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RPG Abandoned Erotical Night 2

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Re: Erotical Night 2

I was more basing it on how many enemies he has shown. The first game had like 16 enemies or something, so ide imagine for this nest one he wants at least that many, or more. I think he has 2-3 done right now, so its not going to be for a long time.

he keeps updating his non-profit minigames, no offence but its kinda boring and repeatitive, why doesn't he work more on the profit making games....

though i have to say his arts are getting better
Re: Erotical Night 2

I was more basing it on how many enemies he has shown. The first game had like 16 enemies or something, so ide imagine for this nest one he wants at least that many, or more. I think he has 2-3 done right now, so its not going to be for a long time.

Well, the first game he released after 4 enemies (and only had quests up to the second town), then added 12 more a few months later (the bulk of the game; everything up to the underworld), then the rest like a year later (underworld and true ending).

This time around, I don't think he wants to release anything other than demos until he has the full (main) game finished (and may add extra enemies and areas later).
Re: Erotical Night 2

I was more basing it on how many enemies he has shown. The first game had like 16 enemies or something, so ide imagine for this nest one he wants at least that many, or more. I think he has 2-3 done right now, so its not going to be for a long time.

maybe he only releases screenshots of his work with non spoilery girls. (I.E the least powerful girls) No one can actually know and we can only hope
Re: Erotical Night 2

New update, I believe it says that he's completed everything and that he's just testing it now?
Re: Erotical Night 2

New update, I believe it says that he's completed everything and that he's just testing it now?

Not sure. My reading is that he's finished a proper operation test / demo version that will go out tomorrow (?),
still working on the full game - having to find voice actors and all that.

Of course, I'm just going off mechatranslate, I could be totally off.
Re: Erotical Night 2

New update, I believe it says that he's completed everything and that he's just testing it now?

Nope, looks like he just released demo version 0.3.
Re: Erotical Night 2

In this new version you can fightfuck the woman right next to the item shop, just talk to her. The shop is down the road from the church, it's the building with a double pickaxe symbol above it, in the second cluster of buildings.
Re: Erotical Night 2

I'm guessing this is abandoned?, Can't seem to access the blog anymore either :-(
Re: Erotical Night 2

I'm guessing this is abandoned?, Can't seem to access the blog anymore either :-(
The blog works for me. The most recent post is something about Wizardry and something about BABYMETAL. Before that, it talked about a new character in the RPS game.
Re: Erotical Night 2

I'm guessing this is abandoned?, Can't seem to access the blog anymore either :-(

If you look up two posts I link to his blog in my comment.

He hasnt updated this game in months, when updates used to be a 1-2 times a week, so Im not really sure whats up there.
Re: Erotical Night 2

Seems like he's adding a lot of characters from certain anime. Could also be cosplay enemies, or maybe he just got bored and doodled, but I doubt it. I can't seem to read anything about any progress other than the girls. Anyone else know anything?

Edit: Just noticed those portraits were labeled for another blog section. Apologies.
Re: Erotical Night 2

^ All those girls portraits from ~2-3 years ago and still running are for a rock-paper-scissors game he's been updating weekly-ish for said 2-3 years. He updates Ero Night 2 once a year, at best.
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Re: Erotical Night 2

Dang, haven't checked for a while so raised my hopes only for them to be dashed :(

Don't really get why he's working on that game (also kind of boring...>.>) instead of Erotical Night 2, which would probably sell pretty well. Argh, devs take my money already
Re: Erotical Night 2

Dang, haven't checked for a while so raised my hopes only for them to be dashed :(

Don't really get why he's working on that game (also kind of boring...>.>) instead of Erotical Night 2, which would probably sell pretty well. Argh, devs take my money already

Yeah, that's on me. It really sucks that the best BF game(in my opinion, of course) for non-moonrune speakers is taking such a long time, and appears to be put on the back burner for the simpler games. Feels bad man.

Beware, it's pretty barebones. Don't even know if you can get h-scenes yet.

You can get two, one with one random enemy, and another with a girl in front of what appears to be a shop. If he hasn't updated it since August, then that's all the content it has, I believe.
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Re: Erotical Night 2

No worries mate, I get you on this disappointing lack of progress.

Eh, one thing just edit your post to include both posts, double posting is pretty frowned upon...
Re: Erotical Night 2

You can get two, one with one random enemy, and another with a girl in front of what appears to be a shop. If he hasn't updated it since August, then that's all the content it has, I believe.

Where are the shop and girl located? Can you point me in the direction it is in relation to the church? Thanks!
Re: Erotical Night 2

Follow the path from the church to the little farm.
It's a little hard to see due to the fences, but the path keeps going, follow it to another little town where the girl stands in front of the shop.
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