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Eastern Farmlands


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
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RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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The eastern farmlands supply most of the grown food for the Iselgarn Empire. It also serves as the quickest route between Iselgarn and Fort Shard, on the northern border of the Teladran Forest.
Re: Eastern Farmlands

Following Lydia out into the farmlands, Zagan mounts his horse awkwardly before checking his copy of the map. Northwest: if we hit the Teladran we've go too far west.
Re: Eastern Farmlands

Lydia begins to sing "Were off on an adventure! For money, luxury, and other things!"

Her musical talent is sadly lacking but her enthusiam more then makes up for it.
Re: Eastern Farmlands

And now I remember why I dislike traveling with others... Zagan thinks to himself, wincing as Lydia sings.
Re: Eastern Farmlands

Em grits her teeth as the elven woman sings, but didn't say anything. They weren't likely to be snuck up on the middle of the open farmlands in the broad daylight, so she let the girl have her fun. For now. She threw the hood of her cloak up and put her head down, trying, unsuccessfully, to stifle the racket.
Re: Eastern Farmlands

Valhendil stayed silent and avoided speaking as he was mentally fatigued. He had no clue as to why this was but had no plans on making it worse.
Re: Eastern Farmlands

Ludia stopped singing long enough to set up camp with her companions.
"Hey Zagan tell us a story about one of your hunts." asked Lydia.
Re: Eastern Farmlands

You can't be serious... Zagan stares at her blankly for a second. He hunted wolves and bears that strayed to close to the farmlands and herds, not monsters fit for fireside tales.
Re: Eastern Farmlands

Having been used to sleeping in a camp full of rowdy bandits all her life, Em was already fast asleep, wrapped up in the rather comfortable blankets that they had found in the Iselgarn supply room.
Re: Eastern Farmlands

Just smiles and "Story! Any kind of story that doesn't involve politics!" Lydia, is acting like a child.
Re: Eastern Farmlands

There really aren't that many stories to tell. The only things I've done of any note are when I killed that bear two winters ago or the wolf pack three winters back. Zagan replies as he stokes the fire.
Re: Eastern Farmlands

Lydia nestles into her sleeping bag and asks "The bear, the bear story!"
Re: Eastern Farmlands

... Sighing Zagan looks at her for a second before turning back to the fire. There isn't really that much to tell. Two winters back there was this large, scarred old bear that wandered into a small village one winter. It was somewhat thin so it was probably pushed out of its territory by a younger male and was pressed for food. You see bears normally gorge themselves most of the year so they can sleep through winter when their food is scarce. This one, though, hadn't been able to get enough food to do that so it had decided its best bet was this small village in the foothills of the Shadow Mounts. The people their don't have too many that can fight, being out of the way, they never really had to worry about bandits. So when the bear came they were practically defenseless. By the time a fleeing village managed to cross my path and for me to get to the village the bear had killed and eaten around a half dozen of the villagers. It would just come in and take someone from their bed in the middle of the night, the only indicator that it had been their was a smashed in door and a trail of blood from one of the bedrooms from where it had dragged its prey. Zagan stops for a moment to stoke the fire again and check to see if Lydia was still paying attention or if he could stop and go to sleep.
Re: Eastern Farmlands

Lydia was paying attention, through she was half-asleep. "Continue" Lydia mewled, as she sank deeper into the realm of dreams.
Re: Eastern Farmlands

Well, basically, the bear left a rather obvious trail so I was able to track it back to its lair. The bear had made its home in a shallow cave halfway up a nearby ravine. Now, even though I knew were it was, I didn't rush in to fight it. Although the old bear may not have been as strong as it once was, the older they get, the craftier they get. There was a good chance that a bear this old had encountered humans before and knew a bit about fighting them, not to mention it was desperate because of its starved state. If I had trapped it in its lair with me between it and the exit I likely would have died. Tch, even if I had merely fought it in the open, it could have had a good chance at winning. Bears can be very hard to take down. In the end I decided to use the surrounding ravine itself to my advantage. I found a large boulder a ways up the ravine that was rather loose, so, using a rope and a large chunk of wood, I braced the boulder such that a good yank on the rope would pull out the wood and send the boulder tumbling down on demand. While one boulder wouldn't have taken out the old bear, having the boulder start off much higher in the ravine would mean it would catch up other stones and boulders as well causing a small avalanche. After that, all I had to do was wait. Then as soon as the bear left his cave and started heading down, I pulled the rope and sprung the trap. It worked like a charm and took out the bear. As a side bonus, the avalanche didn't obstruct the path to the bear's cave so the remains of the ones the bear had eaten were able to be recovered and properly put to rest. Zagan finishes, from the tale you can tell he is more for practicality than heroics.
Re: Eastern Farmlands

Lydia was snoozing asleep before Zagan could finish half his story, her face was obstructed by her hood.
Re: Eastern Farmlands

Finally. Zagan mutters before readying himself to go to sleep. Out of habit, he enters more into a trancelike state than actually resting. His sitting position and semi-wakeful mind would allow him to respond faster if he needed to. Plus he could do a similar mental shutdown when they traveled later to finish resting.
Re: Eastern Farmlands

Yawns and gets up. Lydia looks around her hair moussled and her back a little achy from sleeping on the harsh ground. Her eyes adjust to the twilight and she knows it's dawn.

"Com'n guys let's get moving."

Lydia says this after preparing a delicious affair of breakfast.
Re: Eastern Farmlands

Not being a morning person, Em grunts at the elven girl, then turns in her bedroll. She stays under the cover for a few minutes before the smell of the food makes her hungry enough to move over to the food and begin eating, wordlessly.
Re: Eastern Farmlands

Zagan wakes and stands up before looking around at the others. Stretching his arms and legs, moves over to where Lydia is preparing food. You sure you want to be sitting? We'll be doing enough of that later.