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Evelen (Tiffanian)

Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"I don't know if she's evil or not. Maybe she is. But she saved the guards and I a couple of times. I suppose it's just something else to consider and talk to Mrs. Dragan about later" Evelen replied, following the woman out of the dungeon.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Maybe, but we have never had heard of something like this, i doubt that even the library of the city have something. Ok lets give her a chance after end this, please wait here we will not take to much time to return Kimberly to her normal self Then she closed and secured the door when Evelen and the rest of the guards leave the place. There Evelen stay for a while, behind her was a corridor of lifeless fleshrocks and wooden, like a mine tunnel. The place was iluminated by some weird blue lights in the walls and some guards just used another path made of worked rocks who could maybe end in a rest room for them. Evelen waited some minutes and only half of them remain with her.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"Alright" Evelen said, walking out the door as it was closed behind her. About half the guards kept walking through what looked like a mineshaft, probably to some kind of breakroom, while the rest hung around outside the entrance, perhaps just waiting to get back to work. She spotted one of the guards she had had sex with not far away from her, so she walked over to him and quietly asked "so, how's your memory?" with a coy smile.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The guard turn to hthe naked girl that he had raped a little time ago and he just frown as he touch his forehead. He was a huge beastguy with some lion marks but he was more human than beast. his loud manlike voice rumble across the chamber even when was talking low I remember it all, but it was like a strange dream. Im sorry if i hurt you, but i was unnable to control myself, are you angry or...?
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"Ah, it's okay, I'm not mad. It was actually pretty fun, really. I haven't been with many men, but I enjoyed myself" Evelen replied, with a little grin. "I'm just glad I was able to distract enough people. That could have turned out really bad for everyone involved."
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The man face get relaxed and smiled as his strongh hand take her head We are really gratefull to had have you there, if you need help just said it and we will aid you. Said with a little grin at the last part and then said her pointed to the place to where the others guards had go. Do you want a drink or something to eat, i will pay it. Unless you want to stay here and ask me something
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"I wouldn't mind something to drink, but I don't want to be spending your money. I try not to mooch if I don't have to" Evelen said, smiling as the guard seemed okay about everything that had happened. "I've been thinking about doing something to earn a little money here, so I can pay my way a little. You ever go to the bar? I'm apparently going to be working there a few times soon."
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Its not like i use it anyway. Its great to heard that you will work in the bar, i ussually go there the weekends. Its a nice place and the people working there have to much talent to serve the clients The beast smiled and then turn to her expecting to hear an affirmative answer in that path we have a restaurant and others services that we can use to rest on our rest.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"Hm. I guess you can't exactly go out into town and spend your money. I suppose I'll let you treat me to something" Evelen replied, giving in and following the guard to the restaurant. "There's at least a couple who are really good. In any case, I'll have to work there a few weekends, maybe meet up with you again, by choice this time" she continued, winking at him with the last bit. "What's your name? I'm Evelen."
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The man take with a grin the innuendo and answer her That will be great, maybe i could bring some friends to make a collected tip. They walked for a brief time until reach a bigger chamber, there were some shops who were a restaurant, some kind of hotel, a medical center, a shop and finaly another house who dont have something to help to know what they do there.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The man take with a grin the innuendo and answer her That will be great, maybe i could bring some friends to make a collected tip. They walked for a brief time until reach a bigger chamber, there were some shops who were a restaurant, some kind of hotel, a medical center, a shop and finaly another house who dont have something to help to know what they do there.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"There's a hotel down here? That seems weird, I can't imagine too many people coming here on vacation" Evelen asked, curious about the reasoning behind it being there. "And what's that building? It's just sort of there. In any case, I'd like some sort of sweet drink at the restaurant, I'd rather not eat. It isn't quite lunchtime yet I don't think, and I'd like to eat with my family if possible."
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The beastman sight slightly before continue with a brief answer to clear Evelen's doubts "We are in the penultimate floor of the mansion and some of us just decide to make business here for the persons who dont want to wait to their rooms to have some action or for the ones that need a bed after drink too much. I know that there are a few mages in this floor that could teleport us, but its just that love this place too much, its like a little town for us." Then he turn to the other building and continued This other have little business and is where some miners and mages had made their home or research labs, its just a boring place.

They soon reach the restaurant, it was a little huge place and some guards were eating their lunch together in some big tables, some were just drinking barrels of beer or some kind of liquid. The place was a little full now that the guards were as also the usual clients of the hour , a purple sexy naga with a skimpy sexy bra was just drinking at the side of a sphinx who was very dressed to know its gender, at other side three little but though creatures were eating a big plate of meat as they talk in a unknown language, one of the waitress was a furry fox girl, she dont were dressing more than an apron and have an exquisite human look mixed with her wolf genes that make her look so hot, a reptile woman was cleaning a room who maybe was the bathroom or something more lusty, her shine scales make her really hard to dont touch her and her human face ended in a dark shining long hair, she was completely naked and from time to time a costumer glare to her without bother her, a minotaur was checking all in cass of a problem, was welding a big hammer in his back; a hawk man with a patch in his right eye who have also a diagonal scar was in the cash box, he have a leather armor and usually check the two girls to be ready to take action too if something happen and finally a luscious tentacle woman was in the kitchen, she have a little chef outfit and her hair was covered, with her tentacles was making the work of 5 and only a young fairy girl was helping her. Luckily there was a table in a corner close the others guards but not so close to be bothered by their laughs and jokes.
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"This mansion is so huge, it never ceases to amaze me. It's like a whole damn civilization down here that no one knows about" Evelen responded when the man explained the hotel. The restaurant was full of characters, from a very hot foxgirl waitress to the minotaur bouncer hefting a hammer that probably weighed more than Evelen. As the two took a table she leaned over the table and asked the man in a quiet voice "how is everyone here so sexy? Is there some sort of rule or something? It's absurd, and I'm starting to feel inadequate", sticking her tongue out playfully to show that she wasn't entirely serious about the last part. Settling back into her chair, she waited for someone to come and take her order and said "so, tell me a little about yourself, if you don't mind. It's always interesting to learn more about people, especially in this place. It's so diverse in here."
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The lionmale who the others guards call Kaiser hint a little lowd laught before answer her in a hot manlike tone Heh, i doubt that you have any problem with your body, as you had been showing it to all from the start, even now many persons are looking to us, maybe if i were not here they would had invite you to the room of behind. The beastman then lift his huge hand and the fox girl walked to them giving some sensual air kisses to some customers and then with her sexy walk move to where the pair was. She stop the sexy waitress imitation and with her sensual tone ask the order, looking to Evelen with a bluss as she look the though partner and the smell on him. Both must be really tired, why dont order also a quick meal, i will invite one, said as she leaned in the table to look Evelen body better. The Beastman call her attention and said them his order, as also ask her for the menu. The girl walk away moving at porpose her tail to make Evelen see her well made rear and wet neithers.

Sorry, she is on heat, but nobody is crazy enought to try something in front of the guard. Then he look to Evelen and start to answer her question "Its not so diferent, we are just normal people rtying to have a life in this place, as we would be hunted outside this place, some of us are more will than others, but it will take me a long time to explain it. As many of us are from diferent regions, you could find many kinds of cultures mixed in this. Like me for example, some persons can have as many girls as they want, also some preffer the monogamy and others few just try to avoid any kind of sex or dont need it as they reproduce themselves in others ways. So to make this short, as all of us are purtsue by the humans, we ended making a place where we try to avoid the racism or similars, but of course some could hate you or have a deep hate against other races by personal reasons, but some laws avoid any harm to anyone without a real motive
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"Heh, sometimes I forget I'm naked. It gets me into trouble sometimes" Evelen replied, smiling. She took a long look at the foxgirl as she slowly sauntered over to their table, enjoying the sway of her hips. I really don't need to think about that right now, I just had sex with four men repeatedly. I swear I've gotten to be such a slut she thought as the girl asked for their orders. "I'll have something sort of sweet and fruity to drink, if you don't mind. And maybe a little snack. Do you have anything here you get that's small?" she asked Kaiser, waiting for his judgment and then watching as the sexy waitress walked away, taking care to reveal herself completely to Evelen. "Ah, it's okay. The way I've acted lately you'd think I'm in heat myself" she replied at his apologizing for her, a half-smile on her face. She listened to his story quietly, eventually replying "I've seen how it is for your kind outside. It's not pretty. Makes me want to burn the city and most everyone in it to nothing. Still, this place is pretty awesome, I've not lacked for things to do or interesting people to get to know. Though some of that has been... tough."
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

As the beastman and Evelen wait for their order, both were very focused in their chat to note that some demihumans were so horny with all this happening than soon leave and walk toward the hotel. Yes, i had heard of how some of your kind abuse of my people, even when i born in this mansion. But dont worry, i dont have nothing against you. Its great to heard that you had enjoy your time here, this place had grow by the hardwork of many generations and will be even better for the next ones The time waspassing really fast and they just noted it when the foxgirl put their dishes with some problems and then stare to them trembling a little before shake her head and continue. Evelen look her food for an instant [a well made fruit juice and a exotic dessert who tasted really good, but maybe she must avoid to ask how was made], just to be stoped when Kaiser add That girl should just rest the day, if this continue she will jump randomly on someone. The beastguy then start to eat his meal, as he call the attention of the furry foxgirl who returning again, still slighty afected by her actual state Resist until i had ended my food The girl smiled happily and move toward the cash box, it had not passed too much and once again she returned, but this time she just sit at the side of the lionman who continued eating as if nothing was happening, even when the girl leaned on his huge body, as he wait for any other question of the human.
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen took her food and drink when it came and dug in, thinking it was quite wonderful. She was curious about what was in the dessert, but something told her that she really didn't want to know. "Yeah, the poor girl seems like she's having a rough time" she said, looking after the horny foxgirl as she kept on with her duties. She couldn't help but smile at the two of them when Kaiser promised to satisfy the girl after finishing his food. "I'd join you, but I should probably have a talk with Mrs. Dragan once they finish with Kimberly, and I have a few more things to do today" she said, finishing up the dessert and drink and sitting back. "That was good, my compliments to whoever made it."
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Kaiser was eating his food, as he heard the human and only make brief pauses to look her or put his harsh hand on the rear of the needed foxwoman who cuddle even more on him and was slowly getting close the rod of him, making little whines. Its a shame but is ok, we could always do it again another day, do you want company to return to the prison? Said as he feel the soft fluffy fur of the monstergirl stroking his strong chest, she look to him with pleading eyes, her tail moved and all the beast who still were there were having problems to resist all the esscences of the fox girl send to the wair without think, even Kaiser was geatting a hard boner, but he could easily still endure it.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"Sounds like a solid plan" Evelen replied, definitely interested in getting in on the action at some point, though just this moment would have been overkill. "I wouldn't mind having someone to walk me back, I seem to get myself in trouble whenever I go off alone" she said, though she could tell that the foxgirl was having trouble waiting. "I don't want to make you wait too long, though, so maybe you have a friend here who'd walk me back?"