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Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

someone would be so kind to tell me about of the new event? :)
Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

same as last time after Raid boss battle thingie

dungeon with limited cost to win a Wind loli(why a loli!)
new unit in the game is a light loli. (seriusly i barely can stand lolis xD)
and new Raid box girl is the light glasses gal from the begining of the game.

the event seems more dificult this time around with enemies lvl 40+ on the first stage -w-

gals that can help on the dungeon are the Raid Gal (500 one)
new light loli (she has a 3 turbns recovery wich is nice)
and the puss in the boots gal from last gold gacha.

also we have a new voting event where we choose a gal for something or other thiing D: (now with the guide gal as an elegible character)

it seems like a good event neverthless

also got a gold gacha girl today. i was dissapointed when i saw that she only went to SR T.T (ill post the card in a sec D:)

OMFG got my 4th glasses gal at the first Raidbox opening!!!
im so skiping the scene till next one :D
also here is her pic (light one)

i got this wind gal today D: im really dissapointed that she doesnt has a UR version T.T

i would post a pic of the two loli girls but i dont wanna risk it.


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Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

i hate to double post but i posted a while ago anyways xD

Finished the event today (got an UR)

our loli dragon tamer has a water shield (100%) and a fire shield (50%) as her skills

dunno if she is a nuker but she is good enough for dungeons.

also a while ago i found a magic stone from a quest. are there more magic stone from quests?

i think ill spend the rest of the day doing those quests i never did lol
Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

I don't remember how many stones you can get from a quest, also congrats on the event.
Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

Reached 1,008,000 Search Points, and got the title after clearing Floor 56 (Loop 3).

These small squad dungeon floors have been quite simple to deal with. Though, the third loop introduces shellsters, so the ideal leader would be:
49-56: Non-elemental leader with 100% non-elemental resistance.
57-64: Fire-elemental leader with 100% wind-elemental resistance (e.g. Akizakura).
65-72: Light-elemental leader with 100% dark-elemental resistance (e.g. Nonon from the gold gacha).

I only bring 2 UR characters and 3 R characters to maximise the amount of points I get when I clear a floor. Curious to find out if the 4th loop mixes things up with shellsters/knights of differing elements than the floor's flavour.

@clavat_k: Most of the characters in this game have loli-characteristics, so it's highly likely you're experiencing some other issues. Lao has a loli-face, but she also has a curvy figure, making her both cute and sexy.

I'll try to explain this simply. There are certain traits that our brains are designed to perceive and react upon. For simple animals like baby birds, scientists were able to make herring seegull chicks peck at a stick with a red line. They began with realistic-looking models, but found that the specific features that the chicks visually process were much simpler. More interestingly, a stick with multiple red lines drove the chicks to peck at it much more frantically. This is what is known as a supernormal stimulus.

It's the same with humans as well, and why a lot of the characters in games like this have huge eyes (our brains respond to this the same way we would respond to seeing a child, except that the eyes of these characters are larger, so our paternal response is much stronger), and curvy figures (our brains respond to this the same way we would respond to seeing a sexually attractive partner, except much stronger depending on the traits being stressed).

That's why there are so many loli characters in this game. These artists are trying to mix-and-match characteristics to appeal to their consumer-base and there's a larger number of people who prefer than .
Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

*sigh* why coudlnt let it go.

before i start just be aware of this im actually from mexico this is the main reason of why my writting is flawed. but in this forum with tons of people from diferent etnies its ok to speak so here you go.

actually thats not the reason of why loli characters are used.

the main reason behind the whole loli boom is because its meant to resonate with people with pedophilia traits (keep reading its not what you think)

the reason behind pedophilia its not what many people belive. that its some sort of weird perversion but its actually a social dissease. the main reason behind it its because the difficulty of the subject to interact with its peers. the more problems oine person has the more reassonable it sounds to socialize with people of younger ages.

the main reason its because of the inocense of a younger audience. and its not only sexual but it can also be social. many people with jobs that deal with young child are suspected to have these traits but in the social level.(this is the main reason behind the dissaproval of male child psychologyst and teachers) basically people with problems to socialize with their peers will look for a younger audience. this is the reason of why some kids play with younger children.

while these traits can be developed at a young age they can be developed at any time when the person has problems dealing with his/her peers

why do we look for inocense? because a peer with less experiences its easier to deal with. the problem here its that its being exploited by some anime companies.

leets take a look at the character in question.

the girl in question Moruzeru.
she has a slender and small body. (mostly related to children)
her voice in soft and squeaky (again related to young children)
an without even understanding what she says only with her tone i can tell you one thing. she has a naive personality.
she is a full combo made to exploit to audiences that are bad at realting to their peers.

japan has accepted this exploiting as normal by now (with all those loli characters in anime and all) because in their culture there are a lot of lonely males with problems dealing with their peers (those they call otakus and Neets)

in western cultures such things are often related to CP and pedophilia. this is the main reason of why its banned in our countries.

now for something slightly diferent.

so if we like younger characters are we pedophiles?
yes and no. we humans have a protection system in our brains that doesnt lets us do things like that easily. mostly called sublimation allows us to change such things to easier to understand and deal with things. (why many people with social problems prefer jobs who deal with children). but this is very important. only people with severe social problems will seek children who are essensially "pure".

most people will look for a mate younger than them (in case with males as a male tend to look for innocese to protect) and older for females (who look for experience and stability in a mate to be protected) by itself this is quite a normal thing. this is the main reason of why most movies have younger characters (specially those which deal with fantasy).

so here we go to the game. in this game and most games the characters are aged at around 17-20 years old. even those characters that look mature dont often look older than 25 YO.

this is more of a psychological/socialogical thing.

also lets not forget that most people look for certain things in a mate (such as a mate with glasses and slender bodies) some people say that its because we look for the perfect mate for reprodcution but this is not actually true.

we look at mates from a psychological stance. (have you noticed that you tend to look a mate with certain atributes? like a person who is smart or who has glasses, or someone with a certain type of voice?) this is because in our minds we have a perfect mate for us. and we search for someone who fills that template. (now now im not going full freud here) the main part of said template is our parent of a diferent sex. however this can be distorted in several ways (the main reason of homosexuality) sometimes we look for things in a mate because of a trauma or a certain experience or because of someone who we meet when we were children.

as an example due to a certain trauma i started to search for mates who had several depresive problems and that needes someone to "save" them.
however it doesnt means that said template cant be changed. as you mature you start to change said template to acomodate yourself and your circunstances. (after a while i stoped looking for mates who needed to be saved and started lookinf for more independent mates)

(as i started writting i lost myself and forgot to add this.
basically there are three flavors of lolis)
1.- children body and adult mind (komoe sensei from to aru)
2.- Adult body and children mind (Renesmee from Twilight is this type (god i hate her))
3.- a childrens body and a children mind (in this case moruzeru)

japan is exploiting this. if we allow ourselves to be exploited with such things soon american companies will start to exploit this too. this is generally a bad course of action because theyre basically making fun of us. this is the main reason of why i dont like lolis.

and about the body type. actually a slender character and low height is not a loli. but its meant to exploit people with height traumas (like myself) this is one of the reasons i like Lao xD,

one last thing. the main reason of why you dont discuss such things with a psychologist its because we dont freaking shut up xD
Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

i have absolutely no idea how this new event works o_ou

Edit 1.- ok i got the event. it seems that some missions are changed to a sport event thingie. lets keep what we find here and make a guide for everyone to follow

the number of the levels should be from lowest to highes sio when i say something like mission is on 6.7 it means that from the lowest map is 6th, and from the lowest level is 7th

btw this is an actual mission map. 6.7 with 43 cost and 46 reward can be completed 12 times and its on the B list number 1
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Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

The new event is extremely complicated. Basically you get points for clearing regular dungeons with certain conditions. For example, a simple one would be doing a dungeon and defeating such-and-such enemy, and a more difficult condition is to clear a dungeon with such-and-such in your party (not as a friend). Since it's all in Japanese, I'll try and do a translation when I have time; you will know if you have a dungeon that will give you points when you see a medal on the final confirmation screen.

The thing I mentioned is being tested in behavioral neuroscience, and you can read peer-reviewed papers on the subject if you want a more in-depth understanding.

A lot of the things you said sound speculative; I couldn't locate any terms in your post that I could look up to confirm if there was a scientific study to back any of them up. And some of the terms you used, like sublimation, are Freudian psychoanalytical terms, and I'm hoping you're not basing your arguments on his works. The problem with Freud's hypotheses is that they can't be tested; there's no way to falsify them. So while fascinating, it's not science.

Paedophilia is not a social disease (that's for stuff like HIV). Current studies show that the sexual interests are related to brain structure with some differences before birth, so it might become a sexual orientation after DSM internal political shenanigans (while I shouldn't even have to say this, it being labeled a sexual orientation doesn't mean that it's OK to engage in such activities, it just means it's not a disorder by default). It also has little to do with lolicon (the fictional character that originated the term for Lolita Complex was someone who was at most a hebephiliac or ephebophiliac) except colloquially.

If you want to explain things to me, please try to keep it simple and concise. The way you wrote, I feel as if it's a some kind of dialectic trap where no one is going to come out any better. I prefer learning things rather than arguing.
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Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

yes.... the reason of why psicholgy uses most things from freud is because they cant be proved *facepalms* lets forget about this dood.but trust me Freud was right (most psychologysts bash him but we cant actually go far from his theories)

also please post any events you find xD (its kind of annoying tough) btw there is a magic stone at 50 pouints (i think)
events can be rcognised by the medal that is on the screen before entering a mission
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Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

Shoot... This event sound very complex and without finding out what it was about I already threw down 12 stones to triple the drop rate.
Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

lol shouldnt have done that.
its not that complicated we should just find where the event are
Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

"Looking at the screen... Then on keyboard"
I don't know what to do :confused:
Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

ok here goes

before you enter the mision there might be a medal. look for these medals in levels (ill post a screen when i get my energy back)

ensure yourself to use a friend with the fox (this is 100% needed) use both the samurai and the girl from the Rbox 6

the reasonable goal is to get 10k and use the R mirror to get the event gal.

the awesome goal (wich you should so aim for) is actually the 18k one since it gives you two SR event cards and a SR mirror (and around 4 magic stones wich are awesome)
also can someone please translate the prizes? i want to know what the 250 milestone one is. i know that the one at 1k is a book
Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

here are the medals

however sometimes you wont get the points even if you do manage to find the missions.


im starting to get worried about this event -w-

please someone help translate this event because it doesnt make sense!


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Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

i think ill surrender on this one.

i have been trying to get the points but in the last 5 tries i got nothing.

yes it was on a badge and was using the cheerleader (im at 5900)

dont know how this event works or why im missing the badges =/
Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

I've just been running the event's dark, wind and playing random medal events. With the 3x medal item I managed to get 20000pts. I don't use the cheerleader as I only have her in R...

Anyone knows what is the new Red stamp in various mission.
Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

dunno but they can change to other colors
Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

After flipping a bunch to green I got an event scene and my box had HR of the bow event character. So I guess that is what the red stamps were.
Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

After flipping a bunch to green I got an event scene and my box had HR of the bow event character. So I guess that is what the red stamps were.

yes they were exactly that i just got mine in the mail. darn i need to speed up and finish both current events xD
Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

Alright!:D We got a new RP Box girl and she's fire-type (the one element i'm lacking in), i'm glad they didn't remove the the light and dark girls from RP Box. Looks like the raid boss rewards reset too. This time we get rewards based on our damage instead of how many AP we spend.

Quick question about evolution: If i use an HR card in the main slot, and a R card in the secondary slot, when I combine them will the result be SR?