no good if you're dead.


Meanwhile, back upstairs in the keep's guest rooms, a priestess sleeps fitfully upon her bed.

(You are now Elise, the Priestess of Zerica!)

The blessed dreamless sleep of your drunken slumber has subsided, and left with its passing the physical tremors and mental tribulation that you have striven to avoid.

You drink to avoid the dreams. You drink to avoid the remembering and to dull the anguish. Sometimes you have turned to other substances as well... powders and tinctures found in the Zerican priesthood that leave you numb to the world or too euphoric to notice it. But always the pain comes back to you... (C)

Let's find out a little bit more about Elise. What pains her so that she seeks to drown her sorrows in alcohol? This vote requires more than just a number, you should fill in a suggestion.

1. You have committed a great sin or crime, for which you cannot be forgiven. What was it?

2. You have been betrayed and victimized by someone you trusted completely. The mental scars have never healed. Who was it and what did they do to you?

3. You have foreseen a great disaster. Something that will shake the very foundations of humanity. You know that this prophecy is unavoidable and that there is nothing you can do. The knowledge tears at you. What disaster is about to befall us?

4. (Suggest something of equal weight to the above options.)

As your mental anguish returns, you fail to notice something moving beneath the sheets at your feet. The movement moves upward, between your legs, and then you feel something cool but strong brushing against your inner thighs. Your body rustles from side to side, but your eyes do not open. You are caught in your unbidden dream state, reliving the scene that haunts you.

The feeling between your legs reaches the cloth straps of your undergarment. distantly, you feel them tugged aside, and a pressure begins to rub at your womanly flower, stroking you slowly. Firmly.

You moan instinctively, and your hips press forward, towards the pressure. It feels like fingers. Yes, large fingers, cool but strong, stroking you expertly. Your mouth wets and you bite your lips as pleasure seeps up your spine in soft ripples. You sigh, and feel your arms rise to near your head. Will this mystery dream lover touch you elsewhere? No... they do not. But as the pleasure builds, you are suddenly pulled into a nightmare. Visions of the horror in your past swim by you. You feel pain building in your chest and in your belly, even as another finger from below presses deeper inside of your tight depths.

Then there is a bright blue glow in your mind, soft at first but it grows until it illuminates and overwhelms all else in your nightmare realm. The glowing fades, and now in your dream you are sitting on a bench in in a snow-filled woods. You are clothed in the winter vestments of your priesthood. A frozen pond lays in front of you, and across the icy surface, a spotted lynx - an aspect of your goddess, Zerica, approaches.

You realize that this is a visitation, and you rise from the bench only to go down to your knees and prostrate yourself before the lynx.

"Arise, my servant," the lynx says, as she sits in front of you, staring at you from the edge of the frozen water.

"My goddess, I am your servant. Why do you bless me with this visitation?"

"Because if I didn't, then you would die. You are about to be killed. In the moment that I cease to speak to you, the hand of our enemy will take your life."

Your dream self looks up at the lynx. The real world seems so distant, but you know that somewhere, your body is writhing in ecstatic terror.

"Perhaps I should be left to die, then, my goddess. Like so many of my brothers and sisters in your southern temple. I could join them in walking your eternal labyrinth, in the lands beyond death."

"You would not. Your soul would be claimed by your killer, and you would suffer eternally, or meet with oblivion. No eternal reward would be yours."

"You are here to save me then? To ward against this evil?"

"I cannot. My remote intervention would be circumvented by the foulness of your killer. I am sorry, my devoted, but a ward will not work."

"Then you come here to say goodbye then? Before I am destroyed?"

"That is one possibility, but a goddess does not readily give up the soul of her chosen disciple to an enemy. I intend to make you into something more."

"What would you make of me?"

"A conduit. A direct connection between myself and the prime material plane. You would work miracles in my name, because a part of you would be me."

"I don't understand. How could I refuse such an honor?"

"Because you shall be forever marked by this. There will be no hiding yourself from our enemies, they will clamor for your blood and soul constantly. They will be driven with the desire to corrupt and break you, and even should you succeed in all that I would ask of you, at the moment of your death, your soul will be merged with mine - the result would be the destruction of your identity. For you there will be no paradise. No gift beyond the knowledge that you will serve me and then be devoured by me at the end of your days. I offer you this choice, because your alternative is to meet a worse fate at the feet of the demon prince, Nragus."

"Is there no other way? Can nothing be done?" Your astral projection holds out its hands in despair.

"You may try to fight without my offer. Your foe has taken steps to prevent my normal intervention. If you somehow escaped, you could continue on as you have before. But you should know that I ask you to take my offer not because I am being an opportunist. I do it because I need you desperately, my child."

"What do you mean?"

"Only that I ask you to accept the role of a conduit so that you might destroy our enemy and rebuild my faith before your days are done. My own survival as a goddess depends on faith, and I can rely only upon you."

"But what of the priesthood at your northern temple?"

The lynx bows its head, its eyes filled with sadness.

"The same doom that came to my southern followers. Corruption from within - corruption that escaped my notice from foul magics. You are my only hope, Elise. I know that I ask much of you in this. Too much. But this is a desperate hour."

You pause, standing on that frozen dreamscape, debating the future of your soul. (D)

1. Refuse the offer. You will find a way to escape whatever is trying to kill you, and you will save your soul. You can still restore your goddess' faith without dooming yourself.

2. Accept the offer. Though it will mean sacrificing your eternal soul, you will gain the power to wield divine magic.
--Choose how you will be physically marked by this: Divine Voice, Glowing Tattoos, or Aspect of the Lynx.
Re: Dungeon Crawl

A. 3 or 4, whichever gets the most votes.

B. 3. You need healing NOW, and so does your elfy friend.

C. 3. Her father violated her repeatedly when she was young. Her mother had died in childbirth. Eventually, she snapped and slaughtered her father, bashing him over his head with a hammer until there was nothing left but bloody mush, and her own tears.

D. The voice!
Re: Dungeon Crawl

A 4.

B 3. We're fucked and need of aid and equipment

C 2.
a - She was only a girl when the infidel came atop their blackhawk dragons, laying waste to the herd of goats her family owned. The tormented bleats of those burning beasts sounded like futile cries of help to her young ears.
And thats why she decided to become a religious fanatic.

b - When she was a much, much, younger apprentice cleric Jimmy Saville fixed it for her to milk a cow blind folded

c - .... or she just had an Uncle Barry. Who touched her. In her naughty place.

D 2. Aspect of Lynx - paw feet, lion tail... kitty ears.
Re: Dungeon Crawl

C.4.For Elise's backstory I'm going to suggest that her father, relative or close friend was possessed by a demon or something unholy and she was forced to kill him. EditThis could be a combination of all three choices betrayal, the sin of killing a relative, and prophecy. The possessed could have enacted a miniature version of tomaitos apocalypse, then before dying promise that the whole world will soon be taken over.
D. Will this choice erase her personality now. I might be inclined toward the tatoos.
Last edited:
Re: Dungeon Crawl

A 4 No biting! Chains, okay. teeth + penis = not fun times
B 3 Because blindly charging forward almost got us killed. Also, don't say "I told you so," cuz I don't wanna hear it.
C 3 The archdemon of sloth/wrath/lust is going to tear open a rift into our world, and from it will pour a malicious spirit that will consume all that it touches, sealing every living thing in an eternal slumber/driving everyone to the brink of madness causing them to violently turn on one another/locking everyone into a massive, tireless orgy.
D 2 Glowing tats are cool, imo.
Re: Dungeon Crawl

Got some excellent suggestions for Elise' backstory so far. I think I might leave some more choices open ended to you guys in the future. :) If some of the suggestions are mutually compatible, I will look to combine them.

Just be careful that you're choosing the right number that associates with your selection.

Also, what do you all think about the expansion of the point of view to both Hadrian and Elise? The way I see it, Ariel will still be our main character, but I thought it might be a fun diversion to get into the heads of some of our companions as well. If you have any feedback on whether this is worthwhile, or if you'd rather me stick purely to Ariel's POV, then let me know. Trying to make this story enjoyable for the active readers.
Re: Dungeon Crawl

I like that idea. I'd like to get to know those characters a bit more. Get in their heads.
Re: Dungeon Crawl

Despite the limitations of your strength and your weakened state, you give into the emotion of violence and a wild bloodlust takes hold of you. With sudden ferocity, you whip the chains around the man's thick, bull like neck, twisting and pulling to try and rend the life out of him.

Your move catches him off guard, and he does get snagged in the chains, but it is a test of strength, and he is strong and relatively unharmed, whereas you, despite the burst of adrenaline, are physically slight and harboring an injured shoulder on top of many welts and slight lacerations from the flogging. With a sweeping backhand, you are cuffed in the face. This causes your head to swim.

Your opponent uses that opportunity to free his neck from the chains, and then kicks you square in your diaphragm, sending the wind out of you. You crumple, knowing dully that you are defeated.

Ariel is down to 1/18 HP, and is temporarily without the ability to resist.

You hear his footsteps, and the creak of a lever's release. Your limp arms fall down and you tip over onto your side as the chains slacken. Consciousness leaves you for the moment.

When you come to, you feel a heat between your legs, which are still bound. Your wrists, above your head, are now bound together by manacles and a short iron bar. Your mouth is forcibly open, with some sort of metal ring wedged in place between your upper and lower jaw. A strap that winds from either side of your mouth and round the back of your head keeps this ring tightly secured.

You are on your back, on the stone floor of the dungeon, and your body is rocking up and down. Something warm and hard is pushing at you from below. The pressure is... is inside of you. Everything hurts.

"Wanted to play rough, didn't you?" Your captor says, as he thrusts his cock inside of you. "Well, I don't mind it. You're not the first whore to find my advances a bit forward."

You can only moan as the man picks up his pace, eager to begin making you pay for your little show of defiance now that you're awake again. Your underwear has been cast or torn aside somewhere, and now the man is fucking you on the floor, while you're adorned only in your boots. You fight back bitter tears as you realize all hope has been taken from you. Now all you can think of now is the next step. After he's done with you, will he let you survive?

He's coated his manhood with something slick and warming. Some sort of oil perhaps. Whatever it is, it's ensuring that every thrust he makes into you is irritably pleasing. Your body is heating up despite everything that's been done, and you know from the sounds he's making that he's thoroughly enjoying this.

He puts a meaty hand on your breast and kneads it as his shaft stirs around in you. You try to be as much of a dead weight as possible, to show him no satisfaction, but something about the warming oil that his cock is applying to you with every forward motion is causing your natural libido to grow. Your thigh and pelvic muscles contract involuntarily, squeezing down on his manhood.

"Mmm... nice and tight. Too bad I couldn't be the guy to pop yer cherry. That's always a pleasure."

He starts to speed up after another minute or so, his kneading hands going down to your waist and giving it a proper grip. You suppose he must be ready to finish this - at least that is your hope. You gasp as the increased pace builds the fire inside your belly, and you fight a losing battle to avoid cumming with him.

As he starts to pitch into his climax, a door swings open from the side...

The dice did not favor Ariel this time, and Hadrian has not arrived to stop the event from triggering. Had she rolled well enough, there was a chance she could have escaped on her own, but it was not to be.

(You are now Hadrian)

You take a long look at that doorway near the grotesque statue. You think about Ariel and the possible dangers she might be facing right now. As a Paladin, you are meant to wade into danger when you know that right is on your side. But the she-elf has a point. You are injured, as is she, and you don't know what other enemies may lie on the other side of this walkway. Proper, cautious tactics would advise you to seek healing and regroup with your other ally to attack with strength.

You nod to Reina. You will choose with your mind, rather than your heart, this time.

You walk slowly back into the keep proper, and head up the servants' stairs to the second floor. Reina places a slender hand upon your chest and pushes you gently into the shadows of the wall, away from the banister that overlooks the dining hall below. A trio of men-at-arms has gathered there, discussing the ruckus and alarm.

"They sent me to get you two, just in case they couldn't handle the escapees. They were supposed to be back here by now," says one guard, a youth by the sound of his voice - barely out of his teens.

"Aye, they were right in that. The elf is dangerous. A deep elf she is. One of them demon worshiping freaks from the underworld. What sort of knight would free her?" asks an older guard.

"We can ask him, AFTER we catch them both. But I'm killing that dire wolf. Nearly took my cousin's hand clean off the last time we caught it. I'm not taking a second chance with it," says the biggest of the three.

"Should we wait here?"

"Nah. Won't do no good. I'll check the ramparts. Jeke, you check the servants corridor. Ambroz, you swing up to the second floor. Shout if you find them."

As the guards break off in their hunt, you weigh up what they've said. Is Reina truly a deep elf? All the tales of that grim race are bad. A twisted and evil matriarchy bent on enslaving or wiping out the surface realm. They worship some demonic spider goddess, hold bloody sacrifices in her name, and serve the forces of chaos, of which you, as a Paladin of Jorn, are sworn to destroy without pity. You turn to look at Reina, whose eyes are amethysts, staring back at you. (A)

How does Hadrian the Paladin react to this news?

1. Demand an explanation, immediately.

2. Point your sword and accuse her of her race's crimes.

3. Say nothing, but in your heart, you do not trust her. She will go in front of you.

4. Say nothing, reserving your judgement. Lead on towards Elise with your back to Reina.

5. Make an assurance to Reina. Quickly tell her that no deep elf would have taken a blow to save the life of a human knight. Then continue on your way to Elise.


(You are now Elise)

You remember the nightmare that was your youth. Your father, a reclusive nobleman, whose one joy in life had been your mother, who died giving birth to you, her only child. Your father had always been cold to you, and you had no friends growing up. He was a zealous man, finding succor in the church of Mortaea, the Goddess of Life and consort of Death. He prayed constantly that she bring his wife back to him. He prayed to once again touch that beautiful woman, to feel the warmth of her embrace. You were made to pray for her return as well, and to pray for forgiveness for the obvious evil within you that had led to her demise.

You began to have the visions and hear the whispers when you were six. The dark city streets. The blood red sun blanketing everything in a charnel haze. The demon spirit's presence was everywhere in a dark miasma of emotion, corrupting everyone it touched, turning them into demons. They frolicked among one another, enjoying an orgy of blood and sex that would bring about the end of the forces of order, and the death of the human gods. No shattering this time, but a long, whimpering surrender. That would be the true apocalypse.

You made your first friend when you were eleven. A young red-headed girl from the estate next door. She sang beautifully, and despite the fear of your father, you snuck beyond the fence and introduced yourself to her. Her name was Ariel, and she would soon be leaving to train at the prestigious bard school in the capital of Nhem. You wished you could go with her.

Your father had been collecting artifacts through his affiliation with the cult of Mortaea. Relics that, he thought, contained the powers of resurrection. But he had been fooled. The only relic of true power was one that contained a demon spirit, and it used his pain and fanaticism to beguile and possess him.

You were only twelve. Your father, under an influence that you did not yet understand, entered your room one night. You had been filling out earlier than most girls, though you couldn't have known it. Worse still, for you, you were the spitting image of your mother. All her beauty, all her little quirks, they had been passed on. The demon sensed this through your father's thoughts, and it wanted to play...

For two years, you were at the mercy of your father and his possessor. You try not to think of what he did to you. The monstrosity that he became. But you cannot forget the night that you ended it. A hammer of the Mortaea priesthood, a gift from the cult that your father hung on the wall in his writing quarters, that was what you buried into his skull as he lay asleep beside you, after having spent himself.

The priests of Mortaea looked after you for a while, but you hated them. Their prattle reminded you of your father. It wasn't until a priest of Zerica found you crying in the temple district plaza that you really found a sympathetic ear. The rest of your history fell into place after that. He took you to the capital, and from there to the northern temple, where you learned your current craft. But you never forgot the visions, which only the Zerican priests took seriously.



You shake your astral head, coming to peace with your destiny.

"I accept. I will be your conduit."

The lynx pads forward in the wintry dream realm and as it approaches you, it grows in size, until it is able to place its forehead against yours.

"Thank you, Elise. Your acceptance may bring hope for more than just myself. The visions that have plagued you may come to pass, unless you can harness my power and steel the faith of humanity against the coming tide of chaos. I bless and mark you with my divine touch. You shall be my connection, my conduit to this realm, and work miracles in my name. Go now and survive, that you might do good works and heal our world."

The dream space fades away, and your astral projection spirals down into your body once more. You awaken to a mixture of pleasure and terror, as something is feeling at you from between your legs, underneath the sheets of your bed.

Zerica is silent now, but you feel a change has come over you. New, unexpected power - not without limits and impossibly difficult to control, but wonderful all the same - courses through you. You send out this positive energy in a massive wave, emanating from the place where this undercover intruder is touching you. The effect is somewhat louder and messier than you desired, but you succeed in repelling the enemy, who along with the sheets goes flying from the bed and into the wall with a mighty crash that certainly the better part of the keep will hear.

You take this moment to look down at yourself. You are nude, the power you just unleashed has inadvertently destroyed your night shift and undergarments. Your body has changed color, taking on a dark hue, but it is covered in what you might consider are tribal looking tattoos that glow softly with an almost ethereal, smoky quality. Something has also changed about your head, and you look over to the hanging mirror to the left of your bed. The person looking back at you is so alien and different from who you were before.

Here's the new Elise. I like the combo of tattoos and cat (lynx) ears.


The thing beneath the sheets struggles to free itself, and you have time to act. (C)

1. Find your mace and try to smack the thing.

2. Put something decent on, grab your gear, and then get out of your room and look for help.

3. Attempt to channel your goddess in order to protect yourself. You are keenly aware that this option means you are wielding forces far greater than a mortal is meant to wield (not unlike those idiot mages who constantly blow themselves up doing rituals). If you do this, you must prioritize consequences for your channeling.
---Will your channeling sap your strength? Be only temporary in effect? Draw unwanted attention/side effects? or affect much more/less than you intended?

4. (Insert your suggestion here.)