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ADV [暗黒郷物語 / Dystopia Story]トビ姫 -Inter Breed- / Flying Princess -Inter Breed - (RJ154397)

Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

Anyone know a fix for the 5-1 normal crash? No, playing on hard first doesn't work. Not for me at least.
Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

Anyone know a fix for the 5-1 normal crash? No, playing on hard first doesn't work. Not for me at least.

Try thread search before asking next time, similar or the same question have been asked wayyy too many times already :/

I don't know the answer to that one but some said its problem with the memory.
Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

I must say I am amazed by the detailed sprite work in this game. Definitely one of the better Unity games out there!

Again I ask, is there translation plans (either UI or story) for the game? Not a sure thing yet, but I possibly may consider (depends on work load in real life) picking the project up, at the very least, the UI.
Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

Anyone know a fix for the 5-1 normal crash? No, playing on hard first doesn't work. Not for me at least.

Try thread search before asking next time, similar or the same question have been asked wayyy too many times already :/

I don't know the answer to that one but some said its problem with the memory.

I wouldn't mind an answer to this as well. I did look through the last several pages, and all I see mentioned is needing to play them on hard first. If that doesn't work for everyone, is there another solution?
Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

I must say I am amazed by the detailed sprite work in this game. Definitely one of the better Unity games out there!

It is pretty well done. I've had some trouble with collision and destructible objects though. Most of the time the characters can't move or jump when they're on something that was destructible.

Other than that though, great game.
Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

Yeah, a bunch of the animations and CGs are up on g.e-hentai. As an aside, does anyone know how to fucking use your arrow keys to scroll through the images/animations? Everywhere I look just says "GUR HUR USE THE ARROW KEYS", but uh, they don't fucking work. Tried both Firefox and Chrome.
Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

Yeah, a bunch of the animations and CGs are up on g.e-hentai. As an aside, does anyone know how to fucking use your arrow keys to scroll through the images/animations? Everywhere I look just says "GUR HUR USE THE ARROW KEYS", but uh, they don't fucking work. Tried both Firefox and Chrome.

I'm assuming you meant for g.e hentai, u can use left or right arrow to scroll through image once you've clicked one.
Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

Yeah, a bunch of the animations and CGs are up on g.e-hentai. As an aside, does anyone know how to fucking use your arrow keys to scroll through the images/animations? Everywhere I look just says "GUR HUR USE THE ARROW KEYS", but uh, they don't fucking work. Tried both Firefox and Chrome.

It may not work if you have certain plugins?

More thoughts on the game: Oof... the creator seriously needs to scrap and redo a lot of stages. A lot of them have bizarre geometry (did he seriously spawn monsters on the slope and now they're slowly sliding down towards me?) or are just plain unfair (seriously, don't spawn them so high).
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Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

I really dig the art style and animation of this game. Are there any others like it other than Demon's Sperm and Parasite in city?
Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

I've found the plant girl marginally useful as a sort of indirect 'artillery' unit. In one of the EX levels that are all spiders, she was rather useful for hitting things on the other side of platforms and such, and she was even able to hit spiders that were on top of an arch.

The wolf girl is a bloody waste of a slot though. I'm thinking of just selling all the ones I have. The harpies do the aerial attack so much better.
Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

I've found the plant girl marginally useful as a sort of indirect 'artillery' unit. In one of the EX levels that are all spiders, she was rather useful for hitting things on the other side of platforms and such, and she was even able to hit spiders that were on top of an arch.

The wolf girl is a bloody waste of a slot though. I'm thinking of just selling all the ones I have. The harpies do the aerial attack so much better.

Make sure to cross breed the wolf BEFORE ditching her, because the crossbreed is GODLY. She's a case of "Starting form is terrible, extended is awesome".
Beating the game with just the starting girls is a pain thought, but the dark skinned archer is pretty dang good in earnest, the maid as well, even thought she later starts to fall off because 9/10 times she'll need to start 2 hitting things to KO them, and most of the time thanks towards her dash, she'll only get a single hit in.

Also gotta admit the geometry on later stages is just funky. One stage was so bad where it's got the broken ground, and monsters can outright get stuck under it. It was almost RNG hell to just keep reloading it till I got a spawn that I could kill. The underwater stages of 5 where also wonky, with some leaders JUST out of reach by normal means. Thankfully by that point, you've got access towards some of the better cross-breeds, so the rest of the game becomes easy to break.

Overall, came for the Slime animation. Stayed for the Slime animation and gameplay. Stage 1-4 will be loaded up many a time to come.
Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

Overall, came for the Slime animation. Stayed for the Slime animation and gameplay. Stage 1-4 will be loaded up many a time to cum.

Fixed that for you ' 3'
Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

Make sure to cross breed the wolf BEFORE ditching her, because the crossbreed is GODLY. She's a case of "Starting form is terrible, extended is awesome".
Already got the tentawolf. She seems to be kind of similar to the spider bee girl, only coming from a different direction.

the dark skinned archer is pretty dang good in earnest, the maid as well, even thought she later starts to fall off because 9/10 times she'll need to start 2 hitting things to KO them, and most of the time thanks towards her dash, she'll only get a single hit in.

I've found that if you time it right, the archer girl can do a hellish amount of damage to a single target by clicking once she's inside their hitbox

As for the maid, her attack sometimes seems to get glitchy in a good way. I've had her stuck in a crevice on one of the water levels, and yet she was able to multi-hit and murder a leader that should have been out of range of her initial hit.
Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

update! includes more bug-fixes.
Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

Scylla is good, if she doesn't clip through the floor and fall to her death every now and then.

Anyone know where to find more 4 Stars clothes ? I've managed to find Purple's military costume, bunny girl, (Mistagged ?) Centaur's costume and Red's costume and that's it.
Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

Okay so.....

Am I the only one feeling the Bicorn hybrid to be thoroughly useless ?

like seriously....the order in wich you get girls in this game makes little sense to begin with...why would we get centaurs at the very end when they are more or less a downgrade from Flyders you get significantly earlier on ?

I'm also finding it hard to justify using a bunch other girls like the Oni the Carbuncle and the green bow girl.....
Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

Bicorn is highly situational. Her attacks seem to be really good anti-air, and I can see her making the Plesioths on the water levels easier to manage, but other than that, there's not much else. Maybe if the mobs were clustered in a spot, it could be effective.

But yeah, unfortunately monster girls are not created equal. Some are just more effective than others.

Also, the green bow girl is a murder machine. Especially on giant mobs. Jump her really really close, click and bam. A gorillion hits, and if she's specced for critical hits, its pretty much guaranteed to die.

I do agree on the Carbuncle though. Worst monster girl, both in utility and on account of being a faggot furry.
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Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

Just found about this game...

and downloaded a save from here just to check out the H.

Is there no gallery for the sprite H?