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Evelen (Tiffanian)

Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Awww, he always won... At least is just a kiss The guy then just start to preare the cards, as both girls give him a double cheek kiss and then the three decided to play again.

Evelen Hand: J 9 A 3 3 4 K
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen looked over her hand, deciding to discard her 3 and 9 in favor of new cards.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen draw a 8 and an A, as the others also prepare their hands.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Hmm... I suppose I'll stay with this Evelen said, revealing her hand when the others were ready.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Presea put a hug, as the guy bet a kiss in thr mouth, who made the bunnygirl get blushed.

bunnygirl: J A J A 4 5 5

Guy: 9 7 5 9 5 9 Q Guy won again
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen went with the man's bid before laying down her cards, and sighed again as she looked over the other players' cards. "You win again. You must be naturally lucky" she said, getting up from her seat and sitting lightly on his legs. After a second or so of waiting, she gave him a long kiss, fulfilling her part of the bet and then walking off a bit to the side so Presea could hug him.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The man just smile and let his cards on the desk, as Evelen get closer. There is not better luck than have a beatifull woman like you here . Evelen feel his skilled hand on her hip, when she get on his lap and soon both get closer in a deep and pasionated kiss. After a brief time Evelen get slowly away of the strong male, leaving a little droll line between their warm lips. The human saw the bunnygirl taking her look away, but without look ashamed, like if this was common in this place. Now was the turn of the blue haired girl and her hug was long and warm. The game continued and surprisely Evelen earned the next, but that was the only time that the godness luck was with her, as the man beat them others 4 times.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"Thanks for the flattery" Evelen said when the kiss was done. She could tell he was experienced just from this little interaction, and she supposed that most people who worked in the game room were, with the possible exception of Presea. Evelen won the next hand, and let out a laugh of triumph at finally having bested the man at his own game. Of course, she and Presea lost the next four games to him, and she gave him several more kisses, enjoying each one just as much as the one before. "Alright, you've won 6 out of 7. I'd say that's good enough to just say you win" Evelen said, sticking out her tongue. It had been fun, even if she had gotten terribly unlucky. "So what next? Anything else to do for fun?"
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

No metter how bad Evelen feel about lost and her bad luck, she just need to look at her side to see the nearly crying eyes of the bunny girl. All the game was easy to know her hand looking to her face and maybe she made the wrong choices everytime. Maybe she would had turned into something less than a slave if she would had played against the wrong people.

Soon the man answer her doubts about what others games were there. At a side were more casino games, like a roullete, billboard, dices, others card games, a little line window in the wall that show some weird creatures in the distance. The battle games were unable for her now and the naughty ones will be hard to play, but maybe the man could play with her, they were [sex laberinth, magic cards, mind arena, "run or...", maze, chestgame, boardgame special] and finally Evelen could just ask for a time with the guy.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"Hey, Presea. Maybe next time you play a game like this you should wear dark glasses or something. You're tipping your hand just with your facial expressions" Evelen said, wanting to help the girl out. She looked over the options, and pondered which she wanted to play. "You play chess? I'll play a game or two with you. I was never really good at it, but I'm not really up to playing any more games of chance right now."
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Ehh? so thats why always all beat me? Said the girl, as her right ear fall a little and she turn her sight to the mn who nodded slighty.

The man then looks in a close closet and from there he take a gold chees box with onix black squares It had been a long time of the last time that someone decide to play this, as the others games are more popular, lets play three games to decide the winner if you want, of course.

The two sit and place the figures in their place, the white were of diamond and the black of an unknown strange dark material. After Evelen choiced her colors both played the first and the human show her great skills taking out some important pieces, she was really close to win, but the butler counterattack making a deep hole in her defenses, but the advantage of Evelen was enought to earn the first round. The second was easily earned by the man who surprisely made a tramp when Evelen tried to make a quick victory and then her king was taked. Now all will be said in the last round.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"It doesn't seem like the kind of game that would be popular in a place like this. But still, it should at least be interesting. Maybe I'll show a little bit of my brainpower" Evelen replied, intending the last bit as something of a joke. As she sat back and started to play, picking the white pieces as she had always been pretty aggressive in chess, she managed to jump out to an early advantage in the first game, which was enough to carry her through to victory. Her aggressive tactics did her in in the second game, however, as she fell victim to a very early trap. "Alright, last game" she said, starting off the deciding match with an ambitious gambit, hoping to at least give him a run for his money.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen give her best in the last round, but she was so skilled as the rusty servant. They tried to beat the other quickly, but at the end this game take nearly an hour, any mistake could be the last and then with a sudden twist Evelen found an opening in the guard of her foe, earning the victory.

Now the time was the 5 pm.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The final game was long and intense, keeping Evelen on the edge of her seat as she tried to avoid making a mistake that would lose her the match. Finally, she noticed a slight tactical error on the man's part, and was able to exploit it to her advantage, just barely pulling out a win. She sighed contentedly as she sat back in her chair. "That was a good game, thanks for that. And thanks for today" she said, the first part to the man, the second part to Presea. "It's about time for dinner, though, I think, so I'll need to be going. We'll have to do this again sometime."
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

No thanks to you, it had been a while from the last time that someone played chess. Said the man as end to pick up all. The bunny girl for other hand has been watching the whole match in a close chair, very interesting in learn how to play that game I hope that you come back soon, Miss Evelen said after get up and bow to her.

The Evelen walked out the gamestore without wake up the blonde bunnygirl who was really tired or she was always sleeping in the job. After some minutes she reached the dinner room. In that place was Elizabeth, Teresa, Celesta and the two little slaves. Maybe Suzanne decide to stay with Jean again in her room. t least Evelen could talk of all the topics without disturbe her daughter, like the thread of the clone, the city problem, Kimberly or any other like that she could leave the mansion for a pair of days.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen had a relatively leisurely walk to the dining room, finding Mrs. Dragan, Teresa, Celesta, and the two slaves sitting and waiting for food. "Good afternoon" she said, "how have things gone since last time I saw you?"
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

As Evelen get close and talk, the winged girl look her and decide to look her food, as she get close the big sister. The others had a diferent reaction, the first to answer was Celesta who wave he hand as she tried to answer her eyes still on the little slave. Teresa said a cold hi, as she prepare herself for jump over the neko who was at the other side of the table, if this attempt to mada someting dangerous. Elizabeth was reading some papers and two maids were behind her with others documents and the Neko was just looking te lights of the ceiling, maybe bored of wating as a yawn escape of her mouth.

It was an...sigh... productive day... at least we can leave these two with some tutors in the nigh to make them progress in their class. said Celesta as she turn when she heard the car with the food.
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"Well, productive is good. You guys make me feel bad, I never seem to do much of anything besides have fun" Evelen replied, sitting down. She then looked at Mrs. Dragan, and said "Elizabeth, what did you guys end up doing with that clone?"
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Celesta smile and said as her eyes turn to the food that the servants were placing in her site Well, you are not the only one who look around the mansion for fun, i ussually go to the library to read old texts. . So, thats what you were doing, as i was waiting for you to aid me to clean some rooms? Teresa answer with after a sigh without let to check the neko.

As both girls were ready to start a chat, Elizabeth turn to Evelen, as she stop for a moment in her lecture. Dont worry. That clone will remain in that place until we find a way to make it dissapear without hurt Suzanne. Her tone was calmed and without any feeling against the poor Suzanne clone, maybe she was expecting to make her pay for what happened to Jean.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"Well, when Kimberly was going crazy, the clone saved me and everyone there at least once, first by snapping me out of her spell, and then by offering up her body to the guards who were under Kimberly's spell. I'm not sure what to make of it, but she really did save us all" Evelen said, shrugging.