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RPG Abandoned Erotical Night 2

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Re: Erotical Night 2

Well, one huge upside: This enemy uses penetration attacks against you too. So it's not just a handful of enemies anymore, hopefully. My biggest gripes with EN1, such as the overly item-dependent combat and enemies constantly running away are still there but given this is an early alpha, I figure there's plenty of time for those to be addressed (indeed, I recall a blogspot where he figured he'd want to do something about the constant Cool Gel-use the game required).

Of course, a more elaborate combat would be interesting but I'll be perfectly happy with (and expecting) an EN1 rehash with improvements.
Re: Erotical Night 2

One issue with this demo is that as soon as you get the girl above 80 pleasure she runs away, even on the first turn. EN1 has a timer of 3 turns before the girl ran, this makes it impossible to finish unless you do 30+ points of damage in one turn.

Then again... With all the boost items and the golden dildo, i managed to go from 0 to 100 in one turn. Fun times.
Re: Erotical Night 2

am i able to download that demo? if yes how? o_O
Re: Erotical Night 2

am i able to download that demo? if yes how? o_O

depends on if all the assets are self-contained in the flash (they -may- since this is only a demo, but it probably doesn't; EN1 had its assets in different folders outside of the flash itself)
Re: Erotical Night 2

it's possible - I did it, but suck at explaining such things

by modifying one of the flash files - should have mentioned it in previous post (let me know if you want details)
Re: Erotical Night 2

Hopefully the penis doesnt continue to remain a really ugly black box. That thing is fucking huge (the box).

Otherwise, it seemed almost the same as EN1 to me. I found the menu kind of clunky, such as you could remove the panties off the girl unless you went from the nurse cap down to the nurse coat.

The translation is bad but workable, appreciate that he at least put it in there. The first game has 25 girls, and I think we can expect at least a similar number. Seems like its going to take a long time for him to have the finished product out at the rate he is going.
Re: Erotical Night 2

Honestly, based on what the designers have said about the design goals, this superearly alpha probably has little to do with the game other than engine test. I recall mentions of a status system, more varied combat, etc. and none of that appears here. As such, I can only imagine that this is a mere engine test with EN1 mechanics.
Re: Erotical Night 2

Honestly, based on what the designers have said about the design goals, this superearly alpha probably has little to do with the game other than engine test. I recall mentions of a status system, more varied combat, etc. and none of that appears here. As such, I can only imagine that this is a mere engine test with EN1 mechanics.
I hope so. Not that I wouldn't like another game with virtually identical mechanics and just a batch of new characters, but it could so easily be much better. Just adding levelups to improve your character's stats would go a long way. (attack, defence, endurance, escape prevention, what have you)
Re: Erotical Night 2

I would love to see a surrender option with dynamic dialogues, you know, like in monster girl quest, but way better.
Re: Erotical Night 2

Well, one huge upside: This enemy uses penetration attacks against you too. So it's not just a handful of enemies anymore, hopefully. My biggest gripes with EN1, such as the overly item-dependent combat and enemies constantly running away are still there but given this is an early alpha, I figure there's plenty of time for those to be addressed (indeed, I recall a blogspot where he figured he'd want to do something about the constant Cool Gel-use the game required).

Of course, a more elaborate combat would be interesting but I'll be perfectly happy with (and expecting) an EN1 rehash with improvements.

Re: Erotical Night 2

I think the easiest way to get around that is given the player the ability to level up, that way you can have more endurance and gradually relay less and less on items.
Re: Erotical Night 2

Never got past the mermaid boss of that game, mostly cause I didn't really recognize that I needed to gargle down items every turn, or that your only real way of improving yourself other than getting better pants was getting more sex toys. I... hope that changes.
Re: Erotical Night 2

Never got past the mermaid boss of that game, mostly cause I didn't really recognize that I needed to gargle down items every turn, or that your only real way of improving yourself other than getting better pants was getting more sex toys. I... hope that changes.

The old one was actually beatable without ever using the electric items. Indeed, there's a boss rush in the end where you basically need to beat all the bosses except for the final one without using battery power. It's doable but it does mean you need to farm a lot of money and get a ton of consumables, and have a lot of long fucks. Generally it involves:
1) Using the toughness-enhancing items in the start.
2) Stacking up on Guardian Angel's tears or going the long way (use Cool Gel, Defend, use Cool Gel, etc. until you get down to 0) and healing every turn.
3) Spamming the boss's weak point with lick/touching attack until they reach maximum arousal at which point you can finally insert without losing.

Really tedious and repetitive, especially since there's minimal variety to the combat itself (all enemies follow the same pattern, just with different weak points, and the only new attacks enemies get are titjob and insertion, and the late bosses don't even use insertion), and you've already seen those enemies once before. You can attack other points to increase enemy vulnerability to weak point attacks but ultimately it doesn't really change anything.

But yeah, based on the blog posts the creators themselves know the tedium of this and are looking to make things more interesting so I have high hopes for EN2.
Re: Erotical Night 2

He made a post talking about the music he is trying to add into the game, and the trouble he is having using wav files (I think).
Re: Erotical Night 2

I'm not sure it's related to EN2 since that post doesn't have the same category title. Could be, though.

If you sort it by catagory and go to erotical night, its the newest post there... So I think it is.

Also if you translate it it says erotical night down at the bottom right corner.
Re: Erotical Night 2

new bost:

looks like he's explaining the control inputs or something,
Re: Erotical Night 2

To be exact, flash scripts that allow customization of the controls.
Re: Erotical Night 2

another one:

seems he updatet the demo or something,
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