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Evelen (Tiffanian)

Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The blue haired girl blushed and drop a little her guard. Easily Evelen take the bunny off gurad, but the superhuman instincts of the halfgirl make her connect a quick stab who pushed the human at her back, Evelen then put all her weight in her wounded foot and this make her groan by the increased pain.

Evelen 2 [-2 and 2 to fail criticaly]

Bunnygirl 4'
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen's swipe seemed as if it would work, as she caught the bunnygirl with her guard down, and completely off guard. However, the bunnygirl was just too fast, and she quickly stabbed Evelen before she could connect, making her stagger back and put all her weight on her hurt ankle, which nearly caused her to collapse to the ground. She began to remember Chimy's words about her limited human body, and wondered if any amount of skill would allow her to beat this opponent. Slowly she readied herself, still trying to balance her weight mostly on one leg, and decided that she would wait passively to counter; she couldn't do much tactically on one leg, after all.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The bunny girl send a rain of stabs to Evelen, who was soon pushed to jump to her sides or parry the strong blows that nearly make her fall. In her critical state, she saw a hole in the bunnygirl now that she was in a full ofensive. It was not 1 but 2 times the points that Evelen earned with 2 solid hits, as she fight to font fall in the floor. Now both were in a tie, but now Evelen was tired and the maid had recovered her call

Evelen 4 [-2, +2 in critical failure

Bluebunnygirl 4
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen deftly defended herself, hopping a bit to either side on her good leg when she needed to, and she managed to get past the guard of the bunnygirl twice; she had made herself vulnerable a few times in her rain of attacks, and Evelen had taken advantage of all of them. Still, this one-legged fighting was tiring her out, and the bunnygirl seemed to have recovered her form. Evelen decided to stake everything on one quick attack; she waited until her opponent made her move, and then lunged at her suddenly and with all the force she could muster, trying to stab and then slash at her if that didn't work.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)


Evelen tried a sudden hit, but with her wounded leg, it would make her unnable to avoid the upcoming hit of the bunnygirl, who was not expecting the quick blow who hit her shoulder at the same time that she hit Evelen side. The human fall on the floor with a weak groan and the young bunny girl left her weapon before go to her side. Are you fine, miss Evelen Said the girl as she check her. It looks like Evelen left toe was a little wounded, but nothing than a little of ice and rest could not cure.

---- Tie------
Double Hit-KO
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen's lunge worked almost as well as she expected it to, but her wounded ankle didn't allow her the flexibility to dodge properly, and at the same time she hit the bunnygirl, she too was hit. She fell to the ground, nursing the hurt leg, but it wasn't all that bad. "Yeah, I'm fine. Nothing a little rest can't cure" she said, slowly getting up, keeping most of her weight on one leg. "Just need to sit down for a little bit." When she had found a place to sit down, she asked "how do you do that, anyway? Your reflexes are incredible, I don't think I could ever hope to match them."
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The bunnygirl then help her to get up and let her rest in a soft chair, as she goes to left the weapons on their place and take a little box from the closet, it was a first aid box and using some medicines and bandages tried to cure a little the damage toe of Evelen, as she answer her looking to her eyes. Gerald's Father had my sister as her apprendice, he show her how control her survivor instincts in the battlefield, as we the bunnygirl have great speed and dexterity, but we only normaly can use our talents to run and evade. Then my sister was my teacher and now im trying to be stronger as her. Even when our race will never start a fight, i want to protect the persons who i love if something happen The girl then ended to cure Evelen leg and sit at her side Your leg will be completely fine in some hours, so maybe we could find another way to pass the time
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen allowed the bunnygirl to help her to a nice chair, and then go to get a first aid kit and do a bit of work on her toe and ankle. "Hmm... I wish I had had someone to teach me how to fight. As it is I just sort of made it up as I went. I still don't know your name, I realized" she said, feeling sort of rude. "And what do you do for fun? I don't have anywhere to go until dinner."
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Y-you never had a teacher and still you are soo skilled with the spear? Thats amazing Miss Evelen, you must had battle many times to be so strong. My name is Presea and i ussually play here to try to take away my worse weakness, it could sound silly, but i pass my free time with my sister and the thing that i love must, is serve the others, especialy i ussually go to the school or the nursery to see if someone need a extra hand
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"I have fought a good deal. Any time you want to get anywhere outside this place you have to. And then I can't escape the outside even if I stay here" Evelen replied, sitting back and sighing. "I also fight some for fun. In the arena and whatnot. Helps me wake up after too much sleep. And Presea? That's a cute name. And it sounds like you like kids. Maybe you'd like to meet my daughter. You might even teach her a thing or two about the spear, though I think Gerald's done a decent job at that. I worry sometimes that she doesn't have enough friends."
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The amazed eyes of the bunnygirl stay firmed in Evelen, as they shine and make her want to learn more of the human. Amazing!...Thanks, i love my name, my mother should had loved me soo much to name me with it... So, you in some way love to fight? Do you know if all your family also ussually looks for battles and duels, or is something more personal? the girl make a pause to remember who was Evelen's daughter and then continued. Your Daughter is Miss Susanne, right?... i heard some rumors about her... a beautifull and powerfull girl in all the senses, all the servants think that she is the perfect match for our Master and expect that they build a family soon here... i will love to be her friend, she must be soo brave and beautifull like you Miss Evelen...sorry if i said to much... i get really exited with this talk Presea then look to other side and maybe start to imagine how could be Suzanne's personality
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"I like fighting when there isn't much on the line. Practicing with you or the others is fine, or in the arena. It's just stressful when you're fighting for your life and the lives of people you care about" Evelen replied. "I don't know that the rest of my family is like me. I don't think they mind fighting, but mostly because they get something out of it. Getting stronger or whatnot." She sat back and listened as Presea talked about Suzanne. "Yeah, Suzanne is my daughter. And it's alright, you don't have to worry about praising her too much. Or me, for that matter" she said, winking at the last bit. "Maybe when things settle down a little I'll bring her to train with us and have some fun."
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Presea nearly giggle when Evelen winked and said her phrase, instead the bunny girl cover her mouth and make a cute sound as her delicated hands get late to cover her delicated smile, her eyes then return to look to Evelen, It will be a honor train with both of you Said with a little bow and then start to get up. Unfortunately im not a mage, so maybe, i could ask to other person to take us to other place, unless Miss Evelen want to continue talking about something else
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"Well, is there anywhere you want to go? Like I said, I'm free until dinner. We could play a game with that man, if you wanted to, it's been a while since I've played those sorts of games" Evelen replied, content to do more or less whatever Presea wanted.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Maybe we could play with him, but he should be also a player, giving the cards must be really hard with only a hand. We could use three kinds of added rules if is needed, but maybe we could only make a game just for fun, without bets or money. Presea then help Evelen to reach the place where was the young man a little bored, so Presea words make him accept easily, the man sit in a chair at Evelen right arm and waited for the cards that Presea give. Evelen hand was 9,5,8,8,5,K,3. And the rules were like the real life.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"I don't really have any money, so I couldn't bet that. And we both already owe each other, right? It seems silly to keep betting on top of that, but maybe we can work something out if one of you wants" Evelen replied, sitting down and accepting her cards. Hmm... Two pair. I never was good at gambling, but I've gotten lucky this time she thought, and she chose to discard her 3 and 9 to draw two other cards.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

It was not a game for just fun?... ok, could i pay with a kiss? Said Presea as she change her cards and her face looks a little worried by know that she should maybe bet something worse. Meanwhile the male just nodded, as he draw his cards without show any expresion that could help Evelen. The human then saw that she had a new pair of 9s
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"Hmm... I'll bet a kiss on the cheek" Evelen said, winking at the two of them and holding her hand, fairly confident of victory with three pairs. "It is just for fun though, nothing too crazy."
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Sigh... Ok, i will bet a kiss too Said the man, as he saw the blue haired bunnygirl smiling again.

All show their hands:

Presea: A K A 9 9 3 J

Guy: 7 6 6 7 5 6 6 o_O
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"Well crap, I thought for sure I had that won" Evelen said, sighing as she laid down her cards. "Guess I'm not ready for the casino just yet." She leaned in towards the man, waiting for Presea to do the same before they gave him a kiss on each cheek. "Want to play again?"