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Evelen (Tiffanian)

Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

I see. Any idea where these keys are? Or even where the exit would be?
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Sorry, i dont had any other information about the keys or the door, the leaders of the city maybe know about tham as the more older books are in the palace The young man look like he was saying the thrut, after all if he know about them himself will try to got them.

Then Celesta come with a big dress that a maid give her in her time with Teresa, it really cover her enought to be presentable even when is open from behind to be able to fit on her, maybe Evelen could ask one to dont give a bad first impresion or take one from her backpack
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

That's alright Evelen said, and when Celesta walked in conspicuously clothed she suddenly realized her own nudity; by now it seemed so normal to be naked that she hadn't even considered it. She suddenly looked through her backpack, trying to find some sort of clothing to put on.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The girl look her backpack and noticed he two packs of clothes of the begining and the cloth that teresa make her, but she had not the skirt as the monster destroy it in the path. She can hear some voices in the corridor of two unknown females and a male butler.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

She quickly put on a pair of the clothing and said sorry about that, you spend enough time fighting monsters and eventually clothes seem like a luxury.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen finished to dress just before when the two women come, Gerald stand up and talk to them before they reach the dinner room, it was a litle long chat but them they returned, bot make formal curtsy and sit on the table, the mother is amature young woman around 30, she has long blonde hair with gold eyes, she try to be gentle with all the guests as his son returned after to much time to his house and the girl is a little more old than Suzanne around 16 maybe, she had silver hair and blue eyes, she sit close the green haired girl and started to touch her outfit "Its very cute!! are these the new outfits of the army? they look very good on you. she said in a cherfull way. Suzanne was dreaming awake until she heard the voice of the lady and answer No, i made it with magic, do you want one? say smiling, then you are a mage, what tricks can you do, do you lauch fire balls or summon creatures? Evelen shrug her shoulder and ask to her mother Mama witch kind of mage im?
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen smiled as her daughter got along with Gerald's younger sister so well. For the briefest of moments she envisioned them as sisters-in-law before shaking her head. I don't know what kind of mage you are. You seem to be able to do a few different things. It'd be better if someone who knew magic a little could teach you.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Before we started to talk we must said our names dear. My name is Elizabeth Dragan and she is my daughter. The mother look to her with a mother like face Jean Dragan nice to meet you. Now after all had said their names, she continued Well Suzanne, im a sumoner, i could find you a nice tutor in magic in this city, do you want to try, im sure will be fun Suzanne look to her mother and Geral trying to hear the suggestion and then she nodded yes, Suzanne will love to learn more magic.

The mother get surprised by how she talk and Jean get fascinated by how she said her name in third person.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

My name is Evelen, and it's nice to meet you too. She listened to Suzanne and Jean, and said I'm not sure how long we'll be here in the capital. Probably only until Teresa gets better, I think. I also have no money whatsoever. She ignored the surprised look on Elizabeth's face at Suzanne's manner of speaking; she could probably tell her the truth, but she didn't know if that was a good idea. These people might not be as enthusiastic and kind if they knew that her little girl was less than a year old and half monster.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Then we had time to ask for a date to the leaders of the city, as the doctors said that lady Teresa must stay in bed for two weeks to fully restore herself. Looks i had the time train all of you a little and get a tutor for Suzanne, is that right, Miss Evelen Then Suzanne pull his arm and said something to his ear, he nodded as she hug his arm.

Mother, could they stay here meanwhile, please she accept only if they want and then started dish come, it was delicious and Suzanne nerly eat with the hands but Gerald stop her without nobody saw him except Celesta and Evelen who were in front, Suzanne imite the moves of the warrior even how he eat the food and both slime, then she show her to her mother trying that she imitate her to.
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Alright, then, we can stay here for a while if you're okay with housing a few freeloaders. She smiled as the man taught Suzanne how to eat properly, sort of kicking herself for not having taught the girl better table manners before. It had seemed so unimportant with the four of them alone. She was almost considering trying to get Gerald alone to ask him about Darius, but that might be a bad idea... Not knowing who you can trust sucks.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Geral finish to eat his dish and said Dont worry we had enough rooms, sometimes some soldiers come here to stay when the military school is full, but even there are free rooms in this moment. the little girl sigh and said please dont talk about them you make me remember Wendy...i hate her, she is evil the mother make a shh and said [color"tear"] dont talk bad of other persons Jean, if you want to do it, said it in front of them [/color] the mother disipline the daughter with a gaze and she said sad ...ok. Sorry to said that... Suzanne, how about if you go to my room after dinner? lets play there, please accept the girl caress her face in the shouder of Suzanne and smile wow, your skin is so soft, i could fall sleep the mother cought and Jean sit right to started the principal dish, there Gerald help again to Suzanne as also in the desert plate, both of them very good maybe better than Teresa, they then started the true chat.

The mother ask about the job to his son but this said than that could be very bad to say, then the little sister take Suzane to her room pulling her hapily and now Evelen could ask to the soldier about talk alone or wait more.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Have fun, Suzanne! Evelen called out after her as she went off to her new friend's room. She waited for Gerald and his mother to have their conversation before asking him may I speak with you in private? Nothing against you of course, Miss Dragan.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The mother drink a little of wine before talk dont worry dear, i also want to had a private chat with lady Celesta The plant girl stop to drink the wine when she heart it. Gerald take Evelen to a little garden iluminated by cute gems and crystals, there was some chairs and a little table,[color"dimgrey"] here we dont be disturbet, please go on.[/color The soldier wait for the girl questions
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen stood quietly, conflicted as to whether to talk to him about Darius or not. Finally, she said I really do thank you for being so good to my daughter. But out of curiosity... Do you know of anyone else trying to find these keys you talked about?
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Gerald take a time to remember and said The leaders of the city are trying to find a way to save this city before our farms die, also i heard rummor about a slaver leader trying to find them, i dunno why, some teasure hunters had lost their lives to find one and sell it in the black market and many people who want just adventures, but they usualy die or turn into monsters breeders
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Hmmm... Well, I've run into someone who's trying to find them, claims to be a mercenary. I learned of the keys before from him. What are you doing to try to find them?
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Gerald get very ashamed and said Im looking around every ruin or cave as i dont have any information of the localization of the keys, at least rescue any person in there, but as i said before not always the end fine.Also, My work is protect this city and destroy monster nests thats why i cant move freely unless i said than is for kill monsters.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Hmm... Well, one of the reasons we were traveling originally when the frogs captured us was to meet with someone in the capital. A friend of the family. Do you know of a soldier named Braveheart?
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Gerald dont take even a minute to remember that name and said a little surprised. The comander Braveheart? yes, i know where you could find the commander. When do you want to talk with Braveheart?