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Evelen (Tiffanian)

Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Easily Evelen fall asleep, after all the sexual activities of the morning and the sweet food that she eat in the restaurant, was obvious that she was exhausted. But unfortunately her mind dont let her get away of the worries and between dreams she remember the words that she reach to heard from the dinner room and also that it was weird that the elemental had get inside the mansion easily, when the net would have the magic to resist his attempts. Could be both things proofs that the cave creature was reaching it limit?

After a moment she wake up when the neko jump over her chest chasing a butterfly, as Teresa was trying to catch the little catgirl and put her to learn to read again.
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Even Evelen's dreams were troubled, though she didn't have long to sleep before the catgirl bounded onto her chest, chasing after something and evading Teresa in the process. "Ooof" she said, grabbing for the catgirl's ankle and saying "hey now, where are you going in such a hurry, silly?"
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The neko look for first time the human and then tried to move away to continue her silly atempt to catch the bug, but after try to pull her leg 3 times, she just made a little groan followed by a cute whine and fall on the floor making little meows and wag her tail. This girl is more hard to teach than Celesta, the teacher of the mansion said us that we must make them learn how to comunicate with others and learn how to speak a little at least, but..."sigh"... i will need find a better place.

Unfortunately this was not the only thing that happened and suddenly the angelical girl wake up and suddenly hide behind Celesta when she saw the new woman close them.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"I can believe it" Evelen said, scooting over to the catgirl. "Hey now, you want to learn, right? You'd like to be able to talk to me and the others, right? You have to be a good girl and focus for Teresa, or you'll never learn" she said, slightly scolding, but mostly trying to be give her a reason to pay attention. She noticed the winged girl waking up and hiding behind Celesta when she saw her, so she turned and said "hey now, there's no reason to be afraid of me."
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The neko turn to her waging her tail and even nodded when Evelen ended, but then she just turn where was a little soft creature hidden in a tree and tried to go to that place, before Teresa take her and lift her with her arm Its useless, i have already said her to study for her good. It looks like is a problem of her race, if only i could find a responsible humanoid of her race that could teach us to understant her better.

Celesta tried to calm the other girl but this just press her with more strengh. Sudenly she stick her toungle to Evelen before hide herself again behind a worried Celesta.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"Well, I only know one other catgirl, who I guess is a coworker of mine now. I don't know if I responsible is the right word to describe her though. Still, I might set up a meeting for you two" Evelen replied, thinking of Melissa and wondering just how that might go. Probably not well, knowing the vast difference in their personalities. The winged girl, on the other hand, was worrisome too. "Hey now, that's not very nice. What have I ever done to you?" she asked, carefully scooting over towards Celesta. "There really isn't anything to be afraid of."
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Coworker? Said, as she frown slighty before add So you also had decided to help this family, for a while. Im really proud of you Said as she look to Celesta, maybe thinking to make her earn her food too. Then turn again to Evelen and give some last eords And im sure that your friend will be of great help, as all the persons in this house are really hardworkers.

Celesta put her hand on the girl and whisper her something but the girl shaked her head and hug her again. The plant girl was really soft with her, or it was hard to talk with someone without any kind of study. Sorry sis, she must had learned this yesterday in the school, maybe. And she really dont like humans, even when she dont know to said the word
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"Hehe, maybe you shouldn't be too proud of me. It's not the most pure job, and I didn't really choose it. Sort of." Evelen frowned at the winged girl not trusting her, but shrugged. "Alright. I'll leave you alone. But if you ever want me for anything, just ask" she said.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

...Exactly, what kind of job is? You can said me all, maybe i could help you t get free of that work if you hate it. Said worried, as the neko moved her limbs trying to touch the ground making some funny meows, but the strong arm of the big sis were restrain her completely. Meanwhile, Celesta get up and put her hand on the little winged girl head, Dont worry Sis, i will earn her love and make her understand that not all the humans are bad, but maybe is better for her if she dont thrust on them to much. The lant girl moved with her and take a book a little away.

It was nearly hour to eat or maybe it was time a long time ago, it was hard to know after pass a time sleeping in the garden, the only clue was the intensity of the light, it should be around the 12:00 or 3:00 pm
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"I'm going to go to work in the bar, actually. Don't think I'm going to get paid. I lost a bet. Still, I don't mind. It's an opportunity to meet new people, and you never know what you'll hear in a bar. Don't worry about it, it's all fine" Evelen replied, not really wanting to get into the details. "The girl I'm talking about is a nice girl, she's just a little bit... off the wall." She then turned to Celesta and replied "yeah, it probably is better if she doesn't trust humans. I suppose I can't ask her to do something I don't do myself, after all. Guys, have you eaten lunch yet? It seems like it's about time for it."
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Teresa just sigh, it was just useless try to said something more, as Evelen has been fighting with monsters and get out of worse situations than work in a bar Fine, i dont know about any bar here, but im sure that you will be able to protect yourself if something happen. Lets go to eat something, then Celesta nodded and then get close the others, even when the winger girl try to stop her. Lets call Kimberly then, she take us here, a long time ago. So we dont know exactly were we are
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"I doubt I'll be in any danger, and I'll probably enjoy it more than I ought to" Evelen replied, trying to suppress a giggle. She frowned when they mentioned Kimberly. "We probably shouldn't call Kimberly. I went swimming early this morning and there was an... incident... I'm told she's resting, and she probably needs rest. Let's just call for a maid in general, one of them generally shows up."
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Both girls were worried by the maid, their faces look each other before Celesta said So, now also Kimberly need to rest, i hope that nothing serious had happened to her. That really get me worried, please inform us of all soon. We saw some maids taking care of the garden lets look for them The five walked through the garden and after a time, they found the ussual two maids in charge of the garden, a nhymp and a woman with water elemental powers.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"Well, a monster showed up in the swimming area and started to rape me. Kimberly saved me, but the monster started on her too, which kind of set her off. Elizabeth and some others were able to help her regain control of herself, but she's still probably tired and a little shook up. She'll be fine, though" Evelen replied, trying to inform them a little so they wouldn't worry. Or maybe it would cause them to worry, but either way, it couldn't hurt too badly for them to know. When they found the maids, she asked "could you please take us just outside the dining room? It's about time we ate lunch, but I think someone might be using the room already, and I don't want to disturb them if they are."
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Teresa put the neko on the floor, but mantain her hand grappled to avoid that the girl could go away. Both girls were a little more calmed, now that they know that Kimberly will be fine with the time.

Now in front of the two maids, Evelen ask them, they naturally acepted and the elemental girl get close them and with a sudden flash all were in the place close the dinner hall. Must depart now, i cant be here with these guests The woman dissapear leaving all there, now Evelen make a peek and saw at least 5 unknown persons, some looks a little dessesperated, as others eat their lunch with manners beyond Evelen knowledge. This persons could have great political power and certainly are of the city, Evelen must make her move correctly or could create another problem.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"Hmmm..." Evelen muttered as she looked through the door, backing away carefully. "I think we had better come up with a different plan for finding food, I don't think we ought to interrupt them now" she said, definitely not wanting to cause more problems for Mrs. Dragan than she already had.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

[sorry left the dsi turned on]

Teresa call Evelen attention and take all away before said the new plan I will take care of the food, just decide the place were all want to eat. the big sis then leave and there was nobody else to said the options, so Celesta sigh before said. We can choice from many places, the service dinnig room, a private garden, our rooms and any other room, that could fit our needs. Evelen could choice any place that she had visited, from the restaurant to the garden and even the playroom could work.

After a time Teresa return with a butler and a maid, both were pulling a food car. So where we must place this?
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"Alright, sounds good" Evelen replied when Teresa went off to make the food. "My room should be fine. Nice and private, and there's enough space to eat."
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

That place sound fine Said the big sister before give the indications to the servants i would have preffered a picnic in the garden but she would have turned crazy. said pointing to the little neko who was bored waiting to return to the garden. The servants then used their magic and all appear at the side of Evelen's room, they opened the door, making them wait outside as they prepared all. It not were more of 5 minutes, but when they invited them to get inside, it was all moved aside to give space to a luxury white long desk with 6 royal chairs around it, they still have too much space to move around the room and the food was covered in silver plates We will stay in this corner in case of any need something more said the servants, as they were now ready to eat.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen giggled a little at the mention of the catgirl, imagining just how distracted she would be if they ate in the garden. She allowed the maids to transport her outside her room along with the others, and then waited patiently as they prepared her room for the meal. When she was allowed in the room she marveled at how they had made way for the very large table and cleared everything out in almost no time at all. "Thank you" she said, sitting down and digging into her meal.