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Evelen (Tiffanian)

Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Hmm... I wasn't expecting her to rush me with the shield like that. I'll have to be more careful and watch out for that in the future Evelen thought, regaining her defensive position and trying to keep herself in good position to deflect both the shield and sword in one blow, though she might have trouble counterattacking if it came to that.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The fight continued with a series of stab and push of part of the elf, she was getting tired of Evelen defense tactic than soon she lost her focus and turned an easy target for Evelen plan, her armed hands were moved away and then with a twist of the spear, the staff hit the back of the maid who fall on the floor by the hit. She then get up and wonder herself how can she make Evelen change in a more ofensive style and then taking her toys get prepared for the next round, the time passed and she fall in the trap again. Evelen make a brief grin as she was close to win, the fight then continued and sudenly the elf moved faster in a countless chain of hits until she breaked Evelen guard and send her fall in her rear.

The blue haired girl continued in the same position looking the fight without even wink. Evelen get up and tried again and after a great large round, both hit each other, both where breathing hard by how this fight demand a great energy to be a pass ahead of the foe, but at least Evelen was a point to win, even when she was sure that it will be hard by a prepared elf ready to hit fast and retreat to avoid that last poiint.

Evelen 4

Elf 3
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"You're pretty good at this, I've faced quite a number of trained soldiers who can't strike that fast" Evelen said, getting up slowly. She was breathing heavily, and though she was close to victory, she knew she would have to end this fight quickly; she took up her defensive stance as normal, but this time she would launch herself at the elf when she made her move, trying to catch her off guard and get past her shield before she knew what was happening.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Really?... thanks Miss Evelen Say the Elf as she smile thinking about her low time learning from her trainer, she get ready triying to find a opening expecting that Evelen remain in defensive, but suddenly she attack the unguarder elf and earn the last point, she just blink surprised by the sudden change and then the blonde bunny girl calmed her It was a good fight, dont worry and just rest until we have ended this little game., both duelist salute each other, the elf make a bow and wait a moment for the punishment of Evelen waiting to wish that she decide to say it at the end. Evelen next opponent was the cute young blue bunnygirl who have been saw her the full fight with a easy going expression, she take her broom and get up until get stopped by her sister "No, only toy weapons, go to the closed and choice one, dear The little one sigh and go there without really decide wich one take and then take a spear and get close her sister I will choice the spear this time, hmm... i cant use magic or expert moves, right? the blonde girl smiled and pet her head just melee hits, but you can use any style, just remember than this is just a game the young girl whimper and get blushed by the peting of her big sister, then nodded and wait for Evelen to end her rest

Evelen P 0 F 0

Blue bunnygirl P 0 F 0
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"Good fight, I was hoping I'd be able to catch you off guard there at the end. I'll save my order for later" Evelen said, winking at the elf. She then turned to face her next opponent, the younger of the bunny girls. She doesn't look that tough. That's probably a good sign that she's good at this she thought, especially since she knows my fighting style. After a few minutes to rest and recover she took up her defensive stance and indicated that she was ready to begin.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The blonde bunnygirl make the signal to start the duel and then Evelen prepare herself to counter her opponent but the time passed and saw the young bunnygirl just looking to her, as she have the spear behind her like if she was just waiting for Evelen or really not interested in the duel at all. Evelen was ready to call her attention when suddenly something on her say her that her opponent was in guard, even when she was just moving her ears playfully and maybe thinking in a song or other thing, making little moves of her head.

a minute passed...

Evelen 0

Blue bunnygirl 0
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"You know, neither of us wins if you just stand there doing nothing" Evelen said playfully. Slowly she advanced on the bunny girl, not sure how to get past so unconventional a guard as that. If she could guard herself from that position, though, Evelen didn't like her chances. Even so, she cautiously struck out at her, mostly a feint to try and provoke her into action.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

But, i want to see your others moves Said with her pure voice as she make plead eyes to Evelen. Soon Evelen tried to make her attack, but the young girl just move away as she make a little whine surprised by the attemp. Evelen do it again and soon saw the girl move now just the enough to avoid it, her beutifull eyes just stay focused on Evelen, like a little curious bunny ready to escape if is needed and then when Evelen tried to change her moves soon she the youngwoman move suddenly in a quick zigzag jumps and without waste a move send Evelen to the floor using the staff of the spear and return to her site Sorry for hit you, im not have trained with someone new and Lady Suzanne said that her mother is strong, so i choiced this to learn your moves She said as she get in a fighting stance and prepare to Evelen next attempt.

Evelen 0

Bunnygirl blue 1
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

What is this girl? Evelen thought as the bunny girl knocked her to the ground. "It's alright, I've been hit before. I'm honored, I guess, but I don't know how strong I am" she replied, readying her weapon. Hitting below the belt isn't allowed, so that puts a pretty big limitation on me here. Maybe if I make a few quick feints at her upper body and then make a real strike towards her stomach as fast as I can I'll be able to land a good hit on her she thought, jumping forward and executing her plan.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The girl shaked her head as Evelen get up. No, i saw it in the last fight and in the way that Lady Suzanne talk of you. You could be one of the greatest warriors with the right training, even when you are just a human Her words reach Evelen's ears making her believe more in herself and then the fight continue. The change of moves make the bunnygirl smile, even when she was without clue of what Evelen was trying and then jump away when Evelen tried to hit her, her face dont cover anything of her surprise and Evelen tried again, changing the number of false moves and then hit the bunny girl who nearly fall on her rear as she caress the place where the weapon touch, her face look clueless and Evelen tried to dont give her time, but sudenly the girl read her move and evade at a side to then hit Evelen over her left breast and then take her distance. That was a great twist in your style, but maybe your next move will be better said happily the girl as she focused in Evelen body.

Evelen 1

Blue bunnygirl 2
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"That's pretty high praise. We'll see if I can even beat you" Evelen replied, sticking out her tongue at the bunny girl. Her plan was initially unsuccessful, but she tried again, this time switching up the number of feints she threw in, which allowed her to catch the girl off guard. Still, she wasn't able to avoid the girl's next attack. Hmmm... she might not be fooled by the same move twice. What do I do now? she thought, waving her spear in slight circles in front of her to try and keep her attention. Suddenly she quickly rolled to the side and thrust her spear up at the girl's armpit, hoping she could either catch her off guard and get to her before she knew what was going on, or at least to catch her in the chest as she turned towards Evelen's new position.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen put her plan in action, but suddenly she noted a change in the bunny girl moves, they were more fast and ofensives and without think twice, Evelen moved her spear to hit her legs to avoid being hit. The blonde bunnygirl marked a fault and the little girl get up caressing her body as some teardrops were close to sproud but she stoped and the fight continued.

Then the girl hit Evelen in her chest by a sudden hit in her chest and with her soft voice she explain her change Sorry Miss Evelen, but i decided my order and when i win, you will train with me and sister, i will show you your true potential

The bunnygirl just focused in win and decide to answer any word of Evelen after the end. Both spear parry each other and even she start to realize that she was matching the bunnygirl, until in a little mistake she receive another impact in her arm. The fight was close to end, at least she was reading a little better the bluehaired moves.

Evelen 2 P 1
Bunnygirl 4
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"Heh, maybe I could use some more training" Evelen replied as the battle continued, very much not in her favor. She couldn't think of much else that she could do strategy-wise, but perhaps there was one thing... Quickly she tried to swat the girl's spear away and shove her towards the side of the ring, attempting to bounce her off it into Evelen's by then waiting spear.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The time was nearly over and Evelen was on the ropes, just a more hit to her and she will be on mercy of the five girls who looks like nice persons, but maybe they have something on mind for her.

The young girl run toward her and in the last moment Evelen moved away the spear and push the poor girl to the ring ropes where her petit body was out guard, Evelen then hit her head softly and with that she have earned 2 points making the next round the descisive. Both duelist look each other for an instant and just when the round started both attack each other hitting their chest and shoulder at the same moment and sending both away, they should continue but the time ended and the judge said the results Nice fight, normaly we should go on, but Miss Evelen have a fault, so this game has ended with the victory of Shizun... her voice was stoped and the little bunnysister spoke. This was a draw for me, so i lost too and Miss Evelen could punish me too. [/color] So, now with three lost Evelen have lost the game, all the girls look each other and wait for Evelen words to decide their orders to her.

Evelen 5 p 1

Shizune 5

Both loss the duel by Shizune choice
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"That was a good match. You're really good at this" Evelen said, stretching a bit and catching her breath after the tough fight. "Can I save my orders? I can't think of anything right now" Evelen said, looking at the elf and the younger bunny girl. "In any case, order away, I'm ready" she said, hoping a few of them would have something good for her.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Her bunny ears moved surprised by heard that she was good in this and she just answer Thanks but im sure that you are better, it will hard for me weild a real weapon against someone, its just not my nature, i guess She then wait with the others the orders, but Evelen was very tired and excited to think in something. The elf then walk toward the catgirl to wake her up, as the bunnygirl hug her big sister who caress her head and congratulate her by her great duel, then the blonde bunnygirl nod to Shana and the girl said the first punishment This is more a service than a order. You, Miss Evelen can only dress that bunny suit here and not any other clothe, in exchange we will try to sattle any of your needs the best as we can, anything. said with a wink and a seductive voice at the end. Then s till dazzed Mellisa said hmm... meow? oh yes, you will work for me in the bar for 2 weeks in the nights, the 75% of your money earned will be mine, but you can choice the weeks who must dont pass of this month and you will enjoy the place, as that guy accepted your choice and let you alone, no more mental tricks until you want them and i will give you your uniform, who could change every day. Im sure that you will love it and even you will take a temporal job there. All look the two first girls, as if they were overtaking the oportunity to order to Evelen. At least the bunnygirl decided to train her for free.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"That's not a bad thing. Not everyone is cut out to actually fight and kill. Not everyone should be." Evelen replied to the younger bunny girl. "Mmmm, this bunny outfit? Sounds like a plan. I like this thing" she said, though she wasn't quite sure if she would pass this way again. Maybe Shana just meant today? "That sounds like fun. I was thinking about taking up his offer once in a while. Though I'll probably be occupied the next week or so, I'm not sure" she replied to the catgirl. She already knew that the bunny girl meant to train her at the spear. "Alright, anyone else? Anything?" she asked, looking at the ones who hadn't given her an order yet. "Last call, but I'll let you save one up, it's only fair since I'm doing it."
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Well, we have all the years a festival here for the persons who live her, for the inauguration of the mansion in three weeks, but nearly all our employers have been hurted by the battle and some have leave us or had lost someone loved said the bunnygirl a little sad at the end. Could you please aid us in the festival days and bring three friends with you at least. I know that you could be a little busy after all this things, but we really need your help, there is not anyone more as all are overworking Then the Elf look to her and said I know that i dont won but i will love to see you and Miss Suzanne again in this place, we could talk about many things and im a craftmaking, maybe we could aid you in your future.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"Help in a festival? That actually sounds like fun. If at all possible I'll bring my whole family along" Evelen replied, then looked to the elf. "I'll come back if I can, this was really fun." She stood back for a minute, wondering if it was time for breakfast yet, or if any of the girls wanted to "settle her needs" as Shana put it. She was still satisfied from her time with the man from the bar, but she wouldn't mind a little more play if they were interested.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Yuki was still sleeping, as the blonde bunny girl and the elf were happy by the answers of Evelen, who soon see the watch close the reception 8:25 Am. She still could reach the breakfast and also noted that Shana was very full of energy, as started to bother the naked catgirl who was purring by the little pet of her partner. These two had ended their turn, as also the Elf girl, easily Evelen could ask them some more mature games in this moment or late.