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Evelen (Tiffanian)

Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"Sorry, I'm a little bit stressed out right now" Evelen replied, waiting for the young man's signal to stab him in the heart, not letting him suffer. As she and her family walked towards the coast, she decided to avoid the mercenaries. Even if they had recruits with them, she didn't want to fight a group of men if she didn't have to.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

They easily managed to pass unnoticied and continued their path, the little girl make a deep sigh, starting to feel better, but still a little angry to had this kind of effects when she get close to males and then she feel how the earth was different. Ouch... the floor start to feel a little painfull by all these little rocks. what is that blue big thing in the distance Mama? the girl said pointing the far view toward the sea. But then a big magic wave shock surround them, make them feel weird for a instant and then they start to heard the voice of the Dragan's elder on their minds. Suzanne was surprised Eh? its that Mistress Elizabeth. How many peoples are in Suzanne's mind said scared the young one as she stroke her head.

The fight had started, we are fine. dont worry about Lady Teresa, she is fine at my side now. Now the persons killed will stay there. Please dont kill to many studens for a while, give us a pair of hours until we defeat some of them Her voice was calmed and normal, but maybe she could been hiden the truth.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"That's the ocean, Suzanne. A big pool of water, basically. They have them outside the monster" Evelen replied before hearing Mrs. Dragan's voice. "Alright" she replied to the woman, "we'll try not to kill any students." She wondered for a moment if the elder Dragan could actually hear her, but it didn't matter too much. "If you haven't informed Richard, try to do so, he isn't with me right now." She sighed and turned to the other two. "Alright then, this is the real thing. Be careful, and when we're fighting mercenaries or soldiers, don't hesitate to kill them. There isn't any reason not to right now." She kept on walking along the coast, waiting for Suzanne to sniff out more people.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Understod, I will do it please take care. I will be unable to speak with you again, please take care The illusion was still a little dazed, maybe Elizabeth could speak because the magic was difused a little. They waited a time but the voice dont speak again, then they decide to proceed and Celesta was amazed as Suzanne by the size of the big pool of water.

Then the young girl stop completely and and get stunned for a instant, then she press her nose with her hand trying to dont breath again that C...CUM, everywhere! and a young man wounded... there. Could Suzanne stay here, Mama? said scared and pointed to a cave close the shore.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen sighed, unsure what to do. "I don't want to fight not at full strength, but it probably wouldn't be a good idea to expose you to that right now. And I also don't want to leave you alone out here. Celesta, you stay here with her, I'll go check it out. If I think I can handle it on my own, I will, if I don't, I'll come back and we can find someone else to target" she said, slowly and carefully creeping up to the cave, trying to avoid being noticed as she checked out what was going on.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Suzanne start to feel bad about being so weak and dont be able to even protect her mother, or make her get soo worried that she leave her aunt to protect her instead of bring her to that dangerous place. She still cover her nose and hug her mother Sorry, please take care Mama Celesta prepared her bow in case that something bad happened.

With caution to dont be heared Evelen walk toward the little cave and then she start to saw the signs of a battle. Pieces of armors and blood were in the floor and then she make a little peek inside. There in the dark cave she could saw three naked bodies tied and other one in the floor, she was unnable to saw much, but it was clear that the three naked bodies are three students and the other was the young man who Suzanne spoke
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen crept back to the others, reporting "it's only one guy, and he seems hurt, but he's probably quite strong. Do we want to fight him? We could just avoid this one, if we wanted to. If we fight, I'll fight defensively, Celesta can attack from behind me with her bow, and Suzanne can stay back and heal me if I need it, okay?" She wasn't too enthusiastic about this fight, but they needed to start killing mercenaries eventually, and this looked like about as ideal a situation as they would find. She would walk to the entrance of the cave with the others in tow and her spear in hand, and would ask "hey, got a moment?"
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Both accepted to go, Suzanne was a little worried about what could happen to her, but she will not leave her mother fight alone, she continued covering her nouse and breathing with caution of dont smell to much of the foul scence.

The place was very dark and Suzanne casted a little light ball that show them the true. In the walls were the three women chained to the wall, all uncouncied and filled with cum, even some of it was dry, their bellies were round as pregnant. The other siluete was a young student with their right hand cut close a broken sword and the other hand looks broken, he was very wounded with his clothes opened a little and was starting to wake up by the little light and the words of Evelen. He then whisper "go...go away. A mercenary female group do this, they had a sumoner and they are looking for more students inside this cave, they are three" his words were a little weaks, but he was out of danger for now. Suzanne walk toward him ready to heal him, but she noted surprised that she had not recovered too much her magic, maybe it was for the cursed seals. Her face was turning beven more brushed and her body was getting more wet, with her big breasts leaving a little milk trial in her body Suzanne need a potion to heal all of them, Mama said the aroused voice of her daughter.

Suzanne 8 ap 4 mp 1/6
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen looked at the young man, conflicted as to what to do. "Alright. Take care and endure" she said, pulling her daughter and sister away from the cave and back to the coast, deciding she didn't want to fight this group of probably powerful mercenaries. She couldn't afford to take risks. She handed Suzanne a potion once they were safely away, and said "Those students will probably be okay, the mercenaries want the students alive. We should probably retrace our steps back north, finish off some of the mercenaries we've crippled, and try to find Richard and the others to make sure they know what's going on."
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Suzanne healed the student the enought to make him able to flee or untie the girls and take them away. Then her mother take them away, she was feeling worse now that her mother was protecting of these battles, Suzanne really want to use her fists againts the evil dopperganger inside her, then give the thanks to her mother for thepotion and drink it all, it had a little odd salty flavor mixed with the classic taste of always.

At least we saw the sea, maybe we could ask to Elizabeth to send us to a place like this, only to enjoy it, instead of the usual training saw Celesta hugging her niece happily. The three walked toward the jungle and easily avoided the mercenary group that Suzanne found the other time, after a time they returned to only saw the soldiers slaughted in the floor, maybe for a beast or a really evil demon, the marks of the bodies were maded by a long weapon with a really high streng beyond the human capacity, Yuki body was not there and the mage girl was also out of sight.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"I wonder what did this. Looks like something went kind of berserk on these guys." Evelen kept going north, carefully watching out for both mercenaries, and any monsters that were lurking in the forest.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

I just hope that We or Richard never saw the creature that made this carnage The group walke to the north where Richard must had went after get separed of them, the place had some monster defeated and then Suzanne without know it start to walk to another road, but she stoped when she saw that her family was not walking there, the little girl sigh and control herself trying to act like if nothing happen to her Some monsters are fighting in that place with some persons, they could be Richard and the others, maybe.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"Alright, let's see what the situation is like. Same plan as before, I'll sneak up and see what it is, and signal you guys forward if it's a battle I think we'll fight" Evelen said, sneaking towards where the battle was to peek out at it.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Please take care, Suzanne will feel bad if something bad happen to Mama Said her daughter really worried by her mother,thinking how many times Evelen will risk herself to avoid put her in danger, Suzanne bite her lips as she saw her mother go away, trying to put all her senses to heard if she need help.

Evelen walked a time, until she hear the noise of the battle and through the brushes she saw four soldier women fighting some plant tentacle creatures, in the floor was other girl naked and uncouncied, far away was a male soldier creeper close two dead monsters, the fight was being winned by the 4 monsters, one of them was already raping one of the girls and other was glappled by many tentacles.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen crept away from the battle, not interested in this fight either. When she got back she said "looks like a group of monsters fighting some soldiers we don't know. There's no point putting our necks out for them, since we don't even know if they're on our side or not. Besides, most of them are women, so they're probably in no danger of permanent injury. Let's keep heading north."
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Her daughter run to her side at saw her and just take her hand, she was making a sigh of relief when Evelen talk about the battle and she was ready to said her that they must help them, but she remembered Yuki's event and how her mother could still be angry with the army. The walk continued with some monsters away of their path or a pair of mosquitoes easily killed by them, until close the end Celesta press a cable hiden in the brushes and suddenly she evade some darts coming to her, a net fall to were Evelen was, but she side roll to avoid it, Suzanne used all her skills to avoid the darts and needles with weird substances and some of them pass touching Suzanne soft skin. The three were right for now, but they must walk others 20 feets of possibles traps.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen sighed heavily after they avoided the traps, knowing there were more nearby. "I don't like this. Follow my footsteps" she said, looking carefully at both the places she was about to step, then to either side in the forest, then back to where she was about to step one more time, not wanting to set off any more of the traps.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

her family accepted and try to give their best to do it. Evelen soon saw many traps in the floor who easily she avoid, but then in the lasts feets she step an nearly invisible string, the traps were for the persons who want to get inside, so the darts fly toward the others two, Celesta evade them as also Evelen who without notice press other when she moved away. Suzanne was reached by some darts that pinch her big breasts and thighs, Meanwhile a big web trap Celesta and lift her to the tops of the trees. Suzanne was themost affected and she try with all her will finish to follow her mother until reach the end, of course that she take out the darts first. But in the last part she stopped and start to stroke her neithers Its so much ! it itch so much ! aww aahhnn the poor girl fall on her knees and Evelen could saw Suzanne clitoris get bigger with the time, it was a luck that she dont pressed another one, Suzanne tried to stop her hand with the other, but soon it joined the party and Suzanne just shake her head as she shout "no" many times before press her lips.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen just held herself back from cursing as she saw her daughter sink to the ground and pleasure herself. "It's okay" she said, looking back at the girl, "take care of yourself. Just be careful not to set off any more traps. When you're satisfied, get up and we'll keep going." She kept on the lookout though, concerned that whoever set these traps might be watching. Damn that Yuki. I'm going to obliterate her when this is over.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

I HATE THE NETS!! WHY ALWAYS NETS shout angry the plant girl as she start to open the net, this time she is able to cut the damn trap and stay grappling the big tree, she had a long journy to reach the floor. Evelen look everywhere but is unable to find anything or anyone, she can only saw how her daughter stop to shake her head.

In the mind of her many things are happening and the voice sound happy to heard the words of Evelen " Do you heard ? Our mother said the same, just enjoy it and sattle your needs. Suzanne is not bad, only to make you happy (giggles) then the young girl said betwen moans You are not Suzanne... You are evil....ahhhnn... and want to turn Suzanne into a bad daughter... hnnng To make it worse her clitoris turned little by little into a member and she was surprised, she tried to stop but her hands and body dont answer her " Let me help you, just rest as Suzanne make all the work (big giggle) the poor girl just make little no's as her hands stoked her meat rod, her body get arched and her theet was pressed, her left hand touch a little of precum and put it in her mouth, she try to fight but at the end she taste the foul smex.

PS: Evelen cant heard the bad Suzanne.