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Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

Finally reached 3500 Susuki of Light to get a UR Akanemaru. Now I can finally do the regular dungeons, and raise the affection of a couple characters (I was too afraid of bringing them into the high-tier dungeon due to those awful wind shellsters).

Also, I'm currently at 341 subjugated raid bosses, and I have a UR Puckle from the RP Gacha. There's going to be a maintenance on the 18th, though from past precedent, there's a chance they're going to add another story dungeon.

Speaking of which, I don't believe they introduced the character on the new opening splash screen yet (the one that looks like a miko with the exposed shoulders).
Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

wow how do you have that many RB o_o.

i guess i need better friends xD

btw just got my second "keririka
2nd btw i hav e screns with her stats at 1 and max in both forms
however i saw that the wiki already has those :3

on an unrelated note. is there a way to play the game on mobile devices?


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Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

Yea its active friends and good use of available AP so your always taggin bosses throughout the day and not wasting any. I'm at alittle over a hundred myself but I can't bring myself to get serious about boss events although I will get 500 before it ends. I wonder if that miko will be in the next event I doubt she'll be the next story character, I guess likely she'll be gold gatcha.
Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

Yea its active friends and good use of available AP so your always taggin bosses throughout the day and not wasting any. I'm at alittle over a hundred myself but I can't bring myself to get serious about boss events although I will get 500 before it ends. I wonder if that miko will be in the next event I doubt she'll be the next story character, I guess likely she'll be gold gatcha.

is there any way to check who of my allies is active?
i really want that mirror and the girl.

(seeing as i need 2 mirros for event girls who i didnt got)
Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

You can sort your friends by the last time they logged in(the third and forth options), I can tell who hasnt been on in a few days with my measly japanese but I think petite could probably give you a better crash course. You can also check the log in the raid boss section to see who is regularly spawning and tagging bosses. Finally dont forget most of your friends are probably Japanese and their primetime may be different from yours.
Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

Yes, it's active friends. I have a few that seem to just throw money at this game to spawn raid bosses (they're at level 80~100 now). Though, the 10 friend limit means I have to be active while they're online to get their raid bosses (15:00~24:00).

1) Go to your "フレンド" menu.
2) Click the drop menu and select "ログイン遠い" to sort by those who haven't logged into the game for the longest time.
3) Click "取り消し" to delete the inactive friends with leaders you don't plan on using.

Translation of "最後ログイン日" (Last Time They Logged In):
x日前 (x days ago)
x時間前 (x hours ago)
x分前 (x minutes ago)
Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

ill erase some friends tomorrow xD

btw im 6 short from attaining the last samurai card.

im quite happy about this :3
Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

Having Akizakura is like having 2 extra Harushagiku events (Vive la 3P~!).

Also, event scene at 1500 scrolls (everyone argues over who gets to be pet on the head):

Looks like you have to do a brand new set of dungeons after collecting the scrolls. Hopefully, they're not too hard (I'm bringing an HR Doll-Bell to raise her affection).

wow how u get the English translated version?
Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

Hmmm pretty sure thats some clever photoshop on Petite's part. I admit and english translation would be nice. Some of the events seem kinda funny.
Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

The new story dungeons seem easy enough. Especially with Phyl as the leader (I'm convinced she's this game's cheat character).

Heines Area:
Elemental Floor 1: 1-10 (Watch out for *-dungeon element shellsters)
11-20: non-elemental bandits (phyl trivialises these things)
Elemental Floor 2: 1-10 (Easy, nothing to worry about)
11-20: 2 non elemental bandits, and 2 knights of differing elements (i.e. fire and wind).

I've been doing rough story translations for the Millennium War Aegis thread. I don't know how many people actually care about Dungeons & Princess, but if there's a specific event scene, or character you like, I can try and do a rough translation for that. The only problem is that there are some event scenes in the past that I didn't get (i.e. going through a certain number of floors in the small squad dungeon, and I doubt someone uploaded videos of these scenes to someplace like nicovideo). This game's album feature lets me view event scenes I've already seen, so it wouldn't be too much of a problem for me to do translations for any event I've experienced.

In any case, the results of the "Princess of Princess" voting has come to fruition, and they added new event scenes for Harushagiku, Tette, and Infemia:
Harushagiku's Master Strategy to a Man's Heart.
Date with Infemia.
Tette and the Evil Doll.
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Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

Bleh need tor read more. You should translate Harushagiku's if its not to much trouble.
Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

if you ever translate anything about Lao i would love to read it :p

also im only missing one Og for the UR (yay for mee) almost at the 250 milestone yay again for me (i hope i get both the mirro and the last UR card)

i also finally give in and evolved nico using a mirror. (i hope i dont regret that) but it was mostly because having both nicos in my inventory was wasting space :/

i might do the same in the next few days with the girl from the last raid boss event but i wont if i dont get the enw girl (i really liked her xD and hope i get her free UR)
Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

Bleh need tor read more. You should translate Harushagiku's if its not to much trouble.
Harushagiku's Master Strategy to a Man's Heart.
Harushagiku: "Nushi-sama! Nushi-sama!"
(Harushagiku runs towards me like a puppy. She's as spirited as ever.)
Harushagiku: "To meet with Nushi-sama in such a place, this must be fate! We're both connected by a red string!"
(A red string? But it doesn't sound that romantic when she says it so enthusiastically.)
(Amused, I laugh without thinking.)
Harushagiku: "What are you laughing for? Did I say something funny?"
Harushagiku: "Ah! Is it a reminiscent laugh!? A reminiscent laugh is proof that you're a lech. Were you thinking about another girl by any chance...?"
(Hm? It seems she's becoming filled with fear and doubt again for some reason.)
Harushagiku: "Nushi-sama is popular. It's only natural; he's good-looking, smart, strong, and came from another world."
(I feel like I'm being over-complimented. I'm glad, but being raised on a pedestal makes me feel awkward.)
Harushagiku: "But could it be something that won't let me become one with Nushi-sama's feelings?"
Harushagiku: "I want Nushi-sama all to myself, I want him all to myself, I want him all to myself, I want, want, want him all to myself, I want him all to myself, I want, want, want him all to myself..."
(Wa, wait, you're scaring me. Harushagiku?)
Harushagiku: "I know! Kaka-sama told me the way to a man's heart is to grasp his stomach!"
Harushagiku: "But how? What do I have to do with his stomach to reach his heart?"
(Harushagiku begins to look hard at my stomach. Then she stretches out her hand and touches the area around my stomach.)
Harushagiku: "Grasp... stomach... gyumumumumu."
(Ow, oww! That hurts! Don't physically grasp it!!"
Harushagiku: "Huh, am I mistaken...? In that case, what should I do to grasp your stomach?"
(Does she seriously intend to 'grasp' my stomach? Will she stick her hand down my mouth if this continues?)
Akizakura: "What are you doing, Harushagiku?"
Harushagiku: "Ah, Kaka-sama! Perfect timing!"
Harushagiku: "I want to grasp master's stomach! How am I supposed to grasp it? Do I have to stick my hand down his mouth?"
(She really did intend to stick her hand down there!!)
Akizakura: "Harushagiku, I didn't mean 'grasp' it with your hands. I meant grasp it with delicious things. For example, by preparing a well-cooked meal."
Harushagiku: "I see! I knew I could count on Kaka-sama! In that case, I'll cook!"
Akizakura: "I'll also help."
(It seems she's going to cook something. I wonder if I'll be able to eat something delicious.)
(I, I thought I would die...)
Harushagiku: "Why did it turn into a such a big fire? I don't understand."
Akizakura: "The fire's too strong, Harushagiku."
(Too strong is a mild way of putting it. The entire town is engulfed in flames.)
Harushagiku: "Don't worry, Nushi-sama. I'm a fire elemental, so I can control this much fire."
(If that's the case, I wish she controlled it from the beginning.)
Akizakura: "I'll make something to cleanse the aftertaste."
(Akizakura's cooking is unbelievably good. As expected of a mother of one child.)
Harushagiku: "Nushi-sama's stomach got stolen away by Kaka-sama!"
(Harushagiku's still jealous. She really is possessive.)
Harushagiku: "The way things are, Nushi-sama is gonna get snatched away by Kaka-sama..."
Harushagiku: "Kaka-sama, that's enough! Go home! Thank you!"
Akizakura: "D, don't push, Harushagiku. I'm not stealing your Nushi-sama. Do your best, and grasp Nushi-sama's heart."
Harushagiku: "Kaka-sama... I'll do my best!"
Akizakura: "I have one final piece of advice."
(Akizakura whispered something to Harushagiku and went back home by herself. Once again, I was alone with Harushagiku.)
Harushagiku: "Um, Nushi-sama... I'm sorry... I wasn't able to let you eat delicious food."
(Harushagiku silently bowed her head. She doesn't have to worry so much. The fire's also gone.)
Harushagiku: "But this time will be OK! Nushi-sama, take off your clothes!"
(Eh? Why does she suddenly want my clothes off? Wait, does she want to do 'that' out here!?)
Harushagiku: "Your clothes are scorched, and full of holes! I'll fix them for you!"
(Holes? Ah, she's right... how thoughtful.)
Harushagiku: "Am I being unexpectedly considerate? I'm always looking at Nushi-sama."
(Indeed, she's thoughtful. I'm seeing her in a new light.)
Harushagiku: "Is that so? Well then, hurry up and take off your clothes! Come on, take them off!"
(She forcefully makes me take off my clothes. Even though I know she doesn't mean it that way, I feel a little strange.)
Harushagiku: "Now to close these holes! Put the thread and needle like this, and then sew the pieces together like so..."
(Busubbusubbusu! Busubbusubbusu!)
Harushagiku: "Ei, ei, ei! Eieieiei!"
(For some reason, it looks like she's doing nothing but indiscriminately stabbing the needle...)
Harushagiku: "Waa!? Why's the hole getting bigger!? This is not good, I need to do something..."
(Busubbusu! Busubbusu! Busubbusu!)
Harushagiku: "Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah... The hole's getting bigger the more I do it~"
(Is the hole getting bigger than the clothes itself? Those clothes are no longer any good...)
Harushagiku: "Nushi-sama, I'm sorry. Today, you'll just have to go naked."
(... Today's slightly cold.)
Harushagiku: "Kaka-sama told me that I would earn points by mending the holes in Nushi-sama's clothes, but in the end it's no good."
(I see, so that was Akizakura's advice.)
Harushagiku: "Everything I do is no good. There's nothing I can do to keep Nushi-sama from disliking me."
Harushagiku: "I want to repay Nushi-sama who came to my rescue, yet I'm so useless."
(Harushagiku... So that's why she was doing all of those things. It wasn't just to keep me all to herself.)
Harushagiku: "All I do is cause trouble. What should I do to repay Nushi-sama? Is there something Nushi-sama wants me to do?)
(Want her to do... huh? I enjoy just being together with Harushagiku like this. So, I'm fine with things being the way they are.)
Harushagiku: "Eh? You just want to be with me? Is that it? That's no trouble at all."
(Harushagiku drew close. Snuggling against my body, I begin to feel Harushagiku's warmth.)
Harushagiku: "Is this OK?"
(Yeah, this is fine.)
Harushagiku: "Somehow, I feel as if I've been saved again. Nushi-sama's really kind. That's why you're popular."
Harushagiku: "You're so popular, you could choose any girl you please. If I don't tie myself to Nushi-sama somehow, Nushi-sama will go to the side of a girl that's not me someday..."
Harushagiku: "What should I do...? I know, grasp the stomach!"
(Oi, oi, we're back to where we started. It looks like I'm going to be abused by Harushagiku yet again.)
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Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

and that was cute and amusing as hell.

i need to get her xD
Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

lol yea. A lot of girls seem in this game seem pretty interesting.
Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

so.. soon i will be able to evolve a girl to UR.

i could evolve my savage girl (frie one i posted up there)
or the fire mage loli. both of them sound good but i wanted to hear opinions about this xD

my only problem is that i already have 2 UR Fire cards.

should i save my mirror or evolve one of my girls?
Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

Depends on if your 2 UR Fire cards have 100% fire resistance. I would save any mirrors in case you need to evolve any characters that have a 100% elemental resistance when you run into a particularly difficult dungeon.

Personally, I would choose Keririka because she is BL3. When I was doing the small squad dungeon, I had her as a guest, and she was extremely helpful thanks to her low cost allowing her to help me cheese my way through certain battles more often.

Verdenit is physically stronger, and better for raid bosses or dungeon enemies that you need to kill as quickly as possible. Both Keririka and Verdenit do not have status ailment resistance, so neither of them can easily cheese their way through things like poisonous fire shellsters.
Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

so basically both are good but as support atackers? (ie not leaders)?

seeing as there is a higher chance that next event is a cost dungeon ill evolve my savage girl xD


OMFG this is ridiculous -.-

and this is just my 4th card xD im sure i will get the other 4 before the Raid bosses expire but this is really getting anoying -w-

this is my third time in a row that i have to get to 150+ to get the card -w-

it doesnt helps that i need 15 raid bosses more for the SR mirror and i just dont get any more RB xD

-w- somehow i lost a magic stone is there a way to know in what was it wasted?


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Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

One of my friends had the new gold gacha character, and I saw that she's an anti-dark light elemental (something that I have been wanting for a long time), so I did an 11-consecutive gold gacha pull:
Not as awesome as the previous one I did; a lot of these characters are going to be taking up space in my inventory, since I already have a UR Dio and Sazamika, HR Werth (need 1 more now), R Anya (need 1 more now), and 0 Fenic (need 7 more now). But getting a second Kokomitto and Jackienee along with the event girl makes me happy.

There's a lot of things you could've spent the magic stone on. I'm going to guess that you may have used it to restore your AP instead of the usual restorative item.

I also had some crummy luck with the RP Gacha (a couple times it was 198).
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Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

well everything is okay now xD
got my wind UR already and managed to snatch 300k rp for the next girl :D
and got two of her cards :3

im a bit dissapointed of the new event girl (a loli -w-) but she is wind so...ill get her

also i tried the new girl with an ally on the event
she is op she recovers in 2 yes 2 freaking turns xD