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FGT Scat Loli Ryona Guro [Eluku] Fairy Fighting

Re: Fairy Fighting

Tit Fuck. I'm more amazed there is no plain old tentacle rape yet. Though it sounds like he plans for that from what I can gather of his current blog post. Something about you needing to defeat boss's an turn in items to unlock this big tentacle door. And if you don't have enough items yet its a tentacle game over rape. I like the idea since you could pick what you wanted to fight in any order an just finish the game when you have beaten them all.

Also suggests that he could maybe be getting close to finishing the game if he has plans for the final fight.
Re: Fairy Fighting

Tit-fuck = Nipple fuck for Eluku maybe?
There's plenty of that lol.
Nah, I know there's nipple fuck and it's all fine and dandy - but I'm looking for an old-school, squeeze her titties together, stick your dick in between em' and bust a nut on her face titty-fuck.

I can picture FF doing it so easily. Tackle Tiki to the ground, straddle her chest and just go to town - maybe even possessing a large enough Futa-part to still stick it into Tiki mouth too. Not necessary, but it'll fulfill the requirements I set forth in regards to titty-fucking.

Tit Fuck. I'm more amazed there is no plain old tentacle rape yet.
Define 'Tentacle Rape'.

Through my definition, Meatcatcher clearly does tentacle rape. Eggplant kinda does too, but he's arguable.

Though it sounds like he plans for that from what I can gather of his current blog post. Something about you needing to defeat boss's an turn in items to unlock this big tentacle door. And if you don't have enough items yet its a tentacle game over rape. I like the idea since you could pick what you wanted to fight in any order an just finish the game when you have beaten them all.

Also suggests that he could maybe be getting close to finishing the game if he has plans for the final fight.
I'm interested...
Re: Fairy Fighting

New update.

- Illustrations for Stage 1.
- New background for Stage 1.
- Speed tweak for FF's TP attack.
Re: Fairy Fighting

I sense an eggplant SP move lurking in the darkness, be careful though: nothing is what it seems in the world of latex glove fairies.

Tiki'd need a bigger rack for the FFs to have fun. Unless nipplefuck does indeed = titfuck for Eluku, in which case don't give him anymore ideas involving obscenely big cocks :eek:
At first i thought bigger boobs would affect her aerodynamics and speed, but then i remembered this is a game with a fairy in it getting punched, cut, bloated, fucked, eaten, used as a surrogate host and generally being abused, and that should of been clue enough for me, that the laws of the universe are to be deposited in the collection tray before boarding this ride.
Re: Fairy Fighting

Wow, no offense meant, but the new background art is pretty terrible. Definitely not up to eluku's typical high standard. Does he have someone else doing art for him now?

Also pretty disappointed that he keeps getting distracted with things like updating stage art and tweaking move speed instead of rolling out new moves for the FC boss. I know the same thing happened with Alakune and every week it was like, "Nooooooo! Another whole week to wait before something new and fappable comes out!!!!" :(
Re: Fairy Fighting

The speed at which eluku moves means I don't give a shit what's been worked on.

Oh crap, we went a week without something that is purely just H-content? HIT THE BUTTON, THE WORLD IS ENDING...
Re: Fairy Fighting

Funny story. I made a facebook page for Fairy Fighting. I pretty much did it to troll but it could actually be an amusing way to infect the web at large with mind-breaking porn games. Also to get updated when it gets... Updated. And hey, more exposure = more fans = more donations to Eluku = more content!

So troll your friends, +like fairy fighting, and try not to die laughing when curious people who think anal is kinky overestimate themselves by playing it.

Bonus points if the person is your partner's mother.

ps: it should, of course, be noted that it is a very bad idea to +like this page on an account you use for work and/or family. Unless you like, work in a family-run sex store or something.
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Re: Fairy Fighting

Funny story. I made a facebook page for Fairy Fighting. I pretty much did it to troll but it could actually be an amusing way to infect the web at large with mind-breaking porn games. Also to get updated when it gets... Updated. And hey, more exposure = more fans = more donations to Eluku = more content!

So long as no 'adult' content is shown, I don't think Facebook gives a fuck.


..... and then I found this:
Re: Fairy Fighting

Does anyone but me think that when F.C. Boss uses its SP max finisher, Tiki actually dies? Something about that finisher just makes me believe that...
Re: Fairy Fighting

Does anyone but me think that when F.C. Boss uses its SP max finisher, Tiki actually dies? Something about that finisher just makes me believe that...

Obviously not since he has her chained to his dick afterwards. I also think she has had worse really. Like when the slime monster threw her in the air an slammed her down cunt first on that spiky rock. Or the Bees laying eggs in her tits and everywhere else. lol
Re: Fairy Fighting

I really find the new stage one's "pumping" sfx to be really distracting. Anyone else think so?
Re: Fairy Fighting

There's something different on his latest artwork CG from the FC BOSS.
One is the first GOR CG and one is the finishing move CG [I notice some changes of Eluku's artwork which the definition and the color texture, which its quite less or improve]. By the way how to perform FF's new SP move.
Re: Fairy Fighting

There's something different on his latest artwork CG from the FC BOSS.
One is the first GOR CG and one is the finishing move CG [I notice some changes of Eluku's artwork which the definition and the color texture, which its quite less or improve]. By the way how to perform FF's new SP move.

get your both special bar full, and use down down kick? CMIIW :D
Re: Fairy Fighting

Alrighty, I just played through the new version myself without the health or SP cheats... made it all the way through...

The only monsters that were really difficult were MDW due to it being up to as much luck as well as skill (and mine has always sucked... Almost always got grapple locked into a GO) And figureing out FCB's masochistic exploit... ( I felt pretty Uninformed that PUNCHING him would raise his SP meter... Musta missed that update... but knowing that and after being nailed with that long ass finisher a few times I figured out the pattern...) He pretty much uses his spec every time he gets it first thing... So avoid it

But yeah, other than that the only other one worth mentioning might be Ala-rune with her total ground superiority... But if you go with a "Hawk" style ala Super Smash bros. theres no problem with trading blows that way... And she cant really grab you easily...

So yeah... I'd say it's easily doable... And I still managed to get in a fap in the meanwhile... Win is a win... Loss is a win...

More people should try for this I think...
Re: Fairy Fighting

The only monsters that were really difficult were MDW due to it being up to as much luck as well as skill (and mine has always sucked... Almost always got grapple locked into a GO) And figureing out FCB's masochistic exploit... ( I felt pretty Uninformed that PUNCHING him would raise his SP meter... Musta missed that update... but knowing that and after being nailed with that long ass finisher a few times I figured out the pattern...) He pretty much uses his spec every time he gets it first thing... So avoid it

MDW and FCB are rather similar fights. MDW just has helpers. Guerilla warfare works well as well as jump attacks to get an initial hit in before using other attacks.

With MDW's fight, you just have to keep moving. When getting away from MDW, I'd recommend jumping rather than backtapping.

As for FCB, he fills his special bar from anything. Also, his special is mid range always. I just did a fight where I stayed right in his face the entire time until he punched me away and made me go back to him again. The special flew right over my head each time (except for once while I had him in the corner and his special caused him to glitch and teleport to the other side of the room before using it).
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Re: Fairy Fighting

With MDW's fight, you just have to keep moving. When getting away from MDW, I'd recommend jumping rather than backtapping.

I actually do almost the opposite of this.

Just by flurry punching to the left you should be able to kill the first worm before the mother gets near to you. Then I backtap all the way to the other side of the screen (you have to do it perfectly to get past MDW to be fair) and then piss to charge up special, DFDF+P special, charge up while they're getting hit by it, if they get too close flurry of punches, rinse and repeat.
Re: Fairy Fighting

I actually do almost the opposite of this.

Just by flurry punching to the left you should be able to kill the first worm before the mother gets near to you. Then I backtap all the way to the other side of the screen (you have to do it perfectly to get past MDW to be fair) and then piss to charge up special, DFDF+P special, charge up while they're getting hit by it, if they get too close flurry of punches, rinse and repeat.

Eh, I only advise against backtapping under the pretense of the little worms being possibly behind you, which can mess with your targetting and potentially throw ya back towards the MDW. Since I ignore the worms, they tend to be all over the place, which makes backtapping hazardous for me. My style of fighting is up in their face, so I don't use specials as much as I could.
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Re: Fairy Fighting

You go for the mother first? I always go for the mother last.

Also I would also be happy to see some breast inflation.