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FGT Scat Loli Ryona Guro [Eluku] Fairy Fighting

Re: Fairy Fighting

I think Italy is actually the perfect example of what happens when politicians get too much influence without the people's consent, correct me if I'm wrong but last I heard the vast majority (was somewhere around 90%) of the media in Italy is owned by the president...

That alone is scary as hell...

It's not 90%, not even 40% for that matter, and it's not even used as a cohercitive form of propaganda, besides, it's the prime minister, not the president, although in italy both have very little effective power.
The president is just a representative figure with no real power and the prime minister is only worth as much as his gathered consensus from the parlament.
So having connection with an important part of the media, not only does him pretty much no good, but is frequently used against him by his opposition, which sadly is lead by backstabbers and empty words.
Re: Fairy Fighting

It's not 90%, not even 40% for that matter, and it's not even used as a cohercitive form of propaganda, besides, it's the prime minister, not the president, although in italy both have very little effective power.
The president is just a representative figure with no real power and the prime minister is only worth as much as his gathered consensus from the parlament.
So having connection with an important part of the media, not only does him pretty much no good, but is frequently used against him by his opposition, which sadly is lead by backstabbers and empty words.

Burlusconi is no longer in office, so the media issue is irrelevant now. The problem is that when you have a significant portion of the media controlled by a figurehead leader, even when they're subject to the whims of parliament, he's going to be able to exert influence on large portions of the populace, which can bend parliament to his wishes.
Re: Fairy Fighting

Not to mention it seems like Nimrod's source is the Italian media, which can't really be considered reliable (not that it disproves what he says per se)

Back to fairy fighting, is it just me or are all the stages except fallen fairy extremely easy? >_>
Re: Fairy Fighting

Ultimately, there's no legal backing to this action as the people who made megaupload haven't committed any crimes, if I hang up a sign for other people to post messages on and someone tapes stolen merchandise to it doesn't mean I committed a crime.
But if this law passes, it will.

From what I've seen, this law will hold the site owners responsible for the content on their sites, even user submitted content. That applies to file sharing, as well as forum posts.
Re: Fairy Fighting

If by "this law" you refer to SOPA then no, it still doesn't make the owners of the platform criminally responsible, they can however shut down the platform without any legal action.

The way this is currently working out is similar to if I owned a building and allowed anyone access without notification and someone came in and dropped something copyrighted and someone else picks it up the police would come and arrest me (even though I had nothing to do with the exchange, which isn't even criminal to begin with)

Not the hosters of the platform (unless they specifically do so to promote theft in which case they are an accessory to the crime), not the posters on the platform (you can put your purchase wherever you want, whether its leaving a brand shirt on a park bench or storing a music file on megaupload) but only the people who knowingly download copyrighted material are criminally responsible.
Re: Fairy Fighting

Folks, there is already threads about these topics. Please direct these discussions there and leave this to the game.

As for anybody wondering about how to download the new update:

Copy and paste the address that is in there(the loda.jp one). Might take a minute for it to load. Click on Download. Open up the zip file and run the file. You must have uTorrent or some other torrent program for it to work. Enjoy.
Last edited:
Re: Fairy Fighting

On the blog there is a paragraph of writing in red can anyone translate this? It seems to have been added to his last update.
Re: Fairy Fighting

tobias said:
Wow, no offense meant, but the new background art is pretty terrible. Definitely not up to eluku's typical high standard. Does he have someone else doing art for him now?

Also pretty disappointed that he keeps getting distracted with things like updating stage art and tweaking move speed instead of rolling out new moves for the FC boss. I know the same thing happened with Alakune and every week it was like, "Nooooooo! Another whole week to wait before something new and fappable comes out!!!!" :(
Looks great to me, like it more than previous static one.
Occasional tweaks and experimenting with new ideas are absolutely normal at WIP stage, FCBoss has quite a few moves and finisher already.

censuur said:
Not to mention it seems like Nimrod's source is the Italian media, which can't really be considered reliable (not that it disproves what he says per se)

Back to fairy fighting, is it just me or are all the stages except fallen fairy extremely easy? >_>
From my experience FallenFairy is the absolute easiest after DarkTiki.

Sad to see Megaupload to go, I take it Eluku provided torrent at Loda.jp and not directly, because it's the only way for him to get some revenue.
Re: Fairy Fighting

Anyone getting a Error, Access Denied when trying to download FF's Latest version from his torrent D:
Re: Fairy Fighting

Which would you consider the hardest boss then? both FF and dark tiki are somewhat tricky to me (they keep spamming counter attack and I can't seem to do anything to hit them ;_;)

Every other fight seems to have a mechanic that you can avoid and such to win without so much as being hit. Also, I don't think any boss will ever be easier than the bee.

Small off topic note, does anyone else find it hilarious that we were discussing serious politics in a thread about a fairy getting brutally raped by god knows what?
Re: Fairy Fighting

The last update of FF ran really slow on my computer, like 5-7fps slow. This really shouldn't happen since I can run most modern games on the medium setting. Anybody else have this problem, or is it just my comp's own quirk?
Re: Fairy Fighting

Small off topic note, does anyone else find it hilarious that we were discussing serious politics in a thread about a fairy getting brutally raped by god knows what?

Not really. This has been a long time coming ever since politicians used "child porn" as a catch-all excuse for ramrodding legislation through.

People have been thrown in jail and had their children taken away from them because someone saw that they had a photo of their child (as an infant) nude. In the U.S. For YEARS now. If THAT can get you thrown in jail, god help you if you're brought to court over a game like this.

That said, FF and Dark Tiki are pretty easy if you approach/fight them cautiously. The AI in this game is (for the most part) pretty dumb, so that mist blowing attack devastates them.
Re: Fairy Fighting

ummmm.....ok yeah I cant get the latest version to download. anyone else having issues >.>
Re: Fairy Fighting

GAH! Fucking torrent bullshit. I refuse to learn and adapt to my surroundings.
So what particularly is new in just this update?

On the blog there is a paragraph of writing in red can anyone translate this? It seems to have been added to his last update.

This is poor but..
Note: As for URL of the zip file which it downloads, please deal with URL which is introduced inside this [purogu]. Because (loda.jp does upload freely even with the third party and is a problem in security)
Re: Fairy Fighting

So people can no longer get the updates to the game outside of japan cause he switched to torrents -.- so what do I do -.-
Re: Fairy Fighting

Yeah but...I getting nothing from this torrent, and I'm using bitlord too.
Re: Fairy Fighting

check his blog again he got a new host site for his game :3

I was mocking your unedited post, made me lol. "If we can't get the game, why have this thread?! We're all doomed"

I usually only DL it every couple months anyways, not enough content to DL it weekly.