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[English RPG game] New paths [0.0.7][06.12.2016][PATREON ONLY]

Re: [English RPG game] New paths [0.0.5][05.10.2016][PATREON ONLY]

The game requires a lot more resources then a normal rpg maker mv game. Since all of the stat and other information running in the background. If your computer can’t run the 0.04 version its nothing that I can do or with it. I’m sorry.

Thanks for the answer.
If it works for you, that's perfect, i won't waste my time nor yours but you should consider improving your skills with the tools your playing with if you want to go through with this game, free advice.
Re: [English RPG game] New paths [0.0.5][05.10.2016][PATREON ONLY]

I stand by everything I said plus I'll add some more. Your reply told me quite a bit more about you.

so I will clear some things up. I do have a background in programming mainly using C++ and Python and I do develop games as a hobbyist(using libraries and using engines). I have not used RPG maker engines since I was around 14. Now you know a little bit about me and where I am coming from.

Now I'm just going to put it up in simple bullets why people should avoid you and your patreon until you get your shit together.

  • You admit to being inexperienced. This isn't as big a deal as most would think, but the main issue is you appear to have done the absolute bare minimum to get started on developing this "game" and you're not even doing it properly.

  • The way you spoke, you made it seem like you're unwilling to even learn whatever scripting language rpg maker comes paired with. I'm pretty sure it's Ruby or Javascript, both should be relatively easy to learn.

  • You are incapable of solving bugs in your game that have been brought to your attention in the previous iterations of your game. (This is a big red flag)

  • You use grinding as a time sink to create the illusion of a lengthy game. Which is probably why you have done so little testing.

  • You expect people to pay you then test your game and report bugs to you. That's just fucking ridiculous, if you were offering the game for free, fine let people test the game and hopefully some kind players will give you feedback, but no you have a paywall behind the latest iteration of your game. Take that money people pay you on patreon and put into hiring some testers or...I don't know maybe test it THOROUGHLY YOURSELF. (A few hours does not constitute as thoroughly)

  • Rather than listen when people tell you you are doing something wrong you persist with your half-assed excuses about everything that goes on in the background. Whatever you are doing in the background doesn't require that much RAM it's called memory management you have to acquire and RELEASE resources as you use them. Most if not all engines provide a very easy way for you to do this because IT IS A BIG DEAL, the fact that you don't know this tells me you haven't taken the time out to learn how to use your engine/tools properly (RPG Maker MV). To add icing to the cake you have the audacity to tell people they don't know what they are talking about when you even admit to being inexperienced.

So to sum it all up, Drunkenescafe, I believe you are a scammer. I believe this project will never be completed due to you being ridiculously stubborn, incompetent, and lazy(evident through all the excuses you make).
There are plenty other developers who put out respectable work even while being inexperienced, you are not one of them.

I am leaving this reply as a warning to everyone who is or thinking about supporting you on patreon. Whether they stay or not is their business, but I'll share my views for them.

And that’s your opinion. Have a nice weekend :)
Re: [English RPG game] New paths [0.0.5][05.10.2016][PATREON ONLY]

That's right, It's my opinion based off of facts provided by you.

Not only yours, trust me.

8GB DDR4 2133MHz
Apparently this isn't enough to keep this game from random, few seconds freezings or playing normally. Sorry, but I am calling bs on this one.

I took a peek inside plugins folder. Apparently game needs 5MB of plugins which most of look like gimmicks "just because they look cool" collected from many script makers for MV.
I am not saying that using free plugins is a bad thing, I am saying that they don't need to work well with each other.

At this point whole game needs a lot of work in that part. Maybe design part too, as it's just frustrating to navigate this first maze-village.
Javascript isn't hard to learn (mv uses js instead of ruby like previous rpg makers if someone wants to know), pretty much all there is to it.

Personally, until it's playable again I don't think I will be interested.

You may not be aware, but this is exactly what we call "acting like a victim"

I won't go as far and say that you are a fraud or scammer, but I do get a feeling that you should get off your high horse, cool down a little and face facts.
Just a friendly advice, you don't have to agree with it or take it.
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Re: [English RPG game] New paths [0.0.5][05.10.2016][PATREON ONLY]

Unfortunately, he's not solely to blame. I've had a lot of bad experiences running RPGMV games in general. And my system has zero problems with any other version of RPGM. Or games with a decent engine in general (aside from Frostbite 3, such as DA:I and the upcoming ME:A) but that's silly high level stuff, considering this is my current rig:

Core i5-3570 @ 3.4Ghz
16GB DDR3-1333
Nvidia GTX660 3GB OC

So I should have no problem with RPGMaker. And yet, MV is the only one causing issues and as I said earlier, it's not just him or the MV engine.
Re: [English RPG game] New paths [0.0.5][05.10.2016][PATREON ONLY]

Unfortunately, he's not solely to blame. I've had a lot of bad experiences running RPGMV games in general. And my system has zero problems with any other version of RPGM. Or games with a decent engine in general (aside from Frostbite 3, such as DA:I and the upcoming ME:A) but that's silly high level stuff, considering this is my current rig:

Core i5-3570 @ 3.4Ghz
16GB DDR3-1333
Nvidia GTX660 3GB OC

So I should have no problem with RPGMaker. And yet, MV is the only one causing issues and as I said earlier, it's not just him or the MV engine.

Pure rpgmmv didn't make any problems for me, so far.
From what I see, it starts with plugins and I do see similar set of those in mv games. I would start there honestly.
Re: [English RPG game] New paths [0.0.5][05.10.2016][PATREON ONLY]

As others have said before me, this game is too resource intensive. I don't even mind grindy games, but when the game piles lag, non-responsiveness and errors on top of that, I find it difficult to play.

I wouldn't have bothered to reply just to say that. The game does have some nice features, and I hope at some point in the future the game mechanics will be improved. In that regard I thought I'd at least help with the jogging bug.

The beginning game failure of width=null or whatever it says isn't an "amount of RAM" issue. Most likely it's a timing issue (the other option is that there's actually a missing image file or a typo/bad line of code). The problem is, the game is trying to make use of an image that hasn't been loaded or rendered yet.

The below isn't the best of fixes, but the game is too much a resource hog and I don't have the proper tools and time to spend making an elegant fix. Never the less, here is a hack fix (edits in RED; 2 new lines of code).

file: rpg_core.js
location: ./www/js/
method: _onBitmapLoad
line: 3635 (or there abouts I believe)

Sprite.prototype._onBitmapLoad = function() {
if (this._frame.width === 0 && this._frame.height === 0) {
if(!(this._bitmap===null)) {
this._frame.width = this._bitmap.width;
this._frame.height = this._bitmap.height;

It may cause a player to miss out on seeing an image, but that is far better than the current state of the game locking up.
Re: [English RPG game] New paths [0.0.5][05.10.2016][PATREON ONLY]

As others have said before me, this game is too resource intensive. I don't even mind grindy games, but when the game piles lag, non-responsiveness and errors on top of that, I find it difficult to play.

I wouldn't have bothered to reply just to say that. The game does have some nice features, and I hope at some point in the future the game mechanics will be improved. In that regard I thought I'd at least help with the jogging bug.

The beginning game failure of width=null or whatever it says isn't an "amount of RAM" issue. Most likely it's a timing issue (the other option is that there's actually a missing image file or a typo/bad line of code). The problem is, the game is trying to make use of an image that hasn't been loaded or rendered yet.

The below isn't the best of fixes, but the game is too much a resource hog and I don't have the proper tools and time to spend making an elegant fix. Never the less, here is a hack fix (edits in RED; 2 new lines of code).

file: rpg_core.js
location: ./www/js/
method: _onBitmapLoad
line: 3635 (or there abouts I believe)

Sprite.prototype._onBitmapLoad = function() {
if (this._frame.width === 0 && this._frame.height === 0) {
if(!(this._bitmap===null)) {
this._frame.width = this._bitmap.width;
this._frame.height = this._bitmap.height;

It may cause a player to miss out on seeing an image, but that is far better than the current state of the game locking up.

Thanks for the fix. You have no idea how long I have been looking for this fix :D
Re: [English RPG game] New paths [0.0.5][05.10.2016][PATREON ONLY]

Ya, i hate to say it but this game is pretty grindy. Id prefer if you could corrupt her quicker but that's my preference. If someone could supply me with the save file for this, that would be very helpful.
Re: [English RPG game] New paths [0.0.5][05.10.2016][PATREON ONLY]

Me and a friend have now use this evening to bug test my game. We have used 3 different computers with different support from ADM (cpu to gpu) we have allow gotten info about other computers that lag with my game.

This is what we have found out.
Basically this is how rpg maker mv works. When you play a game. The “game.exe” file write information to the HD average (0.2mb/s hard drive) that then again is loaded to the GPU true WebGL (make a note of this). My main computer is a core I7 32 GB ram NVidia 970 gtx card. Had an average cpu and gpu on under 1%

My Friends computer is core I7-6560U 16 GB ram Iris HD 540 (4k screen) had an average cpu load 50-60. And GPU 20 %

We started to turn off plugins and start the game up again with no difference in cpu or GPU. We then made a new project. With used one actor and a basic green map. Then the cpu load as only at 30 % with my friend’s computer. And this with a basic/striped version of a game. We then started to get information from other people that had a high cpu usage from rpg maker games. And we started to see a pattern.

People with a 4k screen that had it native got a higher load on CPU in rpg maker games. If they turn the screen down to 1080P it got way better.

People with laptops that had a good CPU with integrated GPU got a weary high CPU load when playing rpg makers games. This is something we see with AMD GPU cards.

We found more information of different forum:

Original post:
HYPERLINK "http://forums.rpgmakerweb.com/index.php?/topic/46846-rpg-maker-mv-lag-solution/&page=1"& HYPERLINK "http://forums.rpgmakerweb.com/index.php?/topic/46846-rpg-maker-mv-lag-solution/&page=1"page=1

Basically, the rpg maker mv is poorly as best optimalts to different system. And if the game has much information (parallel events, etc. etc.) this will kill your cpu. And the game will laggy even if you got a high-end computer. And this is easy to find with AMD cards. And some card have a blacklist form different GPU.
Re: [English RPG game] New paths [0.0.5][05.10.2016][PATREON ONLY]

Me and a friend have now use this evening to bug test my game. We have used 3 different computers with different support from ADM (cpu to gpu) we have allow gotten info about other computers that lag with my game.

This is what we have found out.
Basically this is how rpg maker mv works. When you play a game. The “game.exe” file write information to the HD average (0.2mb/s hard drive) that then again is loaded to the GPU true WebGL (make a note of this). My main computer is a core I7 32 GB ram NVidia 970 gtx card. Had an average cpu and gpu on under 1%

My Friends computer is core I7-6560U 16 GB ram Iris HD 540 (4k screen) had an average cpu load 50-60. And GPU 20 %

We started to turn off plugins and start the game up again with no difference in cpu or GPU. We then made a new project. With used one actor and a basic green map. Then the cpu load as only at 30 % with my friend’s computer. And this with a basic/striped version of a game. We then started to get information from other people that had a high cpu usage from rpg maker games. And we started to see a pattern.

People with a 4k screen that had it native got a higher load on CPU in rpg maker games. If they turn the screen down to 1080P it got way better.

People with laptops that had a good CPU with integrated GPU got a weary high CPU load when playing rpg makers games. This is something we see with AMD GPU cards.

We found more information of different forum:

Original post:
HYPERLINK "http://forums.rpgmakerweb.com/index.php?/topic/46846-rpg-maker-mv-lag-solution/&page=1"& HYPERLINK "http://forums.rpgmakerweb.com/index.php?/topic/46846-rpg-maker-mv-lag-solution/&page=1"page=1

Basically, the rpg maker mv is poorly as best optimalts to different system. And if the game has much information (parallel events, etc. etc.) this will kill your cpu. And the game will laggy even if you got a high-end computer. And this is easy to find with AMD cards. And some card have a blacklist form different GPU.

Claire's Quest - No problems
Milfs Villa - 2 crashes, other than that, no problems.
Road Trip - no problems.

And those are just 3 examples of rmmv.
Fast question, did you update your rmmv to 1.3.3 and project or did you just update rmmv? Because updating software won't update your project.

Please, don't be that dev and stop blaming your tools and other people's tools. Eating resources like crazy aren't only problems people have with your title, there are things like artificial stretching to make game longer/grinder or this whole real time clock.
Of course there will be cases where someone's PC is too old or their drivers not being updated. But it can't be every case.

I can venture on the web and copy paste all problems people did have or stuff they found bothersome and those are similar (outside of 8ch case, that one is special :p).

If you feel like being attacked here, you aren't. Looking at your previous reaction to simple post, going as far to explain yourself in front of everyone it makes me feel like stating such thing. And in my retarded country there is a saying: "Only guilty people tell excuses", which means that innocents only prove their innocence or wait for truth to come out. Bashing it out like that to me, looked like an act of panic. A reason for it? Maybe you are hiding something or maybe you just felt unjustifiably threatened. I will not be a judge which one and just leave it as "maybe this, maybe that".

I am saying that whole game is build on shaky fundamentals and more stuff you will keep adding, more unstable it will be. Until it all falls apart.
Being in your place I would really consider everything from development side before moving forward. Especially since you said it yourself, that you aren't experienced.

Yoshiiki out.
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Re: [English RPG game] New paths [0.0.5][05.10.2016][PATREON ONLY]

I haven't checked this for awhile (waiting for it to be in a better state), not really sure how bad the lag is.

But the game IS getting regular updates, you can check on patreon and see that he is one of those who keep ppl informed about the game status. More and more contents are being added to the game and the CGs are getting better. You can try 0.0.5 for free before you pledge.

If a game that gets regular updates, a free previous version of the game for trial and is still called a scam then I don't understand ppl in this forum anymore.

On the other hand, devs blaming RPG Maker MV for poor performance of the game cannot be accepted. Noone force the devs to use MV. MV had a bad name since it was released. When the devs pick MV as the engine, they know what risks they were running into by using it. Which is why the devs are FULLY RESPONSIBLE for those performance issues because the devs know what could happen and now they are happening.
Re: [English RPG game] New paths [0.0.5][05.10.2016][PATREON ONLY]

But the game IS getting regular updates, you can check on patreon and see that he is one of those who keep ppl informed about the game status. More and more contents are being added to the game and the CGs are getting better. You can try 0.0.5 for free before you pledge.
This is why I said that solid fundamentals are necessary. Adding more floors on shaky one will not end well.

If a game that gets regular updates, a free previous version of the game for trial and is still called a scam then I don't understand ppl in this forum anymore.
I also don't think he is a scam, but there are things that he just won't acknowledge.

On the other hand, devs blaming RPG Maker MV for poor performance of the game cannot be accepted. Noone force the devs to use MV. MV had a bad name since it was released. When the devs pick MV as the engine, they know what risks they were running into by using it. Which is why the devs are FULLY RESPONSIBLE for those performance issues because the devs know what could happen and now they are happening.
This is one of those things.
And rmmv is still getting updates, last one was October 2016, 21st.
It's clearly stated in those updates, that updating rmmv won't update the game (there is manual work to be done, I won't explain why, it has been explained already).

People on this and other forums aren't developing this, aren't charging money for this. They can point out errors, play-test it if they want to. Even post fixes, but it's not their job that they are responsible for.

Before I go, as I stated before.
Drunknescafe, please, take a deep breath and cool down. Being so hot headed won't do you any good. You could do much more and repair a lot of your image just by simply listening and accepting some facts.

You spammed this message in there, here, on your patreon, on loverslab...
Saying something 1000 times won't make it true.

I will just add fragment of post that was a response to your thread on rpg maker forum (link above):
(...) Finally, how well you design your own game does matter. If your events kr plugins are designed poorly they can impact performance, sometimes in a very significant way. You also need to consider than certain things you want to do might be too complicated.
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Re: [English RPG game] New paths [0.0.5][05.10.2016][PATREON ONLY]

refering to a cg you show on patreon

At first glance I felt there's something wrong about the skin so I open the pic in a new tab. Then I notice there are so many small circles on the skin... Are they suppose to be water drop or something? Right now the small circles look like they are scales on the skin on close up...
All the other cg look alot better than a few months ago and I really like her new hair!!
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Re: [English RPG game] New paths [0.0.5][05.10.2016][PATREON ONLY]

FWIW, I'm not having problems with lag or freezing/crashing. Haven't really had that happen to me while using MV for any game, tbh.

Computer specs are:
i5 3570K CPU
27' IPS (2560x1440) Acer monitor

So nothing special in terms of my setup, but it's going fine for me so far. Not accusing anyone of lying nor am I trying to defend the dev. Just stating my experience. However, my more pressing concerns regarding I've already listed and would like addressed, and it seems quite a few people have them too.
Re: [English RPG game] New paths [0.0.5][05.10.2016][PATREON ONLY]

just tried the 0.0.5h public demo..

got the image error when she go jogging with her brother, fixed with
asquire's code (im surprised its still not fixed in the demo)

Then when I tried to leave town at around 6pm or 7pm, i'm stuck with a black screen. The game is not frozen because after some face roll on my keyboard I'm back to the main menu. Not sure if this bug is related to shift button being pressed by me all the time...

I guess people who say this game runs smoothly probably are playing on the paid version which have everything solved. For me after restarting due to error/black screen 3 times within the first 15 minutes of gameplay on the demo (and I always forget to save so i've been repeating the same shit for 15min :( ). I just can't say this game "works fine" lol.

The performance alone is ok, the game could spike alittle when it loads a CG but it does not happen often. And I usually have youtubes and other applications running anyway...

I think this game has potential, I will just stop playing and try it again when it is better polished.
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Re: [English RPG game] New paths [0.0.5][05.10.2016][PATREON ONLY]

I guess people who say this game runs smoothly probably are playing on the paid version which have everything solved. For me after restarting due to error/black screen 3 times within the first 15 minutes of gameplay on the demo (and I always forget to save so i've been repeating the same shit for 15min :( ). I just can't say this game "works fine" lol.

From what I see, this is pretty much newest version.
I don't know how many times this needs to be repeated.
Dev knows very little about javascript and rpgmmv (and software developing in general), link I provided earlier to rpg maker forums shows exactly that. Sadly, without that knowledge, repairs and optimization are far from reality... and even if, that still leaves the case of design itself.
I hope that drunknescafe will focus on improving his skills (both code and design wise) and properly repairing his game.

He still didn't gave his response, I would just wait for that and see.

Jeez... I spent too much time on this whole topic, back to work xD
Re: [English RPG game] New paths [0.0.5][05.10.2016][PATREON ONLY]

Heck, he could migrate to another platform and his patrons wouldn't mind so long as the game is stable, runs fine and as bug-free as is reasonable.
I'm thinking either Unity or Unreal (would require learning how to use them, the one drawback) might be a better fit for what seems like an ambitious project. Don't get me wrong - there is the potential for this to be a damn good game at the end of days but at the moment it's a little hard to see.

DrunkNescafe, there's always a more elegant solution when it comes to coding plugins. Heck, I've taken a look at how some people worked animations into VXAce games and it's ugly, but it works (call image, wait, clear, call next image and so on).

To put a chocolate wrapper on this, I want your game to work out. It's early days as noted by the version number - not even 0.1 yet - but the early days are made for fixing prevailing bugs and adding content then fixing bugs with that. It's a very labour-intensive process but adding more content will not fix a game. A lot of people would just want you to fix it before you add anything more. You mightn't know how just yet but there are people willing to help. Ask around, but don't be overly reliant on others fixing your problems for you. Personally, I think it's just a case of you need more time to familiarise yourself better with MV so you might figure out what's going wrong.

But this is my main thing here:
What I'd like to know is what special features MV has over VXAce so as to make this game work only on MV.
Re: [English RPG game] New paths [0.0.5][05.10.2016][PATREON ONLY]

Heck, he could migrate to another platform and his patrons wouldn't mind so long as the game is stable, runs fine and as bug-free as is reasonable.
I'm thinking either Unity or Unreal (would require learning how to use them, the one drawback) might be a better fit for what seems like an ambitious project. Don't get me wrong - there is the potential for this to be a damn good game at the end of days but at the moment it's a little hard to see.

DrunkNescafe, there's always a more elegant solution when it comes to coding plugins. Heck, I've taken a look at how some people worked animations into VXAce games and it's ugly, but it works (call image, wait, clear, call next image and so on).

To put a chocolate wrapper on this, I want your game to work out. It's early days as noted by the version number - not even 0.1 yet - but the early days are made for fixing prevailing bugs and adding content then fixing bugs with that. It's a very labour-intensive process but adding more content will not fix a game. A lot of people would just want you to fix it before you add anything more. You mightn't know how just yet but there are people willing to help. Ask around, but don't be overly reliant on others fixing your problems for you. Personally, I think it's just a case of you need more time to familiarise yourself better with MV so you might figure out what's going wrong.

But this is my main thing here:
What I'd like to know is what special features MV has over VXAce so as to make this game work only on MV.

Unity? Well, that means javascript or c# (I know I am missing one :p)... Either way it means learning one of those. Pretty much gets back to starting point.

This game would work on VXAce with almost same features. I guess it's all about resolution, considering the game goes full screen size (dunno why, I am not a fan). There are also other features of mv but I think mentioned resolution is main one.

In the end it's all the same, you need to know how to use your tools (and yes, knowledge is also a tool). This applies to every work.
Re: [English RPG game] New paths [0.0.5][05.10.2016][PATREON ONLY]

Unity? Well, that means javascript or c# (I know I am missing one :p)... Either way it means learning one of those. Pretty much gets back to starting point.

This game would work on VXAce with almost same features. I guess it's all about resolution, considering the game goes full screen size (dunno why, I am not a fan). There are also other features of mv but I think mentioned resolution is main one.

In the end it's all the same, you need to know how to use your tools (and yes, knowledge is also a tool). This applies to every work.
I know all this already. As for Unity, the main bulk of it seems to be C# with support for JS. I think Unreal is mostly C++.

But this is neither here nor there. I just wanted to throw out a couple of options he might consider.