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Evelen (Tiffanian)

Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen felt the familiar feeling of the EGG creating a new setting and putting her into it soon after she entered in the settings. This room had an entirely opposite feel to it from the last one she had been put in, with a beautiful bed set in the middle of a luxurious bedroom. The lighting was low and sensual, and there was a pleasant-smelling incense burning that increased her libido. She grinned and began to walk towards the bed, though she wondered if she could use the spell she had just learned in her game, since she was using the same "character." She tried it, and soon felt it working, her clit growing slowly until it was an average-sized cock. The human laid back on the bed, her head coming to rest gently against the pillow as she started to stroke her cock slowly, enjoying the new sensation.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

As her avatar in her game was naked, the undressed Evelyn Place herself on the incredible comfortable bed, her skin enjoy even the soft touch of the blanket at her back, she could feel the pillow was in the exact fluff level than she love. Once her futa spell get activated she feel her clitoris grow and enlarge until turn into a firm dick than would make many men jealous, she stay a time pleasuring her new member with one of her fingers as other take turns to pleasure softly her breasts and pussy, all together make her get very aroused, licking her lips and moaning as she remember many sex event at her game. This continued for a moment more pleasuring others parts of her body, making this slowly until she wished to have someone more close her.

Her sensual moves continued until she notice than some inknown soft hands were caressing her breasts making her moan even more. She turn to notice how the hands looks like if some people were bellow her bed and her rear is the next to feel the lovely touch being pressing passionately by the huge like male hands.

Even all these strange hands dont looks to bother her, instead she soon reach her peak reach by the continuos expert touches and she can resist to shooting her own warm cum over the edge of the bed and the floor. As she rest a blanket hand start to pleasure her half hard dick, soon the incredible touch make her get hard again, this hand turn into a blanket again and firmly wrap her dick like a way to make her dont drop her white seeds, lines of the amazing fiber wrap around her limbs and breasts, slowly moving and caressing her completely with a sensual massage what make her feel even better until the point to feel her dick trying to load her warm milk over the place. Her womb was completely drenched in her juices and her breasts had made a small trial, but as incredible as can be the bed is still dry even when Evelen could have bet than she should had spoil the place after so potet orgasm. Finally the blanket wrap two of its edges to create two dicks who softly touch her lower holes for a time with a gentle touch until they get inside her, each in different time so she have one every moment. The time passed and after what could be 10 minutes she had two peaks before the speed increase more and this time they lift her body so her member point to her back before release her dick in the right moment when she cum and a potent load fill her chest and even her head get a part of it. Evelen rest after that
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Everything about the bed was perfect; the sheets were soft and pleasant, the mattress was just firm enough, and the pillow was nice and cool. Evelen slowly stroked her magical cock as she laid on it, softly moaning as she enjoyed the sensation. It was still such a new feeling to her, and it was quite wonderful. Her free hand moved up to grope her chest, firmly kneading each soft orb in turn before moving her hand to rub at her already wet flower. She alternated the stimulation like that for a while, though she continued to tease herself quite slowly, wanting to savor the pleasure. She wished there was someone else with her then, to share in and increase the sensations.

Soon enough someone did join Evelen, though not in the conventional sense. At some point as she was teasing her pussy with her free hand the blanket beneath her rose up into large, soft hands which cupped her breasts and began to gently caress and squeeze them. She moaned a little louder, and the blanket began to give much the same treatment to her ass, gently groping it as she began to buck her hips subconsciously. She began to speed up stroking her dick, the pleasure quickly getting to her, until finally letting out a loud, lewd moan as she shot spurts of sticky cum into the air and off the edge of the bed. Evelen collapsed back onto the bed, her hands resting at her sides as her cock went soft, panting slightly after her orgasm. The blanket sent a hand to gently rub her dick, the pleasant touch quickly making her hard again. Once she was hard, the hand became like a blanket again, wrapping firmly around her cock as other bits wrapped around most of her body, holding her in a tight but soft embrace. It was a wonderful feeling, and soon enough she felt herself spurting cum against the sheets, letting out even more lewd moans.

The blanket let Evelen rest for a bit as she recovered from her orgasm, her eyes closed as she laid back against the pillow. It was such a striking contrast from her earlier time with the chain demon, and though the latter had had higher heights of pleasure than this so far, she couldn’t say she didn’t enjoy this a bit better. She could feel her cum pooled on her crotch and belly, her milk having run down her chest, though she could tell that the blanket and bed were completely dry. Finally the blanket resumed stroking her cock firmly, renewing the stimulation as parts of it folded over on itself and began to poke at her lower holes. She lightly gripped the sheets in her hands, holding on and moaning out as the blanket stuffed her pussy full. As it withdrew, another folded bit of blanket moved in to fill her ass, and they began to piston into her in an alternating rhythm, making sure she was never empty. She allowed herself to relax and enjoy the stimulation, and the blanket quickly brought her to another peak. This time the stimulation didn’t let up, and her eyes fluttered open, staring at the ornate ceiling as she rested her head against the pillow. The soft sheets continued to stroke her new cock and pump into her pussy and ass, and the still-new sensations quickly drove her over the edge again.

After Evelen’s fourth orgasm the blanket picked up the pace, starting to really work her body over as it continued to massage her gently, and she panted and moaned with each thrust. The blanket began to prop up her lower body as it fucked her, at first imperceptibly, but slowly making a difference in the way she was laying. She stared up at her own cock, her tongue lolled out of her mouth as she realized its intention, and the puddle of cum at her crotch and belly from her earlier ejaculations began to run up her stomach and towards her chest. It wasn’t long before she came again, the first shots of cum splattering against her ample breasts, and she opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue. A few more spurts of warm seed painted her chest quite thoroughly, and then the blanket pulled up her twitching cock just enough that the last few squirts shot into her open mouth, some splattering against her cheeks as well. With a gulp she swallowed down her own salty spunk, savoring her own taste for the first time as the blanket allowed her to rest again. And she was quite content to rest in the soft embrace of the bed, waiting for what was to come.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

To calm her even more, the bed looks to softly caress her back side for a moment until she was ready for the next move. She could see how the blankets looks to take the shape of a woman below her and a man at her side, the female blanket start to lick and fondle her cum filled chest before place a french kiss at her letting than more of her cum get inside Evelen's mouth the feminine hands started to caress the human breasts, as the other blanket caress her dick and put his fingers inside her pussy and even her ass, as looks than both creatures could create any part at full freedom and that was more easy to notice when the soft touches on her holes turned into appendages and start to caress her before she get lift at the arms of the male blanket before get impaled by the twin cocks than get deeper by turns into her, the female one looks get up too and continued the passionate foreplay, turning her hands into suckers than start to drink Evelen's milk.

Even when she was fully pleasured, Evelen could notice how softly all was, she could just let them do all as she just let them pamper her. The woman then give her another kiss and she could feel how her own milk looks to slide against the gravity and end on her own mouth using the blanket lips as a bridge, her next peak come and she notice how her cum is sucked by a feminine mouth and like magic she taste her own warm member milk get pass her lips and reach her mouth until nearly drink all. Evelen continued being pleasured like a queen in her own bed harem, letting her rest a moment before she want other ride, each time with something new and in a different position. When she needed to sleep she could feel the warm blankets protect her from the cold and even she looks to drink more cum and milk than the one than she lost, maybe these creatures could feed her without she have to leave the bed, but when she needed she could get out of the bed or ask them to take her to the others side rooms were she was feeded and cleaned .

Finally after have a month of vacations she see all turn off and looks herself once again inside the machine, maybe someday she could take this seetling again when she get stressed in the real world.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The blanket continued to caress Evelen gently, waiting until she was ready to begin to form into human shapes. One of them, a feminine figure, licked the cum off of her breasts and then moved up to give her a deep kiss, all of her salty seed trickling into her mouth as the blanket groped her chest. In the meantime a male figure formed in front of her, gently stroking her new cock and poking at both her lower holes with soft fingers, eventually penetrating them. It wasn’t long before the blanket fingers turned themselves into dicks, just firm enough to give Evelen proper stimulation. The male figure quickly wrapped his arms around her waist and lifted her up into the air, impaling her on his twin cocks and beginning to thrust gently. The female moved around behind her, her hands turning into strange suckers that soon drew milk.

Evelen moaned lewdly all the while, until the feminine form turned her head and began to kiss her deeply, and she could taste her milk on the blankets, which seemed to somehow be funneling her juices up to her. It was quite wonderful, and she could feel herself rapidly approaching another peak as she relaxed in the blanket’s arms. Far from feeling helpless in the embrace, the human felt utterly free and pampered. She climaxed with a loud but muffled moan as she felt another head form and begin to suck at her cock, and soon she tasted her warm cum once more. It then laid her down on the bed again, allowing her to rest until she was ready. She got up on her hands and knees, prompting the double-cocked male to take her doggystyle, the female moving to suck her rapidly hardening cock while a second feminine form appeared to continue the attentions to her breasts and feed her her fluids.

It continued on like that for quite a while, the blankets giving her ample time to rest and to sleep when she needed it, keeping her warm and safe throughout the nights. Whenever Evelen felt the need for food she told them, and they allowed her to get up and escorted her to a kitchen, where she could fix food for herself. They also allowed her to bathe and perform other hygiene functions before returning to the bed to be pleasured for hours on end, or simply cuddled if that was what she wanted. It was like the most pleasant vacation she had ever had, and a month passed like that, the blanket fucking her tenderly in almost every position she could imagine before the game brought her back to the menu screen. It would be a wonderful stress-reducer if she ever needed such a thing…

Now that Evelen had screwed around enough with the quickbattles she felt ready to continue on with her game, hitting the continue option and waiting for the machine to bring her back to the matriarch’s room.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

As usual after press continue she get surrounded in a deep dark. But this time a cold touch make her wake up in the instant. Evelen could see the creepy headmistress at her side Quickly take your child and follow me, we dont have time to waste Evelen found herself cuddling with her beloved daughter who by her smile looks to have a happy dream, both naked rest over a furry monster skin on the floor, the matriarch looks to be still sleep over her beloved hammock. Suzanne looks to be heavy sleep and Evelen should do something extreme to awake her or just carry her the whole trial to the school.

Once outside, Evelen notice the lack of people, she can only see some guards and some half human resting on the cum filled meat floor. The next lesson will need than you turn your arousament into a flow of magic and then use it to wound your foes to free yourself. This magic is so difficult than it could fail even if you not master it. Said the headmistress before open the academy door.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen went through the normal process when the EGG put her into a setting, the weightless feeling, the darkness, all of it. This time she stayed in darkness, though, until a cold touch awoke her with a start. The creepy headmistress was right next to her, urging her to move quickly as soon as she was awake. Blinking a few times and rubbing the sleep from her eyes, Evelen saw that Suzanne was still sleeping peacefully. She didn't feel like waking the girl, especially since she didn't think she could without also waking the others. She scooped her daughter up gently into her arms and began to follow the headmistress out of the room at a swift pace. There was almost no one outside, only a few guards and one or two people resting on the ground, and they faced no trouble getting to the academy. As the headmistress opened the door, she explained what the lesson would be about, and Evelen's eyes lit up. This was what she had had in mind from the start, and she was eager to master the skill.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Once inside the three notice the neko spider resting in a corner of the lobby room, at the instant the headmistress move close her I cant believe than someone cant resist 15 minutes without fall sleep The room started to feel cold and Evelen could see a dark aura around the creepy woman than start to surroud the catspider, after a second she start to shiver and whine before wake up and jump scared. The next time i will be not so gentle, now please take care of Miss Suzanne, you must help her to finish to learn how to use the time magic before the dawn. The headmistress walk toward the stone blocked door and open it. After leave your daughter follow me, we dont have time to waste Then she guide Evelen toward her hidden room, the place looks like the next time, with torture tools, books, magic symbols and others things. The woman walk toward a desk and from it she take a glass bottle with a strange purple substance. Drink it all, it will help us to earn time

As always Evelen should obey her and drink the strange potion, it was a difficult task and she dont enjoy the taste even a little. Just when she drink it all, she start to feel funny, her body shiver and leaving free her sex juices This is a special potion than will make you stay in a high pleasure close your climax, i could make you cum in an instant. Now you are able to focus your magic at your body, i also teach you to activate it at the start using your pleasure, maybe now you will be able to combine your arousament and magic. Meditate a moment and practice how to focus your inner magic with this pleasure level

As she said Evelen prepare herself to focus her magic, but it take her many tries to do it, she even beg to cum and used all her will to dont masturbate herself. Finally after half a hour she was able to focus a little of her magic to cast a spell, but she should train a little more.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Once they got inside Evelen saw the arachne catgirl sleeping in a corner of the lobby, which seemed to make the headmistress mad. A dark aura surrounded her, and it felt like all of the heat was being sucked out of the room. The aura expanded to the catgirl, who started to shake and whimper in her sleep before quickly waking up, a scared look on her face. It was then time for her daughter to go off with the teacher to learn magic, so Evelen began to rock her up and down a little, bouncing her little girl in her arms. "Wake up, Suzanne" she said, just loud enough to do the job. When the girl was awake Evelen let her down onto her feet and kissed her on the forehead. "Go on, listen to your teacher and learn things" she said, waving before following the headmistress back t her secret room.

It was much the same as it was last time, filled to the brim with tools for torture, books, and various magical symbols. As Evelen looked around the headmistress walked to a desk, coming back with a small bottle of purple liquid and instructing her to drink. She took the bottle and downed it without question, though she grimaced at the taste. It was one of the most genuinely awful things she had ever tasted, and she had to fight the urge to gag and vomit it back up. Almost immediately her body shivered and shook on its own, and she could feel her love juices begin to flow freely down her legs. She was incredibly aroused, and the headmistress quickly explained the purpose of the potion, and the lesson.

"Alright, I can do that. Or try, at least…" she said, sitting cross-legged and trying to focus. She decided she would try to cast the spell that made her more beautiful since it seemed like the most appropriate. It was really hard to focus, though. It took all of her willpower not to start masturbating, and after probably twenty minutes she begged "ahhh, please just let me cum…" and lost her focus for a bit before finally powering through it. It was another ten minutes before she was surrounded by pink light, her skin becoming more smooth, soft, and perfect. She wasn’t satisfied, though. That had taken far too long. The human focused on her other spell, trying to cast it and grow her clit. It was hard, but less hard than the last time, and after about twenty minutes her clit had grown into an average-sized cock. "Haaah… is that… good enough…?"
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The full covered woman nod It take you a lot of time, but we dont have time to waste to polish it, now you should be able to feel the magic inside you and you learn it by feeling pleasure at the start. Now you must connect both things nearly instinctively, so between more arousal you feel more magic leave your body and the damage to your foes will increase.

I will give you a little help
Said the headmistress before place her hand below the human arousal chest, the soft touch was the enough to make Evelen moan and nearly reach her peak, then the woman let her a moment and return with a dull size mirror who place in front of the aroused girl. Evelen could see her increased beautiful figure and her fully erect dick in front of her filled with cum and ready to free more of her warm seed, her breasts leaking milk without stop making a trial until the floor and her body leaking her juices until form a transparent white puddle below her, her face was completely flushed and each part of her body shine with her fine sweat cape reflecting the room light. But what call her attention was a rune on her stomach just below her breasts, a part of it looks to shine a little and the other remain in a black tone. Her sight get interrupted by the sound of a chair and then the headmistress sit in it before start to explain the next lesson. This rune show you how much control do you have of your pleasure and magic, the one shinning is your arousal, is out of control as you can see, i cant help you with tips about how control it, but im sure than your biggest problem will be combine both once the two parts shine at full intensity. Once saying this she take a book and let Evelen start trying, the lessons have make her be able to use magic using her pleasure as a base, but she was not so aroused like now and the mirror only make this worse, after try to focus for another half hour she was only able to make the magic side shine, but both sides shine in different intensity, she even was starting to get exhausted by the use of her spells and decide to take a moment to ask meanwhile she take a little break.
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen nodded as the headmistress spoke to her, a little annoyed with herself at having taken so long to cast the spells. Why was it still so hard for her to focus when she was aroused? She had had more than enough practice at it... When her creepy teacher touched her stomach just below her chest she moaned out lewdly, nearly reaching orgasm just from the soft touch as aroused as she was. The headmistress then walked away and brought back a full-length mirror, placing it in front of Evelen. It was a tough sight for her, as even to herself she looked damn hot like this, and she could see all of the signs of arousal written all over her body. She could also see a rune that the headmistress had put on her stomach, half of it shining brightly, the other half dark.

The headmistress then pulled over a chair and sat near Evelen and explained to her what the rune meant. The half that was shining was her inner arousal, the black one was her magic. Apparently she needed to get the magical half shining as brightly as her arousal, which would be a difficult task indeed... She tried to focus, to call up her magic using her earlier training, but she had never been this aroused while trying to do it before. She felt like a stray gust of wind blowing against her incredibly hard, twitching cock might be enough to make her cum. Having to stare at herself in the mirror only made it more difficult, as she found herself distracted by that cock... Over the course of half an hour she slowly made the magical side glow, though with a lesser intensity than her arousal. She was starting to get tired, though, from all the concentrating and arousal. "Please, I can't take this much longer, I need a break..." she begged, needing a rest to refocus her mind.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The covered woman stop to read her book and sigh annoyed before start to float toward a table filled with potions. That potion will last 2 hours more but i suppose than i will give you this chance to rest even when i hate to waste materials to train my students. She then give a orange potion to Evelen and then move her chair a little afar. Try to dont split it on the floor, i only will give you one Miss Evelen. The potion smell incredibly bad, like a mix of spoiled things and maybe remains of creatures, trying to dont smell more and drink it in just a try Evelen use all her will to dont split it. At the end Evelen could rest for a moment maybe 20 minutes before the creepy woman said Thats enough now drink it again. Once again the damn purple potion is given to the human, she have rested enough and do all the preparations to focus again and ask all what she need to succeed.

After a great disgusting moment after drink the potion she get aroused again, the next 14 minutes were a pain, looking the lights change of intensity, one turning off as other bright or when both shine in different bright. Now she was nearly like the last time needing to cum in an uncontrollable desire, but at the end just when she was close to give up she heard a sound coming from her mind and then she aw the mirror to notice the rune full brightening. After that moment the Headmistress make her repeat this some times more, each time more easy, yet Evelen mind was pleading intensely to stop and then a dark spell hit her and make her sleep.

When she wake up she was tied in the bondage wall and then the woman appear Nice, we have only two hours and we are in the last step. Miss Evelen i will use these tools to make you cum and you must try to destroy them in order to escape, first focus on increase your magic until both reach the limit at the same time and then put that magic around you and push more, in one of these chances you could free your magic in a explosion and then your training will end for now.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen felt guilty when the headmistress let out an annoyed sigh and floated towards a table that was absolutely covered in potions. She came back with a vial filled with orange liquid that smelled about as foul as anything she had ever encountered before. She gulped it down as quickly as she could, barely able to stomach the stuff, and it took all of the human’s willpower not to spit it out on the ground. The potion quickly solved her arousal problem, though, and she laid down on the floor and stared at the ceiling for a while, resting. "Sorry, I just couldn’t take it anymore. Trying to focus would have been impossible" she apologized, and then rested for about ten or maybe twenty minutes before getting back up.

The headmistress gave Evelen another of the purple potions, and she drank it down without question. It was still disgusting, but after the orange potion it seemed somewhat less so by comparison. Her arousal grew quickly until it was almost unbearable, and Evelen turned to the mirror again and started trying to focus. For about fourteen minutes she tried hard, the lights on the rune changing in intensity, though they were never shining together at the same intensity. The human was about to give up again, her need to cum so great, but suddenly she heard a strange sound resonate in her mind. Looking at the mirror, she saw that both sides of the run were shining brightly. The headmistress made her repeat the feat several times, and each time it became easier for her, though the intense arousal was getting to her, and her mind was starting to fog up. Perhaps mercifully, a spell came over her then and darkness quickly enveloped her as she fell asleep.

Evelen awoke to find herself bound to one of the walls, the headmistress standing in front of her. The human listened to the lesson plan and nodded as best as she could. "Alright, I’ll try my best" she said, focusing. The key, or so she thought, would be to build up her magic to its peak while the headmistress pleasured her, waiting for the moment when her arousal was just before its height and equal with her magical ability, and in that moment attempt to force the magic out of her and into the toy, hopefully with explosive results. It would probably be more difficult than it sounded in execution, but such was life, and she was ready to try.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The lesson started with the headmistress letting free a small jelly creature, for some reason it jumped instantly on Evelen chest, she notice the slimy substance filling her torso with an aphrodisiac. As this happen a flying dildo caressed and pressed her lower lips, at the end of the dildo a strange tendrill appear and start to lick her slighty aroused clitoris. Many others tools were used then like little worms sucking her breasts and then get stored with the slime in jar when Evelen was close her peak leaving only non organic living tools on her two lower holes and two strange rock hands than vibrate and milk her.

Suddenly her pleasure and magic mixed and she tried to free it, the tools shine but dont break Dont just send your magic, think in harm the things around you or you will only give them your energy Evelen had to increase once again a little of her arousal to try again, this time she think in a explosion to hurt what is around her, after only two times she manage to make them fly away of her, making the headmiss to move a little to avoid the dildo who fly only 7 foot. Finally after a few tries more she succeed in make them blow away turning in pieces.

Well done, we still could try this a little more but you looks a little exhausted, try to dont use this spell too much or you will turn into a easy prey With her training ended and with a 1/4 of her magic. Evelen get free of the wall ready to decide what to do

lv0 futanary lv1 body perfection lv 2 Extasis Wave

MP 3 [Evelen can only cast a lv2 magic per 2 battles or after eat or rest]

flaw: inexperience caster a d20 will be rolled whit each magic if the dice fall in 1-4 the magic fail [it could get reduced with long training or battle use (roll 20 will make it faster)
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

As Evelen signaled her readiness to start the lesson a small jelly creature came out of a jar opened by the headmistress and jumped on the human’s chest, oozing aphrodisiac slime all over her front side. At the same time a dildo began to float off of a nearby table, slowly running up and down her slit, picking up a sheen of her juices as she rapidly became aroused. Little worms came to suckle at her breasts as another dildo teased her ass. Evelen moaned softly at the treatment, and when a small tendril came off of the dildo to tease her clit her noises became louder quickly. Once she was close to her peak the jelly creature and the worms moved off of her, to be replaced by a pair of rock hands that milked her breasts roughly, and the dildos penetrated her and began to thrust.

Even with all of the pleasure Evelen was able to concentrate, and when her pleasure and her magic had both nearly reached their peak she unleashed her magic. The various tools shone, but nothing seemed to happen to them, and when the headmistress explained her error she muttered "dammit," annoyed at herself for not thinking of that. She tried again, taking a few minutes to get near her peak again before attempting to unleash her magic, thinking this time of an explosion. It didn’t work, and she was starting to get a little frustrated with herself. One more time she tried, and this time she managed to get them to fly out of her and fall onto the ground. There were a few more tries before she managed to explode the toys, and she let out a cry of triumph.

Evelen was quite tired, though, which the headmistress acknowledged. "Yeah, I’m so tired" she said, laying her head back. "I think I need a rest before we start to head out. Thank you, a lot, for putting up with me and teaching me."
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Its my job Miss Evelen, now please follow me to the exit the Lobby should be a more convenient place to rest, as i must check all for the classes of this day. Doubt than you want to be alone once i leave this room, you could get lost for days trying to return to the office. Once they get out of the dark corridor, Evelen could heard how some women talk outside the office maybe teachers or students, in the headmistress desk she notice a bunch of things to read. Evelen decide to just rest in a couch at a side of the office, the monster skin of who was made was soft and soon she take a little rest before someone knock the door. The noise awake the human and notice a strong male at Zunasse side Good Morning Miss Evelen, our grand Matriarch are waiting for all of you, we will scort you to the meeting place. Now than the door was opened the human could heard how some girls were a little sad and Suzanne looks to be there too, but as all were talking in the natal language Evelen cant understand any word, but she once she leave notice her daughter being french kissed by a young halfhuman girl of blue skin, as a yellow wingedgirl hug and caress her back.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen nodded, getting up once released from her bondage and following the headmistress out of the strange room and into her office. Once there Evelen found a couch off to the side, made of very soft monster skin, and laid down on it. She quickly drifted off to sleep, resting like that until a knock on the door awoke her. Sitting up she saw Zunasse and a rather large male walk through the door, telling her that it was time to go and meet with the Grand Matriarch. "Alright, I'm good to go" she replied, and it was pretty true. She felt fairly well-rested after her nap. She got up to leave and found that just outside Suzanne was saying goodbye to a group of sad schoolgirls, some of whom were getting quite... touchy-feely. Evelen let it go on for a little while longer before walking up to them and saying "Suzanne, it's time to go" quietly, a hand coming to rest on the girl's shoulder.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Yes Mama Suzanne smile to her but she looks a little sad to had to leave her new friends as she does with Jean, their new adventure could be more hard than any other in their past and this time they have an idea of their low chance to succeed. The path to the temple was silent as they walk for the more lively street, maybe in some minutes more the women will start to trade their products. Once inside the place they will move to where the gran matriarch live, there was Teresa Waiting for them and at her side there were the usual guards who dont waste a moment before turn to Evelen, maybe they still remember what happened the other day.

Once inside Evelen notice some changes in the room, instead the seats to wait for the great matriarch there was a large ceremonial table, runes and letters were writted on it and there were some shackles and chains to maybe restrain them between the ritual to place the marks
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Suzanne looked sad at having to leave her new friends so soon, which bummed Evelen out a little. She wasn't looking forward to this next bit, not at all, especially given the descriptions she had been given of the place they would have to fight their way through. Perhaps that was why she had done so many quickbattles. The walk to the temple was made in silence, though the streets were more lively around them than when they had last been outside. When they got to the place where the Grand Matriarch lived the guards immediately recognized Evelen, which made her grin a little. Inside the room had been switched around, and instead of seating there was a large ceremonial table, with shackles and such to restrain them while the ritual was performed. She looked around, trying to see her sisters and maybe Darius, who she hadn't seen all trip long.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen could only see her big sister Teresa who quickly walk toward Zunasse, the blonde girl looks blushed, upset and nude. Evelen could heard her demand a virgin outfit to all her family, the blonde woman suspect than is very strange than now only Celesta remain with one. Unfortunately Zunasse dont have any and trying to calm her she said than they will recover their things once the ritual end. As she continue looking around Evelen dont find any sign of the young mercenary, maybe he is doing jobs or he is very shy to be surrounded by her undressed family after what happened in the car. Suzanne was checking the table trying to learn something from this old idiom. Before Evelen could say something, some steeps come from the corridor as also she could heard nude steeps on the upper floor coming to where she is, maybe the grand matriarch know something about Darius