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Evelen (Tiffanian)

Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The weakened one, attack it hard and fast and we run when it dies Evelen said, striking at the weakened bug.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen cut the wounded creature with the help of the young recluit, more blood and spores get out of the creature, both get out at time to avoid inhalate the dust, but then the other two creatures used their weight to hurt the young man who now was grappled by one. The situation was getting worse now that the wounded bug hit Evelen, more cracks on her armor were maded by the weight of the creature and she was unnable to resist more her breath. Now she had breathed the dust of the creature who was close to take her until Meecah make a deep wound on the head of the insect, Evelen get free and then she get up at time to counter the creature with a direct impact to the head of the creature. Now they could escape, but what will happen to Evelen now that the dust get inside of her.

Evelen 7 [3 turns]
Meecah 5
girl 3

Bug 6
bug 6
bug 0
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Let's get the hell out of here, as quick as we can! Evelen shouted, cursing herself for inhaling the spores as she ran away from the remaining bugs.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The four get out after heard Evelen shout. One of the bugs try to catch her, but her spear strike the creature to make it fall on the floor. Meecah easily get out, but the two girls were not so fast and soon a book tackle them, the swordsgirl scream as she try to use her sword, but the creature get over her body and press her armed hand, the bug opened its mouth and a cloud of dust fall over her, with her chest pressed she was unnable to contain her breath and soon the dust was inhalated. Evelen then turn to saw how the other bug get close the uncouncius girl and then an arrow hit the head of one of them Hi, Evelen! i will cover your back if you want to fight them the voice come from an high place, some feets away.

Evelen 7 [2 turns]
Meecah 5
Girl 2/5 [3 turns]

bug 5
bug 5
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Alright! Evelen shouted to the voice, change of plans, we need to kill them and fast! Evelen shouted as she lashed out at the remaining bugs, not wanting to have to fight when the spores did whatever it was they were going to do.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The two run toward the bugs and soon one of the bugs run toward Evelen but she use her spear to make him lost the balance thanks to a nice swing of her weapon, Meecah the created an hole using his weapon and then get back, the girl fight hystericaly and her sword wound the mouth of the creature, the archer continued her shoots and two arrows fly toward the monster who was fighting Evelen.

The time passed and All conect against the creatures and even the swordsgirl free her naked body from the monster, a last arrow hit the forehead of the creature killing it and now there was only the last one who begging to free the dust over the girl. She and Evelen feel something starting and soon the armor and clothes of the spear girl were making her uncomfortable and then she know what was happening when even her hand feel pain with only grapple her weapon, her skin was oversensitivy and the itchi feeling was too much to fight or move, her situation was getting worse as the time pass

Evelen 7 ap 2 [-6]
Meecah 5
girl 1 ap 5 [-3]

bug 2
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Damn it, Meecah, you're going to have to finish this thing off I think Evelen said, taking up a defensive position and trying not to get beaten down by the bug despite her troubles.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Meecah had to take a time to reach the other bug, who dont stop to send the cloud of dust to the recluit girl, she just drop her weapon and then when the creature lift her she stay in a complete extasys so potent that she was unnable to make a noise or move, then the rain of arrows end the monster and the girl fall in the Meecah's arms, he left her in the floor and tried to clean his hands and get away of her Who is happening to her ? he then drop his weapons and start to give her assistence to make her breath, it looks like she was in a critical state and was unnable to even breath for herself.

Resist Evelen i will go there soon
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

I don't know exactly. I haven't read about or fought these things before Evelen replied, panting as she felt the effects of the spores.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen feel a shock on all her body when she fell and the firm touch of the clothes was now worse as her body was touching the floor, her skin was drenched in sweat and even when she could move, she tried to avoid to dont increase the torture. A moment later she heard the little rocks fall behind her and then she heard the voice of a young girl "take out her clothes, she will feel better and we must take care of that other until the effect fall [/b] then when she was expecting to be undressed by a unknown girl she saw the green skin of Celesta Dont worry sister, we will take care of all, just resist a little more until i take out your clothes The plant girl take a time to free her of the clothes and the armor and Evelen could feel waves of her skin everytime that Celesta touch her or take out her pieces of clothes, but ar the end Evelen feels a relief even when the cold brezze make her feel weird. Meecah continued doing his work with the poor girl and then Evelen saw two girls in rags that not cover them at all getting closer to the uncounciest student who was not afected by the spores, one had a little box and from it take out some bandages and even use her remains to cover her wounds.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen shuddered as her body felt like it was on fire, even the feeling of her clothes terrible against her super-sensitive skin. It's good to see you, Celesta, I thought that might be you. Evelen helped the plant-girl undress her, and felt a little better without the clothes rubbing against her skin. Have you encountered these things before?
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen could see how the armor of the plant girl had been turned into a one shoulder little armor that was more like a bra filled with scratches and her neithers are covered by a piece of metal hanging in her belt showing her panties Nope, Litzy is a medical soldier and she had read about them, she is the light blue haired girl with the first aid kit. We were going to the point of reunion when i heard your voice and you should know the rest Then she just stay with Evelen trying to dont touch her until Litzy finish the treatment of the wounded uncouncious girl that had not wake up.

The bluehaired girl get up after close her box and said We had finished, now we must move them to a safer place were they could rest, maybe 20 minutes. Pliease lift this girl as we try to move the girl who get realy damaged by the spores.

Celesta take all the things inside the backpack of Evelen and then put it on her back can you walk Evelen? it will really a hard moment but the spear girl could walk slowly.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

I can walk, just not very well. Evelen began to walk with the others toward safer ground so that everyone could rest; it wouldn't do to fight more in the state they were all in.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Even when it was only a walk of two minutes Evelen reach tired and just sit slowly in the floor, they were now in a blind point when someone look up to the mountain, now in a safer place the naked Litzy start the treatment of the swordsgirl and ask to Meecah to leave her partner continue the assistence breathing, just then he noted that he was surrounded of naked girls and a strange armed plant girl that half monster is your friend, Evelen? It was clear that the young man dont feel comfortable now and decide to just look to the view that the mountain give them. The lightblue haired girl said that Evelen will be fine in 20 minutes, but the students only will be able to breat after 10 and it will be possible that she will be unnable to fight more in the test.

After a time they heard some soldiers where they were some minutes ago, maybe they could find them.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

She's my sister, actually Evelen replied, still recovering from the spores. She noticed Meecah's discomfort and wondered if it was because of Celesta, or because he was surrounded by naked women. It was probably the latter. Hey, what's wrong? Are you embarrassed because we're naked? Don't be, it's not that big a deal. Evelen began to worry when she heard the soldiers, and got everyone to try and hide, hoping they wouldn't find them. She didn't want to have to fight at this time.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The young boy just nod and continued looking the view, trying to dont see them Yes, its better for all that i endure it said in a serious tone.

When the soldiers look for them it were many times that they were close to spot the group, but they decide to left the mountain and search in other place, then other group passed and went toward the jungle. After many hard longer minutes, Evelen start to feel better but still she feel that her body was not completely fine and look gladly that the young girl swas breathing again between moans and whines, her noises soon call the attention of two soldiers that were close and even when litzy cover her mouth was too late and they will search in that place.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen sighed as the soldiers made their way towards them, really unenthusiastic about fighting them. We should just leave the ones who can't fight and try to avoid fighting these soldiers Evelen whispered, though she made ready to negotiate with the soldiers anyway, if her idea was shot down. It's just an illusion, after all.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The students whisper their answers, the two students girls talked about the responsability to take care of her allies and her etict, that lesf them was bad and many normal things than a good young girl could say in that moment. But soon Celesta interrup them and talk that they must reach the reunion point or many persons will really die in the ruins, Meecah just sigh and said that he was with Evelen this was just a exam that someone screw, the two girls will be fine unless the two soldiers dont kill them.

The soldiers were close and in a minute they will reach, Evelen still was naked and the two students girls desist and acept the plant of the spear girl.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen led the rest of those that could come away quietly, trying to get away before the soldiers found them, gathering her armor if it was in quick grasp.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen look for her things but then remember that Celesta had all in the backpack that she take from Evelen, who in that moment was unnable to lift thanks to the spores. When the five were leaving the screams of the soldiers call her attention and then they saw the silent high rank girl soldier of Gerald close the hypocrit Wendy, both were drenched in blood and they leave the rest of the soldiers everywhere, as they go down of the mountain to hunt more preys. They just heard the giggle of the pink haired girl getting away.