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Evelen (Tiffanian)

Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"26? You're 26?" Evelen looked over at Sandy with a raised eyebrow. "No way, you look my age..." It was odd to think that the "girl" was actually 7 years older than she was. "I won't tell anyone, but huh." Once she had gotten over that, she told Sandy where she needed to be dropped off, and thanked her for the offer to go to eat, but replied that she hadn't really brought money, and wasn't that hungry anyway.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

As Evelen tried to calm herself after know her age, Sandy just nod a little trying to mantain the calm, maybe that was one of the reasons of why she always try to hide her age.

The pair soon reach their destination, Sandy even tried to gift some of her magazines to Evelen and then the time to say goodnight come, they could kiss each other before leave, even the redhead get close her new friend, but she stop at the end and just get ready to give her a kiss in the cheek. If you need something just call me, im busy nearly all the morning, but i always have time to play the EGG or go to a party
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"I don't need any magazines or anything, I've got enough of that sort of thing" Evelen assured Sandy once they had gotten to her house. When it came time to part, the redhead got really close to her as if to kiss her, but then shifted to the side. Evelen gave her a quick kiss on the cheek, and said "I'll be sure to call you sometime, you're pretty fun" with a wink. "I'm busy through the week normally with college, but maybe next weekend we can eat somewhere" she said, before turning to get into her home.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The weekend sound fine, rest well and really i could need you in my magazine at a special report about the EGG, im working on it and maybe the next month i will start calling some testers to take some pictures, dont worry you will look awesome. Said before turn on her car and wave to Evelen.

After that Evelen have a normal week, sometimes dreaming about her family in the egg, it was a little weird to dont be hug by her daughter or see her sisters talk between them, the week feels more large as she wait for her next time to play, it was not an addiction, but not doubt than she miss to play her game.

Once the day come, Evelen could heard a great noise about a multiplayer game the next month where all the testers are welcome to play.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen waved goodbye to Sandy as she left, thinking about what she had said. Posing nude might be a little bit much. I don't know that I want that sort of thing out there on me. The next week was long and uneventful, and though the work from college wasn't too intense and she enjoyed a few family nights, she still looked forward to playing her EGG game on the weekend, even having a few dreams about it. Finally Saturday came, and when she headed in to test she learned about an enormous multiplayer game that would be open to all testers. She thought it sounded like an interesting idea, as she headed in to the normal place to continue testing.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Like every week, Evlenwalk to her room where the Woman on charge have all ready for her, soon she get inside and the start screen appear.

New game
Quick Game
Past Events Gallery
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Everything was ready for Evelen when she came into the room, so she hopped into her EGG and looked at the options screen, quickly picking out Quick Game. She had a few things she was interested in trying out.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen soon was in front of the normal options screen.

Load Persona:
-Evelen (8 FP, Polearm Expertise Level 4, Hardened 3)
-Create Heroine
-Add Allies?

Select Opponent Type:
-Human Male/Female
-Demihuman Male/Female
-Slime Family
-Tentacle Family
-Other (Create Unique Opponent)

Select Opponent Level (1-10):

Select Number of Opponents:

Select Setting:
-Master bedroom
-Living Lair
-Other (Create Unique Setting)
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen breezed through the settings pretty easily, knowing more or less exactly what she wanted. She went ahead and selected her default character, for the enemy typed in "Giant Plant," thinking of the one she had rescued Celesta from so long ago in her game. She had always been curious about it. She set the enemy level to 10, not wanting to mess around with fighting too much, one opponent, and the Wilderness setting.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Soon all turn dark and as always Evelen wake up to see her now usual avatar in middle of a forest exactly like how she was in her game but wearing her classic weapon. The place is in a perpetual silence and in front of her she can see the terrible plant monster resting and maybe waiting for a prey. His hight was bigger than the one holding the poor Celesta, no doubt than the creature could have a woman at least in the other side, using her to earn nutrients.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The usual darkness and weightless feeling came over Evelen as her settings were entered and processed, and finally she came to be in a quiet, old-growth forest, standing in front of an enormous plant monster. It was just like the one she had fought towards the beginning of her game, except much larger, and it seemed likely that there were trapped women on the other side of the thing. Evelen grinned and grabbed her spear, moving towards it to put up at least a token fight.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Just when Evelen was moving toward the creature a great move at the earth around her was noticed. A countless number of roots moved toward her, the speed of them was at least 5 times faster than the ones on her battle to save her sister.

All looks against her, however she dont let this make her lost her hopes, with all her training the speargirl body swing and dodge the tendrils at the last moment, even when these trow her some feets away, giving rolls and quick moves the young warrior rush toward the creature, hurting and slicing the roots close her. However some of them wrap her body from behind until reach her womb and inyect direct a potent aphrodisiac who make her give a potent moan as she now shiver naked at the tendrils of her foe. Only her warrior will make her remain the grip on her spear and nearly without think cut the right roots to get free. In a light aroused state she make her road through the dead tendrils than she leave at her pass, but now she was in middle of the creature lands, surrounded by many tendrils, all ready to subdue her and make her join the mindless moans than can she heard now behind the huge plant.
Evelen 7/8 ap 2
Plant 3 hits

great luck this time
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen noticed soon that the ground around her was being disturbed significantly, and soon roots shot out at her, blazing fast. Even so she was able to avoid them at the last moment, slicing a few with her spear. They still managed to knock her back a few feet, though she rolled back up to her feet and rushed towards the plant, slicing at the nearby roots with her spear. Before she could react a few vines grabbed her from behind, ripping her clothes to shreds as one of them penetrated her and injected an aphrodisiac. She let out a loud moan, but still cut the roots apart, stepping out of them quickly. Still, she was now in the very middle of the plant, surrounded by tendrils. The human would try to depend herself, but this thing was tough, and she was already looking forward to losing.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Completely surrounded, Evelen tried to resist a little more before enjoy what the creature have for her. Her spear cut as many tentacles and roots as it can, but this was useless and soon a tentacle whip her back leaving a red line with a trial of slime. Her legs soon were tied by the many appendages and many hit her breasts and honeyhole until her body was full of the strange slime.

Evelen could feel how her body and mind were taken by the sweet nectar on her, the creature nearly have her now in his power. Soon the great difference of power looks to make the creature make one of his tendrils get close her mouth, her armed hand still can try a last attack and maybe she could get free to try to win, but she just feel so good, each whip just fill her with the needs of moan and beg for more of that warm slime. But her mind still is clear enough to decide.

Evelen 4 ap 6 [grappled -4]

giant plant 5 hits
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen continued to fight back, struggling against the plant, cutting several more roots, but the plant struck back quickly. A vine lashed against her back, leaving a long red line as the slime covering it covered the mark. A number of roots grabbed at her legs, restraining them as more slapped her breasts and pussy, spreading the aphrodisiac slime all over her and stimulating her even more. One of the tendrils began moving towards her mouth, each lash against her reddening skin drawing a moan out of her. She could fight back if she wanted to, she still had a little bit of strength... But it was futile, she knew that much, and she wanted to be fucked right now. She dropped her spear and opened her mouth wide, ready to accept the tendril.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Leaving her weapon fall on the floor, Evelen decide to surrender herself against the plant, her mouth get wide open to receive the slimy vine inside her and soon she taste the delicious substance. Soon she start to suck and lick to take as much she can from the phallus, the addiction to the aphrodisiac substance grow with every drop and her body turn on as she continue drinking it. The tendrils get focused now on caress her body and she could feel how her pain subdue and turn into a pleasure as the vines touch her painful red marks.

Slowly she is moved to the core where the creature prepare a free space for her new toy, Evelen soon is impaled by a vine in each of her lower holes, they don't bother to be gently as the woman cant feel any pain anymore, it looks like her mind is getting dazed and she just moan muffed by the vine in her mouth, then her breasts are the next to be used, strange syringes penetrate her flesh at her nipples and her breasts are filled with a great need of be milked, swollen and lactating she soon feels relief when a pair of suction cups get over them and start to drain her of her milk excess, each motion increasing her arousal, she soon was filled with pleasure by each part of her body, even her clitoris is used to let her in a perpetual bliss. She can feel how her mind start to shut down by the growing pleasure, then her limbs are placed in tiny holes until Evelen get stuck in the plant completely unable to move of that place, even more vines thrust inside her in a continue rhythm and her moans start to turn into a continuous action than she cant control. Evelen can feel the creature getting deeper in her insides eating her leftovers in her intestines and draining her as she is filled with the delicious slime who is high in nutrients and looks to be able to mantain her in an optimum state, her breath get slow and her heart reduce his moves, soon Evelen start to reach an stasis state where she can only feel pleasure and avoid to waste any energy.

The days passed and the speargirl can feel her body being adapted by her new master, now the creature start to fill her with seeds, each one make Evelen nearly orgasm, each one turning her more into just a seed bag. Her breasts start to get bigger and she between dreams of continuous pleasure can see them be milked without stop before her mouth get instinctively opened to drink more slime and then fall in a deep bliss once again. This continue in an eternal cycle, the days and nights pass and Evelen remain completely filled with pleasure, moaning lewdly without stop and mixing her sounds with the girls at the other side of the tree. With the months her body had changed into a mix between a plant and a human, her skin now is light green and her organs are smaller and improved to work better, with more space to grow her more resistant womb get bigger until reach a incredible size, her skin and muscles are changing to resist the great weight and even with her bigger breast size, her massive orbs remain firm and ready to grow more if the creature want it. With her new skin Evelen dont feel the cold or the warm of the seasons, even in winter she is protected by the creature and in the most hot days she have a lot of water and shadow to dont feel any nuisance. The animals and humans avoid as best than they can this place, yet still some poor innocent creatures are the dumb enough to get close and turn into food for the great plant, only the little quantity of women turn to what Evelen is now and soon she have some company at her side, however Evelen is so lost in her pleasure and erotic dreams than she dont pay attention to what happen around her.

The years passed, many of years. Evelen remain in the same place, her body is now fully green and her hair is purple like her sister Celesta, her juices and even saliva taste like the creature slime, even the teardrops than fall from her eyes by the great happiness are sweet and delicious, her hair reach now the middle of her back and her nails only have grow an inch from when she get caught, proofs than her nutrients are used in only some areas, as at this moment her hair should reach the floor. She have no more hair than in her head, her skin smell like the creature and in sunny days shine and fill her of a great energy, her womb is full again and start the birth of a new generation of plants who are filling the woods, At her stasis state Evelen orgasm with each seed than leave her distended belly, dreaming she can see herself in many erotic moments each one ending and starting without stop in an orgasm. For ages she give birth to countless of plants until her body have being completely adapted to the creature into just only a reproductive organ for him. Her mind has changed and the pleasure zone is bigger than any other thing until let her nearly into a mindless state. The low mindless Evelen wake up and take a time to notice than she was awake, she feels amazing, each thrust of her master feel her great libido and she dont bother to think in her state or make something more than moan and be feeded. Sometimes she turn to see her body, it dont looks in any way like what she looks before her fight, massive green breasts and a huge belly is what only she can reach to see and her rear can feel her hair yet she take a time to remember it.

Looking to the view, Evelen pass her last years of be able to think and slowly her mind just forget even her name and any memory of her life to be replaced by just the need of be pleasured and open her mouth to be feeded, 150 years had passed and she is completely a plant woman, her eternal life passed and suddenly all get dark until Evelen is again on her machine.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

When Evelen dropped her spear and opened her mouth, the plant immediately pushed a slimy vine into her mouth, and she began to suck and lick hungrily. The aphrodisiac quickly went to work on her, turning her on even more as she surrendered completely to her attacker, which began to caress her entire body. Where it touched the red, sore streaks of skin where it had slapped at her earlier the pain melted away, quickly becoming pleasurable. The tendrils picked her up, carrying her deeper into the plant, and she allowed herself to go limp in their embrace, knowing she would never have to move on her own again.

The plant didn’t waste any time, and as soon as it set Evelen down it pounded a vine into each of her lower holes. It was very rough, but the aphrodisiac ensured that she felt no pain. She let out muffled moans, still sucking eagerly on the vine in her mouth, her mind already starting to get dazed by the pleasure. Soon her nipples were pierced by syringe-like vines, which pumped something into her breasts that made them quickly swell up, and she could feel an incredible need to be milked as pressure built inside of them. She almost begged, but she didn’t have to wait long enough that it would be necessary, as suction cups clamped over them and began to suck on her breasts, draining her milk. Vaguely she wondered if it tasted like Celesta’s. The vines continued to use her roughly, and as a little tendril began to rub and poke at her clit Evelen came hard, crying out around the tendril still leaking aphrodisiac into her mouth. She didn’t quite come down from the pleasure, though, and her mind slowly began to shut down in the face of the constant bliss. The plant’s tendrils guided her arms and legs into small holes in its main body until she was stuck firmly inside, preventing her from moving for the rest of her life. She certainly didn’t care by now, of course. More vines forced their way into her, until she was stretched to her limit, three thick tendrils pounding her pussy and ass. She was letting out a long, continuous moan by now, intense pleasure gripping her body and wracking her mind, which was slowly receding into dull acceptance of the stimuli. The vines pistoned deeper into her, eating the excess food in her intestines as the aphrodisiac slime nourished her. Evelen’s breathing slowed down, as did her heartbeat, until there was no wasted energy. She could feel herself becoming no more than a bundle of nerves, one long, continuous orgasm holding her in its grip as the vines pounded her and milked her swollen breasts.

With time Evelen drifted off to sleep, the intense fucking and the aphrodisiacs giving her wonderful, dirty dreams for as long as she slept. Days were passing, and the plant began to fill her seeds, each one giving her an even more intense pleasure. Her breasts continued to swell and grow, her milk output increasing as the vines continued to suck out her milk. Eventually the tendril would poke at her mouth, and she would open it happily, sucking down her slimy meal with enthusiasm until it sent her drifting off to sleep again. The cycle repeated every day, her body always filled with pleasure as she loosed her continuous moan, and now she was even more filled with seeds, as she became more and more just a bag of flesh to hold the plant’s seeds. Months passed, until her skin was a light green color, and her breasts were enormous. Her internal organs had shrunk and become more efficient as the plant had taken over many of her bodily functions, allowing her womb to increase to a simply huge size, so that she could hold ever more seeds. Over the months she gained company to either side, but she didn’t notice, focused only on her erotic dreams and on the intense pleasure she was experiencing.

The years began to roll by, and Evelen’s skin turned a darker shade of green, her hair purple now and down to the middle of her back. Much of the rest of her hadn’t grown, though, as her new body directed nutrients almost exclusively to the places necessary to keep her alive and able to bear seeds. Her belly was huge and full of seeds, and in her lust-addled mind she almost wished she could rub it with what had once been her hands. Even now the same vines spread her sloppy holes, pounding into her, driving her to the perpetual height of pleasure. Each time she birthed a seed she came impossibly hard, and she couldn’t even conceive of something that would be better than this. Losing her fight with this plant had been the best thing that could have happened to her, having fought it was so silly. For years she gave birth to a nearly endless number of plants, until many decades had passed. Her body had adapted completely and utterly to her situation. Her limps had melded into the creature completely, until she could no longer really be considered a separate being. Her mind had been reshaped by the constant pleasure, until pleasure processing took up almost all of it. Now she was nothing but a reproductive sack attached to the plant, a moaning, drooling bundle of seeds and nerves.

One last time the nearly mindless Evelen awoke from her constant, blissful dreams, realizing vaguely that she was awake. Each powerful thrust by the many vines inside of her felt utterly amazing, more than she could have ever imagined before. She moaned out lewdly until it was time for her feeding, when she sucked mindlessly on the delicious, nutritious tendril. Looking down she could see that her breasts had become absurdly large, easily bigger than watermelons, having their milk sucked out into the plant to nourish it. They were spread slightly by her even more huge belly, perpetually full of seeds. She drifted off to sleep again, ceasing her existence as a conscious being. From then on she only felt, for centuries serving as a mindless breeder for the plant, living an eternity of pleasure.

When it was over Evelen sat back in the EGG, grinning. That was awesome. Now I know what Celesta had she thought, staring at the quick battle screen. She was curious about another possible scene, one she had had a taste of earlier. That battle with the chain demon in the arena… it had been harsh and painful, but since then she had learned to appreciate those things significantly more than she had at the time. She wondered if she would like it if she tried it again… She decided to find out. She entered in Chain Demon on the opponent selection, and then entered in 10 for the level, wanting to lose, but maybe hoping this one would be a little bit more drawn out. She only wanted one of them, for now at least, so she entered that in, and then chose “Dungeon” for the setting. It seemed appropriate that way.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen take a moment to think about her sister. No doubt she can understand her better and how that nearlly endless pleasure turned a normal smart petite girl of 14 years old to what is now. Maybe when she get at her side Evelen can talk with her and learn more of Celesta.

Leaving this away for the moment, Evelen started a new quickbattle, maybe one than she could desire never had started. After put the settling all get dark again, soon Evelen find herself in middle of a creppy dungeon. The speargirl walked for a time until she get inside a room filled with chain, shackles and many other turture things. In a side room she could heard muffed moans and screams, so intenses than she started to feel fear.

Suddenly all the objects fly around the place and a dark energy fill the room. From the tornado a scary nearly demonic metal creature appear, stronger than the one in the arena
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen sat back and waited for her settings to kick in for a short while, until she felt that familiar weightless feeling, and she was deposited in a very creepy dungeon. She walked a short distance, until she entered a room filled with chains and shackles and many different implements of torture. From a room off to the side she could hear loud but muffled moans and pained screams, and as the room began to fill with dark energy she wondered if she hadn't made a mistake. The various chains and things swirled around the room for a while, eventually coalescing into a huge chain demon, much bigger and stronger than the one she had faced before. The speargirl got into a defensive stance, not wanting to leave herself completely open just yet.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

A loud creppy metal sound started to come from the evil creature. Like a sinister laugh after see the young woman get in a defensive stance, after look her for an instant he rush to her, Evelen used all her experience to protect herself, but she soon receive a impact at her back by a chain. The creature is so fast and cruel, without give her a moment he turned into a rain of bondage tools and place a shackle at her left leg. Evelen tried to defend herself but soon her leg is moved and make her lost her balance.

The speargirl soon feel her neck pressed by a metal collar, she could feel how the creature can in some way control these two things on her, maybe he could make her lost her breath in an instant, but no doubt than he want to slowly torture her in this battle.

Evelen 6 ap 1 [-3 chains]


Is she naked? As she choiced her avatar and she is naked in her game right now