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Evelen (Tiffanian)

Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Zunasse can endure it enough and she just giggle and laugh softly, as she shake her head Haha. Oh no...its not what you think, we dont have to pay them using sex. Its more a service we love to do to our people, i already have 1 or 2 childs from each of them, but as a warrior, is better for them to stay with the caretakers.

The two sisters remain silent for an instant, trying to dont say something that could insult the guide. Thanks Evelen, im not good with this lenguage, but i will give my best Said her sister excited before run away. ... Well, we need to decide a place and a hour, how about if we meet here in two hour?

The floor, walls and ceilings are old in some parts and the first floor looks made of rocks. In every wall are symbols and statues, maybe even pictures, some of them with naked humanoids.

This place have many important peoples living here and our grand matriarch live close her, so we can wait your family or see if we could talk with her before our time come Said Zunasse, but Evelen could feel that something could be hidden in this place
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"Hmm... Well, no offense intended or anything, but in the future could you maybe try to avoid it? Some of us aren't that comfortable with watching others have sex, and I'd rather they not have to sit through it. Also, you're gonna make me jealous" Evelen said, trying to help out Teresa a little. And herself. She was just a little bit jealous, after all.

"Here in two hours is fine" she replied to Teresa, nodding. She then turned to Zunasse, listening to her before saying "that might be nice. I probably have no chance of learning anything here on my own, since I can't speak your language and I'm not that smart to begin with. Either you can help me out with that, or we could try to meet with some important people, though I'd rather have my sisters with me when that happens. I'm up for whatever."
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The lusty guide waited until the two women left them alone and then grind to Evelen, before answer her. Sure, of course that i could try, but its weird to heard that you are jealous. You know, i have some friends that would be glad to pass a night with you, without they try to impregnate you, of course.

After hear Evelen answer, she guide them toward a stone passage than leads to some stairs that guide to the second floor, there all could heard voices, some talking and others singing or even making soft moans. Zunasse start to talk as they walk around the place This is where some matriarch live, their work is to guide us and preserve our history and culture, but of course only the most fertile and will powered can be matriarch, these women reach a high social status and even are superiors than nearly all our warriors, only elite soldiers are allowed to breed with them.

The girls pass close a path that have many old doors, its easy to notice that they were from the old kingdom and they had been repaired with magic a lot of times, some sounds on some of the rooms were filled with moans, as in an orgy and others rooms had more common sounds. Zunasse point to five doors from all and said.

These matriarch looks to be available, i had passed a time with them and they prefer to pass their free time in normal hobbies. Maybe one could help you to learn something about our culture and if you pass a time with them, they could give you private info or additional protection

[Choice a number from 1-5 and if possible, give OCC suggestions of what you want to get of them]
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"Well, I've never been one to sit back and watch others have sex without getting in on it myself" Evelen replied, winking. "I certainly can't afford to get pregnant right now, and if I were to spend some night time with anyone here I'd probably pick you" she continued, the last bit with a coy smile and another wink. They then walked to the second floor, which was filled with noise, both the expected normal talking and moans, though there was also singing, which somewhat surprised Evelen. She nodded as Zunasse explained to her what the matriarchs did, and she decided that it was probably the only really decent job women could have in the town, though even then it seemed like half their purpose was to be bred. She was then directed to choose one of them to meet. "Hm. Normal hobbies, you say? I suppose I'm up for some learning" she said, heading towards the fourth door.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Oh, im glad to be your first choice, as you know im free and ready to pass a time with you in any moment. Said playfully Zunasse just when one of her hands caress her back until it rest on Evelen shoulder. Of course that Suzanee was just hearing all and looking them happily to know that her mother could had another friend, all of them need some of them to resist this lusty town.


Evelen walk to the foruth door behind Zunasse and this knock the door before ask for get inside in her native lenguage. From the other side a beatifull sensual mature tone respond her and then the guide opened the door and let the other two girls to get inside.

The room was filled was really luxury, even when the materials were of the classic elements in the city, more likely fur skin monster, at the middle of the room was a luscious woman, she had a full mantle covering her body, the mantle was maybe ceremonial and even it cant cover her lusty curves and pronounced pregnant belly, maybe close to give birth. Many silver fox tails wave at her side and back and her eyes were blinded and covered with a leather blinfold, her hands tried to clean her face of the bluesilver large hairs of her and at her side there was a little musical instrument, slihty hidden below her mantle who also covered her all her head until the forehead

Greetings, people coming from Dragan, its a pleasure to have visits of travelers from others lands. What can i do for both of you?

My lady, i have bring them to you in an attemp to share our knowledge to them, they had proveen to be good people and skilled warriors.

I see, please bring me something to drink, as i talk with them. She then turn where was Evelen and pointed, please come closer, young one and talk me about your life, im sure that it must be a interesting one, then you could ask me any doub that you have
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen grinned at Zunasse as the guide rubbed her back, wondering if she was actually any good in bed. She knew the monstergirl was quite good with men, but she had yet to see her with other women.

She didn't have long to think about it though, before the three of them headed into the room she had chosen. The room was quite luxurious compared to the others they had been in, and inside was a curvy, mature kitsune, her many silver tails waving around behind her. She was blindfolded and very pregnant, and her mantle covered much of her face and body, though Evelen could tell that she was quite beautiful. She allowed Zunasse to explain for them, and then walked towards the matriarch when instructed to do so.

"Eh, my life isn't that interesting, really. I was wondering around this monster for a while, fighting off other monsters until finally one of them raped me and gave me my daughter" she started, patting Suzanne on the shoulder. "After that I wandered some more, trying to find a place to raise her, and eventually I found a few adoptive sisters to help me, and a place to settle down... That didn't last too long, though, and I ended up heading to the city of the Dragans. I eventually became friends with that family, and I helped them with a few things, made friends, tried to learn how to fight better, that sort of thing. Now I'm doing some work for someone else, and it's brought me here" she finished up, not sure how specific she could be in this place.

"Can I touch?" she asked suddenly, her arms held out towards the matriarch's belly; it had been quite some time since she herself had been pregnant, and she had remembered it being... interesting. "I didn't really have anything in specific in mind when I came here, I was just wondering if I could learn anything from you."
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

As Zunasse went to a close room behind the mathriarch seat to prepare a drink, Suzanne remain at her mother side and giggling cutely when this pet her.

Evelen said her resumed story in this world and she notice how the kitsune was completely focused on her, as her tails move toward the sides more quickly, sowing how interested she was.

She remain silent, until Evelen ask if she could touch the fox girl pregnat belly. [color="deepskyblue" Of course that you can touch it, my little child is very active right now. So why dont you also use your head to feel it too?[/color] Said smiling, before use her tails to wrap both of them in a bud, using her moonlight tails. Not wasting any second, she place the human face close her mouth and as Evelen smell the classic cum essence hidden behind the sweet matriarch own pheromones, the Kitsune whisper her [color="deepskyblue"] Take care, a dark energy is hidden in our town, also our new lider love the challengues and dirty games[/color]. Just then the tails caress the unprotected Evelen lower lips and her motherlike lactating breasts, trying to make her moan softly, maybe to dont make suspects.

Zunasse steps were heard outside the tail barrier and with an surprised voice call the attention of both. M-matriarch, your drink is ready, please dont do it in front of her daughter. The tails get away and Evelen was free again, a little sweaty by the little action with the matriarch. My apologizes, sometimes is hard to dont have relashionships in nearly a day, you should understand it, right?.

Your live is really amazing, dont understimate it, many of your people had come to talk to me, prouds of their lonely selfish lives. But you my dear, it looks to had found the true hapiness. About what can offer you, hmm, i teach arts, music and the basic of the magic.
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Suddenly, as Evelen requested to be allowed to touch the matriarch's belly, the kitsune wrapped her tails around her, tugging her close to her in a shell of fluffy tails. Suddenly she was struck with the intense smell of cum and pheromones, and soon found the tails caressing her pussy and breasts. Before anything could more could happen Zunasse returned and dissuaded the matriarch from more. Evelen quickly stood up and backed away, a frown on her face. "Is it really so hidden? I could have told you that already" she replied to the kitsune's whispering from before, a slightly angry tone in her voice. She was getting annoyed with this situation, especially since such an innocent request had been perverted in the way it had. "The basics of magic might be interesting, assuming I could learn them as a human. I've never been a very artsy or musical person, myself" she continued, and that was true enough. Her parents had pressured her into picking up an instrument once, a long time ago, and that had gone... very badly. It also had something to do with the fact that she was beginning to have little if any respect for the culture of this place, and wanted to suck anything practical out of it that she could, leaving everything else behind.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Unusualy calmed after her little move. The kitsune answer the young human. The humans may not be so affinitty to feel the magic, but this is everywhere. The cave monster is a full magic entity and it had giving its energy to mantain us alive, not only this town but also your town and the monsters who you had fighted.

Even if this is not enough to give you a chance to use this energy, i can feel how your body was nearly turned into something like us and your body had give birth to countless of monsters. In other words, your body could endure to use some little spells, maybe you only need something to control and focus that energy.

Luckily the humans on this town had created a little artifact before they were banished from the time, maybe the Great Mathriarch could give you one or anyone else.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"Hm? I guess I have had a number of close calls over the course of my life" Evelen replied, thinking especially of the incident with the frogs, where she had almost irretrievably become a monster, and she frowned. At least some good might have come of it. "That would be nice. I don't expect to be able to do a lot, but it would be good to have a little surprise ace up my sleeve" she said, not quite sure where else to go with the conversation if the woman couldn't help her immediately.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The silverblue kitsune, take a large portion of her drink and wait until Evelen ended of talk. Mmh... so good as always, maybe i will ask you for other, Zunasse.

Im glad to heard that i could help you at least with this little information. About how train before get that artifact, meditation sesions and rune magic could help you, but this last one even when is faster, it could cause side efects if you fail in your training. Of course that if you master that magic, you could use any object to canalize the magic around you, even an instrument

The mathriarch end her drink and ask for other to the guide, this one frown and answer As you wish, but please dont jump on her again, Matriarch. the mature woman accept and giggled, maybe it was time for Evelen to leave and look for more answers, but this mathriarch could still give her some tips and maybe is not so easy to talk with the others.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen frowned quietly for a moment again, thinking about the kitsune's words. "I've never been very good at meditating either, but I suppose I could always try. You say you can use magic with instruments?" she asked, amused at the idea of killing monsters by playing a flute or some other such instrument. "And what sorts of side-effects do you when you talk about rune magic? Anything serious?"
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The kitsune make a coy smile, as one of her tails take a strange wind instrument than looks like a flute. Of course, many halfhumans can cast magic songs with only their voices, using a instrument is more easy, as you can use magic instruments or at least their materials can help you to focus magic energy.

She place it on the desk and then after clean her lips, she add. Rune basic magic can cause some funny side effects, maybe some wounds missing seriously the spell. But you should just stay there for a time, as the most advanced spells really could kill a normal human in a mistake or make a heavy explosion

Meanwhile Zunasse was busy in the close room and Suzanne get even closer to then trying to see the strange instrument, like a little girl looking a new toy.

Your cute child smell really good, maybe a slime bath could take away all these monster fluids from her.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"Hmm... Well, it doesn't sound too bad. Like I said, I wouldn't want to do anything too intense. Just maybe a little something to help me out in a bind" Evelen replied, moving closer to Suzanne when the girl got closer to the matriarch, being protective of her daughter around the kitsune. "What do you mean, slime bath?"
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Suzanne give a step away the matriarch when her mother get close her and stay at her back, even still not sure why her mother was at the defensive.

We use slime baths to clean our bodies, as we dont have the water to do that, we also have cum and milk baths for the people who have that taste, personally my favorite one is a warm milk bath, but the slime one dont leave any smell.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"Hm... Well that sounds interesting. Maybe the whole family can have one later, we're all pretty dirty I'm sure" Evelen replied, nodding. She then looked around for Zunasse, sort of wanting to get out of there. She didn't have anything else to ask, and she didn't want to stay here much longer than necessary.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Zunasse take a brief time to return, she bow to the kitsune before give her the strange drink. Evelen dont wasre time to show her need to leave the place and they walk toward the door, not before heard some last words from the matriarch Looks like the birth will be this night, will you be with me again, Zunasse.

With a friendly tone the guide answer Of course, There is no way that i could miss that great event

Now outside the door, Evelen had the time to get inside other door or do somwething else with her free hour.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen quickly followed Zunasse out of the room with Suzanne, giving a brief wave behind her to the matriarch as she did so. Now outside again, she sighed. "I don't know that I want to meet another of those, but I can't do nothing for a whole hour" she said, heading towards the second door this time, though she wasn't quite sure what she would do once inside.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Just when they close the door and move to the next, Zunasse turn to Evelen My more deeper apologizes, she never act like this, it must be a sign that she is starting to lost her mind after 70 years of be a matriarch.

They then get inside the door after knock and ask the pass. the voice was followed by others 4 and when they get inside they know the reason.

The room has less fornitude than the last one and four girls were reading some writings in monster skin. There was another woman, this one with only a lioncloth and resting in a soft hamoock, she looks like a normal human, but have four arms and a pregnant belly. She move to see the newcomers and wave then before yawn.

Dont worry miss Evelen, she is always resting or playing.

Not always, i teach some grapple lessons and others things from time to time
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"Hm. Maybe. I still don't like it" Evelen replied, frowning as she followed Zunasse into the next room. Inside were four girls reading some monster-skin parchments, as well as the matriarch, who was naked except for a loincloth. Like the kitsune, she was quite pregnant, and looked human except for an extra pair of arms.

"I see. Hello, my name is Evelen. What's the studying here about? And I could probably use a grappling lesson, seeing as how I'm so bad at it, but I don't guess I'd be able to get one" she said, addressing the matriarch politely but cautiously.