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Evelen (Tiffanian)

Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Teresa was the only of her sisters there, naked and blushing. It was pretty clear that she was upset about her nudity, and was trying to get Zunasse to do something about it. Of course, the guide didn't have any of the virgin outfits on her person. "Teresa, calm down. They'll probably give us our actual clothes when they give us our weapons anyway, since surely they won't make us go into the fight naked" Evelen said, trying to calm her older sister. Darius wasn't around either, unfortunately. As Suzanne looked at the ritual table, trying to read what was written on it, Evelen could hear footsteps behind her and up where the Grand Matriarch was likely to appear. The human decided to wait until spoken to to voice any questions, not wanting to seem overeager.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Teresa sigh... not fully convincent of let her guard down by the possible chances than have this people to place them in a trap or kidnap them in this town, things than sound not so away of the reality if one looks their actual situation, it was a luck than they looks to dont have that intention. The great matriarch some down fully covered in silk white and gold clothes, maybe is a ceremonial dress or is not allowed to see directly to her body. After a moment Celesta get there nude, holding two different strange potions and a book than she buy, she looks heavily tired and her legs move slowly, but at least she looks happy. Close her was walking the naga and the foxgirl who was holding the virgin clothes who looks to be a little dirty.

The full covered woman walked toward the ritual table, as she pass the others townpeople bow to her and once there she looks to the female guardians and to Evelen's group. Greetings, my special guests. Now than all are here we will start the ritual to place the seals to protect them in your next journey, i must blind and tie each of you in order to be able to place them inside your bodies, unfortunately this will be unpleasant and we must avoid any sudden move than could spoil the ritual.

That sound fine, but why we must use the blinfolders? i cant see how they could be usseful. Teresa said without believe than this have to be part of that named "ritual"

Our grand Matriarch have a so perfect and beautifull body than in the instant you will lost yourself, depending of the person is how much that effect remain, but you will be not the same after that. Said Zunasse as she get close with the others to start prepare them for the Ritual starting with Celesta and Suzanne. Oh... that sound like a good reason to use these things. Celesta said as she is shackled.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen grinned at Teresa, mostly because of the way she seemed to distrust everything about this situation. It felt good not to be the most paranoid and suspicious person in the group for once, really. The Grand Matriarch slowly descended the stairs towards them, wearing silken robes edged with gold trim, an outfit that seemed highly ceremonial. A bit later Celesta came in with Kiyomi and Shiba, looking quite tired and holding some potions.

Evelen listed to the Matriarch's talk, Teresa's reaction, and Zunasse's explanation, nodding and accepting to be blindfolded and shackled. After some of the things she'd seen here, she didn't doubt that looking at the Matriarch's naked body would be bad for her... "If I may ask, where is Darius? I haven't seen him since we got here, really" she asked, curious now that it was close to time to leave.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The great matriarch allow for the female warriors to start chaining her and her daughter before answer.

Darius!? Oh yes, that handsome young male leave his room on the dawn, he is looking for another way to go inside the temple, but maybe you should talk with him later, dear. All of you will be guide to the entrance.

Also, i will be the only one in this place with all of you, in this ritual i will invade your intimity and will be a little painfull, it will take some minutes please endure it

The woman then check all the shackles and bindfolders and then talk with the guards, Evelen heard them leave before close the door and then a strange object start to move around ger body, all of her family was face up with their limbs secured at the resistent table. Teresa ask about what was happening, but Celesta just answer than she was placing runes on them, for some reason all were being painted at the same time and it looks than the great matriarch dont have problems with Suzanne special skin.

The touch ended and the so beautifull voice like an angel of the full dressed woman start to chainthing, Evelen could feel her body turning on in a great speed as her mind feel in a complete peace, the human can heard the woman start undress herself by the clothes falling on the floor, then she start to check her pussy like as the others using her fingers just to open their lips, even that touch is beyond any hand than Evelen had feel, then she check her rear hole and place a substance. The spearwoman could heard the others moan like her as the touches started, their moans were like begs for be used, just as the purple bottle has do it, but only than this time Evelen feel herself completely safe, happy and in peace.

Just then a warm long thing start to caress her both holes as the voice continue without stop. Celesta was the first to groan and cry as the others could be more worried to had their turn to wonder what is happen to the plant girl.
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The various warriors around the room moved in to shackle the family to the ceremonial table, which Evelen allowed to happen without any fuss. "Hm. Yeah, that sounds like him alright" she replied to the Grand Matriarch’s answer about Darius. She just nodded her assent when the Matriarch told her that the ritual would be painful and something of a violation, thinking she had probably gone through worse recently. Even if not, this was necessary and beneficial to her, and she okay with a little bit of suffering for a cause. The human closed her eyes as she was blindfolded, allowing her to rest them and try to relax in the short time before the ritual began.

The guards left soon thereafter, probably to avoid looking at the Matriarch too much, seeing as how her body was apparently akin to a powerful spell. After that Evelen felt a strange sort of object moving around on her bound body, and soon realized that it was probably the Matriarch painting the runes onto her body. Teresa’s question showed that somehow all of them were being painted at once, which was somewhat odd. It was probably being done with magic instead of manually. Once the runes were done, the Matriarch began to chant. The voice was so perfect and beautiful, far better than any Evelen had ever heard before, and it quickly served to turn her on intensely, just like the purple potion the Headmistress had given her had done, though it also gave her a peaceful feeling.

She heard the Matriarch’s clothing fall to the floor, and then felt her lower lips spread carefully by two fingers. The human let out a lewd moan, the feeling of just those gentle touches driving her wild. The others were moaning too, and soon those fingers spread Evelen’s ass, smearing some sort of substance around it. The singing and chanting continued on as something started to rub against both of her lower holes, getting her even more worked up. She tried to relax and enjoy the sensations, moaning out every so often as a wave of pleasure washed over her. Suddenly Celesta groaned and cried out, seemingly in pain, which was a little worrisome. Even so, Evelen simply waited her turn, trying to prepare herself.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Unfortunately Evelen was not the next to start to cry, at her side she heard how her daughter groan and try to resist the pain to maybe dont alarm her family, as she is close Suzanne, Evelen could feel some kind of pression moving her daughter in a powerful motion, Teresa was close to say something worried for her niece when she get also penetrated by the unknown object. The mix between Celesta cry and the others two trying to endure it were starting to increase the worries of Evelen, then her lower lips get fully opened by some kind of tiny objects as also her rear hole, both fully lubricated and ready to the use. Nearly pleading Evelen notice finally a pair of appendages getting inside her at full force until press her womb entrance and deep at her insides, making her groan and moan as a mix of pain and pleasure like what she feel in the quickbattle against the chain demon was growing. The hard object started to change inside her making strange things on her holes, she could feel a strange invader magic filling her holes like a fire growing in a dry forest. the thrusts increase in power and speed until the point where Evelen could feel them nearly break her apart, the four girls were in some kind of pleasant agony, the mix of the chanting and the painful penetration were making them moan and groan without stop, some tears could even pass through the speargirl blindfold and if that was happening to her what could be for the poor Suzanne.

Suddenly some kind of liquid start to make a little path through her womb, the strange energy get deeper and filled even her conducts toward her ovaries. At other hand her insides were more filled until it reach her stomach and install it there making her feel a potent pleasure stream than make her cum and moan lewdly with her family by some minutes, that amazing moment last for minutes but for Evelen were hours, even after been released the four were still in an orgasmic trance than subdue slowly. When Evelen recover herself she was completely wet looking to the ceiling like the rest of her family, each unbound and free of any blindfolded, once she recover her strength she notice strange dark runes over her pussy and breasts, her inexperience magic make her notice how these things were like walls inside her body and she could feel the same feeling behind her, the magic on them looks to have fully attach at her but she cant take any kind of energy from these things, but of that she was fine until suddenly she notice the marks on her family, the runes were dark maybe lewd and with strange symbols and lines on their bodies.

With them was Zunasse and the others guards, the great Matriarch talk a little with them fully dressed again before maybe leave to rest at her chamber
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen’s wait lasted longer than she would have liked, as she heard her daughter groan in partially-masked pain. Suzanne was close enough that she could feel the girl being moved back and forth by a powerful motion, and she could hear that Teresa was about to say something in protest, but then she too was penetrated. The sounds of Celesta’s cries and the other two trying hard to endure the pain worried Evelen progressively more, and as she felt tiny objects spread her lower lips and her ass she almost begged for the Grand Matriarch to hurry up, wanting to get this over with as quickly as possible. Finally two appendages slammed hard into both of her lower holes, pounding her cervix almost immediately. They soon began to thrust quickly and powerfully, penetrating into her womb with ease and changing in some bizarre way. She couldn’t quite tell what was going on, really, but she could feel a magic force. It didn’t help that the experience was quite painful, though still mildly pleasurable. Again and again the back of her womb was slammed by the thrusting, the other pushing deeper and deeper into her bowels all the while. Evelen felt like she might break apart, groaning with pain, crying slightly from the terribly unpleasant experience. There was still pleasure, but for some reason it wasn’t nearly as much as with her quickbattle.

All of a sudden Evelen felt some liquid flowing into her womb and bowels. Maybe it was cum, but it didn’t feel like it somehow. It quickly entered into her fallopian tubes, heading towards her ovaries, as well as filling up her stomach. As it seemed to set itself up inside of her, for some reason she felt an intense wave of pleasure wash over her, and she cried out in ecstasy as she came hard, hearing her family do the same. It went on for minutes on end, the orgasmic bliss seeming to last more like hours for Evelen. Even as she had been released she was still feeling the effects of the pleasure, and she continued to lay on the table for some time after that. When she had fully recovered she noticed that there were runes all over her breasts and pussy, and with her limited knowledge of magic she felt as if they were barriers of a sort. The others had the same runes, along with some lines and symbols all over their bodies. Zunasse was there along with the guards, talking to the Grand Matriarch. Evelen didn’t want to interrupt, and she was still feeling a little woozy, so she just sat up and listened quietly.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen could feel her body tired after the harsh thrusts, but with the time she sit and tried to listen what they were talking, however they were talking in the native lenguage of this town. They looks to be instructions of what to do now as Zunasse was really serious talking with the great Matriarch, the halfhumans bow to the dressed woman who start to go to her room. Zunasse stay in the same pose for a moment until she suppose than the Great Matriarch had leave the place, she then give some orders to Kiyomi and Shiba, the two girls tried to act in a formal way before leave with the two male guards.

Moments later Zunasse stretch herself and then walk to where Evelen and the others are, as all this happen Teresa was caressing the poor Suzanne even when the little girl only looks tired, no doubt than Teresa was really worried for the little one and could be thinking in make someone pay for what has happened to her family. It was a different story with Celesta, the poor plant girl has been the one who lasted more being used by the things and she was already tired before start this, she remain in her place trying to recover herself, but she cant hide the sign of pain on her face.

I must apologize for what happened here, i dont expect than this spell was so extreme, at least now all of you can rest a moment before we guide them to the cave than will lets them get inside the forbidden temple.

Teresa dont waste time to sit and look to Zunasse. Once we return from that temple i will have a little talk with that named "great matriarch".

Please Miss Teresa you'd better watch what you are saying, i wil not allow more...

Please stop Zunasse, aunt Teresa. We are all fine, so lets just rest here a little more and forget all this, right Mama? Said Suzanne after hug her big aunt.

Please forgive me my little one, i was just very worried for you. But im glad than you are fine, once we return i will teach you to cook something delicious. Said Teresa completely different from some minutes ago, both girls looks to be fine now and Zunasse continue Our guards will bring your belongings but in others backpacks, unfortunately all of you cant get inside dressed as any cloth will be dissolved nearly at the instant
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

It took a while for Evelen to sit up, her body still weak, and when she did she realized that the two were speaking in their native language. It made sense, but it was kind of annoying about this place. Even so, she could kind of tell what was going on in the conversation. It feels as if the Grand Matriarch is giving Zunasse instruction, who bowed when her leader left to go back to her own room. The guide then turned and gave her orders to Shiba and Kiyomi, who left with the male guards. As Zunasse walked over to them, Evelen looked around to see her family. Teresa and Suzanne looked fine, though the girl looked quite tired, and Teresa was caressing her with a worried look on her face. She probably should have been more worried for her sister, who looked to be in pain still, unable even to sit up.

There was a quick exchange between Teresa and Zunasse after the guide apologized for the pain they had gone through, where the human showed her anger at the Grand Matriarch, which was diffused by Suzanne. "Yeah, we're fine now, so there shouldn't be a problem" Evelen replied, scooting closer to Celesta and patting her. "We'll definitely need a rest though."
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Celesta turn to Evelen when she feel the soft touches on her. Its all fine... I should havent exhausted myself in the market. The poor plant girl looks to whimper each time than she try to move her lower body and as difference to Evelen, her breasts looks to had not lactated in the ritual, maybe this could affect Celesta in the future battles. Teresa notice the sudden attention toward her sister and was close to go there when the plant girl notice it and make a loud yawn Im soo bored, that temple sound to be filled of danger so i will just sleep as much as i can. Celesta said between yawns and with a soft smile, maybe trying to dont be the cause of another fury explosion of her big sister. Maybe Teresa would had notice the true but with her little niece close her, she cant resist to pet her and hug that little soft body close her. Suzanne cant make it more easy with her cheerful pure soft giggles and her incredible pleasant soft skin, not many could stop once they start to caress her addictive body and even less Teresa who have show her mother like love toward all her family and even more toward this young girl.

Zunasse let them rest for a while, maybe ten or twenty minutes before she heard someone opening the door, the two guards come with 4 new backpacks, all made of a strange dark skin and behind them was Darius reading something and turning to other side when he notice than Evelen and the others are there.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen continued to pet and caress Celesta, who seemed so very tired. She whimpered whenever she tried to move her lower body, and it seemed like she hadn’t lactated like normal. Apparently whatever she had done to pay for the items she had bought at market had taken its toll on her along with the ceremony. As Teresa started to take note Celesta yawned and lied that she was bored to deflect her older sister’s attention. It was a good thing she had, because if Teresa had seen the true state the plantgirl was in she might have freaked out again. As it was, she busied herself giving attention to her niece. Suzanne seemed to inspire that sort of thing a lot, and this was especially true with Teresa, whose maternal instincts were definitely alive and well.

Zunasse left them alone for a while, probably twenty minutes, during which the four rested and held each other. Evelen began to feel better over time as she ran her hands through Celesta’s long purple hair, recovering from the ceremony as tried to help her sister to rest and relax. Eventually a few guards came in, each carrying two backpacks that were made of dark skin. Darius was behind them, reading something, though when he saw Evelen and her family he averted his eyes. "Hey Darius, long time no see" she said, looking up at him. "Are you about ready?"
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Celesta looks to try to rest as best as she can, smiling by her young sister touch on her hair, as Zunasse come with the two guards and Darius looks to had been reunited with the team thanks to the kitsune and the naga who now are talking outside near the door.

Yes... Evelen, i heard than all of you used these three days to get ready for our journey.. The man closed his book after place something inside it and continue. Unfortunately i was unable to find something than could help me to dont lost my mind inside that place, so maybe i should go to where Dragan's army is fighting the cultists, i heard a rumor than a close town have a special suit than coulb be used to protect someone for a time inside that temple, but no doubt than all know this and that kind of suit is out of stock and anyway nobody had reached the true temple using it.

Darius take a moment to think what to do when suddenly Zunasse interrupt. Master Darius, i could have the solution for your problem. I heard than the headmistress of our academy had developed a strange potion than could protect you for five hours... unfortunately once you drink a third dose a potent side effect could occur.

Yes i had heard of that potion, i refuse that possibility, if that side effect happen i could lose my whole identity.

But master, turn into a woman is not so serious.

The young mercenary frown as he try to make Zunasse shut up, but it was clear than Evelen had heard it. I also heard than it could make you get heavily aroused each time than you drink it and even when the changes could be reverted it can only happen if you dont get pregnant. I will go for the special suit and in that way i also will earn more information about the others groups.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"Mmm, yeah, I spent most of my time training in a number of different ways. Learned a little bit of magic, if you can believe that" Evelen replied, frowning at the next bit. Damn, I forgot men couldn't get into the temple without going crazy she thought as she listened to him talk. Zunasse quickly rebutted him about something, a potion he could take, but he strongly objected. It seemed like the side-effect of the potion was turning into a woman... Evelen giggled and grinned seductively at Darius, coyly interjecting "there's nothing wrong with being a woman you know. You'd probably be cute as one~" Once she was done teasing, though, she nodded and got more serious. "The potion would be at least good for a backup, but I'd rather not risk it as the primary means of protecting you. Mostly because we might run out. That would be... rather bad. It might be worth it for you to try and find a suit and gather information. Although, isn't the temple only open for a short while?"
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Darius made a soft smile once Eleven said him than she learned magic, maybe he dont believe her or suppose than the girl tried to say something related with the sex skills on this place. That jus passed in a second term when she made that little joke and said her opinion. Darius just frown and touch his forehead with his eyes closed until he calm himself.

Meanwhile Teresa and Suzanne were maybe hearing all but they were not so focused in the talk to join and even Zunasse suppose than Darius and Evelen can find a good solution between a brief talk.

Now better, he look to her again once she end to talk. Im not planning to use the secret passage, in these days i repair the full armor than Suzanne was using and i have in mind to use it to get inside the Dragan army with the help of some papers than i collect in the city. Dont worry i dont have in mind to turn into a woman, but i will take some of these weird potions with me if that make you get less worried. If all goes right i will get inside the temple in 2 days at least, then the hard part of all this will be find you. Maybe the great matriarch have something to localize you.

Our Great Matriarch placed two kinds of runes on them, one will help us to find them, so we only need to teach you how to find them using it. Interrupt Zunasse as she remain watching them.

That sound fine, well then all is ready... I trust than all of you will be fine, but im still worried, if you notice than that place is dangerous just go out of there if you can or hide your family in a safe place until i get there.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"Hmm... That sounds like a solid plan. And it's okay even if you do become a woman, I'm fine with that" Evelen said, winking. "We should be fine. We've been fighting for a long time, and we've done a lot of training. Hopefully we'll be able to get in and get out before even two days is up. Probably not, though, I guess. Anyway, we'll obviously be as careful as we can. Not much else we can do."
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Darius and Evelen looks to have decide their moves and all what leave to discuss is somethig more personal, the mercenary looks to be still worried for her, not many girls go out of that place and the ones who reach to escape lost more than their old shape of their bodies. Looks like is time to leave, we will meet again in two days. Good luck Bee girl. Said with a smile trying to shake her hand what Evelen could do or try something different. No matter what Darius go upstair and take a door leaving them to decide what to do now.

Celesta was still resting but she could be awaken easily by her sister once they decide their next move.Suzanne looks to had get up and start to open and touchh hw backpack. Our food is here, also our clothes. Should we take more food for our journey, Mama? Once again Evelen must choice between go direct to the secret passage or prepare herself more, they have some hours before the time go against them, they could ask for more free food, but the items will cost them maybe more than a foreplay.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"See you then, you can escort us out of the temple once we've found the key" Evelen replied, winking as she did. She wasn't going to have any of his trying to shake her hand, instead wrapping her arms around him and pulling him in for a hug. "Don't you try to give me that handshake shit. I want my hugs." Even though she was naked she wasn't trying to turn it into anything sexual, she just wanted to give him a hug before he went. It would be a while before they'd see each other again, and there was always the chance that they wouldn't...

Once he had gone Evelen turned back to watch Suzanne go through her backpack, finding the food and clothing and things. "Hmm... We probably should get more food. It would be bad to run out, especially considering what eating food from inside the temple will do to us. Let's go see the Matriarch and ask her to give us more" she said, gathering her things, waking Celesta up, and heading towards the four-armed matriarch. She had helped them before, and she would likely help them again.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Celesta was not so happy to be awakened so quickly, but she had not other option with her big sister close her, so she get up unwillingly enduring her pains and trying to dont look more tired than the usual. With all wearing their new backpacks they walk through the corridors guided by Zunasse and the others two half monster girls. As she walk, Evelen remember how Darius accept to hug her even when he usually dont let than his personal life get mixed with his work. The young athletic body return the hug to Evelen and both stay like this for close a minute when he decide to end it to start his dangerous mission, at least Evelen has been settled for now.

Once they opened the door Evelen wake up from her day dream and found a surprised matriarch getting up from her hammock. Evelen, Suzanne! Hi, what happened? both should be leaving the town. The speargirl inform her their needs and quickly the woman start to write in a little monster skin who she give to Zunasse. It could take a while to the girls to fulfill this list, what o you have in mind to spend the time? said to Evelen and Suzanne turn to her mother with plead eyes maybe thinking than they could stay here, of course than Evelen could just go to the market or any other place.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Darius allowed Evelen to hug her without protest or complaint, which was nice. They stayed locked in their embrace for a minute or so before the mercenary left to start his mission, and she watched after him for a while before waking Celesta. The plantgirl didn't seem thrilled at having been woken up, but she didn't complain and made a valiant effort at not appearing more tired than she normally was. Which wasn't a very high bar, considering how much it always took to wake her up. They put on their backpacks and gathered their things, moving along behind Zunasse as she led them to the four-armed matriarch's room. She was surprised to see them back, but when Evelen explained their need for food she quickly wrote out a note for Zunasse, who set about getting the needed things. "Mm, I figured we could stay here while we wait. Dunno what to do, you have any suggestions?"
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The four arms woman let them get inside and sit before stalk the brief talk. Is great to have them all here once again, i was close to prepare my class for some students who will come in a pair of hours, but i preffer this.

Suzanne get close the woman a give her a lovely kiss in her cheek We also are happy to see you again before we leave this town, right Mama? Said with a happy cute smile to Evelen, as Teresa try to feel comfortable with her nudity and maybe prayer than the woman dont ask about the depraved ritual where her family was literaly raped.

Thanks for help us, its great to have your help, Miss.

Please name her Matriarch, Miss Celesta

Oh yes... Matriarch. I always wonder why we must say Matriarch and not their names, it must be a little confusing when two matriarch are reunited. Said Celesta joking but soon Zunasse answer. That's why we bow to them before talk them, sorry than our culture have some these rituals but they are part of us Miss Celesta

The plant girl just nod a little tired of this conversation and then the Matriarch said with a grind. Evelen and her family could said me for my name who is fyra amary or also Granny could work.

But...M-matriarch, are you sure of this? said the grey skinned girl worried than this could get worse soon, what the matriarch just nod and continue. Like i said before all of you are like my family now, it will be a pleasure to help them with any problem