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FGT Scat Loli Ryona Guro [Eluku] Fairy Fighting

Re: Fairy Fighting

Guessing you are asking about the fox game...and no...hasn't started on it yet.
Re: Fairy Fighting

hi all,

how do you perform the eggplant's special move ?

Re: Fairy Fighting

His work recently has been less and less gory, and slightly more harmless scat and bondage. A nice change for the more common fetish fans.

Scat ain't common.

I think Fairy Fighting has far too much scat/piss as is. Almost literally every enemy does something that pulls dook out of you, or arbitrarily makes you pee. Several times throughout FF's development, I'd try a new enemy, and think to myself, "aw yeah, it's pumping cum into her ass... wait, what? It's pulling, not pushing. Oh god. The poop. It wants the poop." and the enemy would be ruined for me.

I'm fine with people who like scat. Different strokes for different folks. Regardless, I think that fetishes that directly conflict with dominant sexual institutions (ie. society's general idea of what sex should be) should not be visible by default. I know that "getting raped by a giant monster" is already pretty unorthodox, but that's still merely a variant of sexual intercourse (which is literally the most popular thing that has ever existed -- biology majors saying "no, asexual cell division would be more popular" can ).

Scat, however, is a total departure from intercourse, opting instead to focus on something entirely non-sexual: poo poo. Problem is, butt fudge is notoriously incompatible with other fetishes; to include it by default -- and at the level of consistency with which Eluku chose to employ it -- was a huge mistake, from my perspective. It damages the enjoyment of a portion of your primary demographic (ie. people who aren't thrilled to see someone relishing the savory musk of a bucket of Pay Day bars someone left in a bar toilet) in the name of enhancing the enjoyment of a much smaller fraction of your demographic (ie. people who enjoy seeing a string of shit sausages being siphoned from Tiki's asshole).
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Re: Fairy Fighting

Scat ain't common.

I think Fairy Fighting has far too much scat/piss as is. Almost literally every enemy does something that pulls dook out of you, or arbitrarily makes you pee. Several times throughout FF's development, I'd try a new enemy, and think to myself, "aw yeah, it's pumping cum into her ass... wait, what? It's pulling, not pushing. Oh god. The poop. It wants the poop." and the enemy would be ruined for me.

I'm fine with people who like scat. Different strokes for different folks. Regardless, I think that fetishes that directly conflict with dominant sexual institutions (ie. society's general idea of what sex should be) should not be visible by default. I know that "getting raped by a giant monster" is already pretty unorthodox, but that's still merely a variant of sexual intercourse (which is literally the most popular thing that has ever existed -- biology majors saying "no, asexual cell division would be more popular" can ).

Scat, however, is a total departure from intercourse, opting instead to focus on something entirely non-sexual: poo poo. Problem is, butt fudge is notoriously incompatible with other fetishes; to include it by default -- and at the level of consistency with which Eluku chose to employ it -- was a huge mistake, from my perspective. It damages the enjoyment of a portion of your primary demographic (ie. people who aren't thrilled to see someone relishing the savory musk of a bucket of Pay Day bars someone left in a bar toilet) in the name of enhancing the enjoyment of a much smaller fraction of your demographic (ie. people who enjoy seeing a string of shit sausages being siphoned from Tiki's asshole).

All that logic would matter if he was trying to sell the game, but no, so he can do whatever the hell he wants. For all we know, he may be putting the things he likes in it. Personally I don't care how much scat guro and other shit he puts in, as long as I have my fallen fairy intact :3
Re: Fairy Fighting

Yea, not a fan of scat at all but most of the stuff in this game is really really tame. Only one that I can think of where it kinda puts me off is in the mist sisters stage. Kinda sorta in the Raper Beast stage too...the finisher CG where he's grabbing himself through her butt.
Re: Fairy Fighting

All that logic would matter if he was trying to sell the game, but no, so he can do whatever the hell he wants. For all we know, he may be putting the things he likes in it. Personally I don't care how much scat guro and other shit he puts in, as long as I have my fallen fairy intact :3

I mean ultimately, yeah, since he isn't selling the game, he can put whatever he wants in it. Still, assuming he wants people to like the thing he's made, he could do without the doo doo.
Re: Fairy Fighting

I mean ultimately, yeah, since he isn't selling the game, he can put whatever he wants in it. Still, assuming he wants people to like the thing he's made, he could do without the doo doo.

It's got the 'doo doo' though....and it's probably one of the most popular h-games out there. There is a reason this thread has 524 pages and counting.
Re: Fairy Fighting

It's got the 'doo doo' though....and it's probably one of the most popular h-games out there. There is a reason this thread has 524 pages and counting.

... So, as I was saying: it's possible Fairy Fighting could have been even more successful, had Eluku dialed back on the chocolate sauce.
Re: Fairy Fighting

this game taught me to like scat, but only in certain situations. I'm really not into poop porn, in fact, I'm not into poop porn at all. But I've found myself into pipelining and stuff like that since this game. I kinda like how he includes it. a lot of the creatures using her butt for food...idk. basically...I can handle that stuff, but I'm really glad he's keeping gore out of it. honestly, I don't enjoy the fairy crushers because of their background and some of the stuff they do.

Scat ain't common.

I think Fairy Fighting has far too much scat/piss as is. Almost literally every enemy does something that pulls dook out of you, or arbitrarily makes you pee. Several times throughout FF's development, I'd try a new enemy, and think to myself, "aw yeah, it's pumping cum into her ass... wait, what? It's pulling, not pushing. Oh god. The poop. It wants the poop." and the enemy would be ruined for me.

What attack are you talking about? I don't remember that.
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Re: Fairy Fighting

... So, as I was saying: it's possible Fairy Fighting could have been even more successful, had Eluku dialed back on the chocolate sauce.

Honestly I don't think most people even care that much about the poop. There was a bit of an outcry about it back in the day when he included a large amount of poop in the background of a stage(wanna say it was the slime or ana moguri stage) but pretty sure he removed that and it died away.

He might have lost a few dozen because of it...maybe...but he might have picked up a few because of it too.
Re: Fairy Fighting

Yeah and its probably because of that,that my favorite fights are Tiki vs Fallen Fairy and Tiki vs Tiki...

The myst sister were the most dissapointing fight for me(since I didnt really expected great thing for others at the very beginning,but just for that myst sister doing some lesbo-straight fight in place of bullying Tiki)

In some ways,that game is sometime more horryfing than Studio S...wich game are pretty hardcore...x)

So Actually,is fairy fighting done done?Or does eluku attend to works more on it even if he is also workin in a parallel game?(that one with that wolf girl where you have to farm her or something like that)
Re: Fairy Fighting

Yeah and its probably because of that,that my favorite fights are Tiki vs Fallen Fairy and Tiki vs Tiki...

The myst sister were the most dissapointing fight for me(since I didnt really expected great thing for others at the very beginning,but just for that myst sister doing some lesbo-straight fight in place of bullying Tiki)

In some ways,that game is sometime more horryfing than Studio S...wich game are pretty hardcore...x)

So Actually,is fairy fighting done done?Or does eluku attend to works more on it even if he is also workin in a parallel game?(that one with that wolf girl where you have to farm her or something like that)

The only thing I like about Mist Sisters was the SP move...that's it. This game is nowhere near as horrifying than Studio S games...those are brutal and involve hard core death and dismemberment. The hardest this game ever gets, other than the scat, is the "wooden" horse and nipple hook move. Other than that, it's penetration, inflation and soft vore.

From what I gather, he's putting the game on hold at least and working on something different. The game is pretty much done...he's covered every fetish there is pretty much. Missing some CGs and finisher animations but meh...I'd rather see a new game since we've been rolling on this one for like 3 years now.
Re: Fairy Fighting

I was in highschool when I first started following this game. I've since graduated and have now been in college for two years. way to go eluku ^^ (some scat is ok...mostly when it's used for eating both voluntarily and involuntarily...it's weird, but I like it...probably because of this game)
Re: Fairy Fighting

For some reason I feel like I don't know the game you guys are talking about. I for one have never noticed or even knew there were scat in this game. Can someone point me to a particular scene? Because I simply have no clue what you guys are talking about.

And also regarding Textbook's comments, it's great you shared what you think, but you shouldn't criticize the creator for making it the way HE wants it. Selling it or not, he does not give any fucks about you or anyone playing this game(me included) he's doing it for him, and our enjoyment is not his concern. So all this talk about how he should have done something is just plain insulting to anyone who wish to create something.

This is all I'm going to say on this topic, whether anyone replies to this or not I will refrain from further comments on this subject.

Also how do you guys think the story is going to end? Is it just me or is the final boss impossible to beat? He wont open his shell unless he hits me first, but the time it takes him to hit me he recovers 80% of the damage I can do in that time. So essentially he will take forever to kill. Anyone beat him yet?
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Re: Fairy Fighting

Seriously, like 5 characters must tongue her ass or suck her poop in some way, are you even paying attention
Re: Fairy Fighting

Drinking Worm is the most obvious with the scat it if you want an example.
Re: Fairy Fighting

I don't really count the ass licking as scat...that stuff doesn't really bother me. All personal preference I guess.
Re: Fairy Fighting

Personally, I don't like to ick other people's yum. There's plenty of fetish stuff I'm into that other people may not be. My liking it and their not liking it really have nothing to do with each other. Unless your objective is to hate on the things that other people like and you don't.

I can appreciate if you don't like the scat. I don't either, to be honest. But it's not cool to tell people that their fetish is somehow "bad" just because it's not yours. Or that their project would be "better" if it catered specifically/only to your fetishes. That's just kinda...masturbatory, not to put too fine a point on it. :p
Re: Fairy Fighting

It's just known as a pretty touchy fetish. Guro and Scat are like the two big turn offs for people. There's dislikes and likes with fetishes, but those two especially can destroy peoples opinion of a product more than about anything else from what I've seen.

Saying it may be more popular without it isn't really an odd statement to make. I think even Eluku understands that as he removed one of the big portions of where it occurred in game because people mentioned it bothering them. I think most people are intelligent enough to understand that their opinions on fetish materials are just that, opinions. No need to harp on others for being for them or against them.
Re: Fairy Fighting

For some reason I feel like I don't know the game you guys are talking about. I for one have never noticed or even knew there were scat in this game. Can someone point me to a particular scene? Because I simply have no clue what you guys are talking about.

And also regarding Textbook's comments, it's great you shared what you think, but you shouldn't criticize the creator for making it the way HE wants it. Selling it or not, he does not give any fucks about you or anyone playing this game(me included) he's doing it for him, and our enjoyment is not his concern. So all this talk about how he should have done something is just plain insulting to anyone who wish to create something.

This is all I'm going to say on this topic, whether anyone replies to this or not I will refrain from further comments on this subject.

Also how do you guys think the story is going to end? Is it just me or is the final boss impossible to beat? He wont open his shell unless he hits me first, but the time it takes him to hit me he recovers 80% of the damage I can do in that time. So essentially he will take forever to kill. Anyone beat him yet?

we're not talking about that jazzy nonsense singing...if that's what you thought...