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RPG Abandoned Erotical Night 2

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Re: Erotical Night 2

HNNNNNNNNNNG ohyespleaseyes.
Re: Erotical Night 2

'nother update.
Re: Erotical Night 2

For the veterans: are they proceeding at a faster rate than EN1? It doesn't look like they're slacking off.

From the blog posts so far, it's looking like at the moment he's still tinkering around with -concepts- and methods.

I'm not sure any actual "this is a piece finished and will be in the game" work has begun yet.
Re: Erotical Night 2

For the veterans: are they proceeding at a faster rate than EN1? It doesn't look like they're slacking off.

From start to finish, EN1 took about a year and a couple months. No game like it had ever been made before and they broke alot of ground with it. Judging by the concept and planning updates, I'd say they are flying when compared to EN1 which wasn't taken seriously until fans showed interest.
Re: Erotical Night 2

From start to finish, EN1 took about a year and a couple months. No game like it had ever been made before and they broke alot of ground with it. Judging by the concept and planning updates, I'd say they are flying when compared to EN1 which wasn't taken seriously until fans showed interest.

Yeah, they seem to be a bit more focused this time around.
When the first one was being made, it was sort of just a side project while he was still making flash minigames, sometimes 2-3 others at a time, so EN1 got seriously backburnered at times until it really picked up steam.

This time, (so far anyway) he seems to be concentrating on EN2 while occasionally updating the RPS game.
Re: Erotical Night 2

Anyone ever know approximately when will be released the demo or the full game?
Thank you!
Re: Erotical Night 2

Argh bump gets my hope up for news.

I will so need to find a way to buy this game legit. This developer is beyond awesome. Erotical Night is the only H game I've fully played through like 3+ times (Hours and hours of playtime each run). I play it almost once a year since I found it. I wish people would look at this game for how to set up an H rpg.
Re: Erotical Night 2

Anyone ever know approximately when will be released the demo or the full game?
Thank you!

It's gonna be awhile yet as his "major" games generally take years (Fairy on the Ice was his last one and that took what, 3-4 years?) and he's still working on 4 other minigames as well.

Argh bump gets my hope up for news.

I will so need to find a way to buy this game legit. This developer is beyond awesome. Erotical Night is the only H game I've fully played through like 3+ times (Hours and hours of playtime each run). I play it almost once a year since I found it. I wish people would look at this game for how to set up an H rpg.

My perfect game would probably be some cross between Erotical Night and Succubus Quest.
Re: Erotical Night 2

In the meantime, you fellas can try out ROBF. The battle system is largely similar to Erotical Night, as far as i could tell from the bit i played.
Re: Erotical Night 2

This is the best thing ever. There aren't nearly enough well-animated H-games. I just hope they take this opportunity to improve the combat system; Ero Nights 1 had a lot of options but most were not useful if you actually tried to progress in the game.

And due to the way the fights were designed it was "remove clothes from weak point, fondle enemy weak point with vibrator, use coolant each round" for most of the game (with some of the latter rounds having you just defend for most of the rounds and use coolant each time). And most of the enemies didn't use insert attacks at all.

I'm hoping the game will be Erotical Nights with Succubus Quest-style combat; having to "build up the mood" before going for the orgasm makes the first half of the abilities useful (Ero Nights had stuff like "kiss", "tickle", etc. that were basically never useful), and it creates phases in combat making it more dynamic (first phase being building the mood, second getting everything ready and third the insertion). And the fact that repeating same ability with no variety makes it causes less pleasure makes it reasonable to go for other moves each fight even if they aren't the enemy's weakness.

The status effects and enemy special abilities then make the fights a bit more random so it's not just one formulaic battle but rather many different ways for a certain fight to go; in Ero Nights no ability does anything but inflicts pleasure so it's just "use the most damaging ability, heal, continue".

Ero Nights on the other hand didn't have leveling (I prefer it that way) and it had some of the hottest animation for any H-game. Just the mechanics got stale after a while (especially the fact that so few enemies actually fucked you, and that you had to spend so much time healing and most of the time it was just using toys for bosses).
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Re: Erotical Night 2

Update, an extract from it says:
"Important items in a castle called "Castle in the Sky" is of course where you end up at the end
Something entwined story, Hey plan of the place ... it is related to the important things anyway"

I seriously doubt that this means that they finished the map, but at least they are proceeding...

He specified the progression of an area called "Guiana Highland" in the game aka bridges. It would encourage climbing in the game(few places to climb). Not 100% sure, but he specified that these new additions will be added that will link "Table Mountain" to the "Castle of the Sky/Heaven". He is slowly getting there, let's wait another year. :p
Re: Erotical Night 2

I just wish he would tease us about the girls... It would make the wait even more unbearable, but at least it would give us something to fantasize on ~
Re: Erotical Night 2

tis' true! Little updates on his map making isn't all that compelling.
Re: Erotical Night 2

I don't mind at all. Just knowing he's continuing to progress on it makes me happy. Gotta have a stable base game before adding the fun stuff~
Re: Erotical Night 2

Would definitely like to hear news on what he's planning for the battle system. The first game was great and was nice to have a translated version even if it was very much Engrish, but it got pretty repetitive since there wasn't much variation to the combat (as in actions needed to win, not the number of girls). Hopefully there will be a bit more depth to the combat system this time. At any rate, this is definitely one h-dev I don't mind supporting.
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Re: Erotical Night 2

Would definitely like to hear news on what he's planning for the battle system. The first game was great and was nice to have a translated version even if it was very much Engrish, but it got pretty repetitive since there wasn't much variation to the combat (as in actions needed to win, not the number of girls). Hopefully there will be a bit more depth to the combat system this time. At any rate, this is definitely one h-dev I don't mind supporting.

yep, I didn't like the fact that your hp stayed at 100 the whole game.
Re: Erotical Night 2

I don't mind at all. Just knowing he's continuing to progress on it makes me happy. Gotta have a stable base game before adding the fun stuff~

You have a point! Although a variation of his content news would be fun...
Re: Erotical Night 2

is it strange that i find the most memorable thing about the first game is the terrible translation?

"we need to sex the guys"
Re: Erotical Night 2

That is perhaps the best thing to remember about it, actually. I'm fairly certain that it was done so that English speakers would give up.

Also, "Master of the gay."
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