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Evelen (Tiffanian)

Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Teresa, I'm going to blindfold you to protect your eyes now Evelen said as she moved to tie the bit of cloth around the girl's head. She gave her hand to Celesta and nodded. The wooden house is as good a place as any. Though we may have trouble all fitting on that bed, haha. When it came time to part, she ignored Darius' hand and hugged him tightly again, lingering in the hug far too long. Here's hoping we see each other again. By the way, any idea where the next key is? she asked, before leading the group back to the little wooden house for a rest.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Darius put his hand in her head and wishper her "is not safe, i said you later" then he put the other close her wraist and said Sorry i had to much work l, maybe the next time

They go away, as the girls go to the house, Suzanne lift the blinded girl on her back as they go to the house and were not attacked in the road, maybe the duo of men cleaned the path when they passed.

The house was closed and noted than the house was more clean than before, maybe cleaned by the mercenaries, there was two rooms to rest the one in the first room and the room for childrens
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The trip to the house was uneventful and seemed to be pretty short. It amazed Evelen how little space she'd covered during the game, now that she thought about it. From her starting point to the place where she'd given herself to the parasite had only been a short distance, and from there it had been almost no trip at all to the intersection and the house. Still, a lot had happened in this small space. When they got to the house it seemed like it had been cleaned, and a new door had been put on the front. Hopefully the bee problem had been addressed too. Alright, two to a bed seems reasonable to me. There's the bed up here, and another one downstairs. Which do you two want? she asked, turning to Celesta and Teresa, who Suzanne had set down on the floor. Or we could all squeeze onto this bed up here if we lay on our sides and aren't afraid to touch a little. Might be fun she said, giggling.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Celesta watched the house, both girls dont know about the town close the house or the bee problem, that is why Celesta get fascinated when she heard about a room bellow. Maybe both of us must rest in this bed if something happen, you and Suzanne can come and help us or my sister could rest with Suzanne Celesta said making a wink.

Then they going to the basement and Celesta get surprised again incredible, we can live here, it even had two fields filled with trees and mushroom, but i cant use the suit to collect the food

The kitchen was clean of rotten food and some food from the field has been added, unfortunately she can only saw the map and some paper were lost, the hearts madded by Suzanne still remain intact
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen made sure to lock the door of the house behind them, trying to make sure any wandering slavers couldn't get it. As she prepared to go to bed, Evelen remembered something, and shouted downstairs at the two sisters By the way, don't touch anything unless you know for sure what it is! Last time I did that I nearly got killed. That said, she got into the relatively small bed, pulling Suzanne close to her. Today was a good day she said quietly as she rubbed her little girl's back, quickly drifting off to sleep.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Before went to sleep Celesta makes them a dinner she wan to put herself an apron, but her breasts were really exposed make her feel more naked. She then try to put something of the clothes of the drawers but even the male's shirt dont fit her, she sigh, maybe she will dont be able to use normal clothes to cover her sluty torso anymore. She end wearing a male pants and turn a old red color shirt in a vertical bra with a knot in the back and neck, trying to be presentable if her sister recover the sign, she was so worried than she dont sleep with her and just read some books and papers in the desk of the basement, until get sleep.

Teresa eat and tried to take off the blindfold a pair of times but Evelen and her sister stop her, she just remain in the bed, really upset to cant do nothing.

Evelen and Suzanne rested in the bed, it was the best place where they had rested, even Evele through to stay here and raise her child for some months, but she want to fight monsters even being defeated and used, if only she can go out alone, maybe with Celesta, if Suzanne stay here to take care of Teresa until she get right, she could be raped happily without worry about the safety of her child. But she cant do it, she was now addicted to her little daughter, even she through to go were the cum puddles and being impregnated again, maybe had 2 childrens more. She sleep dreaming with her family, the three of them raising Suzanne and her little brothers and sisters.

A scream and noises in the basement awake her, she run there and found a wounded Celesta in the floor being hitted by a restored Teresa What had you done with Celesta?, why you lied saying than you are her?, stop laying and say me the truth or i will kill you!!! She say it as she was pressing the neck of a bleeding plant girl whit her not fully restored strength.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen giggled at Celesta's inability to properly cover herself with clothing. Looks like you're going to have to make your own she said, eating the wonderful food she'd prepared. In her sleep she thought about maybe staying here, living happily with Suzanne and Celesta and Teresa, or maybe going out and fighting monsters with the plant girl, losing on purpose like she had intended to do when she'd loaded up the game... But still, that wouldn't be an option. She was awoken by screaming from the basement, and she rushed downstairs to see what was the matter, worried that the bees might have come back. Of course, she quickly saw that that was not the case; the problem was that Teresa could see again. Teresa! Teresa, calm down. That is Celesta. She's your sister. You... you were used by the spirit for a long time. More than a hundred years. Celesta... got captured by a plant, and it kept her alive for all that time. But... it made her a part of it so that it could... breed with her. She really is your sister! So don't hurt her, please.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Teresa take out her hand of the neck of her sister, she had her eyes completely open "It cant be true that is a lie, just a damn lie. She raise up really pissed off, Evelen get on guard as she saw her walking close her, but instead she get closed inside the room, where she rested.

AHHHHH, The girls hear how she started to hit and break things as she shout and screamed without stop Where is Celesta, that thing cant be my sister, she is very different or this is just a nightmare, a illusion. AAhhhh, i want to wake up, DAMN!!!! a loud noise end the noise, maybe she break the bed or get unconscious.

Celesta remain in the foor after cough some times, really sad after heard the words of her sister, but she tried to get up when all get silent "Sister...cough...are you fine, answer me...TERESA!!!but her woobly lags dont respon to her and fall on the floor to cough up and then she tried to drag herself to reach the door
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Damn it, I was worried this might happen... Evelen ran and put her arms around Celesta. It'll be okay, she's just shocked, that's all. So rest here. It'll all be okay. She did her best to dress the girl's wounds, and then turned to the door. She knocked on the door and said Teresa, open the door. You're going to have to deal with reality eventually. If she got no answer, she would try to slowly open the door and peek inside.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Teresa dont answer, she can heard a continued little sound in a wall. Evelen slowly open a little the door and peek inside.

The room was made a mess chair, desk, everything even the bed are broken, little pieces of glass and others broken things are in the floor everywhere, marks of hits in the wall with blood in some of them and in the wall of the other side was Teresa with her hands filled of blood, making a pool of blood hitting her head in the wall continually as maybe even her legs are damaged by the rampage.

Let me alone, i dont want to talk or see anyone Her voice show her sadness and furry, even when the weakness of her body make it low [/color]

Show her... the picture...miss evelen, she will only understand... in that way said Celesta still wounded, crying in the floor
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Teresa! she yelled, do you remember the family photo you brought with you? We have it here with us. If you saw her next to it you'd know that she really is your little sister. She's got green skin, purple hair, and huge breasts, but she's still your little sister! Is that so hard to believe when you live inside of a monster? Tears welled up in her eyes as she asked more quietly is she really that hard to accept? She loves you, very much, so please, at least calm down so that we can treat your wounds.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Teresa left to hit her head and just rest her face in the blooding wall, making some little low sobs, traying to hidden them Ok, i will stop, just give me my picture she said with a cold gaze looking were Evelen was, her face filled with blood, still falling from her forehead

She then will let them cure them.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen placed the photo carefully on the ground beside Teresa, and then went about finding things to bandage her wounds with and apply pressure to stop the bleeding. We can clean this later, okay? she whispered to the girl, and she began to gently rub her shoulders, trying to calm and relax her. It might take some getting used to, but everything will be fine in the end.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Teresa just remain silent looking the picture, trying to be strong and dont loss herself in the sadness until Celesta slowly walk to her [color"darkgreen"] Sister...are you alright?...i..m[/color] the weak voice of Celesta stop when she saw her sister talk.

Dont had to apologize, it was my fault... you should dont had to went whit me in that adventure, it was very dangerous to be your first journey Teresa then just look to other part, bitting her lips until blood go out of them. Her hands were very damaged, she even cant move them and her body was still weak.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

It's no one's fault, that castle was pretty harsh Evelen said, trying to massage the girl's back. We just need to rest up for a bit. She looked down at the girl's hands and winced, seeing how badly she had hurt them. We need to clean up those hands in the river. We can wait a little if you want to, though.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Do as you wish, i cant move my body at all.But first answer me something: Do you had a reason to be the only naked here? Evelen saw than Suzanne still had her clothes and Celesta had her lewd bra and a pant.

Teresa hate that kind of things Evelen, sorry. i should had said you before
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Well, the only clothes left in this house are for someone much taller than I am, and I'd rather go naked than wear a dress that dragged the ground. And it's not like I'm embarrassed. Still, if you want me to I can try and find something to wear.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Dress yourself meanwhile you are in the house, i cant resist saw how someone is wandering around naked in my presence, even less if Celesta is watching you. Said the damaged girl a little angry, certainly she would hurt herself trying to raise up.

Celesta sigh with a smile maybe this was very usual in her overprotectore sister
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

I don't think your little sister has ever seen me with clothes on Evelen said with a wink. Still, I'll go try and find some if you insist. You two behave while I'm gone, or I'll be mad at you! she said, wagging a finger playfully before going upstairs to see again what her clothing options were.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

As she go to dress herself she can heard tham talk about her and them. Please sis, too much had happen, you dont need to worry about that... Our mother lend me the responsability to take care of you when we left the house... (a moment of complete silent) i...im sorry..., can we not talk about the past, please...it ...it hurt to much. . ...Just hear me, i only want the best for you... can i hug you sis... yes, i cant avoid it, i cant move my body... you skin feel diferent and you smell weird, take a shower ...Oh, sis haha... No im serious take a shower, NOW ...sigh

Evelen found some shirts and skirts than can could fit her well with some cuts