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FGT Scat Loli Ryona Guro [Eluku] Fairy Fighting

Re: Fairy Fighting

For a partial translation of his blog:

He will probably work on the unfinished scenes (I guess those lacking CG) and do some tuning on skill damage & stuff next. He invites anyone who knows how to / is willing to make BGM for Fairy Fighting to contact him by mail. He also thinks that implementing a CG gallery would take him too much time, so don't bank on that :/

Starting from April, he plans to switch and work on his new game (the wolf-girl).

Oh wow, im looking forward to all of it :D
Re: Fairy Fighting

How do you beat the final boss. Every time his shell opens and I hit him his health bar just automatically regenerates.
Re: Fairy Fighting

How do you beat the final boss. Every time his shell opens and I hit him his health bar just automatically regenerates.

If you have the final version the boss shouldn't regenerate anymore (at least when I fought him he didn't).

The easiest way I found to defeat him is to simply go out of his attack range and get your SP up by using Strong kick + Strong punch (piss). Dodge his ground attack if necessary, but he very rarely did that move for me.

When you have max SP just go in range and spam light punch to do the "fairy wind" special or whatever. I'm not sure if that's a bug or simply invulnerability frames, but when I do that the boss seems to be unable to catch me with his regular attacks. Just make sure to dodge his ultimate which will one shot you without any chance of escape, but it's a fairly slow move so it shouldn't be too difficult.

Rinse and repeat until he dies. I did that even when his defenses were up since it still deals a fair amount of damage, and I couldn't figure out how to make him open.

EDIT: By the way, we can change the title tag to [FULL GAME] now!
Re: Fairy Fighting

The ending made me kinda sad, that's a first for a hentai-game, haha. But the overall journey with this game has been a grand one. Definitely one of the best H-games out there.
Re: Fairy Fighting

The ending made me kinda sad, that's a first for a hentai-game, haha. But the overall journey with this game has been a grand one. Definitely one of the best H-games out there.

Agree with you dude!! It is certainly my fave H-game of all time!!
Re: Fairy Fighting

Rinse and repeat until he dies. I did that even when his defenses were up since it still deals a fair amount of damage, and I couldn't figure out how to make him open.

The bulb only opens up after you get caught by the rape that drops you into it. Sure, he'll regain some health from the rape itself, but you can do more than enough damage to it in return once you manage to escape the rape and start doing damage to him.

I think there's another condition to it opening up since I've actually seen it do so without getting caught by the rape, but I'm not sure how.
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Re: Fairy Fighting

I think there's another condition to it opening up since I've actually seen it do so without getting caught by the rape, but I'm not sure how.

It's the one where an enemy descends from the ceiling.
Not sure about the ground enemy. I've always avoided that.
Re: Fairy Fighting

Not sure about the ground enemy. I've always avoided that.

Too dangerous to get caught by that thing anyway, seeing as if the corrupted fairy catches you it's an insta-gameover.
Re: Fairy Fighting

I remember when you had to fight all 5 Ana Moguri at the same time. It was a good challenge and it was easier to get the ending with all 5 of them in you.

Now you have to risk killing one of them in order to get the rest to spawn.
What the hell
Re: Fairy Fighting

Its funny that i simply hit that bulb till it dies. The damage taken is halved a lot, but i was too lazy to simply get caught by him and watch his HP regenerates. I simply avoided all hits and punched it to death with that shit closed anyway.
Re: Fairy Fighting

Its funny that i simply hit that bulb till it dies. The damage taken is halved a lot, but i was too lazy to simply get caught by him and watch his HP regenerates. I simply avoided all hits and punched it to death with that shit closed anyway.

Easiest way is to let it do the close grapple where it puts you into the bulb. That way, it stays open nearly the full duration once you escape. Just pound it and then pull back to the back wall and get your health back. Rinse, repeat.
Re: Fairy Fighting

Another update... looks like he just did a little tweak to the ending.

Hard to believe this thing is just two updates away from being finished!
Re: Fairy Fighting

I just hope if he does DLSite he's rewarded accordingly
Re: Fairy Fighting

Easiest way is to let it do the close grapple where it puts you into the bulb. That way, it stays open nearly the full duration once you escape. Just pound it and then pull back to the back wall and get your health back. Rinse, repeat.

Yet, i tryed that. But after i saw that regeneration being so huge, i simply said "fuck that" and started hiting it till it dies. Thats how persistent i am. lol
Re: Fairy Fighting

In any case, it has been 4 years and more than 535 pages of post.

There may have been disappointements (like when the robot enemy got ditched for the sisters) and you may not like everything in this game, but to date it is one of those I still enjoy playing the most :)

I'm not really into gore, but I'll still pop my head on Eluku's blog here and then to follow his new game.
Re: Fairy Fighting

So new update on his blog, can't get trough the auto trans but he mentions the ending, has it changed somehow or a extra/new one ?
Re: Fairy Fighting

· Adjust the degree of accumulation of SP gauge extra-enemy monster whole secret element to ENDING
I added a secret element to the ENDING.
(Hint: it is committed to actively and shiny gauge)

He mentions the special gauge...so I'm guessing if you either have full or empty SP gauge, you get that extra enemy?
Re: Fairy Fighting

Re: Fairy Fighting

Any idea how you did that ? i just get the bad one :/
Re: Fairy Fighting

To get good ending you need too make key gauge start flashing by getting caught by grapple attacks after you fill it (it can take few attack to do that). That what i found about this update.