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Evelen (Tiffanian)

Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Kiyomi continued shouting trying in vain to get some help or pity from Evelen. Her petite body was unnable to escape of the great mass of flesh and cum, even it was hard for her to breath, between the massive breasts pressing her chest and the cum falling on her face, ussually falling on her mouth, where she had to drink it to be able to breath again.

Awww... that's a shame. Said her daughter a little dissapointed and cuddling at her mother, even when this was very drenched in cum. Suzanne learned many new things and earn a lot of friends. All the clase start to hug and caress Suzanne's body when we reach the academy, even some teachers. But dont worry Mama, nothing bad happened.

Hmm... we have a little problem getting out of here and also when we return. Also, Suzanne get on heat in middle of the class, but it dont get out of our hands.

Do you want some help? you looks like a group of at least 5 males rape you for hours. Also, will you train more or we should return to the matriarch room? But, maybe you will love to take a shower, Justy can suck all that in an instant, but you should give her an apologize, that inocent girl dont deserved what you said of her
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

After a while of spurting cum into Kiyomi's mouth and listening to Suzanne and Zunasse she decided to have mercy on the foxgirl. "Ahh, please help me up" she said, before replying "it sounds like you had an interesting day. And nothing too crazy happened, so that's good. And yes, Zunasse, I would like some help. This was mostly Urumi's doing, really, but it's a story. I think I've done enough training for now, but I do really need a bath. I can't even walk right now. And I probably should apologize to her."
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Without lost time, her child help her to stand up, easily she lift her after place a arm on Evvelen round wrist and Pulling her mother arm around Suzanne neck. Now Evelen feels more light, after some minutes sending small loads of cum from her orifices, her legs can now endure her weight thanks to her daughter help, but maybe Evelen could endure some steps before get tired and maybe with the time her legs could get damaged by carring that extra weight without help.

Yuck...I also need a bath, maybe like any normal person i love to be drenched in cum, but not when this has been passed through the intestines of someone. Said Kiyomi after receive a last double cum ration from Evelen rear and mouth when this get up, the poor fox girl was now also a mess, only her back was not full of cum and she try in vain to clean her face with her hand. With her gold hair and tail drenched in cum, she follow the group. Suzanne guard was needed again and Suzanne could lift her mother if Evelen want, but this will taint her daughter even more and who know how this could affect her daughter.

As they go out using the back door, Evelen soon could feel the sight of each citizen looking at her and her children, maybe thinking how many males had coming inside her or if that cum filled girl would love to have more fun. At least the door was close and they reach the ruins. Sorry Evelen, but Suzanne should stay here, who knows what could happen to her if she take other bath on Justy or any other puddle or pool.

But Suzanne must apologize too, the poor Justy was wounded that time for Suzanne fault. Said the little girl a little worried than Justy was mad with her or maybe still injured by her fault when she started to eat the slime girl

After decide if was safe for Suzanne, the group moves toward where was Justy, in that moment she was hidden in the slime but maybe with some words she could get out
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen felt a bit lighter after having squeezed out a substantial amount of cum onto Kiyomi, and with Suzanne's help she was able to stand. She would try to get her daughter on one side and Zunasse on the other, to help her walk to the pool in the ruins without her daughter having to carry her and being covered in Urumi's cum. It didn't take too long to get there, though along the way she could feel every eye on the group, probably wanting to come and fuck her even more full of cum.

"You can come with me to apologize, Suzanne, but you can't get into the bath" she replied, not wanting a repeat of last time, but also not wanting to leave the girl outside. When they got to the pool Justy was hidden beneath it, and Evelen called out "Justy... I'm sorry for what I said earlier. I just saw that my daughter looked hurt and jumped to conclusions. I'm really in need of a bath, and I'd greatly appreciate it if you would help me with that, and again I'm sorry."
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

With her daughter glad to be able to solve this misunderstand, Evelen soon said her apologize to the pool and after a moment the whole jelly start to shake, making the people inside the pool start to get out. A big part start to get up until reach 2mts over the pool level and then a big eye appear in the high place followed by the whole slime face.

With a frown the slimegirl take a moment to see Evelen and then nod clueless Hmm... Of course, Justy forgive you... Who are you? A new breeder or a Matriarch? Justy will love to clean you...oh? "whine"... noo no... that girl return to hurt Justy again... please dont bite Justy. The cheerfull girl start to shiver and cry, trying to run in vain as her body was very huge to move without get focused, just when she notice that Suzanne was close her.

Please, dont cry. Suzanne never tried to hurt you, it was fault of her instincts and her grow up.

Suzanne was turning into some kind of liquid and she was unable to control her body or even return to her normal shape.

Please forgive that incident, what can Suzanne do to make you feel better?

C'mon Justy, both of them are good people. I will make you some cookies if you accept

Zunasse's cookies!? Hmm...hmm...Ok, Justy forgive them. But Justy want hot sweet milk too. Said the childrish goo girl as she use a slimy tentacle to wrap the round human and make her get in front of her. Soon Justy turn into a pool again and Evelen could feel her body get secured to be drained. Its a lot of salty cummy. Justy will eat it all quickly, dont get scared. Just then Evelen Body was unable to float in the slime, her whole body get submerged nearly instantly and the through that she will drown inside the slime, but then the slime girl create her body in front of her and with a kiss she help her to breath,as Evelen start to feel how the slime get inside her

Even when Justy was trying her best to make it softly, there was not way than this will dont hurt a little. Soon Evelen feel how her breasts were cum milked, as her ass was sucked with the pressure that the slime create, like a pump machine cleaning a pipe. At least her skin was caressed to calm her and she could heard a soft muffed lullaby coming from Justy.

In the outside Zunasse had to calm Suzanne, as this was taking a lot of time. The wait was getting too much for the little one, as she saw the completely calmed pool.

Inside after 15 minutes, Evelen body had turned into a normal human size, but she still have her belly slighty round and her breasts looks a little flacid, but they could look really bad when this end.

Dont worry, little one. Just relax and close your eyes, as Justy will take care of all

Just when Evelen closed her eyes, she could feel her body completely calmed, like if she was just floating in the space, nearly she was unnable to notice the slime getting inside her and then Evelen start to feel sleepy until she just rest there, as a baby inside her mother belly.

Mama... Please wake up...please Mama Said sadly Suzanne as she move her softly. Dont worry, she is fine. Just let her sleep a little more Said the guide, as Evelen feel the floor and the slime getting away of her.

When she opened her eyes, she would find herself on the matriarch room, her body was like new, but of course her breasts feel a little different, maybe getting filled of milk again but without cause too much pain, maybe they were getting bigger or Evelen was getting used to them.
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen frowned at Justy's fearful reaction to Suzanne, a little worried that the situation wouldn't get resolved, though soon enough Zunasse had bribed the slime pool with cookies. Huh. Justy must have the mind of a 5 year old or something she thought as the pool secured her with a tentacle and moved her into it for cleaning. Suddenly she sank like a rock into the slime, submerged and unable to breathe until the slimegirl appeared in front of her and gave her a kiss, giving her the air she needed as it began to get inside of her.

Soon the slime began to suck the cum out of Evelen's breasts and ass forcefully, causing her a reasonable amount of pain, though Justy caressed and sang to her to reassure her. It took a long time for the slime to do its work, though, and after 15 minutes of sucking she still wasn't empty. She was, however, something resembling human now, and when Justy told her to close her eyes she did so. She got a bizarre feeling, as if she were floating in the air, and she began to feel very tired. She barely felt the slime lift her up, or heard her daughter's words.

She woke up back in the matriarch's room, seemingly good as new as she sat up and looked around, wanting to see who was in the room with her, and find out how long she had been asleep.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen dont waste time to see what was happening around her. For her surprise all was without any light, but a little bright at the other room give her the chance to see something. Suzanne was resting at her side, her face had some dry tears and both were completely naked resting over a soft monster fur skin, her daughter weat neithers are clue of her kind of dreams and how hard should be to her rest or avoid to think in get impregnate.

In her classic hammock, the matriarch of four arms rest only wearing her small loincloth. There was not sight of Teresa, Celesta or even Zunasse, maybe it was time to sleep, however Evelen had been fall sleep a lot of times lately than now she was complately awake and full of energy, it could take her hours to sleep again.

Without too much to do, she could leave the room and see the rest of the ruins, but doing it alone could be a little dangerous ; she could try to get some info of what had happened asking to her daughter or the matriach, after awake them or just see what is inside the rooms, but this could make the matriarch get angry.

Of course that the option of settle her daughter needs and reduce her milk breast quantity were also an option
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen soon found that it was nighttime, and that Suzanne and the matriarch were both asleep. Her daughter was seemingly wet, apparently having dreams of sex. She at least seemed relatively peaceful, not moving around in her sleep. Evelen slowly got up, seeing as how she wasn't at all tired, and decided to peek her head out of the door to see if Zunasse was there. If not, she would go back in and try to sleep, since she didn't want to wander around on her own and didn't want to wake the others up.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Making a little peek in the door, Evelen saw a empty corridor, iluminated as always by a strange soft light, produced by maybe some rocks or maybe spells imbued in the stone walls. Without nothing to do and trying to dont bother any of her room mates, Evelen go to sleep again.

Some hours later, she at least was able to sleep again, sometimes she could heard her daughter babling between dreams or smiling as her hands try to find her mother to cuddle at her even more, between Evelen engorged breasts.

Soon in the morning she was awaken by her hungry and her daughter talk with the matriarch, the time wa early in the morning and the matriarch was eating a little piece of meat, but of course Suzanne was unnable to eat, maybe the conversation ws about why she should avoid any class of monster food or fluids from the townpeople.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Not seeing anyone at all in the hallway, Evelen ducked back into the matriarch's room, laying down next to Suzanne to sleep. It took her several hours to fall asleep again, and in that time she could hear her little girl babbling quietly, reaching out to cuddle a little more. She finally drifted off to sleep, holding her daughter close. She woke up a bit later, hungry, and found Suzanne already up and talking with the matriarch, who was eating a small bit of meat. She yawned and stretched, and then said "good morning. Any chance I could get some breakfast around here?"
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Not wasting a second, Suzanne wave to her mother and get closer to give her a lovely kiss on her cheek, before said happily at the start but reducing her tone as she continued Good morning, Mama! Suzanne was trying to make a breakfast for Mama, but it looks that there are only monsters products as ingredients and is forbidden for Suzanne even touch them. Also... Can Suzanne feed from Mama? Suzanne is really hungry, but she will endure it if Mama is not in mood. Her stomach growl at the end after her eyes focused in the swolen udders of her mother.

After end her piece of meat, the matriarch said in a sleepy tone yawn... We have a big menu: Fried monster eggs, hot milk or cum of many flavors, some rare mushroom monsters are also used to create bread and you can combine these ingredients, yet still we eat a lot of monsters and use magic to cook them..." yawn"

Oh yes... the rest of your family is in another room with Kiyomi mother and Zunasse is there too. Should i make you something or this roasted tentacle is fine? im not really good in the kitchen and i dont need it, fresh meat is so delicious too, but it could turn on humans even more than this dish.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"Hmm... Monster food" Evelen muttered as she stood up after kissing Suzanne on the cheek. "I guess I have no choice but to eat it, then. Roast tentacle is fine, I guess, and then I'll go meet with the others. Suzanne, you can feed while I eat, just not too awful much, okay?" she said, walking over to the matriarch and sitting down to eat. She didn't want Suzanne to drink too much, not wanting her breasts to expand too much. She hadn't really liked having balloon breasts when they were filled with cum, anyway.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Suzanne just nodded, as she follow her mother to the middle of the room, there Evelen notice that the matriarch stomach buldge was smaller than before, nearlly visible. Her plate was a bone square and the tentacle was of the size of her arm Eat as much as you want, i will eat the rest with a vase of cum and maybe some eggs too.

Evelen with caution make a little bite to the appendage, it was really a unknown feeling, these things ussually were too tough to resist her bites, but now she can eat it as if it were made of a special soft meat, maybe the fire and the way of cook it made this meat so easy to pass, it was like it melt in the mouth and as Evelen give other bite, she could taste something else a filler, a delicious nearly addictive warm cream, the mix was just incredible and she could feel how it fill her joyfull stomach, she lick it and then notice a well flavored sauce.

I was not expecting this, i heard than normally the humans hate a lot the taste of our food, but you already had eaten half of it. I wonder if you could eat it without get coocked.

Hmmm...it smell so good, but milk Mama is the best Said Suzanne after make a pause on her breakfast. For some reason, Evelen was slighty aroused and relaxed being milked and eating at the same time, nearly as a cow feeding her calf.

Evelen end her breakfast before her daughter, this time she eat all of her food, as the matriarch enjoy her time with both girls, nearly as if she was a granny looking her family eating. I dont remember which was the door of Kiyomi mother, it must be one room close this, sometimes she learn music to some girls, so maybe her room is the most noisy.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen saw that the roasted tentacle was roughly the size of her arm as she sat down to eat with a bit of reluctance. That just doesn't look very tasty she thought as she picked it up, tentatively nibbling at it. It tasted incredible, and she quickly took a few more bites, finding it filled with a warm cream, which she vaguely thought might be cum, and glazed in a very tasty sauce. Suzanne quickly began to suckle from her as well, and she was starting to get aroused as she lazed about somewhat and ate and fed her daughter. She finished the meal before Suzanne finished hers, and so sat back petting her daughter's head for a while as the matriarch talked to her. "Kiyomi's mother is a kitsune, right? I met a matriarch like that who also taught music, I think, before you. She should be easy to find. Thank you for letting us stay in your room" she said, waiting for Suzanne to finish before getting up and going back to the kitsune's room.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Hmm...Kitsune!?... yes, then i guess that you will find that door easily. Said the four arm woman, as this clean the place. Will you come here for dinner? i could try to make the girls prepare something special for you. There was not doubt that Evelen was welcome to return and rest here once again, maybe the life of a matriarch was a lonely one, even when she could get fucked as much as she want. Meanwhile, Suzanne give some finals laps and licks to clean her mother breasts, as she nearly fall sleep thanks to Evelen's soft touches, maybe is Evelen would desired with a soft tune Suzanne would had fall sleep on her uncovered wet lap.

After some minutes Suzanne get up and give a hug to the Matriarch Thanks for all, we will return today, right Mama?

Oh thanks... just dont return so earlier, i will rest a little more and then i need to give some classes to some groups The Matriarch said before the two wave and leave. The path was more illuminated, even they could heard some girls talking through the corridor and inside some rooms, even some moans and others lewd sounds coming from a few doors. Easily they notice the kitsune door and they knock to be received by Celesta Ohhh... Good morning, please come inside. Yesterday, Zunasse give us a report of what happened with Suzanne Said her sister as they pass. Inside the Kitsune was in the middle of the town completely dressed and blinded like the same time, but now without her heavy pregnant belly. Good morning Evelen and her daughter... Suzanne, right? Its a pleasure to meet you again. Said the Kitsune, after turn to them I guess that i was not wrong, this little girl is close to turn into a beautiful woman.

At a corner of the room, Teresa remains completely covered in a monster skin, still "resting". Hey, Evelen how was your day? I have a lot of info to give you, we even found a cum trial close here, it must be a cumgirl or a slug. So its just matter of time to get a way to cure Suzanne of her problem
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"Unless something comes up and I can't, I'll come back for dinner. That was... quite good, after all" Evelen replied, still holding Suzanne softly to her. When the little girl was ready she got up and hugged the matriarch, and asking if they would come back. "We'll probably come back at the very least later tonight, I think." The two of them then left with a wave, and went back to the kitsune's room to find Celesta and Teresa resting. "Good morning. My day went alright. I did some training, mostly. Also got turned into stone and then had sex with a girl with tentacles because of the side-effects. That was pretty much my day. So what's going on?" she replied, wanting to see what information they had for her.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Celesta frown after heard how Evelen passed the day, So...Turned into stone...What kind of training were you doing? Anyway, its good to see both of you fine. Celesta turn her eyes toward the Matriarch, as if she was not sure to talk in this place, yet still maybe the plant girl could just say some of the info.

Ok, we were in a hurry yesterday, trying to find a cure for Suzanne, but our possibilities were low without know their lenguage. We tried to get some imformation from the people but all were busy fucking each other, Teresa just was close her limit and nearly make us get in jail... After all that we found someone that was able to help us and show us some scrolls writed in an ancient lenguage by the natives.

It looks like two Great Matriarch were similars to Suzanne and were really important for this culture... unfortunatelly i dont get too much info of them. Hmm... just than one was the first Great Matriarch and the other was a great mage feared by the foes of the village and even by the townpeople of that age. If only i could get more time to learn more, but its really hard without be unnable to read the newest scrolls and tablets.

Without move of her place and after give a little drink the Matriarch just get inside the talk Hmm... its not a secret that we had the bless to have two Great Matriarch who were legendary halfhumans, unfortunatelly we had lost a lot of their story for the countless monsters invasions and we destroy the remain of the writings about the second legendary Great Matriarch for fear that the humans know than this town was her birthplace.

It can be. That is unforgivable, why your people destroy their own history? Do you know more about these two women? Said Celesta, really dissapointed to hear that sin.

Well, the first Great Matriarch teach us how survive on these lands, she was a pasifist, however she decide to stay at our lands and teach us our most old spells, between them were many of our defensive magics. It was a period of peace, as her presence make the monsters get away of here. But one day she just leave and just let us their childs to take care of the place, but with the time they just turn into lazy creatures and our ancestors had a hard time. Then nearly a houndred of years ago the second legendary great matriarch born in this land, she was powerfull and wise, so smart for her young age, so feared for all than it was incredible that the Great Matriarch just give her place to that little girl. Unfortunatelly i only can say that each person with grey skin could be a descendant from her.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"I was doing some grapple sparring with some of the female warriors. One of them was a cockatrice, and she got a little scared and turned me to stone accidentally. So it was an interesting day" Evelen replied, recounting her day briefly to Celesta. She then listened to the plant girl tell her about what they had learned so far, with the matriarch interjecting to give some history of two Grand Matriarchs that could have been related to Suzanne. "Hmm... I don't really know what to think of that. At least, I don't know how to use that to help us now. I guess you'll just have to keep looking for things" she said, a little worried that they might not find the information they needed within their time limit.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

I will try, but it will be hard to find other writting that i could read, anyway Zunasse is trying to get other talk with the Great Matriarch to find a way to make Suzanne be able to go to the temple Said Celesta still dissapointed to dont have something more to inform. Instantly the Matriarch get up and loosing her calm said The Ruins!!? Nooo! get away of them! they are cursed and corrupted, the few survivors are soo changed and broken than they... Soon she get interrupted by her own weakened body and blushed she breath heavily for an instant, as she touch her now little belly, maybe she looks hot and lucious, but even a magic creature like her after nearly a hundred of years giving birth without stop could get side effects.

... Just go out of this town... we will use all our power... to give birth to someone strong enough to find a way to save us all...ahhhhhh... i-i need a drink, Celesta please. The plant girl nods before run to the kitchen, meanwhile the Matriarch hug herself as she squirm and arch her back, salive's trials left her mouth and she shake her head, as she press her lips and her tails start to touch herself and try to undress her. Her body was so lewd than Evelen was getting closer and a wish to pleasure the kitsune and see more of her body was filling her mind until Celesta return with the drink. Like a person in the dessert, the Matriarch drink the whole liquid and soon she calmed as also Evelen throughs. Teresa dont want to go out for a while, so what we should do?
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"Well, maybe Suzanne can help you. I think she can read the newer text, so she might be able to help in your research" Evelen said, before being surprised by the matriarch's reaction. "Even if the ruins are cursed, we still have to go. We can't sit around and wait for other people to fix everything for us" she responded, looking on as Kiyomi's mother became more and more lustful. When Celesta went away to get her a drink, the matriarch began to touch herself with her tails, starting to undress herself, and Evelen felt a relatively strong urge to go and pleasure the kitsune. Instead she resisted until the plant girl came back with a drink, which seemed to calm the matriarch. "I don't know what to do. I could go train more, but I don't know that I'm up for that right now, and I wouldn't want to do it without Zunasse to lead me there. I don't really want to go outside without someone escorting me, really. So I don't know. Did you have anything in mind?"