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Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

The daemon-hybrid froze as Enhuvin laid his hands on her, thinking for a second that he was going to pick her up again (and who knew what after that!) It felt good, though, so while she had just about launched into another attack, she instead allowed him to continue (for now) as her questing hands quickly found his penis.

She gave a groan of her own, pleased but still quite worked up with predatory lust. Flattening her wings out behind her, inadvertently brushing either along Enhuvin's sides, she wriggled further into his pants until she was pressed up against the further end of his shaft, lapping happily as she went. She didn't really care if he was partially flaccid or even uninterested in her. She had a rather high opinion about herself and she planned on working him up one way or another.

Enhuvin's Pleasure: 4/18
Alela's Pleasure: 7/24
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

He was flaccid, at first, but when she grabbed on and started licking, he groaned, a quick little noise, but a herald of arousal nonetheless. He began to harden under her very eager attentions. In turn, he ran his hands over her again, one coming up so that his fingers played with one tiny breast, the other stroking down the side of her body, from her hip down her leg and back up again, just kind of getting to know the terrain.

Ironic, though, that he should go looking for sex to help with his quest, and he'd find maybe the one female in the whole Burrows who he had absolutely no chance of impregnating. She was far too small.


He grinned, thinking, goaded on by the easygoing lust that she was inspiring in him. His hand came to a rest on her hip -- around, really, his grasp spanned from her ass around to her mons -- and he very gently squeezed, just to get her attention. "You want this, don't you?" he purred, sounding lusty and amused. "You're just wanting it so bad." He figured he had a bargaining chip in that!
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

The woman's body went rigid again as he grabbed her about the waist and squeezed her. Pausing in her attention to his member, though she hadn't freed her arms from the awkward embrace that she was giving it, she twitched her wings just slightly and arched her back in reply. Now her hips weren't so much pressed against him as they were raised in the air. He had a pretty good view of her ass and labia from here, and she definitely looked a little slick!

Really, his words had half helped with that. As awkward as rummaging around in his pants was, the hybrid woman liked wrapping around the man's cock, her knees supporting her on her thighs as she got to feel and taste him. This was as much a tease for herself as it was for him.

Enhuvin's Pleasure: 4/18
Alela's Pleasure: 10/24
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

He grinned and regarded the lovely sight of her ready-and-waiting cunt. He'd known it.

"Listen up," he purred, the hand that he had around her moving again, so that he rested a finger against her cunt lightly. "I'll help you out here -- if you'll do something for me." He was feeling devilishly adventurous, and stroked her tiny labia. "I'll help you out here if you agree to, when I let you know that I'm about to come, you park this pretty little thing right where it counts. Hmmm?"
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

The daemon-hybrid listened, though Enhuvin's voice was slightly muffled by the layer of fabric in her way. She only thought about it for a minute before she backed up against him, both agreeing enthusiastically and crawling out of his pants. Casting a look over her shoulders, she told him, "pull your pants down and you have a deal." Her expression had certainly changed, now that she was more focused on the lustful side of things! The thickness of his finger might be a little too much for her to handle easily, but she was horny enough that she was willing to try... she hadn't expected him to play along so nicely, and she was taking the novelty very well!

Enhuvin's Pleasure: 4/18
Alela's Pleasure: 10/24
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

He chuckled and went to oblige, taking his hands from her and doing some interesting wriggling to get out of his pants and put them to one side. Strange as this was, now, being naked from the waist-down in the main corridor of the Burrows... he imagined stranger things had been seen here.

Re-settling, he leaned against the wall to his back and drew his legs out in front of him. His cock was hard; not the hardest it had ever been, but he was definitely interested. He curled his hands around her again, one once again moving to her chest to play with the novelty of her tiny, full breasts. The other moved to press a finger against her sopping cunt, perhaps too large to work in just now, but she might be able to at least try... and hell, if it really was too much, he'd just switch to the pinky finger instead. He grinned, delighted by the novelty of this!
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

The woman gave a groan of want as he pressed that finger against her, hitching her hips up and rolling them, succeeding more in grinding against it than taking it in. As unabashed as she was, she didn't seem to mind if they were stumbled across, though luckily the passageway seemed all but empty at the moment. Enhuvin could hear the muted, rhythmic thumping of... what, drums? From somewhere nearby, but out here it was strangely muted, quiet. It made hearing the faerie-like woman as she sighed and moaned her wanting frustration easy, which was a bonus!

Making good on her earlier dare, the small woman wrapped her arms around his hardening erection, head bowed to lap at him with her small tongue. Compared to Mehuia's earlier attention, this was nothing, though it still held its own arousing qualities! The woman held her wings wide, though thankfully she'd stopped fluttering them as she concentrated on riding his finger and stroking his cock with both hands.

Enhuvin's Pleasure: 10/18
Alela's Pleasure: 17/24
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

He enjoyed her noises and her touch; strange as the whole setup was, he was still right turned on by the way she was going at him with vigour and the way she was grinding against his finger. He pressed more firmly against her cunt, taunting her as she was taunting him, and let out a low groan, watching and feeling her play with his cock.
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

The woman gave a tiny cry, gasping at how close she was to fitting that damned finger inside of her. It hurt to press back too far, damnit... but it felt so good to ride it like she was. Whining low in her throat, she paused in her lapping at him, casting him a hot and somewhat hopeless look over her shoulder.

Then she shoved his upper hand away from her chest and breasts, out from between her body and his tauntingly hard cock. That done, she wrapped around his penis again, her tongue finding the slit at the tip of his erection's head as she lapped away eagerly.

Enhuvin's Pleasure: 11/18
Alela's Pleasure: 21/24
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

"Oh!" He groaned, hips twitching -- though he tried to still the motion and did, mostly. This was good! And getting better. He did his best to keep his finger there for her to grind against, perversely enjoying her needy little noises that she wasn't quite able to sate...

Though eventually he did take his finger away -- pointer finger, that is, and subbed in his slightly smaller pinky finger. She'd left a wet spot, for crying out loud; best to give her at least a chance to work herself over something!
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

The daemon-hybrid gave another cry of protest when Enhuvin drew his finger away, pausing in her own lapping (and swallowing, when she found that slit had begun to leak precum) to glare up at him. When his smaller finger was introduced, however, she groaned and pushed back, finding that it just barely fit. It was so big, and it hurt, a little, but the woman grew excited at the prospect of actually getting penetrated. "Oh, yes! Yes!" she encouraged, hips rocking over him as she clutched at his cock like an anchor. "Good!"

Though she attempted to return to playing with him the way she'd originally intended, the delicious feeling of having his finger spreading her labia wide and pushing deeper into her was too much of a distraction. Her attentions were sporadic at best, at least for now, as her back arched in his grasp and her legs clenched around his forearm -- at some point she'd wrapped her legs around him to ride him all the better. Moaning, panting, working herself over him up to his second knuckle, he could feel little muscles ripple and tighten as she came with sudden force. The little daemon-woman cried out and shuddered. "More!" she gasped, apparently far from finished!

Enhuvin's Pleasure: 12/18
Alela's Pleasure: 25/24 (New Status: One More Time: The NPC will attempt another round of sex.)
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

Honestly, he was surprised by how quickly she came, but Enhuvin wasn't going to complain! He grinned wickedly, veeeery carefully twitching his pinky finger inside of her to taunt her up again. That orgasm-in-miniature had been -- well, riveting, really, and maybe he could coax another one from her after that! He hungrily watched her, cock throbbing mutedly under her attention. She was getting him all worked up too.
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

"Mm -- oh, that," she demanded, body quaking in time with every little twitch of his finger. She squirmed for a moment in sheer bliss, then seemed to remember that she had his relatively enormous cock in her arms. Mind clear enough to focus on him again, she made more of an effort to hug up against that throbbing member, lapping at him and gliding her hands (and arms, and torso, if he allowed her to move enough or even guided her across him) along the length of his shaft and head.

She was especially eager to lap up the precum that had built up while she was distracted, enjoying knowing that she was leaving him as excited as he'd left her. This first hunt hadn't been a complete failure, then! She brought her hands up, playing with the sensitive flesh under the head of his cock more in lusty exploration than experience.

Enhuvin's Pleasure: 15/18
Alela's Pleasure: 7/24
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

He groaned as she found an unexpectedly nice bit of flesh to explore -- whether or not she knew it, that was delicious, and had him carefully trying not to buck his hips. He was going to have to try and remember to move her onto his cock at the last moment! But he was getting so close already, and didn't want her to stop... besides, with his little finger up her cunt he was having fun, goading her into wet ecstasy.
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

The small woman was goaded rather nicely, if Enhuvin did say so himself. More and more often she removed her lips from the tip of his hot and throbbing cock, crying out and even flailing as he drove her to greater heights. She kept a tight hold around his penis even if her legs shuddered and her hips bucked with urgent need...

Speaking of which, it was getting more and more difficult to restrain himself. Listening to her unrestrained cries, feeling her sweating body rubbing itself up against him, and the way that her hands and tongue worked him into a fervor... oh, Goddesses, he was getting closer than he thought!

Enhuvin gasped and choked down a moan, slipping a hand under the woman's torso and hefting her bodily so that she was aligned how they'd arranged it -- actually doing this was more difficult than he'd expected it to be, as the woman yelled in surprise and dismay as that delicious finger was hastily removed from her vagina.

When she realized what was happening, however, she shifted her hips over the head of his penis, legs clinging tight as her wings fanned out in hopes of some balance. He had a hand around her and a hand around his own erection, which helped, though as his pleasure mounted, the man lost the battle to keep his hips still. The daemon hybrid cried out, her entire body thrust against and bobbing up and down, and cried out again as Enhuvin orgasmed messily into her and across her -- she was far too small to take all of his seed!

Enhuvin's Pleasure: 20/18 (New Status: Stunned: Lose 2 turns worth of actions due to a need to recover.)
Alela's Pleasure: 19/24
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

Enhuvin, panting and bowled over by that orgasm, leaned back against the cave wall again and closed his eyes, trying to recover. He loosened his grip on the little fairy woman and panted, "just... give me a minute here..."
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

It didn't seem that the woman wanted a minute! She slipped out of his hand as he loosened his grip on her, taking flight though she still dripped with his cum. Fluttering up and then landing on his chest (again, jabbing him indignantly), the woman placed her hands on his lips and tugged a little. "I'm not done yet," she growled, voice high-pitched.

Enhuvin's Pleasure: 2/18 (Stunned: 1/2)
Alela's Pleasure: 19/24
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

He held up his hands and gave a breathless little laugh. "I know, I know, I wasn't just gonna... just hold on a minute, alright?" He just had to get his head to stop feeling so light... ugh... okay.
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

The little woman, making a rather monstrous face at him, tromped down his front, hopped off the side of his hip, and picked up his limp hand. "Feel this!" she exclaimed, bringing his finger up to her cunt, smearing his own cum up the side of her leg where it had dribbled down and then squelching wetly as she rubbed her labia against him. Indignant, she growled at him as she ground uselessly against the finger she'd taken hostage.

Enhuvin's Pleasure: 2/18 (Stunned: 2/2)
Alela's Pleasure: 19/24
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

Watching with amazement as this tiny, angry and horny creature started trying to forcibly sex up his hand finally shook Enhuvin out of his over-pleasured lethargy, and he growled, crooking his finger against her cunt and rubbing the wet little hole. "Yeah, I'd probably be frustrated too if there was no one my size around..." He grinned at her wickedly and stole his hand back for just a second, switching off the finger she was humping to his pinky again, even as his other hand came around and scooped her into his lap -- easier to reach her from there!
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