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Evelen (Tiffanian)

Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The uniform shirt worked out nicely as a bandage, and Evelen had no trouble stopping the bleeding. In fact, all the blood on the ground had made the wound seem worse than it was, and it seemed like he had avoided particularly seriously injury. It almost made her suspicious, though she couldn’t put her finger on why. Once she was done, Karn got up and started to walk down the path she had taken to get there, and she followed, pulling out her gun. There probably wouldn’t be many enemies this way, at least, and the man led her back to the huge room with the crystals and such. He opened the door, and she peeked in to scout it. It seemed empty, and there weren’t any signs of battle there, just panels and pictures. She didn’t know what they meant, but he seemed to, and just walked up and began to press them in a specific order until a hidden passage opened up. "…huh. You’re good with this, huh?" the brunette asked, waiting for him to lead her on. For some reason she just didn’t like this.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Not really, it take me a while to find the answer the first time than i get inside this room. He said before get inside and remain quiet for a while as they walk through an adorned corridor, all stay in a continuous dark atmosphere and only some little crystals iluminate the road, however just when they reach a intersection, some strange noises start to appear and from a side two strange women appear, they were completely nude and have a dark tail and a big dark tentacle at their neithers, something behind then were holding their chest and their breasts were holding round objects, their eyes were completely gazed and one of them tackle the unharmed soldier who was unnable to evade it, his head hit the wall and make him get stunned for a moment before get up.

Parasite Girls, i had fight them before, try to avoid that tail.

The soldier said before get ready to fight even without any weapon.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen shrugged a little as Karn told her that it had taken him a long time to figure out the puzzle when he had first entered the room, knowing it probably would have taken her more or less forever. She let him go first into the passage and then followed along behind him, her gun drawn and ready. The atmosphere was quite dark, and there were only a few little crystals to light their way, and the corridor was quite well decorated, which made the place eerie somehow. When they got to an intersection she stopped, hearing some strange noises, and two strange-looking women appeared. They were naked, and had a dark tail and a strange large tentacle between their legs. They attacked before Evelen could react, one of them tackling the unarmed soldier beside him, though he managed to shrug the girl off, telling the brunette to watch out for their tails. "Will try" she said quickly, aiming her gun carefully and blasting one of the girls in the chest; this would probably be the last battle she would have ammo for, so she would have to make the bullets count, hopefully shooting each of the women at least once, to try and disable them some.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

With a sudden shoot, Evelen tried to slow down one of the women, but this one just get away with a sudden move toward a side, even then the bullet manage to make a cut on the side of the parasit girl. Then the corrupted woman run at full speed until get close the brunette warrior, Evelen soon get wraped by the strange tail and she could see how the humanoid monster hand try her best to move the gun to a side. Evelen dont waste any second and shoot again, making another wound on her foe, yet it looks to dont had caused a great damage on her, as the corrupted woman manage to start to tear Evelen pants.

The young soldier at least is distracting the other creature, at the start he can manage to dodge the woman attempts to grapple him, he tried to give her a nice punch on the face and then kick her away, but the area around him make futile his attempts to get his distance, the tail like spear wound one of his legs causing a little reduction in the soldier speed.

Evelen 5/7

PG1 6/4
PG2 6/5
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen's first shot was almost dodged by the parasite girl, though the bullet did tear a hole in its side. The thing's tail then wrapped around her, its hand trying to guide her gun away, so she shot again, putting another hole in the creature, but not a terribly serious wound. The corrupted woman started to try and tear the brunette's uniform pants, succeeding a little, which led her to shoot at the parasite's chest again, hoping to do much more damage this time.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Before she could shoot, the creature push her gun to a side, making her waste her last amo at her pistol, she know than she have some bullets at her backpack, but she will need time to reload and know how this pistol is recharged. At least the noise coming from her shoot than create a hole at the wall make the two naked girls get distracted enough to fail their attemps to caugh their preys.

With her hands nearly grappled by her foe arms, Evelen only manage to hit her with her handgun at her head to try to get free the enough to change of weapon, however the girl swing her tail like spear and cause another wound on Evelen's leg, making also a big hole on her uniform pants. The soldier guy dont have more luck, as the other monster had jump over him and try to undress him to maybe rape him

Evelen 4/7

PG1 6/3
PG2 6/5
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The creature managed to push Evelen's arm to the side, making her miss her shot, but the attack still distracted the other monster. The brunette then lashed out, out of bullets, to pistol-whip the parasite girl in the head, knocking it back a little, though it slashed at her with its tail, putting a wound in her leg. She was starting to get mad at it, and now that she was free of being grappled she could draw Celesta's sword and try to slice through the woman's chest with the somewhat unfamiliar weapon before it could react.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Even when the female creature looks to be affected by the sudden hit on her head, this dont stop her to do a sudden attack than take Evelen off guard, the parasite girl rush toward the brunette girl who was close to release Celesta'sword from her belt, she soon find herself on the floor with a strong pain at her head and looking that dangerous tail trying to take completely away her pants.

The soldier dont have better luck and soon that girl has unbutton his pants and looks to aim for his man member. Evelen just cant get free and soon she could see how her pants had turned into less than a loincloth, unfortunately she dont have any underwear bellow and she could feel the air passing close her dry cum drenched pussy. Her hopes grow when she see the man fight with all against the girl, hitting her face and belly until be able to kick her away of him, he receive some hits but looks to still be able to fight.

Evelen 3/7 -1 grappled

PG1 6/3
PG2 6/3
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The blow to the parasite girl's head seemed to affect her, but she still managed to catch Evelen off guard, tackling her to the ground. The brunette's head snapped back against the hard stone floor, causing her quite a bit of pain, and her enemy's tail quickly ripped her pants nearly completely off. Now they were little more than a loincloth, and her lack of underwear exposed her cum-drenched pussy to the cool air, and to possible attack by the creature... She was in a bad position and knew it, so she tried to slash at the creature while drawing Celesta's sword in the same motion, hoping to get it off her and to put a little distance between the two of them, so that she could get her bearings again before the next round of attacks from the parasite girl.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Not ready to give up, Evelen fight to take Celesta's sword and soon she reach to wound her foe, but even when she make her get away, the parasite girl get over her not worried for her wounds at her body, the dark tail looks to be ready to get in action and Evelen looks her hands being grappled by the girl as the dark tail get close Evelen's lower holes. Her struggles to get out of this grapple and hit the monstergirl looks to only make her win some minutes more, meanwhile the soldier looks to be close to lost the fight and be raped by an almost defeated parasite girl, the fight looks to dont have a side and soon looks to be close an end.

Evelen 2/7 -1 grappled

PG1 6/2
PG2 6/2
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen kept fighting, struggling free and cutting the parasite girl with her sword, which forced the creature back off of her. She got up, but her opponent didn’t seem to be worried about the wounds inflicted on it, and rushed the brunette again more quickly than she could react, grabbing her wrists as the tail got dangerously close to her lower holes. A quick look showed that the soldier looked to be almost defeated, and she was getting quite tired too, but both their enemies looked to be in bad shape. She tried to use the parasite girl’s grappled against her, tipping the sword forward and stabbing her with it, as she cried out "we’ve almost got them, keep it up!"
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The monstergirl just giggle as the sword get deep inside her, only groaning softly when a part of the dark part of her get damaged by the sword, however soon the tail press against Evelen' honeyhole, getting nearly completely inside in just a thrust, the brunette could feel a strange liquid getting inside her, it was cold but it burn as it goes toward her insides, her neithers soon start to burn so much than it hurt her.

Meanwhile the soldier and the other parasite girl were close to fall exausted, his pants were open and the monstergirl looks to only need a little effort to have her prize, but her body is just so tired...

Evelen 1 ap 3 -2 grappled

PG1 1/6
PG2 1/6
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen's eyes went wide as the parasite girl actually giggled when she stabbed it deeply, though a little too late she noted that it groaned in pain when part of the black bits within her were cut. Once she had realized that the tail forced itself into her, shallowly penetrating her pussy and unleashing some sort of incredibly cold liquid into her, so cold it burned. The brunette cried out in pain, her knees knocking together as she tried to keep the tail from going deeper inside her, but also to hold it where it was, as she slashed at the parasite with Celesta's sword, hoping to cut the tail in two and kill the creature before it could knock her out of the fight.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The creature tail increase their thrusts at Evelen's honeyhole, her neithers were getting on fire and she could feel how the strange substance was making her reach her peak. Without time to lost she focused her attack in what she suppose is the monstergirl weakpoint, using Celesta's sword at the last moment, she cut in a single blow the tail of her foe. The girl scream in agony in a potent and sudden inhuman screech. A moment later tthe girl fall over Evelen, as the dark part of her struggled and flail away of her at the form of a creature like a spider or scorpion, the wound at the creature tail, soon made a large blood pool at the floor, making the strange monster die in agony. Evelen turn for an instant to see the soldier give a good hit at the girl than make her fall over a rock at her back, smashing the bug behind her.

They looks to had won this time, but they maybe should rest and decide what to do to these girls.

If they decide to continue, the soldier will continue taking Evelen to where he heard some people talking.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The parasite girl’s tail began to thrust in and out of Evelen even as she tried to hold it in, which quickly started to build her pleasure. At the same time more and more of the deathly cold liquid was pouring out into her, causing her sensitive inner walls to burn and itch. She groaned in both pain and pleasure, her lower body on fire, trying to clench her legs tighter together to hold the tail still, but it was no use. She could feel herself rapidly approaching orgasm despite the intense discomfort, so she knew she had to act quickly. The brunette slashed downward with her sister’s sword, really at the last possible moment, and put a deep cut on the tail that was fucking her. The parasite-ridden girl screamed out in agony in a way that was most inhuman, and then fell over on top of Evelen. The dark bits separated from the girl then, forming behind her into a sort of arachnid-type creature, just before it died in pain due to its nearly severed tail.

Her part in the battle done, Evelen looked over towards Karn just in time to watch him smash the parasite girl attacking him, knocking her back into a rock, which squished the bug behind her. The brunette let out a sigh of relief, though her lower body was still burning and itching, and she was still quite aroused. Still, she pushed the wounded girl off of her and got up to a sitting position again. "So, what do we do with these? I’ve just been killing anyone I’ve run across who couldn’t fight anymore, to deny the monsters breeders. That work for you?" she asked the soldier, tapping the sword against the ground.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Slighty wounded by the tail at his left side, Karn check the girl body and then get up ready to say his opinion.

This place is not only infested with monsters than birth from humanoids and kill these girls will not reduce their number, but if they stay alive we will not be the only targets of the creatures inside this temple and even your family could have more chance to survive here.

Maybe sound wrong but it will give us more chances to escape of this place and also im a little against the idea of kill someone unable to fight back. Lets move or we will be late to save your family

The soldier then just start to move again not waiting to see Evelen to make her choice, after walk for maybe a pair of minutes through the vast corridors of what looks like a maze, the soldier stop and take a moment close a stone door and a corridor with many tentacles at the walls. This door was opened before, maybe we could find someone if we go through it, or do you preffer to continue. The man said pointing to the corridor with tentacles.
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen listened to Karn's reply quietly, nodding as he got through it. "Well, I guess I can't really argue with the logic in that" she said, getting up slowly and getting out her gun, looking to figure out how to reload it and see how much ammo she had. "Give me a minute to figure out how this thing works, and then go on and lead the way. We won't get anywhere just standing around here" she said, wanting to get this done with quickly so that she could move on to find her family as soon as possible. When she was ready she followed the soldier onward again, walking for another few minutes through the maze-like corridor before arriving at a closed stone door, the walls covered in tentacles. "Well, who knows who could be in it? Maybe it's not the monsters. Maybe it was closed earlier when I opened a couple of doors, this place seems to be odd like that. Let's open the door and at least see what's inside."
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Before continue Evelen check her backpáck and opened the box with the bullets, there she still can see the ten amunitions waiting to be used. After take a minute to understand how to place them, she continue walking at the side of the blonde male soldier.

The door easily get opened and soon they were in a narrow corridor with webs and some bones at the floor, Evelen can see a pretty dark room with what looks to be a pair of bodies at the floor and a weapon resting at the side of them, there looks to be a weardrove and also a treasure box. Karn dont looks to be glad to be closer and he just decide to see if Evelen want to get deep inside this path.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen opened up her backpack, finding the box again and getting out the bullets, finding that there were ten left. Her gun only held seven, but she still felt she was swiftly running out of ammunition. She took a few moments to figure out how to load the gun, but it was a lot like old weapons she had seen on TV shows and the like, so it didn’t take too long before she had it ready, and followed along behind Karn. The door they came to opened pretty easily too, revealing a narrow corridor that had webs all over it and bones strewn about the floor. At the end of it was a dark room with a pair of bodies on the floor, a weapon beside them, and it looked like there was a wardrobe of some sort and a treasure chest also in the room. "Alright, this looks dangerous" she said quietly, looking over at the soldier, who didn’t seem amused at the proposition of going into the room, "let’s be careful, but we have to keep going. Those two on the floor could be who I’m looking for…" She hoped that wasn’t the case, or that they were at least okay, but it wasn’t impossible… She began to creep forward, ready to shoot any creature that jumped out at her.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The soldier nod and prepare to use his fists again if needed, take care, i had seen a lot of odd things inside this place. said before move, soon they get close the two bodies and fortunately they werent any of Evelen's family, their bodies were rotten and they were wearing a uniform who looks nearly as the one than her partner have, yet these were very damaged by the time and the decompose body fluids, the weapon on the floor looks to be a little rusty sword and a broken shield rest close them.