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Evelen (Tiffanian)

Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen looked at the pink-haired girl sadly as she struggled with the decision, seemingly on the verge of crying. It was pretty hard to watch… but eventually she turned to Bianca and said that she would do it in a very strange, almost emotionless voice. That was weird, but the brunette took it as a sign to sign the paper for her as well, agreeing to undergo the experiments. "It’s okay, we’ll be fine" she said, reassuring the blue-skinned woman, though she had no way of knowing that. They probably wouldn’t be okay… but without the risk of failure, there could be no reward of a cure. The scientist walked out then, and four men came into the room wearing strange sorts of biohazard suits. That worried Evelen a bit, but she was able to get over it fairly quickly as they got closer, one of them calling out instructions to the others. He was an older gentleman, she could tell… The young girl had just started going to the gynecologist a year or so ago, and he looked very similar to the old guy her mom took her to, and it kind of comforted her a little bit for whatever reason.

Two of the men picked the pink-haired girl up easily, and she suddenly began to struggle again as they took her towel away. It made Evelen feel guilty for having partially pressured her into agreeing to do this, for having signed the paper for her, and she looked away as the men left some kind of cart full of medical tools inside and left, closing the door behind them with an ominous click and silencing the objections of the girl. She cooperated with the men who began to examine her, shining a light in her eyes and then groping and rubbing her ears. Apparently they were mutating too, growing and moving positions… it was a scary thought, and made her want to find the cure even more so. She listened to the rest of the old man’s observations, and none of them were good. Her reaction time was apparently slowed, and now that he said that she could tell that it was true, that there was a little delay between when he had her do something and when she actually did it. She was also really sensitive, and every time they touched her it felt really good. The old man pressed his finger to her lips, and without even thinking about it she opened her mouth wide for him, her tongue lapping at his gloved fingers as he began to push them inside, examining her teeth and getting a little sample of her saliva.

Evelen’s tail swished side to side a little bit behind her as she began to become a little better at controlling it, though not consciously. She was breathing hard too, and she didn’t know why… The men started to pick samples of fur off her body, plucking some from her tail and even her head, which made her wince each time it happened. What happened next was even worse, though… Slowly the old man spread her legs, and then he began to funnel some of her love juices into a small flask. And she was actually pretty wet. Why was she wet? Just from them touching her that little bit? She blushed, more than a little humiliated about what was happening. That seemed to finish the first part of the testing, as the younger man began to help her towards another room off to the side. There was a tiny little training toilet in the room, like the kind you potty trained on, and he led her to it and sat her down onto it. She blushed darkly, wondering just what the purpose of this was…

The younger man continued to hold Evelen as the old one came over to her and began to touch her between her legs. She squirmed a little bit, blushing, saying "no, please, what are you doing? Please no…" She could see cameras at the corners of the room, likely recording all of this. They had a perfect angle to take in her body… She noticed that the man didn’t seem to be trying to pleasure her, though. His fingers poked and teased at her urethra expertly, his hand putting pressure on her in just the right spot. The brunette’s legs began to quiver, and she felt herself beginning to lose control of her lower body… she let out a whimper as she began to piss herself, the yellow liquid making a loud noise as it splattered into the little toilet. She was so humiliated, she was sure everyone was watching this. How would this even help find the cure? She hadn’t gone for quite some time, so she had a lot to let out before finally the stream began to weaken. Once she was done the young man helped her up while the old man took her potty, emptying it into a flask for testing. Her legs felt weak and trembled beneath her, so the young man had to hold her up a bit while this happened.

The old man came back with the little toilet after a minute or so, and Evelen was made to sit down on it again. She was confused, what was happening? When she saw the big enema syringe she squirmed again, crying out "not that too! Please!" and struggling for just a few seconds before settling down and allowing it. She didn’t have any choice, she had signed up for this. She just had to trust that it would actually be productive in finding a way to reverse the mutations. She felt the cold syringe press against her little pucker, slowly sliding inside, and couldn’t help but squirm because of how uncomfortable it was. That was nothing compared to when the old guy began to press on the plunger, though, squeezing the cold liquid into her insides. She whimpered and groaned, the pressure within her growing with each second as he filled her up. She felt bad, and it was only going to get worse, because he quickly withdrew the syringe and began to refill it… The brunette began to cry a little as she had the cool liquid squirted inside her for a second time, her flat little belly slowly expanding as she was filled. Again he took the syringe for refilling, and she closed her eyes tight as she whimpered out, her face bright red. By the time he had forced the third load of liquid into her she felt really uncomfortable, her stomach bloated and feeling the pressure of all that inside her. Even so she struggled to hold it in. It was just too humiliating, the idea of being made to shit not just in front of these two men, but on camera. Seemingly the older one noticed that she was holding it and gave her a light smack on the butt, making her yelp out and clench desperately, but a second gentle spank made her lose all control.

With a loud noise the brunette’s bowels erupted into the little training toilet, mixed shit and liquid splattering against it as she went completely limp in the younger scientist’s arms. She was utterly mortified, and it wasn’t even over yet… The old man was filling up the syringe all over again even while shit continued to dribble out of her. Again she was made to shit in front of them, and then again, until nothing but the liquid came out as her thighs quivered and her poor pucker twitched. They had gone through the process four times by then, and she felt as humiliated as she had ever been. She couldn’t even bring herself to struggle as she was picked up, her backside and inner thighs cleaned with a towel before she was carried on into another room once they had stored her shit next to her piss in various flasks. Evelen finally found herself on a hard bed, like a hospital bed, and they stripped off her broken and burned heels and whatever little bit of clothing that still clung to her by a thread. When that was done they tied her wrists and ankles to the bedposts, leaving her spread-eagle and very exposed. She began to cry a little bit as she looked up, realizing that the ceiling was made of glass and that there was a large number of people looking down on the scene.

The two men placed some sort of sensors on her big breasts then, others on her head and a few other places, and she closed her eyes as she waited for whatever might happen. The men touched her all over her body, groping her with their gloves and cold metal instruments that she didn’t recognize. They made Evelen open her mouth and put a tube inside, and then forced two more into both her lower holes… and she couldn’t deny that she was getting turned on. Even though they didn’t seem to be touching her with the intent of arousing her, her body was just so sensitive at the moment that she was starting to heat up, squirming around for a different reason now. She groaned out in pain as one of them pricked her arm, starting to draw blood from her with another syringe. That wasn’t so bad, she could handle that… What came next was a bit tougher to deal with, though. They attached different little implements to her, mostly focused on her breasts, belly, and inner thighs, and before long she felt herself being shocked. They were only brief, weak pulses of electricity, and they only hurt her a little bit. Mostly they just made her muscles tense and relax rapidly, and they almost felt… good. She was already so aroused, and she began to moan out around the tube in her mouth as she sucked on it gently, bucking her hips wildly and aimlessly. After only a few minutes she cried out loudly, squirting love juices into the tube her virgin pussy was weakly convulsing around. Things seemed to speed up from there, as she was just so tired and humiliated and screwed up that she was barely conscious. There were more tests over the course of several hours, though by the end of it she wouldn’t have been able to say what all had been done to her. At the very end she was tattooed very high up on her right inner thigh, and she passed out halfway through the process.

Evelen woke up alone on a rather plain, hard bed without any blankets. She was naked except for a wristband with a barcode on it, something like you got when you were admitted to a hospital. She was in mild pain all over, her body so sore after the tests, and the room was full of cameras. There was only one thing that struck her as really weird, though, and that was that her hair had grown quite a lot, all the way until it touched her breasts. The door was open, and close to it on a little end table was a glass of water, a bit of bread, and some pills. Slowly the brunette got up and walked towards the door, tentatively asking "is anyone here?" She would start to nibble on the bread once she got to it, kind of hungry, but she didn’t want to take pills without knowing they were actually meant for her.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

As Evelen get up and take the bread, she could heard the cameras moving and following her until she stop to eat the bread. Her words looks to dont be noticed until a while, when a female voice come from the other side of the door.

Are you fine? please eat all and rest until the next sesion, but before that i need you to answer a little test to know more about your stat. The woman started to move some papers and then started.

Please answer these questions as better as you want, they could be a little personal but the answers must be completely true, we need them like that to be able to understand better your illiness.

First, as the test continued you feel anything weird?

What you loved or hated of them?

How do you feel now?

Do you have any new symptom?

As the words continue, Evelen could feel than she was getting not only ashamed by answering but also slowly she as getting turning on, her tail slowly move to the sides as she answer and her naughty hole getting slowly ready to be used, she could feel than her hears could move more than before and they looks to be in a high place than before.

Has you had any relashionship?

Are you virgin or had you any sex intercouse at the past?

If is yes, it was a male or female?

How open are you to sex at this moment?

What do you think about sex?

Do you have any fetish or prefference when you have sex or imagine it?

The woman voice looks to be really serious, yet Evelen could feel than she is not the one unncomfortable with the questions
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The sound of the cameras moving to follow along after her scared Evelen a little bit, made her feel very uncomfortable as she walked up to the table. Still, she picked up and nibbled on the bread as she waited for someone to acknowledge her. Eventually a woman walked into the room, asking if she was okay and telling her to eat and rest before the next session. "Next session?" the brunette whimpered, definitely not liking the idea of going through all of that again. Still, she would take the pills with the water if the woman didn’t object, and then resume eating and drinking while she listened to the questions being asked of her. A lot of them were… embarrassing, to say the least. "It… it hurt, a lot of it. But… some of it felt… it felt… good" she replied quietly, eyes downcast. "I liked it when… when they touched me. The shocking and… and the… when they made me go to the bathroom, I hated that. I feel okay, just really sore all over."

As she answered, though, Evelen noticed that she was becoming a little bit aroused… why was that? Dammit, everything about this sucked. "Never anything big. I… I’ve never had sex besides, well… the pink-haired girl kinda forced me a little bit" she continued, blushing dark red. "I’m… I guess… kinda open, maybe? I think it’s… it’s scary, but fun. I don’t really… have a preference, I guess… I guess I like it when they play with… with my boobs." The last bit made her turn away, embarrassed, but her nipples were visibly hard.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The woman start to write each of her answers and after a moment continue. So you are open for sex and you love than your breasts get pleasured... So you arent virgin. I was not expecting these questions and less your answers, but i guess than i must continue.

The woman take a moment and continue reading.

Please say me what you see at these images, just say the first word than come at your mind. The woman pass some papers bellow the door, one by one waiting forEvelen answer before pass the next.

Evelen eyes could see a big inkblot on them and she should decide what they look for her. The first was easy, it looks like a heart or more likely a well naughty heart shape female rear, the next looks to be a large member but also it could be just her imagination, so she could say another thing. The third then looks like a man and a woman at the floor. Then she notice what she could bet it was a bunch of male dicks pressing against a girl tied at a wall without any arm or leg, only dicks and the girl torso and head. Finally she notice a buterfly.

Once she described them, the woman continue with her quetions. In a number from 1 to 10 when 1 is no and 10 a completely true or thing than you desesperately want.

You will love to eat something now?
Do you love to dont have the control in a relashionship
Do you love to suck things
You likes your body
Clothes are really useful
Do you like go out with guys
I enjoy to taste new things
I somethimes stay looking to girls
I read things than arent suited for my age
I had fantasies about myself and others persons having indecent moments
I feel weird when naughty things happen around me
If someone want to have sex, i accept to do it...

What kind of test is this?

maybe we should stop, or i can continue if you want. Anyway, the tests will start in soem hours, you could just rest more or i could find a way to let you walk around, but maybe we shouldnt do it now, maybe we could get into troubles, so maybe i could just bring you something. The woman said trying to in some way make Evelen get better after these questions.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen blushed when the woman claimed she hadn’t been expecting her answers, objecting "none of it was by choice!" quickly. After that she was told she was going to do basically a Rorschach Test, she had heard of these inkblot tests before. She tried to just say the first thing that popped into her head. "Heart" she said quickly at the first imagine, though the next one she was a little bit less quick to answer… "D…dick" she said quietly, blushing and looking away from the woman for a moment before focusing again. At the next one she stuttered again, saying "t-t-two people on the floor together." She shook her head, trying not to see such lewd things… It didn’t help, though. "A… a… a girl tied to the wall..." she said, omitting the fact that she saw a lot of dicks being pressed against her body. Finally there was a bit of a bright spot; for the last one she was able to say with confidence "a butterfly!" which she did with perhaps too much enthusiasm for what it was.

The next set of questions was… much stranger. She answered them rapidly, but the brunette felt strange doing so, and many of them made her uncomfortable.

“You will love to eat something now?” "8"
“Do you love to dont have the control in a relashionship” "6"
“Do you love to suck things” "5"
“You likes your body” "8"
“Clothes are really useful” "10"
“Do you like go out with guys” "8"
“I enjoy to taste new things” "9"
“I somethimes stay looking to girls” "6"
“I read things than arent suited for my age” "2"
“I had fantasies about myself and others persons having indecent moments” "…8"
“I feel weird when naughty things happen around me” "10"
“If someone want to have sex, i accept to do it...” "5"

"I… I don’t want to not do the tests if they’re important for Miss Bianca and the others" Evelen replied when the woman hesitated to continue, willing to go on herself even though the questions were weird. Apparently the experiments would carry on in a few hours, and there were a couple different things she could have done. "I’ll rest here" she said, nodding confidently. Her body was still sore, and she felt like a nice nap would be good before more of those awful tests.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The woman soon recover the inkblot papers and after a moment said. Hmm... i can see the heart and the butterfly, but from where you saw all that others things?

Well, i dunno if you were already this opened to sex, i also dont make the answers but i can see than yours numbers are really high, i would had placed many ones or others lowers numbers in the last questions, but i would had placed a 10 at clothes, anyway thanks for answer. The woman then sound like get ready to leave and soon Evelen get alone once again, yet really aroused after the question tests.

of course than Evelen had the time to get recovered of the last ones and also calm herself, but once she wake up, she notice herself on a different room, she looks to be inside a cilindric machine and a voice say her to dont move as a strange noise come from it, she manage to calm herself, more easily than she spected and it make her get worried as her body and mind follow the order, even her tail remain in place as a light go across and pass through her whole body some times. soon she was free of that place and notice herself nude in what looks to be a scanner machine, also some men at a close window were looking some screens maybe showing her body and insides. After this test she was taken to others, she was shoked, touched, they take more samples, many things were softly placed at her holes and she just remain there unable to really resist as her mind and body slowly get used to the humillation. Finally she get placed in a special chair, were her hands and legs were secured, there were some screens turned of close her and many persons in the suits slowly prepare her to check her signals and even neuronal activation, she could see again the glass ceiling over her and just when she tried to act, a man placed something at her honeyhole and rear, someone opened her mouth and placed a longe cable after place some little air conducts inside her nose to fill her body with oxigen.

Her eyes soon get wide as she notice the screens turn on and see how some flesh like walls were shown, it was her insides and all were looking at them, she then notice than some people of the ones looking have a hidden camera recording all and it have the letters at the small camera of a really important international newschannel, it was not just him, some others people have cell pones and they should be recording this too, also rich people than werent scientist were looking at her. Even then the doctors close her were acting normaly as all this happen, maybe they know or maybe not, but she cant do more than give muffed sounds as her body remain secured and that cable stay at her mouth and slowly get down.

She could see her honeyhole be exposed and slowly her naughty place was shaved to make all have a better look of it. The doctors take her a moment to calm herself, as they ask her to dont get in panic or they will need more time to do this. Evelen couldnt do another thing as she remain there until her mind get used to it and then the persons start to prepare all and take notes. The cable inside her get deep inside until the virginity of her was taken, making her feel terrible than after all the chances than she had, a just simple cable has turned her into a woman, the persons just cleaned the place and proceed until she see them trying to get deep inside her cervix until after some pain and push make a really small cable camera get inside, the persons around the glass ceiling get excited and get closer to see her better, she also could see the remains of bread at her insides, each part of her get published to all to see it. A man then show at a large screen theirs results of the many experiments of her, her personal info, everything than she said, her records and even a part where she touch herself sleeping just some hours ago. Her past and future live had been ruined, as many persons take notes of her. Then the camerea get deep inside her womb and with difficulty get inside her ovary conducts, they take some as samples and then they spoke of a second fase.

Just when all could not be worse, a person take the time as her lower side and others erogenous areas were pleasured, she tried to endure it, but soon her body start to react and in just two minutes she could feel herself all aroused and ready to cum, soon she arched her body and muffed scream as her honey get out of her flower and direct to the screen than was in fron of her. The persons clean all and wait until she get calmed, then they placed electroshocks at her and give her little shocks until she reach her orgasm once again. They give her time to fully calm and then pleasured just her ample breasts until she reach it again, then they wait and do it with just pleasuring his rear hole and each time they note it. For maybe hours this happened, repeating the cycle of each orgasm at least ten times until she was leaved to rest and her cables removed, the persons leave the pleace leaving her tired and just around some security suits persons who then place her at her room.

She remain like this, alone and fully ashamed, having in mind than seh was loving how she get exposed and pleasured in front of all after a while.

A whisper come to her mind, ut she coldnt understand it, then after a moment a female voice was noticed coming from nowhere. D o you really want this? I can free you of this nightmare if you want...

I can put an end to all this, just accept my help
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"I… I don’t know, I just see them!" Evelen protested, whimpering a little bit. Damn inkblots. The woman left quickly after that though, not asking her any more questions, but she was strangely aroused by what had been asked… still, she was able to calm herself down and go to sleep, taking a nice nap before the next round of tests. When she woke up she was in a different room entirely, in a very strange and tight space. It was some sort of cylindrical machine, almost like the tanning beds her mom used every so often, and she heard a voice telling her not to move. She immediately froze up, trying her best to stay in her position as the thing began to whirr all around her. It was a little weird, actually… it was as if she had done it not of her own free will, as if following the order was the easiest thing in the world. A band of light shone from the machine, and it hummed and whirred as it passed from her toes to her head and back again a few different times. After five or so passes it seemed to be finished up, and she took some time to survey her surroundings. She was completely naked in this weird tube-like machine, and there were several men looking at some screens that were probably showing the scan’s results.

The brunette was quickly ushered out of the machine after that, taken to the same bed as before and being put through all the same tests. This time, though, she was much more receptive to them… every little touch felt really nice, and she silently urged them on with her body language. When they began to place the instruments that had delivered electric shocks to her earlier onto her body she began to heat up, her little pussy soaking with her anticipation. Quickly enough they began to apply those weak electric shocks to her most sensitive places, and she cried out as she squirmed as much as her bindings would allow her. It felt so wrong, and yet her body was absolutely loving it. With a squeal of ecstasy she gave in and came hard, much earlier than she had the first time. The scientists began to touch her all over after that, and she felt more like they were just teasing her. She was humiliated again, just like before, but it felt… good. It was nice to be laid bare like this and teased and poked and prodded and tested. Her mind struggled against the idea, but her body wanted it, and somewhere deep inside of her so did she.

Finally, after they had probed her to their heart’s content, the scientists put Evelen in a special sort of chair, strapping her arms and legs into it and turning on a number of screens all around her. They began to prep her for even more tests, and just as before there was a glass ceiling up above her for people to look down from. It felt really good to be watched like this, and she squirmed slightly as they touched her all over. Soon one of them had placed something against both of her lower holes while another of them made her open her mouth to accept a long tube… though her mouth opened a little more all on its own. The brunette could feel herself becoming more and more meek and submissive as these tests continued, her desire to please the scientists and do as they said growing… she hated it, but it was so hard to resist. The long tube slowly went down her throat, making her gag and choke, but another of the scientists came by to put some smaller tubes in her nose, pumping air into her lungs to counteract the tube in her throat.

All around Evelen the screens flickered to life, all showing the inside of her body. These tubes, they had cameras of some kind attached. She could even see news cameras up above her, and a number of people with their own cell phone cameras recording what was happening. Being observed in that way made her even more hot… people all over the world might be watching her! Her little pussy was completely exposed with the tube inside, and for whatever reason the scientists began to shave the little white hairs that had cropped up around it to provide better visibility, which only made her blush brighter. They tried to reassure her, but she didn’t need it. She hated this, but she loved it. Her body just felt so good… They started to push the tube into her virgin cunt deeper, and her mind cried out in protest. How could they do this to her when they had perfectly good dicks to take her maidenhood? A few tears formed at the corner of her eyes as the brunette felt the pain of the cable breaking her hymen, and after a brief pause it went even deeper, piercing her cervix and entering into her womb.

The people seemed to get really excited when that happened, and Evelen whimpered a little bit as her insides were revealed to all. The biggest screen then began to post the results of their tests, but also all of the young girl’s personal information, everything she had told them about her life, they even showed video of her masturbating in her sleep… this was too far. She whined around the tube in her throat, knowing that everyone watching on the news would be able to see all of it. The tube was getting even deeper inside of her now, worming its way towards her ovaries, before finally beginning to take samples from inside of them, to take some of her eggs. She felt so violated and abused that tears began to leak down her cheeks, knowing full well that her life had been ruined by these scientists.

Even as she realized this, the brunette’s ordeal was far from done. One of the scientists began to get closer to her, starting to rub her lower body all over. She couldn’t stand it, she was so damn sensitive, and he quickly began to tease her pussy with skill and determination. She just moaned around the tube still in her throat, her back arching even though she was strapped into the chair, and in a mere couple of minutes she squealed out, cumming hard. Her juices squirted against the camera inside of her as her sensitive inner walls clenched hard around the cable. They waited for a while, letting her come down from her peak, before starting to put the electroshock equipment on her again. Evelen’s little cunt was drooling in anticipation, her body couldn’t wait for the stimulation to come, and when it finally did she came almost instantly. The tiny shocks came within seconds of each other, and all it took was three to drive her to another powerful climax. Again they let her rest, before beginning to grope her breasts. The big, fleshy orbs were more sensitive than she had remembered, and it felt so damn good… she began to suckle at the tube in her mouth instinctively as her body gave itself over completely to the pleasure. The scientist pinched and tugged on her nipples gently, and each time he did a jolt of pleasure ran through her body, finally driving her to yet another powerful orgasm minutes later. Next they went after her ass, just lightly poking and prodding it, teasing around her hole while another groped her cheeks. This took a little while longer, but to her utter amazement she was getting off on it… Her inner thighs were soaked with her juices, and they just kept flowing. Finally she came with just her ass, and her body went completely limp.

The cycle repeated many, many times after that. The scientists kept stimulating Evelen, making her cum over and over again, each time quicker than the last. Her tongue hung out of her mouth after what had to be her twentieth orgasm, her mind absolutely blank, her chest heaving as she gave in totally. For hours the perverse tests carried on, and by the time the tubes were pulled from her she was just a limp, drooling mess. There were just a few security guards left in the room after a while, everyone having left for her to rest, but she just wanted to feel their dicks inside of her. Weakly she bucked her hips at them a little before she heard the whisper in her ear. A lot of her just wanted to feel that bliss forever, but there was still a part of her that resisted… "N…no… he…help…" she whispered, clutching at the arms of the chair.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Once Evelen answer, a dark aura slowly start to surround her. Good girl. I will aid you but for that you must accept me completely and let me get inside of you. Its the only way or you will pass for worse things soon.

The wishpers said in a more closer tone, this one looks t be coming from a mature woman, but before Evelen could get focused, some visions started to come to her. She could see herself humillated to have an animal lab life, how more intense tests were placed on her, s her body continue changing. Her breasts growing and letting frow milk from them, each day the quantity increased, making her need be milked at he mornings like any common cow, soon this turned her on more and more as her sensitive breasts slowly turning into her completely obsesion. Her horns get bigger and her tail soon could be used to pleasure herself, using it as a dildo at her always drenched cunt. Her body finally have a whole white short fur, her now light brown hair reached her bellybutton hight. But even then she never get a real dick until the tests ended.

After a long time she could see than she has helped to get a cure for the world but she has lost her own identity and family. He only prize was than now all could fuck her without worries, but her cowgirl body could not be healed. She could see herself placed in what could be described as a cage with a milker machine, eating just testing pills as her body continued nly getting release to be used by the people who paid for have a time with her in order than the lab could have another way to get money.

Evelen could sense these images of her possible future as if she were living it, each manlike member inside her and slowly making her body started to get really aroused, her mind making her know than she would really love this future, she would dont need to get worried of anything else most than pleasre and suck cocks, getting her litters and dont see them after give birth, feedded by machines and from time to time cleaned by her scientists owners as these use her to test more and more yummy drugs. Being fucked at the day and milked at the niht without any moment of get worried or bored, even when she would never see her family, friends or even the pink girl who could had get a worse fate than her.

This is will happen more likely to you... Or you could let me take you to get free and recover your family once again, just forget all about this nightmare and what it could give you... please let me help you The voice said to her, so closer than it looks to come from her own self. She was now again at the chair and she could be the scientists and guards slowly getting ready another room, to maybe place more tests on her.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

A strange, dark aura began to surround Evelen then, the whispers telling her they would help if she would let the aura inside of her. It sounded like an old woman’s voice to the young girl, though she didn’t have time to focus on it long before she began to see visions of her future if she continued with these tests. She lived as nothing more than a lab animal, her body changing continually as the scientists put her through more and more intense and crazy tests as time went on. Her breasts were eventually huge and filled with milk, and she needed to be milked each morning lest she get sore and hurt. The milkings, though, were incredible. Her udder-like chest was so sensitive, and it felt simply incredible to have the men squeezing her milk out. Over time she became simply obsessed with that feeling, able to cum hard and often with each session. Her tail grew longer, until she could manage to curl it around and fuck herself with it. Her poor little pussy was always wet and burning with need, so she rarely took it out, just pounding herself silly all day and night. She was furry now, and really she looked just like a cow after a certain point in time.

After quite a long time the scientists had finally found the cure to the mutations with Evelen’s help, but she had gone too far to be saved. The tests and constant arousal had fried her mind, leaving only a little cow-girl in her place. It wasn’t so bad though, really. She was milked constantly, the feeling incredibly pleasant, and she was well-fed and cared for. After such a long time without being allowed to, she was even allowed to have men fuck her, and they did so quite often. Her every hole was open for use, and she received bliss using each of them several times a day. She could feel it even though it was just a vision, and it all seemed so wonderful. She couldn’t see her family again, but at the same time she had no worries at all, only happy dumbness. The voice told her that she could help prevent this, but did she really want that? The brunette found herself in the chair again, watching the guards get ready to leave, and she somehow managed to whisper "please help."
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Soon the guards get close her, as someone opened the door to where she will be taken to another lab, she could feel the breeze pass around her sensitivy fleesh still afected by the naughty images than had passed direct to her brain, she move her hips and breasts, squirming yet begging for help insde her mind, trying with all stop the instincts than her body press on her. The male hands in groves pressed againts her body and slowly start to release her, she could notice than even one of them would be enough to restrain her completely without any problem, after all her body was not so fast and she could even fall by mistake with her so affected corrupted body senses if she try to run, even struggling hitting and kicking would be as a 2 year kid or a little animal. There was not escape for her fate after firm the papers, a man carry her out of the chair to continue the experiments where it was only mater of time to turn her into a mindless horny animal.

Just when she get carried, the earth start to shake and slowly the walls and ceiling to break, storm noises were heard, as the place slowly start to fall, but Evelen dont have time to try to escape and as this happen the aura around her get more intense as a cold feeling invade her, a mix of pleasure, pain and fear invade her the whole time, making her lost any sense of what surrounded her. She could herself as if sshe were in the bottom of a huge pool, the pression of many things trying to get inside her in every inch of her body, it was enjoiyable torture than slowly make her heard voices, smells and tastes, she could sense many things assing around her, the smell of many things yet she get focused in a salty one who slowly identify as cum, her mouth start to droll as she remember the many different tastes and smells, soon she lick her lips and moan softly, wishing to have a monster close her or at least a man. Many others things get inside her mind some not related to sex, the young Evelen soon pass out.

When she awake she was not more at the lab, a purple light slowly fade as crack noises surround her and then with a potent sound she fall on the floor, it was filled at grass and this make her try to open her eyes. She was nude and with a potent headache, looking around she notice herself in a really beautiful and huge garden, completely confused as she see nude statues of beautiful women around her, even some were fountains with pure water and the place have a beautiful ceiling filled with beautiful figures and shapes, all iluminated by an unknown power. All was as if she was now in the paradise, close her she notice a huge compretely broken crystal from maybe where she maybe has come, the crystal was completely turned into a dark dust, then she notice many growing purple ones in many places, nearly of two mts, she could fit there easily.

She get up with easy and she feel the fresh air at her body, her long hair than have the same size as some moments ago fly softly, she smiled and then notice slowly how her body was a little different, slighty more big yet not so naughty than before, she could notice a huge energy at her now, she could jump hit and dodge like her old self would just had dreamed.


That word come from her lips, as if it has been always there, the many trees looks then strange, female figures on them and the fruit shapes are also not normal, even the floor have females images and mostly all have a strange lust feeling, theirs lifeless yes naughty in bliss perpetual faces, big, small, mature and young females, all reaching a max of 30s with obsene bodies. Close her was a stone path, than lead her far away and at her view nothing moe than statues, crystals and trees.

She was now a mix between the real and young Evelen, more pure and young, but with the knowledge than the real one had and over all her memories both mixed until the point than she was not sure which one was real, she looks herself and notice her body filled even more with runes, around and inside her she could feel a potent energy and a slim dark aura surround her. She could not explore to any side, take the stone path where mostly of the naughty figures are, go to the left where she could see some group statues close a lake, she could go back to check what looks to be a huge quantity of trees or to the right where many more crystals are.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The guards came closer to Evelen again, another opening the door they were going to take her through, and she felt a cool draft coming from it, the breeze tickling at her hyper-sensitive body in an intense way. She wanted to feel more, and when they began to release her from the chair her body just wanted them to grope her all over, regardless of what she really wanted. One of them picked her up easily then, making her feel like a little doll in his arms, and she knew that even if she wanted to fight it she couldn’t. This one guy was far too strong for her, and there were more than just him. It was going to happen just like in her visions, she was going to be reduced to a brainless, slutty little cow… there was an itch between her legs as she remembered the feeling of all those dicks that would use her, the orgasmic feeling of being milked each and every day, and she thought that maybe, just maybe, it wouldn’t be so bad.

Something strange happened just then, though, and it seemed that maybe the brunette would be saved after all. The ground beneath them shook, the walls and the ceiling beginning to crumble right before her very eyes, and it sounded like there was a storm outside too. That dark aura from before got more intense around her though, and she suddenly felt very cold and very afraid, even though she was still impossibly aroused. Her vision went blurry, the sensations of what was actually happening to her body fading away to be replaced with the effects of the bizarre aura against her. It felt like she was at the bottom of a lake, unable to properly move or see or hear, pounds upon pounds of water pressure crushing down on her as it felt like something was trying to enter her every pore. It hurt badly, but at the same time there was something pleasurable about it too, something odd. She could hear strange voices, could taste strange things… finally Evelen realized that it was cum, and she began to drool a bit, wanting to taste the real thing. She hoped there was something nearby to give it to her, but before too awful long she had passed out in sensory overload.

She woke up somewhere that was strange to her, and it took her a moment to figure out what was happening and where she was. The purple light that had surrounded her began to fade, and the air was full of the sounds of something cracking and crumbling until in an instant something shattered and she fell to the ground. There was glass everywhere, and her head was absolutely pounding… Evelen opened her eyes to see that she was naked and alone in a very beautiful garden, statues of women littered throughout, some of them spouting water like fountains. She got to her knees and looked up, and found that she was still enclosed, slowly remembering that she was in the temple inside the monster as she looked up at the intricately decorated ceiling. The thing that had shattered had been one of those giant crystals, probably the one she had gotten inside to be transported to the mistress.

The brunette wasn’t quite sure what had just happened, though. Her hair was longer than it had been by far when she had stepped into the crystal, all the way down to her ass, just like it had been during that weird little hallucination. Was it a hallucination? She was back to her normal height again, her body slightly changed, but not much. It seemed almost like it had really happened… She felt like it had probably been some sort of test by the mistress of the temple. Looking around closer she could see that there were feminine figures all over the place, in the trees and the floor, all of them looking blissed out. Was that what happened to people who failed the test? Evelen shivered thinking how close she had probably come to a fate like that. There was a stone pathway lined with the statues close to her that went into the distance, and she figured that was probably the way to go. After all, wouldn’t there be a path to the place the mistress resided? Her body was covered in even more runes than before, and she wondered what they meant. The aura was still there with her from whatever had happened to her earlier, some sort of incredible energy running through her body… she just hoped it wouldn’t be harmful somehow as she looked around to see if she had anything with her she could take and then walked on down the pathway.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

After look around her, Evelen dont find too much things at the place where she is at the moment, only the shatered dark crystals pieces could be used but even the bigger ones looks to be close to turn into dust after just some hits.

She could also get close the trees and pick some fruits, but she dont have a backpack to store them and she is not hungry at the moment, yet the memories of the warm slimy cream seed before awake is still a little at her mind, yet she is not aroused at the moment. Ater decide what she will carry, she will start following the stone path, as she pass close the statues of the nude naughty women, she could feel countless of eyes looking at her, small visions of her being fucked and placed in each position of the statues dont stop to place at her eyes and mind, some of the women have large yummy dicks and she cant stop to see them as she pass, all this make her walk really slow and she just notice a distant structure at the end of the path, a little far of what it looks to be a grass laberinth, but she would maybe be unable to continue until the end before she lost herself for a while, unless she decide to take another path or do something to solve all this.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

There wasn’t much at all around Evelen, just the broken bits of crystals and the bizarre fruit off the trees. She decided that she would pick up one of the bigger shards of crystal to maybe use as a weapon if push came to shove, and to pick one of the fruits for maybe eating later. She was thankfully not feeling hungry yet, and she wasn’t aroused either despite her memory of all that warm, tasty cum around her at the end of the hallucination… She made her way down the stone pathway, and the farther she went the more the statues creeped her out. The brunette felt like they were watching her, and their lewd, suggestive positioning made her envision herself in their shoes briefly, noticing a few of them that had enormous dicks that she could see herself stopping and using for her pleasure right there on the side of the path. She managed to keep focused on going forward, though, and in the distance she saw what looked like a hedge maze. That was fine, she could get out of it by just following the right wall assuming it had an exit, so she would go with that.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

After look the grass laberinth, Evelen focused in it, dont paying too much atention to her surroundings or what she feel right now.

Just some feet's more were enough and she turned to see a statue group just in front of her, something has been pushing her to it and she cant stop to admire the statues, slowly she walk toward them dropping her jewel and fruit at the floor and then climb over the base where the four statues wait for her. It was five futas with theirs members long and erect, one resting down other sit other the chest of the first, other three stand and each pointing theirs members where Evelen decide to place herself.

She fill her lower holes and start to suck the member in front of her, licking and sucking like there was not tomorrow, making a handjob to the last two statues, as automaticaly she bounce continualy over the two tasty amazing cocks, the time is lost and Evelen is only feeded by the fluid coming from the statue, the delicious sperm also fill her two holes and nude skin as the statues continue cumming on her, each time than Evelen cum her moves get slower yet still continuous, as in bliss she lost herself in a last peak than frozen her completely in a perpetual bliss.

After who know how much time she awake, she is now resting on the floor in front of the garden. Evelen could feel herself slighty different, she cant see it, but she have her body invaded with a potent aura and even her forehead have a sluty symbol showing her to the others as a cumdrump or human toilet, her thigh have numbers or more likely a count, maybe the time than she has cum or has been filled, she was not sure but she could bet than the runes around her title her as someone naughty. Now there is a noise at the right, a chest in front and an empty passage at her left, she has lost both items.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen managed to keep herself focused on just moving forward into the hedge maze and take the rightmost path, holding her hand out against the wall. Soon, though, she ran across a grouping of statues that was positioned absolutely perfectly. There were five of them, all of women with enormous stone dicks. One of them was laying on her back, her erect member standing straight up in the air, while another sat on her chest. Three were standing at their feet, with long, hard, tasty-looking carven dicks standing at attention… before she knew what she was doing the brunette had walked into the center of them and slowly lowered herself down. The carven cocks were arranged just perfectly to fit in her lower holes, and they slipped in nice and easy, the stone feeling pleasantly cool inside of her. She sank down onto them slowly, letting out a long moan as she savored the feeling, and when she was resting with them fully hilted she leaned forward to take the dick of the one standing in the middle in front of her into her mouth, sucking on the hard stone hungrily. The others looked lonely standing there, so she reached out to stroke them with both hands at once, and began to ride the cocks in her lower holes for all she was worth.

It was like Evelen was in a trance as she fucked herself with the statues, not really thinking, just feeling. It was really incredible how sensitive her ass had become over her time in the game, and how easily it could take even such large penetrations. Not too long into her motions she felt sudden spurts of warm cum in her lower holes, much to her delight, and she began to suck and stroke the cocks in front of her hungrily, bouncing furiously on the still-cumming dicks in her lower body. Soon she was rewarded with the salty taste of spunk, the stuff splashing against her face and head from the members she was stroking, and she came hard as that incredible taste and feeling spread through her. Her eyes wouldn’t focus on anything and neither could her mind, she just brainlessly sucked and fucked the statues as their seed dribbled down her face onto her ample chest and into her long brown hair.

The statues came often, filling up Evelen’s womb and bowels until the remainder began to ooze and squirt out of her, giving her a wonderful tasty treat every couple of minutes and coating her in a warm glaze of creamy white. It was heavenly, and she found herself cumming just about every two times the statues gave her their spunk. Each time she got a little slower with her movements, losing track of time and everything else. Finally she passed out, slumping forward with her lips still wrapped around that tasty stone cock, the others still lodged firmly inside of her well-fucked lower holes, a warm and pleasant feeling all throughout her body thanks to the continual bliss she had experienced and the nice coating of cum she had received. It oozed off of her and out of her, and she looked a complete and utter wreck.

Eventually the brunette awoke laying on the ground in front of a garden. She shook her head, feeling odd, knowing instinctively that the aura from before was stronger within her as she slowly sat up. A quick look told her that she was covered in more runes than before, and though she couldn’t read them she could tell that they probably said something lewd about her. There were even little tick marks on her thigh, as if whatever had brought her here had counted the number of times she’d cum and marked them on her body. She grumbled and cursed to herself as she got up, wondering just what had happened. She figured the aura she had taken in at the end of the hallucination probably had forced her into doing all that, she hardly even remembered what she had done. She needed out of here, and quick. After a look around she decided to check the chest in front of her and then head to the left to try and find this mistress of the temple.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Covered in cum and it more naughty runes, Evelen decide to continue before something worse happen to her, she first opened the chest box in the path in front of her where she found two strange weapons, a dildo staff and what looks to be a flute but looking better she saw a dart on it, close this is a bag with more darts. Out of that there were nothing more at the chest box.

If she equip herself or not, she then went to face her next choice so she take the left path, she walked there for a while until she found something there, a minotaurus futa girl stroking herself in bliss, she looks to be out of this planet, but soon the cum smell everywhere at Evelen make her turn to where she was before hide herself at a wall, she could still run away or fight this monstergirl.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen opened the chest and looked into it, seeing what looked like two weapons. One of them was a large staff that ended in a dildo, the other what seemed to be a flute, but on closer observation was a blowgun of sorts, with a little bag of darts beside it. She pondered what to take for a little while before suddenly remembering something the ghostly maids had told her. The mistress didn’t like warriors, or people who took things without asking. That made the choice easy enough for her, and she left both the things alone. The staff was tempting if only because it could have good uses besides weaponry (or the probable intended use), but she had a sneaking suspicion that this aura was the mistress’ doing, and that it was making her do things against her will… in which case it would probably use the staff against her if she took it with her. The brunette kept moving on down the leftward path, making decent progress until she came across a bull-ish monstergirl with a large cock, stroking herself rapidly and seemingly unaware of her surroundings. She was able to hide successfully, but the smell of cum everywhere was really enticing… she decided she would have to run, trying to avoid confrontation as she continued on in her quest to find the mistress of the temple.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The monstergirl was moving toward her, unfortunately to Evelen her last incident with the statues had drenched her with a heavy cap of slighty dry cum at her body, making her look worse than a whore, her long brunette hair was a mess and her naughty tattoes make all just look worse. Even then she just focused on run away, trying to avoid any fight a she has leave behind any weapon t defend herself. However she soon notice than even when she has leave behind the monstergirl, she found herself with a really critical moment. A long path was filled with a terrible pool of tentacles and a strange purple liquid than have a small cap of pink gas flying close the floor, there was only a long large rope like vine conecting both ends where Evelen could get up and reach the other place, but the rope was not so big to use her feet's and goind down the rope will only make her smell the trange hair, so she must use the rope having her face over it, as also maybe her whole body, as she slide slowly to the other place. She also have little time to decide what to do as the bull woman was close to get close her.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The monstergirl followed Evelen much against her will, though she could understand why. She looked like an absolute whore the way she was covered in cum, and she knew that between that and the runes all over her her appearance wasn’t exactly discouraging creatures from coming after her. She kept running along, and as she did she found herself rapidly approaching a pool of strange purple liquid with tentacles in it, pink gas hovering just a little bit over it with a long vine across it. There wasn’t any time to think much on it and she couldn’t slow down, so she got a running start and attempted to leap as far as she could across the pond, and to give herself some momentum for pulling herself across.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Running with all her might, Evelen jump trying to earn the distance enough to get very away of the monstergirl. However the impulse ended to be too much to control, as she nearly fly 18mts, she then see her hands be not right to catch the rope, in some way fortunately she hit the rope at between her thighs, making the rope slide until her sweetspot, making her groan and nearly fall completely at the pool, but soon she focused once again, holding the rope as she roll her body bellow the rope, she could feel an ecstasis by just smell the gas at a moment, but soon she rise her head up as she stay holding the rope with her limbs.

She then starting to pull herself until she heard a splash noise behind her, she then notice the minotaur girl walking through the pool, as all the mist, water and tendrils get away of her, the monstergirl looks mindless completely as she smile when she moves to where Evelen is trying to save herself. The brunette girl must decide how now she will get out. At how she is now, she will use more streng than speed and she could get tired before end.