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Evelen (Tiffanian)

Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The central park sounds nice Evelen said, lost in thought for a moment. And why is the army building not safe?
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

i dunno, i was out many time and the city changed to much, when i left the city was a proud place to live, he know much about what is happening, certainly i want also talk with him after your private chat. They walken through the streets and they then saw a shining park far away, as they get close they saw many people talking happily all were humans of diferent ages and some soldiers were walking around checking all. The park were filled with weird plants and fireflyes, maybe the plants were natives of the cave and in a lake were some little animals. In the center was a monumentum of 5 warriors, around the park were more statues and even food sellers, Gerald even buy some kind of ice cream to both and give one to Evelen, sorry, maybe i should ask you first, maybe you want something diferent. ask me anything as we sit in that bench close the big statues of the fundators of the city[/dimgrey]
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen took the ice cream and licked at it. Thanks, I could use a dessert. She sat with him on the bench, occasionally licking at her ice cream, before finally asking so what exactly is up with this test? They've asked me to be one of the "mercenaries" supposedly fighting the students, but I'm not entirely sure what's going on.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Gerald eat a little of his ice cream as the persons look to them as if they were a pair of lover like any other, then he stop when she ask They played dirth and used their influences in the goverment and the army as the leader in charge was out, im sure that they are doing this for something more than damage the honor of my family or punish Suzanne, also is weird that my soldiers were used for that and all the other werd rules, they certainly want to maintain us busy and they get free to do something bigger then he eat more of his ice cream.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Hmm... I almost wish I had just stayed at home. Evelen pondered what possible purpose the government could have in doing something like this, her ice cream starting to drip onto the ground. The people around here sure seem shady she whispered to him. Of course, your soldiers are no better.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The soldier get surprised by her words and watch how some little hell ants get closer were the ice cream fall, Evelen read of these creatures as friendly creatures that only attack if she try to touch them witout they allow it and they are used to give nutrients to the land Please dont said that, the mansion is very fun and i really enjoy all of you and Jean would never had found her best friend, dont worry im here and i will take care of them if they try to do something he then take a little more of his ice cream before continue My soldiers are great in their jobs and i dont know if they are shady, the people of this city is very diferent that the others, they dont know about the problems out of here and the people that know just try to stay here and dont get out. Also you should eat it before that ant ask for it said the warrior smiling
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

I love being in your mansion, and I almost wish we had brought Mitsuko with us, it's just that the people outside the mansion that I've run into are scheming scum who despise my family. Including your soldiers. Evelen returned to licking at her ice cream, looking down at the little ants. I don't mind giving them a little food.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Gerald sigh and end his ice cream then rest in the bench looking to the statues, maybe you are right... i wonder what they would said if they saw our city. Being the last is really hard, all these women and men were not only of my family, they were people of this town, rich and poor people who give all to earn a future to this city, the people look to me get out with light in their eyes and over all the childrens, certainly know about bein their model or "hero" but im just a soldier, nothing more.

He then saw her and just get ashamed to had said all sorry for said all this, lets go to his house now before we get late to your date
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

I wonder what the world is like outside this monster Evelen said as she got up and followed Gerald towards Braveheart's house.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The young man put the leftover of his icecream in the trash and both walked to the house it must be better, certainly, i really want that your family get out this thing they walked for a while and then reached a house of three floors and knock the door, a old woman opened and and nearly cry when she saw the warrior young Dragan!!you are alive, i hear bad rumors about your dead out the city the warrior hug her for a moment Please Mrs Braveheart. you are not in age to heard tha kind of rumors, we can wait him inside? we need to talk with him the old woman smiled and opened the door please come inside, do you want a tea or something until he come? Also, its nice that you found someone of your age, maybe you can now stay and make a family to dont make me heard bad news

The house was very nice but of course is was nothing after live many days in the Dragan´s mansion.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen raised an eyebrow when the woman insinuated that the two of them were interested in each other, but didn't say anything. I can't go stealing my daughter's first crush from her, I think that would make me a bad mom. She sat and waited for the general, curious as to what sort of person Darius had recommended to her.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

As they waited Evelen could saw some family pictures, looks like they had a daughter of red hair and she noted something familiar on her. After a time the old woman bring the tea and they waited a time eating some home maded cookies.

Then someone opened the door, it was an old man with white hair and still some red, Hi Gerald so this is the girl, please let us talk a little alone Gerald the warrior salute him and get out the room leaving them alone So, now that we are alone, can you say me why do you need me? the man sit and wait for her answer
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

I suppose I'll get right to the point. Do you know a man who goes by the name Darius?
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

He get surprised to heard that name and nodded, Yes, i know him,who are you? the man then wait for more information as many persons know him for diferent reasons.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

I'm just a simple adventurer, who was trying to find a way out of this monster. I met Darius, and he helped me find a few of the keys that supposedly will open the way. So who is he really, and who is he working for?
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The man look to her really surprised to heard that she got some keys and that she only is asking him about who is Darius Well, he is a mercenary, a good one. Nobody had information about him, he just appear, maybe he come from the outside, he work for his own accepting ussualy works of treasures or old objects. Im sure that you dont come just to know who is him
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

He told me to meet with you, and that he and I would meet in front of the city gate in a week, though I don't know how long ago that was. In fact he told me not to tell anyone but you about him. Is there any reason I shouldn't trust Gerald?
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The man look to her hair and eyes So, you are that girl that named Evelen, he saw weird things about you. But yes, Gerald certainly dont must know about Darius, he will take him to jail, he is a criminal for many people and a very dangerous man for the governtment. I meet him around 10 days ago he said the place where you must meet him, you dont need to go now he will stay for another week
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Well, at least he isn't working for the government. I'd probably have to be angry with him. The only other bad possibility is that he's working for slavers, in which case I'll just have to kill him. In any case, that's all I needed to talk to you alone about.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The old man then get up and before look for Gerald he said There are worst things that could hire him in this cave, but Darius always try to do his job without hurt anyone

Then he get out the room and then returned with Gerald Now we can talk about a real problem, i heard that the exam was changed thanks to my daughter and this realy worst every moment, i heard that a new person try to take the city using his influences and will try to take control that day but that is only a rumor like your death, certainly they look for something in the mansion as they dont will waiting for you return in an invasion

Gerald then remember i heard of a possible murder attemp against me, the worst thing that they will try against my family could be a complete aniquilation of the Dragan´s it would be more easy as my mother and i will help in the exam, what do you think Evelen?
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