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Evelen (Tiffanian)

Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen read the diary and began to tear up. This is horrible. Why would they even do such a thing to someone? She put the diary down and hugged Mitsuko tightly, hoping to somehow make up for the years of loneliness the girl must have suffered when Sofia and Henry had left. When she went downstairs she was mostly interested in the books in the closet; she decided to find out what they were about, to see if it would be worth it to read any of them.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Mitsuko leave the box to a side and hug her too mmhnn... Master...hnmmoo As if she was happy to add a good master as the last time, she even drop some teardrops and moved her tail and cow like hears. Sue stay in the bed or a time after Evelen leave, then she put her suit and start to work the fields.

The books were to learn to cook, make wine, literature books, personal defense, how make your children learn to write and speak, monster farm guide, basic magic, archery, arqueologist books, etiquette book, weapon mastery book.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Hmmm... Celesta, I think you should read the book on archery. There's a bow upstairs, and you could attack from range until things got close to you, then attack with your sword. Suzanne... Let's go find Mitsuko, and we'll see if we can't teach the two of you how to read and speak she said, smiling as she took the book on language and went to find the cow girl. Maybe she could help the both of them at once.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

[color"darkgreen"] Eeehhh? Archery, sigh...i hate to read, but ok i will try to read that, later. Teresa will kill me if she saw me drinking this[/color] She said starting to remember that her sister had a sense of smell.

Then both go upstair, but Mitsuko was not there anymore, Evelen start to get worried until found the box open without the suit and some farm tools, she found the cowgirl working in the camp, taking the mature fruits inside a basket and leave a few in the floor were some ants take them.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Hey, Mitsuko. I'm going to try to teach my daughter to read, do you want me to help you with your speaking and reading too? she asked, giving a curious look to the cow girl as she left out fruits for the ants. It seemed strange, but she guessed that there was probably a reason for it.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Mitsuko nodded and store everything before started to study, the classes started and at the begginig was a pain teach to Suzanne to read, as Mitsuko was good doing it...But the things changed with the time, teresa reached a reading level of 1st year of school in just a sesion, unfortunately Mitsuko get a low imrovement in her writing and speak, maybe she had some problems created by her training.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen smiled as her little girl began to learn to read. It was much more difficult to try and get Mitsuko's speech to improve, but that was expected, since she had been "trained" so brutally. It's okay, you don't have to learn everything at once she said, patting the cow girl's head. She decided that it was about time to head back to the main house, taking the books on reading and magic with her, and the archery book for Celesta. She would try to teach Suzanne to read until she could read the book of magic; maybe it could develop her skills, and she would get better at exploding heads. The thought made Evelen smile.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"mmn...yes...master" Teresa said blushed. It was time to return and the three leave the girl who had to recover the work lost of some weeks lost by being raped by the spiders. Celesta dress herself before going in and when they went inside. in front of the door was teresa in a chair drinking a tea Hi, why so late? what happened, why the cloth of all had silk? said with a serious tone trying to calm herself
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

We found a little house down there, and there's a cow-girl living there. We helped her get rid of a little infestation the house had Evelen said, smiling. It was even sort of true. She has all kinds of books and things that you can use to learn weapons, and spare weapons besides. Maybe you'd like to come with us tomorrow and visit her?
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

A cow girl living alone...thats interesting, i havent heard something like that. well it was a long day, help me with the dinner Celesta. Celesta nodded trying to maintain her distance to avoid that her sister smell the alcohol´s smell, but all know than that was not possible, after the scene were Celesta get a reprimand all eat a good tasty food and Suzanne and Teresa sleep upstair.

Celesta end to make the last maintenance to the room and was readdy to receive the punishment from her mistress
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen giggled as Teresa reprimanded her sister for drinking. It was a pretty funny scene, and afterward the lot of them ate a wonderful dinner that the sisters had cooked. It was quite nice, and it felt like they were a real family, sitting around the dinner table eating and joking and generally having a good time. Evelen encouraged her daughter to sleep with aunt Teresa upstairs, and the girl seemed to love the idea; she had taken to the girl almost immediately, and they seemed to get along quite well. She waited until Celesta completed her repairs on the slaver's equipment downstairs and then went to meet her, surveying the room to see what kinds of tools she had available to her. She rubbed the girl's cheek and said what a good, obedient little slave you are, fixing all these toys for your mistress. Does my beautiful slave have any particular toy she would like me to use on her first? she asked, with a smile that was both coy and wicked at the same time. And we need something to gag you with, it would be a shame if we woke the people upstairs.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Both girls waited until a hour after the other two went to sleep, i... hmm.. i, want the horse mistress. the room was filled with all kind of slave tools and BSDM objects, even some than Evelen dont know how they work hmm...Dont worry...Mistress... i also found this gag ball close some shakes and ropes too. She said even whitout know why she choice this But... i will use any tool that my mistress want.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen eyed the equipment, not quite sure how to use most of it. Still, she was sure she could learn quickly. Don't worry, your mistress will teach you how to ride the horse she said, giving Celesta a deep, passionate kiss before putting the ball gag in her mouth and securing it. She took a length of rope and tied it around one of the plant girl's ankles, and then tied the other end tightly around her calf, pulling it taut so that her knee was bent about 90 degrees. She repeated the process for her other leg, and then tied her arms behind her back. She stood back to admire her handiwork, and took some time to fondle her slave's breasts. She massaged and tugged at the huge orbs until milk began to leak from them, and giggled as she stopped. Maybe in a little bit I'll milk you she said as she winked, and she picked up the helpless plant girl and carried her over to the wooden horse.

It was a fairly simple device, triangular and built up to a point, affixed to a mobile base. She carefully set Celesta on top of it and pressed her down onto it. Now sit up straight, and you won't fall off she said, and she hit the thing gently, causing it to rock and dig into the plant girl's pussy. It looked painful, but she was already beginning to wet the back of the horse, her love juices running down the sides of it. You enjoy this, don't you? she whispered into Celesta's ear, you're such a naughty little masochist. You were born to be my slave. She rocked the horse a little more, and thought I hope I'm not laying it on too thick, but I think she likes being talked dirty to. She looked around and found a whip, and playfully flicked it around in front of Celesta, showing her what she was in for. She moved behind her and lashed at the plant girl's back, trying to hold back so that it stung more than it hurt. She kept whipping Celesta, gently kicking the horse so that it rocked every so often, until muffled moans and groans escaped her, and she squirmed on the horse. Your mistress will let you down from the horse when you cum she said, putting another fairly gentle lash on the girl's back, which had become a light shade of reddish-green from the sting of the whip. She rocked the horse stronger than normal and commanded her slave cum for me.
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

At the start the plant girl had doubts about this, she really want to just say no, but she was her friend her savior, her mistress. She would never hurt her and just will help to sattle the desires to be used that had been growing with the time after been free of that temple that steal her life to her and her daughter, the kiss finish any possibility to go back, so she tried to make it eternal in the mind of both, her body get tied taking out her freedom and now was completely in the hands of Evelen, these fondle her filthy massive breasts, filling her with the now usual pleasure than was a new addiction to her, the maple like milk sprout of them like a big silk twin river, the dirty words maked echoe in her head as her body was over the wooden horse, her cunt was pressed by her weight in the little plataform, for some reason she start to get free her honey when her mistress move it, slowsly the pain was turning into pleasure when she heard the words of her friend, now these were like the irrefutable truth, but she deny it anyway moving her head to the sides, but was useless her lewd moans and fluids show the truth feelings of her, she expected that this was the end until saw the whip in Evelen hands, she started to had fear, is that the true identity of her mistress? she then feels the first hit, it increased her arousal instead of her pain, every whip and hit in the horse make her get close her peak, she heard than she will be free if she come, but she dont want, it was very good being treat like this without pay with a child or eternal rape. She tried to resist but her mind was weak and just she heard the order she come with a big noo muffed by the ball, she laid there, expecting that this was not the end of her punishment, whising that her mistress show her real identity, a slutty slave who only wan to be treated like this by her mistress.

Then before Evelen started to free her some knock sounds come from the farm´s door and a cute moo? was heard when open
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen watched with glee as Celesta came, her body twitching as her love juices flowed down the sides of the horse, dripping down onto the ground. She walked up to her and leaned on her shoulders, wedging the horse more deeply into her as she whispered there's my little slut. You're such a good girl, following my orders like that. She picked the girl up off the horse and gently laid her on the ground, when she heard a knock at the door to the farm and an inquisitive "moo?" It sounds like we have company. Be a good girl and wait for mistress here. She leaned in and gave the plant girl's ear a firm nibble, and whispered anticipate my return. She then walked out to the farm door and opened it, smiling broadly, and asked what is it, Mitsuko?
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The cow girl was dressed with the suit without the mask she had a basked filled with some things that the girl collect around the day, fruits, seeds, vegetables, roots, leaves, a weird kind of bread, wine, pastes, oil, spices and 2 empty bottles of milk. She give it to Evelen

Master...want mmmilk? can...i...pass, Master?" she said blushed as started to undress herself and then she give her a clean empty cump.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Thank you, Mitsuko. She watched the girl strip and ask if she wanted milk, and she giggled a little. I would love some milk. Two glasses, please. She held out the glass the cow girl had handed her, not quite sure how this was supposed to work.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Completely naked Mitsuko take a iron bucket behind her hidden in the shadows and started to fondle her breasts in front of her master showing her the way to do it until started to leak a little of silk milk inside the bucket [color="red]mmmgh it taste...good mmmoo and can be... separed, easily...mmnhh. Master want... to try?[/color] Said the cow moving her exited tail everywhere, waiting to be milked by another person again
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen smiled as she saw that the cow girl wanted her to milk her. I would love to try she said, and she gently bent the girl over and began to fondle and tug at her breasts, the silk and milk flowing out together into the bucket. The girl made cute moans and swished her tail from side to side rapidly. Evelen milked the girl for a decent while, almost giggling as she thought about how much Celesta must be suffering as she waited for her immobile. She would have to give her a glass of milk to make up for it. When the bucket was full she smiled and patted Mitsuko's head and said you're a good cow. Thank you for letting me milk you, I enjoyed it. If Mitsuko left, she would take the things the cow girl had given her and return to Celesta.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Mitsuko enjoyed the moment had been years of milk herself alone, it was not the same, she was turned to be treated like that the only thing than would be better will be give birth and feed her childrens with her pregnant body, anyway this meke her remember good times with her mistress and master, the couple always milk her and sattle her needs of pleasure, then she noted, the smell of torture, leather whips and sex juices in the body of her master, she wanted to be treated by her master in that way too, like Henry used her a long time ago, she then just let herself go in the pleasure until she fill the bucket.

Mitsuko feel her feets woobly and then decide to said the question to her master Master... i smell leather and...juices from...other...could be...i hmmmnh used like that...to? Said the aroused cowgirl blushed, her neithers were damp and ready to feel the texture of the whip.