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Evelen (Tiffanian)

Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The escape continue and the carriage tried to move faster to avoid being caught by the creatures who were really close, unortunately the horses were a little altered and had problems to follow the orders. As this happen, the monster over the carriage get upstair and Evelen prepare to protect her allies, but then when she was making her defense stance other jump over the carriage and make it tremble the enought to make her lost a little her balance, the next passed so fast as these monsters start a quick battle against them, Teresa tried to help them but her weapn reach already late.

One of the monsters wrap around Evelen and this one saw how the other cast a spell against her daughter who was already killed other monster and wound other, the magic was a sudden dark force that casted a dark shock wave against her, the young woman soon see her body be wraped by this smog who at the contact was rotting her clothes by the evil essence, meanwhile she could feel how her energy was getting drained and in exchange her aroused grow at every minute. Just then Teresa cut the tentacles that held the speargirl and this was able to defend Suzanne from a second attack. Her spear was in the right place to hit the magic creature and send him far away until it fall on the floor. The other monster was killed by an arrow from Darius crossbow just at time.

The car get slower as it prepare to pass the curve and then Suzanne using her own magic get free of the curse, but she was not in a good position to dont fall and neither Evelen, only the firm grip of the Mercenary stop them from fall, The fight was nealy ending and some signals show them that they were close the next town. Evelen tried to get up, as she was hanging as Suzanne from the ceiling, but she was able to notice a dark beam coming from the bizarre big creature far away of the road, it conected to the carriage and the last magic defense was not enought to resist it all, many cracks around the weels and the left door was the result. then the creature turn to away and moved to the other end of the tunnel. Oww "whine" Just then a whine come from the inside of the car

8 monsters
Evelen received other damage without pleasure damage (2 )
Suzanne was wounded and her arousament increased to 2
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

As Evelen got up onto the roof of the carriage, another monster flew up onto it, catching her off guard and wrapping her up with tentacles. In the meantime another enemy cast a dark spell on Suzanne, draining her energy and beginning to dissolve her clothes with evil energy. Teresa soon freed Evelen from her tentacle restraints, and for her part she was able to stab the creature casting its spell on her daughter. Soon thereafter the carriage slowed down to go around the coming corner, but even so neither Evelen nor Suzanne were in a good position, only staying upright with the help of the strong mercenary. As she got up again she noted that the monsters were thinned out somewhat, and they were getting close to the next town. Even so, a strange beam of dark energy shot at them, slamming into the carriage and breaking it up slightly, the wood cracking under the stress. "Damn... That's not good" Evelen said as she took up a defensive stance against whatever monsters were still trying to climb up onto the roof with them.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The car dont stop to make crack noises at it continue throught the road at full speed, but at least the carriage had taked a great distance from the remaining monsters, this normaly would be good, but the distance was to much to hit the creatures, only a lucky shoot from Evelen´s daughter reached to hit one of them, even when the wound was not enough to stop him, the little girl breath heavily after had used a lot of her magic, Evelen could even heard Suzanne belly noises get mixed with the damaged wood sounds. Without nothing to do, Teresa close the door to then notice that the plant girl was on the floor touching her head and whining to herself for not had noted that she was outside the trap door. Big Sis, say to the driver to be more carefull...owww, this hit will turn into a horn. Said touching a little lump in her forehead Teresa had to calm herself a little before help her to get up There is not time for that, get up and help us. We are under attack, so, take your bow and shoot to the beast behind us.

More craks start t appear and others get larget, it will only take some time in full speed for the carriage reach her limit. Even more, the driver was unnable to mantain the speed as the monsters get closer, soon the warriors over the carriage tried to shoot to them but Suzanne was completely tired and get on her kness, Darius was the last who could shoot but noted that his weapon was damaged when he save the two girls a brief time ago. It looks like there wasnt any other way to dont fight them in melee combat and then three creatures jump over the carriage, just then an arrow fly from a open door and defeat one of the creatures away of the carriage.

Darius ended to repair his crossbow and Suzanne get up to shoot a last magic before fall tired in the carriage ceiling, at least it was aluck that she dont had fall from the carriage. When the round ended only three monsters remain behind the carriage, as other three were breaking the carriage´s walls as they climb to the ceiling.

6 monsters (3 up, 3 behind) some are slighty wounded
carriage 1/4
horses 4 aps
Evelen 6/8 6aps
Suzanne 7/8 2 aps
Teresa 6 aps
Celesta 8 aps
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

As the ranged combat continued even more of the monsters were picked off, as Evelen started to feel a little useless. Still, her daughter was getting tired, having used up a lot of magic. "Just rest and defend yourself" she instructed Suzanne as she took up a defensive position, waiting for the monsters who were on the carriage to get up into her range.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The carriage continue in full speed trying to escape from the creatures, as their wheels give the last of them to endure the harsh use after the dark beam impact some minutes ago. Evelen get in defense, ignorant of what will happen, her foes rush to them and she succeed to take two away, before the last one reach to wrap her arms and ample chest, Darius was busy shooting one of them who then fall bellow the wheels turning into a bloody mass after receive the arrow, Suzanne tried to get up and aid her mother, but she was unable to even get up. Teresa was also trying to save her but suddenly a potent crack sound was made from below the carriage, the wheel break apart and soon the carriage move abruptly, with this Teresa lost her grip for a instant, enough to end hanging of the car close the door and nearly touching the floor, meanwhile her sister had hit one creature before noted her predicament and quickly went to aid her.

The appendages were pleasuring Evelen, as her underwear was riped from her body, letting her soft moaning and completely naked, as the appendages inject something on her right arm, some tendrils were trying to take her weapon in vain thanks the still firm grip of the lancer. Evelen was getting more wet thanks to the slime and rhythmic touches, she could see the creature ready to penetrate her until another arrow make the monster fall, luckily the creature drop her before that happened. The carriage was getting slower and noisy, another sound appear and Celesta was sended away with Teresa away of the carriage, the big sister protect her in the fall ending both slightly wounded. The creatures were far away of them, the enought to give to the Big Sister the time to get up and fight, the first lunge to her bt easily Teresa dodge it even with the minor wounds from the fall, another come and was sended away of her, but then a huge creature manage to it t Celesta with a quick tentacle who dodge Teresa guard and send the plant girl to fly some feets away.

As all this happen, the driver said that he will try to take the horses away and they should defeat the last ones. Now Evelen should decide to follow the instructions or make s some from her.

4 monsters (1 up, 3 behind) some are slightly wounded down: 6/7 3/4 2/4
carriage 0/4 is getting destroyed by the use
horses 5 aps
Evelen 6/8 7aps
Suzanne 7/8 2 aps
Teresa 6 aps
Celesta 8 aps
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

As the carriage continued to race despite its damaged state, Evelen tried to defend the others, knocking a couple tentacle monsters away with her spear and setting them up for kills from Darius’ crossbow. Another of the beasts, however, grabbed her and began to rub at her breasts, another tentacle injecting something into her arm. The whole carriage started to break apart after that, a wheel flying off and unbalancing the thing, nearly throwing Teresa completely out into the monsters. Meanwhile the tentacles were starting to really take their toll on Evelen, as they ripped her clothing completely off and began to rub at her rhythmically, leaving her moaning and barely resisting their advances. Thankfully Darius shot the thing and killed it before it could distract her completely, though the news wasn’t all good.

At about that moment the carriage bucked a little more, knocking both of Evelen’s sisters out and in the path of the monsters, as the horses started to get more aroused. Evelen quickly agreed that the driver ought to get them away, and she tried to quickly knock the tentacle beast on top of it off onto the ground so that she could join with her sisters and finish off the monsters, hopefully; she wasn’t very injured, but she was intensely aroused, and too much more erotic treatment from the enemies would likely see her giving in.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen group was ready to jump from the carriage when this reduce their speed, but the horses were very altered, instead the car overturn in a sudden move taking them of guard, the driver reached to make his move and soon he was moving away with the armored creatures who were in their last before get in a sexual frenzy. Evelen and CO. fall a the floor in this critical event, she ended with her body filled with many little scratches, but not worse as how Darius ended, the mercenary had protected the young Suzanne and his body was with many wounds, even some blood was dripping from his forehead, Suzanne was completely hungry, at the point where she just weakly walking where her aunts were, maybe in an attempt to end this then rest for a while in the embrace of her mother.

Teresa continued her fight to protect her family, she was surrounded and her body was slightly shocked by the last fall and the pheromones, her greatsword blocked many hits until one catch her off guard, the creature was filled with goo and this was starting to dissolve her beautiful dress, but then she noted that the slime also have something to relax her body and increase her horny needs, the strong willed Teresa started to moan and whimper slightly, she was blushed and her stiffed nipples as her wet neither were a easy signal that she was close to fall against her lewd side, But then Celesta send an arrow to the creature of the potent aphrodisiac and free her sister who fall on the floor gasping for breath, the two monsters went for the archer but she easily avoid the first one, but last monster was very fast and tried to grapple her, but suddenly a sudden move from Celesta sand him to fly away.


Evelen move to where was her family, reaching to see that the remained carriage monster was over the ceiling crawling to where Suzanne was moving, she run at her full speed with her spear at hand, her motherly instincts make her reach the correct time and with a swing she make her fly away of her beloved daughter who was very tired to notice it and just continue her way to the battle. Teresa quickly get up when Suzanne reach the place, her niece´s eyes were dilated and of a dark brown gold color, she was really worried and forget her needs to hit one of the monsters who were getting closer to Suzanne, but it not stop, even with the painful slash on his torso, Suzanne made a sudden move and evade it like nothing before rush to the bigger and charge at it with her remaining strength, Celesta who had wounded the other creature looks amazed how Suzanne was fighting the creepy tentacle creature and that Evelen had reached the place, once again the four were in a battlefield fighting real monsters, for some reason she was excited of be able to show her skills without kill a human.

4 monsters (1 up, 3 behind) some are slightly wounded down: 5/7 1/4 1/4
ceiling monster: 2/3 drowzee
carriage 0/4 nearly destroyed
horses 6 aps away
Evelen 5/8 7aps
Suzanne 7/8 2 aps
Teresa 8 aps -1 stunned
Celesta 8 aps
Darius is very wounded, but will not die for that
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen was just about to jump off the carriage when the whole thing overturned, the driver only able to control the horses so well in their aroused state before taking them away from the fight. The utterly destroyed carriage fell partially on top of the three who had been on it, though Evelen only suffered mostly minor scratches all over her body. The others fared less well; Suzanne had already been tired, and now was nearly unable to fight, while Darius seemed to be in very bad shape. Evelen quickly slashed at the monster that was going after her daughter, forcing it away so that the girl could get to the rest of their family. She then backed away into the group, brandishing her spear defensively, a little smile on her face despite the situation; to an extent it felt good to be fighting simple monsters, rather than people. She didn't feel bad killing them, they probably weren't as cruel and ruthless as the people she had been fighting lately, and the only thing (hopefully) that awaited her if she happened to lose was a good fucking. Yes, she would have fun with this fight, much moreso than with her recent experiences with fighting.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

With nothing really to lost, Evelen choiced to get in defense expecting to find a opening, but she was not the one to be attacked by the monsters. Suzanne in her nearly uncouncious state send a serie of pounch and kicks that easily could break a human in half, but her vision was nearly blinded and the big creature could move as if it had not bones. Teresa rush to one of the deadly wounded creatures, just when she stab the monster, this explode and his slimy remains fly direct to her N-no...no, ahh... everybody stay back... She say between moans as her hand release her weapon and she fall on her knees with her arms around her chest, it was like she was trying to endure all her sexual needs as long as she could. Meanwhile the other little creature tried to grapple the clumsy Celesta, only to be easily evaded and then a sudden apendage appear from her back and hit the creature in the core.

With the fight nearly ended Evelen tried to get close the big monster to aid her daughter, but Suzanne continued in a berserker state trying to slash and bite the creature, the creature tried to hit her when he noted a opening when she attemp an attack, but Evelen managed to stop the blow with a quick move of her spear. Unfortunately, Suzanne jump t the same time to try to bite the monster, only to be engulfed by it when this opened a big hole from his body. Who know what was inside, but soon the elastic body of the monster were receiving less hits from the inside. Nw with the young woman inside it, it will be hard for Evelen to stab him without hurt her own child. When she was wondering what to do, P-lease... please, i need help. Please use me... i beg you Teresa lost her inner battle and soon her hands started to pleasure herself, but without any real experience she just started to whine and beg for a good fuck, the young sister was still in condition to fight and shot a presice arrow to the monster head, even when she was nearly in the same condition that her big sister.

Evelen dont know whatt to do to save her beloved child, she shout to the creature and then a miracle happened, two little hands sprout from the inside and a black slimy Suzanne tried to get out not before being grappled by dark tendrils who looks to dont be enought to had her traped for a long time inside, there was a lot of apendages close Suzanne and Evelen could not use her spear to take her out before the monster take her. So she decide to cut the upper body of the monster. Celesta was not in a perfect state to shoot and less now that her big sister had get up to only try to rape her. To make the thing worse, the monster close the carriage had purtsue them and now tried to grapple the busy Evelen to only be avoided by her at the last second

2 monsters 3/7 0/4 0/4
ceiling monster: 2/3
carriage 0/4 nearly destroyed
horses 6 aps away
Evelen 5/8 7aps
Suzanne 4/8 5 aps stunned, grappled
Teresa 10 aps -1 stunned sexual frenzy
Celesta 8 aps
Darius is very wounded, but will not die for that

not ended yet
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen barely managed to protect her daughter for a moment from one of the last remaining monsters, though when Suzanne jumped at it it opened up and swallowed her into it, making it hard to fight the thing. In the meantime, as she looked around to make sure something wasn't sneaking up on her, she noticed Teresa covered in slime and unable to resist her arousal any longer. She didn't have long to think about it, though, as Suzanne burst from the monster, covered in black slime as she tried to escape some dark tendrils. With a shout of encouragement, Evelen slashed at the thing's upper body, and then had the presence of mind to avoid the other remaining monster. On the one hand, they had almost won. On the other, they were all quite aroused and various stages of beaten up. Not wanting to accidentally hurt her daughter, Evelen continued to try and defend against the other monster, hoping Suzanne could free herself.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Turning back, Evelen endured to let her daughter free herself, she thrust on her so much, more than her skills in the spear, maybe even more than herself. So, she prepare to face the stalker creature, but unfortunately this one was more faster than she expected, his arms wrap her arms around her chest giving to him the time enough to inject on her something that make her feel dizzy, her legs were fighting to resist her own body, if this continue like this she could lost the fight. As this happen Teresa lost more her senses and will, the aphrodisiacs and slimes were controlling her until the point of fight even her own sister Fuck me... Sister ... do it now!! her strong arms were too much for the young Celesta and both fall on the floor Noooo TERESA!!, control yourself! im your little sister, get away. No, this cant be happening... Teresa restrain Celesta two arms with only one of her as she use the other to try to undress her young sister, she pull the armor and tried to take it away, she even used her teeth, the armor started to move away and suddenly tendrils from Celesta´s back armor wrap the blonde woman who only moaned and slimed lewdly when more appendages started to sprout and tear her dress until let her in her wet underwear. She opened her legs and moved her hips like if she was inviting it to use her. AHHHHHHHHHH stop, dont do it... let my sister free. you stupid... filthy useless armor, i hate you! The plant girl tried to pull the tentacles away, but it was futile, her eyes were filled with tears as she saw her big sister turned into a mindless slut being ready to be raped in front of her.

Evelen was so busy in her own fight to help her, even when all could heard the struggle. She was losing her strengths until her ears heard the fight at her side, her child was fighting with all, Mama! GULP... Suzanne will save Mama!her shouts and roars even between little moans make her remember how the little one had always be there for her, she cant allow to be always rescue by her own daughter once again, using this she focus all her strenght and throw the creature away of her, the monster fall at his back giving her a moment to recover herself and fight again, as she heard the noise from her two sisters. There Celesta shouts start to make effect on the living armor and it ceased to try for an instant of rape the big sister, but soon her moans and begs were making her change of choice.

With her spear in hand she wait the right moment, the beast tried to circle her and then with a jump he attempt to take her, but this was easily used for Evelen to impale his body, killing him at the instant. Her breath was getting erratic and she was sure that something bad will happen to her, she have maybe some minutes before she lost her conscious, there must be a way to remove the venom, but how? Evelen had not time for that and turn to where the big monster was, there was inert in the floor blood of a strange color dripping from a big wound where Suzanne tried to escape, but her child was nowhere to be seen, just then a bestially sound appear from the inside, as the little girl sprout from the upper side of the monster where Evelen guess was the head of the monster. Suzanne crawl some feets to Evelen until fall on the floor and touch her own breasts and her little flower. All the monsters were dead, but these problems could be more dangerous than any of the creatures. Just then Darius appear walking slowly to them, the heavy armor have save him from the heavy impact when the carriage who nearly put all the weight on him and press him against the rocks.

0 monsters 0/7 0/4 0/4
ceiling monster: 0/3
carriage 0/4 nearly destroyed
horses 6 aps away
Evelen 4/8 8aps strange poison
Suzanne ?/8 9 aps sick and tired
Teresa 10 aps sexual frenzy grappled
Celesta 8 aps
Darius is very wounded, but will not die for that, but will lost the counciest soon without treatment
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Though Evelen tried her best to focus in on defending herself, the remaining free monster was faster than she had expected, getting past her spear and injecting her chest with some sort of strange substance that started to make her dizzy, and she could tell that she was losing this fight. Even as she was about to give up, though, Suzanne yelled out that she would help, and Evelen found new motivation. Quickly she knocked the monster away, not able to reply and still have the focus necessary to fight it off. Quietly she waited, shifting around as the beast tried to circle around her, and as it leaped for her she easily impaled it down the length of her spear, kicking it off quickly and turning to find her daughter. The girl was nowhere to be seen, and she started to worry, but after a moment Suzanne exploded from it, leaving the monster a pile of flesh and blood.

"I'm sort of surprised we beat them" Evelen muttered as she looked around; at Celesta and Teresa, the latter of which was being "raped" by the former's magical armor; at her daughter, crawling weakly towards her and touching herself; at Darius, walking slowly toward them, bleeding badly. For her part, she was getting quite dizzy, whatever she had been injected with doing its job. "Suzanne... you need one of your potions... and then you can heal Darius..." she said, trying to help the girl over to the carriage where their things were. She vaguely wondered how to get rid of the poison in her system, but she didn't know where to start besides having Suzanne do what she had done when Evelen had been pumped full of bee venom, and the girl couldn't do both at once.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The little girl nodded weakly and then work hard to get up, even with her mother help, who was also in a really bad shape. Evelen could feel the filthy smell of the monster cum on her child mixed with the dark blood who was dripping from Suzanne, the duo walked slowly and for both the walk was taking a long time, Evelen had to use her spear to walk and suddenly after some feets she fail her step making both fall in the meat floor making a strange sound, there Evelen noted that her child skin was very soft and at her state, her mind have to fight to dont try to caress and cuddle in her little girl skin. After get up both walked and nearly fall many times, Evelen vision was starting to turn blurred and her body was getting more heavy, making her fight to give quick steps to reach the carriage. Darius saw her problems and soon help her to reach the place, just when they were on front of the broken car, Evelen fall on her knees completely tired and hard breathing.

She hardy notice her daughter moving to the broken door and move it away to get inside and then Evelen just fall on the floor.

When she wake up, Suzanne was at her side, still dirty with the monster fluids, many of it now dry. At her side, Teresa was also naked and sleeping close Celesta, who still dress her armor, this one have changed into a more common skimpy bikini armor, an amethyst jewel necklace and even rings and bracelets were on her. It looks like just a luxury sex servant outfit without any way to protect her, but then Evelen noted a different green os Celesta. Could be hat she is fully covered in a skin armor?

Darius then appear, still dressing his armor who has been maybe fixed by Suzanne Hi Evelen, it was really hard to know what kind of poison was, but now that you are fine we must proceed before more monsters get attracted. He turn to Suzanne and add Suzanne, heal Miss Teresa, then we can talk about the next town.. The girl moves after kiss her mother in the cheek and then Evelen noticed that Suzanne was like sweating and a little more white than she usually was, maybe she was still hungry. But then why her eyes were normal?

The big girl wake up completely refreshed by the healing spell and then blushed when she remembered what was she ready to do to her sister Ohm... Celesta, im... Dont worry, its not your fault and nothing happened, so lets forget all that, please Celesta said and then both girls smile each other, Teresa smile was a little forced and then she look around, dont taking so much to notice her nakeness against a male KYAHHHHHH... you, turn away pervert!! shout to the young man, as she try to cover her body and look for her backpack Fine, fine. done. But maybe i should tell you that all of you cant wear any clothes at the next town

The big sister moved faster and start to dress herself when Darius turn to other side Hah, that is just a lie to make us walk naked at your side. So this is your true self, Darius. So disappointing It was clear that Teresa will not follow his advices, but then he add looking to Celesta Maybe you know about a place named Hyperio a time ago, now is named Noktar and is filled with half humans who have a strange way to see the live and there foreign women dont have any right, except their safety and lives. To make this easy to understand, only the women of high range can wear clothes, the rest have not that possibility. Anyway, the women have accept it, maybe these lands and their dangers have make then make this choice

The plant girl nodded and then answer looking to the space Yes, i have heard of it, a really strange culture, its weird that the City of the Dragans dont attack them, maybe there must be something
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

As Evelen tried to help Suzanne towards the carriage, she realized that both of them were in worse shape than she had originally thought. The two of them stumbled slowly forward, trying to support each other, Evelen even having to use her spear to try and stay upright. After a time her legs simply gave out, and the two of them fell to the strange meaty ground. In her aroused haze Evelen barely held herself back from cuddling her beautiful, soft little girl, managing instead to get up and help her towards the carriage again. Her vision started to blur badly, her legs becoming leaden and tired despite the short distance they had managed to cover, and it took Darius’ added help to get them close. Unable to stand it any longer, Evelen finally collapsed to her knees, breathing heavily for a bit before falling flat on her face, passing out quietly.

When she woke up her daughter was next to her, still covered in dried monster blood. Teresa and Celesta were both sleeping close together, the plantgirl’s armor now formed into a sexy, skimpy thing, like something a sex slave might wear, though her entire skin had a strange tone to it, as if the armor was really covering her in a thin layer. Darius then appeared, healed, and had some words for her and Suzanne. "Mmm, thank you. I’d forgotten about your expertise with poisons" she replied, thinking back to the time with the bees so long ago again. She noticed something strange about Suzanne too, as the girl kissed her on the cheek; she was sweating more than was normal, and was a paler shade than normal. "Suzanne, are you hungry?" she asked, a little worried that something was wrong with her.

In the meantime Teresa was healed, and now was blushing and embarrassed about what she had tried to do to her sister at the end of the battle. Of course, she then freaked out over being naked around Darius, and Evelen shook her head, giggling a little. "He’s not that much of a pervert, Teresa. When I first met him he resisted my naked flirting pretty well, anyway" she said to reassure her older sister, though that might not be the thing to do the job. She pondered Darius’ words on the city they were about to go through. "No clothes, huh? Doesn’t bother me. Clothes are a bother anyway, especially when they’re always being destroyed" she replied, nodding and waiting for the others to get ready to go.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Her child turn to her a little clueless Suzanne´s body feels a little weak and funny, but Suzanne is not so hungry and is fine. Darius check her forehead and look at her eyes before add Maybe she will be better after rest for a while, the town is close and we will have time to get ready before search the key.


Just after Evelen give her opinion about the clothes rules, her daughter rise the hand and smiling said Suzanne also dont bother to be naked, its a lot better to dont use clothes when we have to fight monsters. At the instant Teresa who was nearly ended to dress herself say astunesh. D-do you see what the poor Suzanne had learned from you Evelen!? That's not the correct way that a girl of her age should be thinking, we must do something or this could be get even worse Celesta started to giggle and even a little laugh escape from her Oh Sister, its all fine. Dont overact again, at her age a normal girl cant even talk and our niece is pure and good, even more innocent than she should be on these times. Teresa frown to her and answer of course that our beloved Suzanne is pure and innocent, so i will give all to protect her of all these corrupt things and impure throughts. You are overreacting even more... Thats not true

Maybe we should start moving or more monsters will come. The driver and the carriage´s creatures had make them run, but we may still have some minutes left Darius said, as he help Evelen and the others to gather their equipment


The rest of the journey toward the town was more calmed and only a few monsters were on their way, noting that the team cant handle and even they were easy foes. After two hours they reach the end of the tunnel and a huge giant room was at the front of them, a mile of distance they reached to see many bonds in a barrier like fortress that indicate them that there was the town, the place was a little dark but for some reason some light rays were gathered in the entrances of the many caves and around the town.
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"Hmm... I'm sure we could all use a little rest after that" Evelen replied, glad that Suzanne at least seemed okay. She smiled and giggled at her daughter's comments about clothes, waiting for the inevitable backlash from Teresa. She let her older sister and Celesta have their little back and forth before putting in her own opinion. "It's really not that big of a deal. She's right about the monsters bit, at least. It makes more sense not to wear clothes if they're just going to be destroyed in the fight. You can always put them on again afterwards. Besides, I'm sure Suzanne knows when it's improper to go naked. You'd wear clothes around the Dragans, right?" she asked, patting her daughter's head.

When Darius indicated that they ought to leave, Evelen replied "of course, let's get our stuff and get out of here" as she headed with the others to gather up her backpack, weapon, and the clothes she had left in the carriage, though she stowed what was left of them in her pack rather than put them on. The group walked the rest of the way through the cave with little effort necessary. There were only a few monsters in the path, and they easily dispatched them, not really even breaking a sweat. It was a long walk, but finally they got there, staring down a huge fortress that signalled the outer limits of the city. "Well, there it is... Took us long enough to get here. I wonder what it's like inside? The outside looks pretty impressive from here."
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The little girl giggle and accept happily the touch of her mother before answer. Yup, dont worry Aunt Teresa, we know when we must use clothes The blonde warrior angry ceased abruptly with the soft voice of the cute half monster. ... oh how could someone get angry with you around? my little cute angel, i was just worried that something could happen to you in the future. Teresa get close her and tried to clean her face with a little pocket handkerchief that she draw from her backpack. hmm, done, at least this will be fine until we find a place where Suzanne can take a shower,. ohh, maybe all of us need one, will you love a familiar bath sweetheart? Suzanne nod happily, as Celesta was slightly scared by the change on her sister mod.


Look out for any attack, we arent safe until we reach the town, maybe is time that you undress yourself Teresa. The big sis shake her head Not yet, i will do it when we reach that place Darius sigh and proceed, as they get close, Evelen notice that the fortress was fully made of monster skin and big bones tied by ropes perfectly in an artisan way, in every wall were some paintings and runes or maybe symbols.

Some feets away of the entrance, Suzanne turn and get in a battle stance with her spear that she take from the carriage, only then Evelen noticed that they were surrounded by many humanoid figures hidden in the shadows, they were wielding rustic weapons and armors made of scales, bones and leather, but certainly thanks to the soldier strength these and hardenes of the materials it will not be a easy battle. They start to speak in an strange language, as they pointed their weapons to them, then Darius take out from her clothes a note and give it to one of them when this get close, there was a deep silence as they wait them to read it.

Fortunately, from the door, a lightgrey skinned naked woman started to talk in the same dialect, as her esmerald eyes shine in the dark. She had a feline monster skull as helm over her dark blue hair and she was painted in many parts of her body at the point that they look like part of her, her body was athletic and well trained, but she was not bulky like an amazon and her breasts were over a C cup. Their words calm them and then the halfhuman with the paper lend it to her, she went to the floor and made a reverence to every humanoid starting from the one with the letter. He let escape a yawn and give the card before return to his vigilance around the place.

The woman take the note with both hands and bow to him, fully respecting all of them, this was paid with a grope on her rear by one of the guards who leave the place laughing with the others, her body shiver by the sorprised move, but then she just make a nod to the male.

Only when the patrol leave the place, she read the card and then turn to Teresa and the others. Welcome to our town, im a humble and loyal citizen of our great town, before i ask any question, there are some inconvenient to be treated, said with the same accent that all have, like if she were not from this town. Our great warriors were really mad at you by stay with your clothes, even when our rules ban that any foreign woman use clothes around a mile of distance from our lands. Like punishment, all your clothes will be removed and confiscated until all leave this pace.

Unwillingly, Teresa slowly undress her clothes, expecting to hear a "enough" from the resident, but it never happened, her hands slowly take her bra out and then her pantie, at the instant she hide her parts with her hand and greatsword Also i must take any weapon to avoid problems between our people, dont worry i will show you were all your belongings will remain.

Then she turn to Celesta and frown slightly when she noted that she haven't started to take it off. Your armor, please. Celesta get close her and lend her weapons before said in weak tone I cant, this thing is a curse armor or something like that. The girl giggle and then extend her right hand toward Celesta, i have heard that before, please undress yourself or i will do it
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen giggled at how easily Teresa changed her mood. It seemed as if Suzanne had significant power over her just by being cute and innocent, which was quite amusing to her mother for some reason or other. As they approached it seemed that the fortress was made from the remains of monsters, tied together with strong rope and painted over with interesting runes and patterns. It was even more impressive up close than it had been from afar. Suddenly Suzanne took up a battle stance, and before long the group was surrounded by half-humans holding old, rusty weapons. They spoke in a strange language, and didn’t seem too happy.

Luckily a heavily painted woman with gray skin and a monster’s skull for headgear came through the gate. She was quite beautiful, and as she spoke in the same language as the others they seemed to calm down, and she then went around the circle, bowing and showing respect to all of them. With that done they all went away slowly, and the girl turned to speak to them in their own language, unaccented. Evelen frowned at what she said, though. "I’m fine with going naked, and even with giving you my clothes, but I’d rather not disarm myself. It’s nothing against you, it’s just a preference I’ve always had. And that armor really is cursed… Believe me, if we could get it off we would, it’s raped one or more of us a couple of times now. Maybe it’ll shift so it leaves her revealed, though… Would that be acceptable?"
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The woman gaze to Evelen, even when the speargirl's point of view had any weight here. How dare you! Its for your own good. The last female human who hurt one of us, still remain serving to our people, paying for her crime.

She take a moment to breath and calm herself. Our rules and laws, could be hard to understand, but our grand matriarchs had their motives to had made them. I will stay with the four until your visit end, so maybe i could have it until you need it again. Dont worry, this card grant to all some inmunity on our town and our people have nothing against your kind, so if we give to all a ceremonial virgin dress they will cease any reproduction through. A shame, as we need more hands to protect our lands.

She wait for Evelen to answer as she look to Celesta and her armor, with curiosity she tried to take it, so she could try to undress the plantgirl, but the "breast armor" turn into tentacles just when she was at a inch Ahhhh... its true! said surprised, as the armor let Celesta's privates exposed and turn invisible for their sigh. Celesta get blushed and begin to touch her body, i cant feel it, what happened? that thing just vanished? Suzanne get close her aunt and after sniff she shake her head Nop, that creature is still here, maybe it heard us and decide to help us to resolve our problem
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"Hmph. I suppose I'll trust you with my weapon. I'm just not used to trusting others. And it would be nice if we had some protection against just being taken for reproduction purposes... I haven't got the time to carry a baby" Evelen replied, waiting for the woman to go for the cursed armor, and giggling when it turned to tentacles and then vanished. "I guess it's not so bad... At least it listens sometimes" she said, shrugging and waiting to be led into the town.