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Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

"Nngh!" the woman growled, not bothering to speak to him. She was horny, pissed off, and she didn't like being taunted or reminded that she probably was the only of her kind, too small to fuck most things.

So, when he slipped his small finger up against her, cradling her like a pet, she gave a yowl that was half anger and half desire, her legs splaying wide and her hands pressing back against his legs so that she could push herself back over him. And oh, how easy that was this second time. She only took a little effort to pass his finger over her tight entrance, and then again as she came up against his knuckle. Giving a tiny caterwaul as she enjoyed that development, the daemon-hybrid tried to wrap her legs around his forearm again so that she was lying with her shoulders in his lap.

Gasping, enjoying this more than she probably should have, the little hybrid brought her hands up to grasp tightly to what parts of his hand she could reach. Well, she'd promised him a fucking... she probably hadn't imagined it ending up like this. (Or she had, but it had only been a delicious little fantasy!)

The hybrid woman gave little cries of pleasure as she bucked luxuriously on his finger, voice coming between breathy panting. Her face was flushed, and her iridescent hair was matted with sweat, falling into his lap in any case. For a few minutes, it was all she could do, it seemed, to keep herself from thrashing so wildly against him that she dislodged herself!

Soon thereafter, however, she yowled in orgasm, body going rigid and still as her cunt greedily tightened around his finger again and again. Gasping for breath as she wound down again, she gave a low (relatively, for her small stature) moan, collapsing back to his lap. She batted wearily at his finger, wanting it out of her for once.

Enhuvin's Pleasure: 2/18
Alela's Pleasure: 4/24 (New Status: Too Sensitive: -2 to the body stat for the next 3 turns. Pleasure gain is halved.)
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

Enhuvin withdrew his finger with a wet noise, grinning wolfishly as the feisty little creature in his lap settled down. He'd enjoyed that; nothing could beat good old-fashioned enthusiasm, and feeling her spasm around his finger had been delicious too.

He leaned a bit, looming in her field of vision. "So, what's your name?" he asked, with more than a touch of irony!
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

"Rmm," she groaned, not wanting to be bothered yet, and certainly not by the man who had a crotch-up view of her. "Alela," she finally told him, scowling lazily up at him. She didn't want a conversation, but she was far too tired (and beside, her wings felt plastered to the sweat on her back) to make an escape!

Enhuvin's Pleasure: 2/18
Alela's Pleasure: 4/24 (Too Sensitive 1/3)
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

He grinned, a counterpoint to her scowl, and told her jovially, "I'm Enhuvin. Nice to meet you. Mind moving so I can put my pants back on?"
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

Enhuvin. Alela didn't think that she liked the man very much, outside of sex. He was far too perky, even if he did seem to have a good idea as to how to bring her to mind-sparking orgasms. The only other time she'd managed to get off before had been by her own hand, thinking about the kind of thing that she'd actually done to the human tonight. That in mind, she leaned her head to one side to regard his flaccid member. She considered parking herself here, ensuring his pantslessness so that she had something nice to look at and play with while she relaxed. Their massive size difference didn't seem to bother her too much!

Then again, she didn't feel like putting out the effort right now, in case she managed to work him back up (and she'd had fantasies like that before!) Grinning impishly, still lazy, she crawled out of his lap and sat herself down on the floor next to him, her wings splayed to allow them to dry off. Now she watched him carefully, observing his movements in the event that she wanted to pounce him again another time.

Enhuvin's Pleasure: 1/18
Alela's Pleasure: 4/24 (Too Sensitive 2/3)
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

The man heaved a sigh, sounding contented -- he was definitely feeling good after that orgasm! He'd have to sit for a few minutes before thinking about continuing on his little quest. In his own time (rather slowly) he retrieved his pants from a couple of feet away and pulled them on, all without standing up again.

Then he noticed she was still watching him, and he blinked at her. "You know," he told her without malice, "you're kind of unnerving when you do that."
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

Alela, watching him still, asked, "why?" Her wings buzzed for a moment as she tested whether she was ready to take off yet.

Enhuvin's Pleasure: 0/18
Alela's Pleasure: 4/24 (Too Sensitive 3/3)

((+2 XP! 1 for completing the scene, 1 for popping the NPC's proverbial cherry! :p))
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

"Well, you look a bit like you're going to to try to kill and eat me," he tells her, amused more than unnerved apparently. "Considering how you jumped at me earlier, that goes double! You know, you could have just asked."

((XDD Awwweeesome.))
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

'Asked'? That sounded both boring and stupid. She cast him a disparaging look as she stood, herself, leaping into the air and taking flight. Circling around his head she tried to light on his shoulder, clinging to his hair to balance herself. "Where are you going?" she asked instead of bothering to defend herself against his earlier comment.

Enhuvin's Pleasure: 0/18
Alela's Pleasure: 3/24
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

He let her land, though, still sitting down he imagined getting up would be awkward. He wouldn't put it past her to be a hair-puller if she thought she was going to fall off.

"I'm headed to the Fire Cavern, actually," he told her, carefully not tilting his head to look at her, considering her precarious perch. "I hear it's a good place to get some action, and I'm on a bit of a quest." He chuckled at saying that description of it out loud!
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

"Fire Cavern," she repeated warily, wings fluttering (and buzzing into the side of his head in the process!) "More like this?" she seemed intrigued! Alela, pulling his hair a little as she seated herself on his shoulder (she'd be leaving a wet spot shortly, no doubt), told the human, "take me there, I want to see." With that sort of attitude, it didn't sound like he had much of a choice!
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

He flinched away from her buzzing wings and snorted, her imperious way of acting and talking starting to get to him a little. He moved to stand, letting her know, "you know, you're lucky I was going there anyway. I'm not a packhorse, and for crying out loud, you've got wings," he pointed out, climbing to his feet carefully nonetheless.
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

"I'm resting," she told him, not in the least apologetic. "You're not breaking your back, stop complaining!"
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

"I should be resting too," he continued to complain, partially because she told him not to! The tiny woman, he has discovered, inspired contrariness in him. On his feet again, he started down the cavern once more, taking a breath and getting his bearings back.

Okay, the Fire Cavern would be... that way. Or, well, he could have just followed the noise that was coming from the direction he now headed in. It sounded, even from far away, like a festive place which, he supposed, would stand to reason.
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

"You should be what?" Alela asked, contrary right back? "Questing? You should be questing," she told him, just in case he didn't get it.

Now that they came across the cavern in question (question?) the faerie-sized woman shrank down against Enhuvin. They were passing under an arch of freely burning fire, black soot coating the ceiling far above them. Beyond, it looked like all hell had broken loose: people, everywhere, doing just about anything that he could put his mind to, so long as it was fun!

Drums reverberated in the open space, and he could spot a raised dais where several people played the huge instruments relentlessly. Above, a light show was in full swing, though the casters were hidden behind the general crowd.

Like the Air Cavern, he could see curtained alcoves lining the walls here, though just about all of them were in full use, and people had taken to fucking in the space between the wall and the more active central crowd. The only space that seemed empty now was against the far wall, but with the way that this place was booming (literally!) it didn't seem likely that the empty space would last for long!
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

Enhuvin stood aside once in the entrance, for a moment, overlooking the scene, taking it all in as best he could. Well! They hadn't been joking about gearing up for a festival, and it seemed Fire Cavern was doing so in a much more active manner than the Air Cavern that he'd left. (Unless this place was like this every night, but he doubted even fire sorts would have so much energy all the time!)

His eyes strayed to the orgies along the wall and he grinned. Yep, this place would be an easy mark for sex, if that was any indication. He started to move into the crowd, staying along the edges, just on the border between where the crowd ended and where the public sex began.
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

Alela, eyes glued on the public sex, herself, opted to sit very still on Enhuvin's shoulder, though a little whimper of want still escaped her.

Despite the name of the cavern, all sorts could be found even on the sprawled blankets and cushions that had been set out, here. In fact... it was entirely likely that not all of the people here were inhabitants of the Fire Cavern. Oh well, that didn't necessarily have to mean anything for him!
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

What it meant for him is that he didn't stand out -- which he was relieved about; he hadn't been sure if he'd be a normal guy among a bunch of fire folks and stick out like a sore thumb, or possibly a spy from the Air Cavern (which he halfways was, but never mind). He grinned at folks he passed, keeping an eye out for anyone who seemed to be keeping an eye on him... either in a hey-there-handsome kind of way or a suspicious manner.

Alela's little whimper, as he walked, made him grin and glance at her, but he opted to say nothing over the din of the Fire Cavern.
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

The small woman looked like she might leave a rather large stain on the man's shoulder, at the rate she was soaking up the action just a short distance away. She shifted her hips on his shoulder, getting comfortable as he walked, and unblushingly slipped a hand between her legs. She ignored Enhuvin for now, very distracted with the goings on.

Enhuvin, in the meantime, was assaulted by more choice than not! There were rumps turned in the air that he could probably wade over to if he wanted to be that crass about it, though a few women (human and otherwise) lounged at the edges of the orgy. Some looked like they were taking a breather, or even an impromptu nap, while others seemed to be sitting and watching for a good place to join in.

((In this case, pick your own mark, ya skirt chaser! >:3))
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

Strolling about, he finally ambled to a stop near one knot of people, checking out his options there. There were a number of women and men there, conversing or watching the show -- more that looked like they wanted to join in, which was what Enhuvin liked right about now. He had turned his course towards a red-skinned, red-haired woman... when he paused, turning his head to look at the faerie woman squelching away on his shoulders.

"Look," he asked, "do you want me to, I don't know, put you down somewhere comfortable? I don't think my shoulder is going to stay a convenient place to sit for much longer... at least, I hope it won't," he grinned, gaze straying back to the Fire dragon woman he'd picked out.
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