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Evelen (Tiffanian)

Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The creature charged toward Evelen and Suzanne, and received stab wounds from both of their spears, though it quickly managed to grab the young monstergirl. The human tried to stab at it again, but was unsuccessful, and it grabbed her too for a short while before her daughter stabbed its arms to free them both. Evelen took up her defensive stance again, daring the creature to charge her.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen 6/8
Suzanne 7/8
Celesta 8/8

M1 7 hits
M2 9 hits

Once Evelen get in front of the humanoid, this tried his best to capture her, but her quick moves were too much for him as Suzanne's spear wound him and Celesta arrows fly close him until one of these hit one of shoulders when this creature manage to hit Evelen on her left side.

Behind them they could heard the painful roars from the beast as Teresa continue slicing his arms until he only have two very wounded arms and a pool of blood bellow him.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen's cautious defending managed to keep the creature from hitting her for some time, and opened him up for a stab from Suzanne and an arrow from Celesta. He did finally manage to hit the human in her side, but she had suffered much worse before, and quickly regained her stance. From the sounds of things Teresa was utterly destroying the one on the other side, too, which was good.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

After had fighting this creature for a time, Evelen could find a exact timing to block his attacks and wound his remaining arms, however she and the creature were using all the space in the narrow corridor what reduce the chances than Suzanne or Celesta could hurt him, but once Evelen amputate the last hand, Celesta find a free pat to shoot at his head. Once they ended they turn to see the other fight, but Teresa was just ending to clear her sword, maybe after look than she cant join the other combat by the lack of space.

Once all rested a moment they continue walking through the naughty slimy path, at this point they were nearly fully covered in this warm slime, some moments more and their hair will be completely drenched with the substance, Suzanne was the one more affected, she was completely uncomfortable by the touch of the slime, like if this substance emanate something hidden for the other. Finally after 10 minutes walking they find a little passage with a hole at the end of 12 feets before reach the other side, all could get inside easily, but the last part will make them crawl in a part filled with little living tendrils, The path was still illuminated with a dangerous dark red soft light than make then only see a little more ahead of the hole, they can see two paths again, but they must pass through the narrow tunnel first.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen had been fighting this monster for a while, and now she had figured him out. She timed her blocks perfectly, and then lashed out to cut off one of his hands. She was taking up most of the hallway, squeezing the others out of the fight, but she was on her game enough that she didn't need their help at this point. When she had severed the monster's last hand she ducked, and Celesta ended its life with an arrow to the head. Evelen turned around to see how Teresa was going, but she had finished a while ago, having had absolutely no problem with the creature. "Well, that went pretty well" she said, shouldering her spear as they rested for a moment.

They only needed a moment before moving on, though, as the fight hadn't taken much out of them. All of them were almost completely covered in the slime already, their hair almost fully drenched, though it seemed to affect Suzanne more than the rest of them. The girl was particularly disturbed by the substance, leading Evelen to think that the slime had some particularly nasty magic in it that she herself couldn't sense. It added to the worrisome atmosphere of the place. They walked for another ten minutes or so, until they found a small, narrow passage. It was small enough that they would have to crawl through, and it was covered in little writhing tentacles. "Suzanne, can you shoot magic at those tentacles? Maybe we can get them to retreat while we rush through that low portion."
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Suzanne soon get close and look to them, these things were not a monster but somekind of receptors than the cave could use to feel what was happening in that place, as this could affect the result, also Suzanne was not a mage with destruction spells, more likely she create, heal and alter things, normaly crystals. Of course than this was not a problem for Suzanne who made a solution to avoid any sudden reaction.

She tried to clean her face and try to move away her slimy hair from her face before cast her spell, specialy cleaning her mouth to maybe dont taste any slime drop.

A gold light surround her hands before a spell invade the place, making the others close their eyes, Evelen opened her eyes once all get less bright, she notice how a light crystal barrier was over the tendrils, however this reduce the size of the tunnel, making them remove their backpacks from their bags and push them until reach the other side, it could be a little uncomfortable, but Suzanne was ready to use it. Once they decide to go to the other side, Evelen could see a path at her lefs one to her right behind then and other to the right toward a front passage.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen watched as her daughter inspected the tentacles, finding them to not be monsters, but rather a part of the cave, meant to sense what was going on. This probably made destroying them a bad solution, though Suzanne seemed to have something in mind. As a bright golden light shone out Evelen was forced to close her eyes, opening them to find a barrier over the tentacles. "Good job" she said, taking off her backpack and pushing it through ahead of her as she and the others crawled through the small tunnel. Once on the other side she was presented with three paths to choose. Sticking to her plan of choosing the path to the right consistently, she took the backwards-ish rightward path, since that would be the one she would have her hand when following the wall if she were crazy enough to actually touch the side of the monster.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Suzanne was really happy to heard than she have made a great work, but she is trying to dont talk to even avoid to taste the evil substance. Once Evelen choice the road, all take the same path, some minutes later, they notice a unused potion resting on the floor close a tunnel on the floor, this potion could be from another adventurer, but maybe it has been there for a long time sealed with a resistent seal. Suddenly the tunnel get closed like a valve and a little of black blood was easily notice bellow the nearly transparent floor of the lower room.

The four could take this lower path or return to take other road. Suzanne looks to try get away of that hole and Celesta store the potion on her bag, as Teresa stay looking behind them protecting their back.

[the path is very narrow to continue, you can choice to take other path or go deep inside the creature using the dangerous hole.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The group took the path and kept walking for some time, along the way coming across a potion sitting on the floor. It looked like it was still sealed in a resistant bottle, though they probably wouldn't be able to tell what it was. Still, Evelen watched as Celesta picked it up and brushed it off before putting it in her pack. "Maybe if we get into real trouble this can be our last resort" she said, shrugging and looking at the tunnel in front of them. It was tiny, with blood at the bottom, and Suzanne seemed to be terrified of it. "Hmm... I think we're supposed to be going deeper, and this fits the bill. Though it also looks and feels very dangerous. And it is going backwards... Let's not go this way" Evelen said, after thinking about it for a while. She decided they ought to go back and choose the forward-pointing rightward path.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Suzanne was really glad to heard than they dont have to get inside that hole, as she try to dent talk she just hug her mother with her drenched body, for a while until she feels a little better and then continue walking with her family trying to be closer her mother, not because she was scared, but to try to protect her in the worse place than they had been in all her life. Teresa was very busy to try to calm her niece and Celesta was just walking and looking around as she was the person in charge to aid both sides in case of a battle.

For an half hour they walk, avoiding ceiling tendrils and others traps of the place, the experience of the two sisters was really usseful for this work, but then they have to choice to continue the corridor or take a hole in the meatwall at their right side than close and open every two minutes, but they can get inside easily without have to crawl. Before decide a floating creature wwas moving toward them using the front path, they also could heard a little noise comming from their back, is now the time to choice to run away or face this creatures, but of course Evelen and her family will have problems to run in this place.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen hugged her daughter quietly for a while, comforting her. The aura of this place was getting to her even more than it was to Evelen, and it would probably be important to keep her from getting too spooked. After that they walked on through the path Evelen indicated, Suzanne sticking close-by, Teresa staying back to defend their rear, and Celesta looking rather twitchy in the middle, keeping her eyes out for anything that might attempt to attack them or any traps.

They kept going along that path for half an hour, avoiding a number of traps along the way. Celesta and Teresa's experience as adventurers was really paying off for them now, as they dodged ceiling tentacles and other various forms of trap. Finally they came to another decision point. They could either continue on the path, or move through a passage to the right that opened and closed periodically on two minute intervals it seemed. Before Evelen could even start to make the decision she saw a monster coming their way via the path, floating towards them, and could hear another closing in from behind. That made the decision easy. "Quick, to the right, we can get away if it closes behind us and blocks them out for a while" she said, moving that way. She probably would have chosen it anyway, since she planned on keeping right whenever possible, but this gave her added incentive.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The four girls dont think twice and run to get inside the right path, but it take them a while thanks to the slime and small tendrils who had to been dodged. Once in the other side they nearly fall at a hole in front of them, they can see how the substance fly like a geyser from it and impact the ceiling, Celesta squeak when the potent drops fall on them and join the many slime on the floor, quickly she do her best to split all, but the slime impact cause a chain reaction than start to close the door, but there was still time for it to close completely, giving a chance to the creatures to get closer, but in the last instant the door get closer and now Evelen must choice quickly between get inside the hole or take the right path who looks to start to drain the slime and turn into a quick river, a bad move and someone could get separated and be taken by this potent river. She could wait until it get fully drained but the door will open soon and these creatures will try to fight them in a small dangerous place close a hole and a quick river.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen and her family ran into the rightward path as fast as was practical, which wasn't very fast thanks to the slime and the tentacles they had to dodge along the way. Once they had gotten there they almost fell into a hole right in the middle, barely stopping themselves, and suddenly strange liquid exploded up out of it like a geyser. The door still hadn't closed either, and the monsters were getting very close... They weren't fast enough, though, the door closing just in their faces. Now they had to move fast to ditch the monsters at the door, and they had two options, the hole, or the path. The path had slime running through it in a sort of river, which looked... very dangerous. Quickly Evelen rooted through her pack, pulling out some of the rope and tying it around her waist, tossing the ends to the others. "Quick, tie yourself off on it, that way we won't be separated and we can try to keep each other up in the slime!" she shouted, waiting until the others were secure before moving on down the path.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

From her bag Evelen take the rope than her friends of the town give them before she leave the city, its supposed to resist all the slime and corruption of the place as it was made from the haird of the monsters of this place. Quickly all the girls tried to tie themselves on the rope before their time ends, their eyes could see how the door was close to slowly open and some roar sounds can be heard maybe from the creatures on the other side.

Teresa do her best to aid her niece and her sister before Evelen give the first step, the hurries looks to had not affect them, but the road is sloping to the down, all were having problems to resist and between all the pull and the hidden tentacles in the floor, Teresa slide and fall at a side until suddenly she nearly hit a tentacle wall, luckily Suzanne reach to resist the weight.

The river pass through a long tunnel than have tentacles and strange appendages, they were giving their best to dont fall again. Sudenly a huge eye close a mouth appear from the ceiling, it take it a moment to notice the girls but once it does a bunch of tentacles start to get out of the wall close the huge eye, soon the long creature who looks like it has been absorbing the energy of the wall start to get close them, soon the creature will get down and could try to take them with its tentacles

They can run (fall possibility), fight or let the river take them
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen quickly tied herself off securely, the others doing the same, though they were quickly running out of time. The door was starting to open ever so slightly, and they could hear the roars of the monsters on the other side. As soon as everyone was ready Evelen began to move as fast as she could down the path. It was downward sloping and very slick, and all of them had trouble keeping their feet, especially when you added in the tentacles that sometimes burst up from the floor and attempted to grab them. At some point Teresa slipped and fell, sliding almost into a wall of tentacles before righting herself. Luckily the older sister's weight hadn't pulled anyone over with her either, so all of them were still upright.

The tunnel continued on for quite some way, and the family barely managed to stay on their feet and avoid the various tentacles and appendages along the way. They weren't at the end, either, when suddenly a giant eye and mouth appeared in the ceiling. The eye looked around for a bit, searching for something, until it finally found them, and many tentacles began to descend down from it. "Quick, we've gotta get out of here!" Evelen shouted, picking up her pace as much as she could manage, not wanting to fight such a thing in so narrow a place while the slime ran under them. There was also the point that the other monsters could show up if they dallied too long.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The sudden order from Evelen take the others off guard, as also the creature looks to has been affect it by the sudden words of the young woman, making him get out of his hideout even more faster than before, Teresa do her best to run, but Celesta and Suzanne werent so fast this time and they were close to be grappled by the creature, but instead they fall their steps and lost their resistence at the river, both were too much for Suzanne and Teresa who were having problems to resist the river strengh. Soon the four girls were taken, their bodies hit the walls until the rivers take them until where the slime separe into two roads one at their right and other at their left, the slime looks to continue from some long tunnels than then closed, fortunately Evelen and the others were not taken by the tunnels, but then the tentacles of the walls secured the limbs of Evelen and Celesta, many others tentacles looks to be searching for their holes and breasts, maybe to take their energy, Suzanne and Teresa wake up and look the two girls in need.

Grappled Evelen must do something before these tendrils start to rape her or even take her to other place.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

On hearing Evelen shout the monster began to move towards them faster, almost catching Celesta and Suzanne, but as they picked up their speed to get away they slipped and fell, beginning to be carried away by the current. Teresa and Evelen couldn't stay upright with the other two tugging on the ropes, and they too fell into the river and were carried away. Evelen barely resisted the urge to scream, knowing she didn't want this gunk in her mouth. They flowed some way, crashing against the walls several times, trying to grab a hold on them and failing. Finally, after what seemed like a long while, they managed to get their footing, just in time for Evelen and Celesta to be grabbed by some tentacles against the wall. Despite the situation she stayed calm, yelling "a little help?" as she struggled against the tentacles, remembering what she had been taught about grappling technique.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

With the creature tentacles busy to find the correct place, Evelen take the chance to struggle and ask for help, her body more than completely drenched in the warm slime help her to slide away from the wall grapple. However Celestia was not so skilled and soon she find herself with her legs spreads and ready to be penetrate and pleasured in all inch of her body, but luckily Teresa and Suzanne cut the tentacles around the plant girl and free her. With these wounds there the place start to softly move. Evelen giving the back to the wall can see three roads: a passage to her left, other to the right and finally from where is the river.

Suzanne split and clean her face, globs of transparent slime still fall from each of them, giving them a strange feeling and they havent tried to taste it only thanks to the warnings from the matriarchs.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

For once Evelen was thankful for the slime covering her, because her skill at escaping grapples combined with being covered in the slick substance allowed her to easily slip out of the grip of the tentacles. Celesta wasn't quite as skilled though, and the tentacles had her legs spread and was ready to penetrate her right up until the others cut away the tentacles, freeing her. Now that they were safe, Evelen took a moment to breathe before choosing to walk along the rightward path, hoping to get out of the river and closer to their destination.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The river looks to be close to be reduced to just a stream, but sure the geyser from the start will fill it in some moments, still tied by the rope and with the smile reaching to their ankle, they walk to the path of the right, Suzanne still trying to clean her face and chest from the disgusting evil slime, but her attempts are futile when they notice a narrow path in the rigth wall, they could have problems to get inside walking to a side but at least these walls don't have any tentacle on then. Evelen check if they could get inside, her luscious body has to squirm to get deep inside the hole, her breasts and rear pass pressed by the wall making her free some of her milk by the pressure, the bulges on the meat wall and the use of her hands to pull herself, make her feel as if she were rubbing her whole body at the monster, a naughty but for some reason enjoyable feeling than is not so far of the reality.

Even when the tunnel looks safe, Evelen still could decide to take another path before the river make them stay there or even be taken to another place.
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