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Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

"Put it over the fire to burn off the extra," Syja advised. "Now, you come back, you hear? I better not have just given this all away to a Fire Cavern spy or I will find you, and tan your hide," she looked as though she were joking, even if the words held some malice!
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

He did as she told -- and then held up his hands at the accusation, grinning. "I promise! I'm good! I like my hide intact, thank you," was his laughing assurance. "But really, thank you. This's been incredibly helpful. I'll have to do something nice for you sometime." Was he perhaps flirting?

But he didn't stick around to see it through, definitely feeling as if he needed to get out on business! Waving the pair who had been so helpful goodbye, he headed off -- towards where he remembered the exit of the cavern to be, and from there he'd follow the directions to the Fire cavern.
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

Syja told him, "I'll count on it," before Enhuvin took his leave. Wandering out of the night-lit Air Cavern, he found himself in the main passageway, this time much less populated than during the day. Even the lights out here were dimmed, but not to such great effect as in the cavern he'd just left. Out here, the cavernous spaces were never the less caverns, every surface hewn of solid rock.

Just before he'd left the Air Cavern, the man had heard something akin to buzzing, like a bug... however, it had retreated rather quickly. It was easy enough to discount the noise as something native to the cavern, for whatever reason.

Here it was again, though, a heavy buzzing noise not unlike a huge insect. It brushed by overhead, that noise, and then retreated high up to the ceiling, where the lights didn't quite reach.
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

On his way to the Fire Cavern, with the instructions left him by Syja, he paused, frowning, and looked about in an effort to spot whatever was making that noise. Bugs, in here? It wasn't entirely unlikely, he supposed, but... it seemed strange in the context of the place! More likely daemons, he supposed, flying ones of some variety, or maybe imported wildlife from the outside. That, at least, would be in keeping with the Air Cavern's look!
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

When Enhuvin looked up, he at first couldn't spot anything... though a glint of light caught the edge of something shiny and, as he strained to look harder, he caught sight of the silhouette of a child.

No, maybe not a child. The figure was clinging to cracks in the rock and staring back down at him, her wings spread and her darkish hair falling away from her face, pulled by gravity. Enhuvin only really got one good glance before she launched herself from the ceiling, however, for the creature dived at his face, buzzing loud enough to sound like a house was caving in!
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

He couldn't help it -- he yelped, blocking his face with his hands. It had to be some strange hybrid, but he didn't have time to think any further than that, given that he was trying to prevent it from attacking his face!
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

Whatever she was, the winged creature raked the top of his head, grabbing fistfuls of hair and tugging before pulling upward again and making another pass! This time she dove low, making as if to trip the young man up regardless of the risk involved. Alone in the passageway for now, he didn't have much backup against this strange attack!
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

With no idea what was going on except that he was getting attacked, apparently unprovoked, by some strange winged child-creature, he swatted at her as she went by the first time -- the second, her diving low, made him do his best to dance out of the way. "What the hell?!" he barked at it, more out of frustration than any expectation for it to answer or understand -- though if he had thought about it, she was probably sentient.
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

As Enhuvin danced out of the way, the winged woman blurred around in front of him and shoved, using the force of her trajectory to aid her in getting him off balance. Despite her slight stature, she seemed to have a lot of strength!

Enhuvin windmilled backward and wound up on his behind, at which point, the creature dove to land on his chest, tiny hands balling into fists in the fabric of his shirt. She grinned demonically up at Enhuvin, climbing forward with her wings still twitching in that dreadful buzz, body quite naked in its own right. Trying to bat her away did no good -- the creature clung with all her might and scampered like a bug that knew business! Reaching his ear, the humanoid daemon... hybrid... whatever she was, let out a long and unabashedly theatrical moan for only Enhuvin to hear, before gathering his earlobe in her mouth and biting it rather hard.

Before he could grab her, the creature attempted to flit away... but to no avail. The human was just fast enough to snatch her about the hips, below where her large, frilly wings attached to her back. The daemon-human woman shrieked and struggled, wings buffeting him as her nails raked tiny tracks against his hands. "Let me go!" she barked, voice tiny but no less rage-filled!
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

"No!" he told her, holding firm despite her vigorous struggles and the buffeting wings that confused the air around them. In the time that struggle had taken, he had gone from thinking that this little creature was trying to, goddes knows, kill him or eat him or something, to suspecting that her goals were -- well, weirder but more benign, and definitely in keeping with the Burrows usual standard. "What, who, are you? And what are you trying to do??"
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

Stubbornly refusing to answer his questions, the miniature woman continued to struggle for a few moments longer, before going still. She was tense from top to toe, no doubt, but she didn't try to escape. She had wrapped her hands around his fingers, glaring angrily up at him as if by doing so, she could turn him into solid rock.
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

He glared right back, giving as good as he got there, and moved to sit up carefully, though his primary goal was to keep a firm grip on her! "I'm not even thinking about letting go until you answer," he told her!
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

The small woman instead took a moment to spit on the man who held her, kicking his forearm. "I was hunting you," she finally told him, haughty. "I don't talk to quarry." Now she crossed her arms over her bare chest, concealing her tiny breasts as she continued to glare up at him.
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

"Eugh!" He did his best to wipe that spittle away on his sleeve, turning his head to do so without letting her go. "Oh and what, you're going to catch me and eat me?" he shot back, clearly skeptical.
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

"Hmph!" The little woman glowered hotly at him. "Fuck you, you stupid big monkey." The way she said it sounded more like a correction than a curse!

She began to wriggle again, trying to startle her way out of his grasp!
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

That almost worked, as he processed what she'd just said. "Ohh," he exclaimed -- and then had to tighten his grip on her, just in time! "Ahhh. I see." Now he was grinning, in a less friendly manner than his usual -- she had, after all, kicked him and spit on him -- he wasn't feeling friendly. "You're tiny, how much of that could you even do?"
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

"Let me go and find out," she suggested, not kindly. "Serve you right for squeezing the guts out of me!"
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

"Hey! Serves you right for spitting on me," he countered, maybe childishly, and was hesitant to let her go. "As long as you're not just going to launch at my face again," he warned, his grip on her loosening.
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

The faerie-like woman didn't bother to reply, though the moment he loosened up on her, she buzzed up and out of his hands, shooting all the way up to the ceiling and clinging there for a moment to regard him with rage and disdain... as well as some potently strong lust.

Letting go of her perch as she tucked her hair behind her ears, she fluttered back down and landed on his lap before he could stand up again, her little feet jabbing into his thighs to absorb her impact. Tromping around -- if he let her, of course -- for a moment, the woman grabbed at the hem of his pants after casting him a look that was less indignant rage, and more needy heat. Swinging around so that her behind butted back into his stomach, she proceeded to work the pants button free from its buttonhole, pressing the flap open and greedily pressing onward past his thatch of pubic hair. She wasn't completely happy that she had to negotiate with the man in order to get this far, but the fact that she was actually (somewhat literally) getting into a man's pants for the first time after long observation of humans in general was too much to pass up!
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

The whole situation, to Enhuvin, was... well, it was funny, strange-funny and ha-ha funny. But she had some mass to her at least, and he didn't want to rile her ire once more lest she decide to dive at his face again! He had been about to stand up again when she landed on him, and so he stayed down... grinning, as she went to work on him.

He watched her -- felt her too, as she butted up against him. How strange! But she was a well-proportioned woman, even if in a smaller size than usual, and she was naked and he could tell she was horny.... with an inward shrug, he brought his hands up and ran them over her sides, experimentally, wondering at the smallness of her. "Mmm," he murmured as she undid his pants and dove right in there.
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