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Evelen (Tiffanian)

Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Suzanne seemed really disappointed that she wasn't a virgin and couldn't help them, almost certainly not understanding what the word meant. "It's fine, Suzanne, it isn't something you can help" Evelen said idly, watching her older sister cuddle her daughter maybe a little bit too close for perhaps a little bit too long... Gien didn't seem too keen on her idea that he would count as a virgin for the purposes of the door, but Celesta started to laugh, amused by the whole of that situation. "If we go off the path there will be monsters, and we should be trying to avoid those fights as much as possible in our current state. And it's not risking your life, it's just sucking a little dick. There's way worse things, and I don't believe it's a trap" she said, though the plantgirl took the route of taunting him, definitely teasing him a little bit more than Evelen would have liked for his reluctance to try and open the lock.

The man seemed to be getting fairly mad at her, but before he could do anything Suzanne moved to help him, her innocent little smile and the words she said almost making Evelen crack up. She pushed Gien closer to the door, "helping" him to his knees in front of that big metal dick, and he grabbed it with one hand, turning to the brunette and starting to plead with her that it was far too large for him to suck, that it would damage his mouth, that it was just a trap to make someone into a whore... It probably was meant to make anyone who had made it this far with their virginity intact more susceptible to sexual attacks, sure, but it didn't seem like that much of a trap. "Look, we don't have many choices here. And I've blown bigger cocks than that, it's not that difficult. This one probably won't even thrust into you while you try. Just breathe through your nose and go slowly. If it is a trap of some kind, we'll be here to help you. We've even got some of these pills that will help if you start to go crazy."
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

True, is rare than a girl remain as a virgin at the twelve years, its part of grow up on this cursed land. Teresa said between sweet rubs and kisses when both her and Suzanne were almost doing a well said foreplay, anyway it ended soon when the little one come to help.

The whole focus on the young man was maybe too much, but he couldnt do more than accept as the whores around him wouldnt let him escape of this. Clearly this is a trap, but fine i preffer this than stay on this damn place any longer.

Gien most likely insulted the whole family of nude girls, at his mind of course. There was not skill on sucking that metal member but once he started his lips just continued their labor for minutes.

There were some muffed sounds coming from it everytime but Evelen was not focused, join Gien in this work passed for her mind, maybe all the four in some point wanted to lick and suck the metal dick or Gien's one. There then was some rough moves and it looks than Gien was pulling with all his strengh to get out, but then Celesta stop him placing herself at his back with a smirk. Oh no, that was just one, it will be useless unless you get another shoot. With Celesta and Suzanne there to "help him" there was not way to stop and for what it looks what needed to happen come when he needed to empty his mouth to breath.

After minutes the second load pass direct to his throad, this time it was a fortune than both nude minxs were there to help him to free the dick. The door looks then to react as it open Gien take the time to split what havent been passed. Soon the passage was opened for them with a small room between them and a corridor with shinning crystals, not so much as before but enough to let them see.

See? all fine, even i can see your member hard Gien~ Celesta bully him, at least Suzanne limit herself to help him to get up. The man was more worried for himself than continue the talk with the whores. Maybe trying to forget what has just happened, Evelen could see some arousal on him too.

Before continue at the small room was some kind of altar or pedestal with a pink vial where an unknown potion remain and for what it looks to be a chastity belt, Evelen could feel some magic in both objects. After take them or not they would mostly have a peaceful travel until they found a woman far in the distance, she looks to be armed, pregnant heavily and hidden in a dark corner. The passage to the place where she is hidden is narrow and connect to a cross path. There were some noises from steps and some very distant fights, but Evelen could sense some unknown danger looking at this woman and her who havent seen them yet as she remain focused in look to another passage.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Teresa and Suzanne continued to get really too close for comfort, the angel giving her niece little kisses, but it ended before anything too out of hand happened. They were focused on Gien then, on making him start at his task... Evelen watched with some interest, thinking that he was a little bit lucky, wanting to help him lick that giant metal cock... or maybe giving him a little reward for cooperating, giving him a suck, or maybe something else. It became apparent after a time that he had halfway finished, that the lock was spurting something he found unpleasant into his mouth, and though he tried to back away Celesta quickly put a foot on his back, holding him in place. This was... actually pretty hot to watch. She found it a little bit hard to concentrate as the man swallowed down that first load and started working on the other. It didn't take too long despite his lack of skill, and the door began to open as Suzanne and Celesta helped him pull his head away from the lock. Even though he spat out whatever that liquid was, or at least whatever he hadn't been forced to swallow already, his dick was clearly hard, and the brunette made a mental note to try and get him to suck her cock if they got out of this okay. "No shame in enjoying it" she said, grinning a little as she looked into the hallway that was revealed. It was much like where they were, just a corridor with the same sorts of glowing crystals. "I suppose now we can only carry on. Whenever you're all ready" she continued, getting herself ready to walk down the (hopefully) still safe path.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Taking both items and storing them in their old backpack, there was nothing than the group of slutty girls could do ther out of calm theirs stressful needs with each other. Gien was still trying to clean his mouth from what was placed by the dildo knock, something maybe easier to do than his image.

That fluid must have some kind of aphrodisiac and i dont know why was so hard to get out from it...

Oh, i know why... Celesta interrupt giving a spank to Gien who would had done more than hold her wrist, but Suzanne and the plant girl were armed.

Calm down both of you! Bother each other will not help us to work together. Also, we must protect the remain of virginity than he have or we will be unable to pass any trial ahead than require it. Teresa almost sound as giving the best than she could to sound in her clueless naughty mind state, softly whimpers by the few free tentacles loving her skin from time to time and she looks to dont care at all if that save another soul.

Then big sis, try to remain a little away from our cute Gien or any tentacle could clain our remain keyhole~ There was not time for more teasing, Suzanne and Teressa were defending the back, as Celesta and Evelen the front. Teresa decide this as she and Suzenne were lifting the wolf girl and the tentacle girl all the time.

The new corridor was empty of traps and monsters, also Evelen can notice how as more get away of where the Guardian is less are the crystals than guide them. After a while they walked until get to where the path turn into 3 new paths, two toward theirs sides and other to the front. They were at least 35 feets from this intersection where just in middle of all these paths was a woman, looking to be resting after maybe a hard fight, she looks to be armed and looking to the others three paths, so she havent seen Evelen's group. Sitting showing only her nude back as the trial has make her lost all except her weapon, the girl looks to be with her mind intact as she turn to hre sides to see better from time to time, moving her long combed bluegreen hair
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

In the room between the two hallways Evelen found a couple of items to stuff in the backpack she was carrying; some sort of suspicious pink potion the purpose of which was impossible to discern, and a suspiciously magical chastity belt. If it hadn't been magical, of course, the belt would have been very useful to protect one of them from sexual attacks, but as it was there was no telling what the stupid thing would do to whoever put it on. Gien still seemed disturbed by what he had just done, trying to reason away why he was so aroused. Celesta, of course, was using every opportunity to tease him mercilessly, even giving him a quick swat to the rump, which seemed to make him pretty mad. Teresa intervened with a yell, reminding them that they had to work together... and also that they needed to preserve the man's anal virginity in case there was another such door ahead that required it. That was something that the brunette hadn't even thought of... Should they maybe risk using the chastity belt on him? It might just make things worse, though, and it might be impossible to get off once put on. If only she could somehow identify the spell...

"Celesta, shush" Evelen finally interjected, "that's enough teasing for now. I'm sure he gets the gist of it..." They began to walk onward, with Teresa whimpering quietly every so often. Even though the tentaclegirl's tendrils were prevented from fucking the angelic woman they were still able to stroke her soft skin every so often, which really annoyed the brunette. Did they really have to bring that broken girl along? It seemed like every decision that could endanger them was the only one the party would accept. The corridor carried on for some time without any incident, though the crystals were getting fewer and farther between, their light a bit dimmer, until finally they were almost to a four-way intersection. There was a woman there, sitting down and resting while facing away from the oncoming group. She was a warrior, that was clear enough, and she seemed to still be in control of herself too. Worringly she looked like she was resting, so perhaps their time of advancing without fighting was coming to a close again. "Hello there" Evelen said somewhat quietly while still some distance away, so as not to startle the woman too badly, "are you looking to escape this place? We're going that way too, it might be good to help each other out." Of course she didn't really know which of the three paths to take, but that was a minor detail. If forced to she would probably pick based on which would lead them closest to the direction the stones were pointing to, towards whatever group of Dagan's soldiers had been sent into this mad temple.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Aw, fine. Celesta answer and give then a sigh. You know than i wouldnt do this if it werent the only way to focus on something else. As she said this the plant woman continue being used by the Lion girl who continualy lick her if Celesta dont struggle with her to at least earn some of time of this bothersome curse.

Just look around for any menace, instead lost your time looking me as your plaything, woman. Giean said back without lost his time to even turn to her in a not so much friendly tone. Suzanne and Teresa take the time to do their work so the group remain silent, in part this helped to dont call any unneded attention.

Once their travel gets tehm to where a female fighter was resting, Evelen call her attention and almost in an instant she get up ready to fight, but with similar speed rise down her weapon. I cant believe it... Survivors on this temple! Her gaze looks to be checking each of you without get closer as she frown after end to see them. Certainly your whole group must find a way to escape from here, but for my that is not a choice, my duty oblige me to stay until we get our mission accomplished, our whole people awaits for our success. the woman tone show her commitment and kidness, as she looks to be worried for them too, because escape from this place would also be an almost impossible tast without the means to do it.

Evelen check her stones, the path at the left looks to be the correct for now. I had made my best to clean these passages, but i had lost all almost from the start, so i tried to stay here and wait for the others, as when we come inside the temple we get separed by an unknown power.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Gien and Celesta got one last snipe in at each other before going quiet, their annoyance growing, but briefly set aside. The dangerous situation they were in was making all of them, except maybe Suzanne, irritable in proportion with their vulnerability. When the group approached the woman at the intersection she quickly got up and prepared herself to fight, though once she saw that they weren't fallen she soon backed down. She rejected the idea of finding the exit with them, showing her dedication to whatever group she had come into this horrible temple with, even though by now her companions were probably mindless. "You should really consider trying to find the exit" Evelen replied, "you have as much of a chance of running across one of your friends moving around as you do staying here, probably more. And who knows where they might be or what they might have encountered." All the while she was checking the location of the magical stones against the pathways, finding that the left one was probably the most likely to have one of the Dragan party down it. "If not, though... good luck. I hope they find you soon" she said, ushering her family to turn left with or without this mysterious woman. It seemed a shame for someone so seemingly strong just to wait here while everything closed in around her...
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

There was maybe a small chance than this female soldier could accept to join them, her face show not fear and ponder to change of choice. Who know, but ussually when you are lost yours possibilities to be found is remain in a place. She answer when Evelen asked her to come with them and her assumption than as they get out they could find someone, an incredible possibility looking at her whole almost broken team, maybe the female warrior could suppose than her chances to survive would be lower... until Evelen bring out from her backpack the magic stones to guide her group.

In the instant the woman face show a bright in her eyes and get closer to see better what could bring them out or at least find someone, what could be a distant hope on her after face all the terrible trials inside this temple. Can i ask why are you here? This radar is really rare, so you must be at the side of one of the countries trying to find the key. The woman follow, really interested to find out if she could trust in them, Sakura was ready to answer when their walk guide them to a severy damaged area of a passage.

It looks like it has turned into a narrow tunnel where the cave monster's fresh has invaded, the crystals look to form a narrow passage in the middle, little slime drops fall from time to time and melt part of the floor, they could still surround this taking a small path at the right or risk themselves to enjoy some of this substance at theirs bodies.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen didn't hold out much hope of persuading this woman to join them, but still she kept up her little talk. "Well, if everyone thinks that way then everyone will stay in place, and you'll certainly never find each other" she said idly as she picked out the magical stones from her backpack. Oddly, that seemed to do more towards making the woman want to join them. "Yes, we came here for the key" she continued, replying to the woman's question even as she set off in search of the next potential helper, maybe even Darius. "We're doing it for the Dragans." The brunette didn't know if that was the right answer for this woman, who probably wasn't among that group, although stranger things had happened. They came across a troublesome area just then, one where the monster was intruding on the temple, the floor melted away into slime everywhere but a small strip in the middle, and more of the slime was dripping down from the ceiling to eat away at even that. Evelen quickly made the decision to skirt around it to the right, not wanting any part of being doused with slime at this point.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Loss and in my actual state are enough reasons to dont venture alone in this place, that is why i choice this place than looks to be the intersection of many paths. The woman add, trying to defend her last choice. She also dont show any hostility when the name of the Dragans was said by the brunnete woman.

The woman call herself Bedelia and she accepted to join them in order than she could find more of her allies, eagerly as always Suzanne wanted to hug the girl and show her friendhip, but Teresa stop her with her free hand, not because she dont trust in this woman but mostly for cause more troubles between them.

This was not like this the last time than i pass at this corridor. Bedelia said with some worries in her calm army tone. Im with Evelen, we cant crawl there with the troublesome trio in ours hands. Celesta said back talking about the three girls than mostly were dead weight, but Gien was ready to defend himself if she talk about him.

Unanimously the path at the right was choiced, the most ready to do the crawl could had been Suzanne, but as her mind always is to defend her family she follow them without care anymore for the crystals. The path soon turned into a maze of little passages, Bedelia suddenly stop Evelen when she decide to take the path more closer to where they could go. Wait, dont take that path, just follow me this place if filled with traps. Said this she take the lead and look from time to time back to find out if all were right, some places were completely dark but Suzanne helped placing some crystals to illuminate the place until they finally they get back to the crystal path which was really dim now.

It was clear looking back to the crystal path than the meat tunnel would had been a terrible choice as it was really long and some kind of tentacles were at the exit. However there was not time to think in what could had happened, Evelen and the rest noticed some fight sounds not so far of them, this increased the speed of their walk through the corridor where before get at the unknown battle they noticed two torses with many eyes and arms crawling to where the fight was.

The passage where the creatures were passing was at the other side so they dont noticed the group, it was unclear if these were the only ones, they look to had come out a big hole at a wall from where the laberynth meat walls had passed.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The woman, apparently named Bedelia, agreed to join the little group after a brief moment of defensiveness, the desire to find allies and get out of here greater than her desire to stand in place and wait to be found again. She seemed at least okay with the idea that the lot of them were with the Dragans, too. When they got to the area with the melted floor everyone involved agreed with Evelen's assessment and decided to take the path to the right. As it turned out, though, that was a veritable maze of short little passages through the temple, surely there just to get people lost. As they chose their paths suddenly Bedelia stopped them, getting in front and pointing out various traps that laid in their way down some of the small hallways. Evelen marveled at the way she saw them, having no idea what to look for herself... It was a good thing they had convinced her to follow them, or else they might never have gotten through this section. It was pitch-black too, though Suzanne brought out her own crystals to light the path dimly.

It took a long time to get through that bunch of passages, and it seemed like it would have been a long journey even if they had gone through the straight line of the monster cave, and again they would probably not have made it if they had tried that route. Now, nearing the end or so they thought, they were starting to hear the sounds of a battle nearby. They began to walk a little bit faster, clutching their weapons a little bit tighter, expecting to come across it any minute now. Before they got there, though, they saw a couple of utterly bizarre creatures crawling towards it, just a torso with dozens of eyes and maybe a dozen arms. They were pretty terrifying to look at all things considered, worse than most other things they had encountered in this temple, though they hadn't noticed the group yet. It seemed like they had come from a hole in the wall, a pretty large one that led directly out into the monster... Evelen looked at the others in her group, halting them for a moment, wanting to follow the creatures without being seen. She would yield, however, if the bunch of them wanted to fight these two before they reinforced whatever was fighting up ahead. She could only hope that approaching all this would net them another helpful ally, or maybe even find the one she was looking for so that they could focus entirely on leaving.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Looking to her group after spot the bizarre humanoid cratures, Evelen noticed some fear or worries mostly on Celesta and a little on Gien, mostly because males tend to be killed by these things. The new woman of the team was trying to find a way to attack these things, but Evelen who have the support of her whole family make her their leader, Teresa was mostly worried for the safety of all the survivors to order an attack.

And so they follow her order, trying to dont call the attention of these creatures which eyes were focused completely on the fight at the distance than theirs eyes dont look to the fest of almost broken women behind them (Evelen team). The idea of avoid a fight close the meat hole was mostly the correct, mostly their attacks would had caused the noise needed to call for more creatures and just getting inside the montain guardian would mean a certain endless rapeor at least a very long one to save anything of a victim.

As they follow the creatures the passage gets more narrow and by a mistake just some feets from the end of the alst passage Evelen's spear hit a remain of what looks to be a helm, the noise call the attention of one of the cratures, it roars or mostly made a sound with what could be a mawl, its exposed muscles get prepared for a fight making it grow some inches more, but the other creature was already in the battlefield next them to support it.

Not all of her team could see the bloody fight, but Evelen noticed some bodies in half, heads and limbs still in suits and armor of soldiers of unknown sex. Five still remain fighting, theirs weapons half melted by the acid of these creatures, some of the first monsters were death around them, but not counting the new the girls soldiers were already fighting three more. In total there were three torso creatures and two huge monsters with sharp limbs and tendrils, similar to worms who looks to had been the ones than had opened the hole far behind them.

Evelen's grou was not taken by sorprise, tehy were ready to attack the creature, some more resolved than others, but they were still in the narrow passage and they couldnt help this persons if they dont take care of this lonely torso monster

Spot five soldiers with unknown gender
Also three death ones
in total there are three torso monsters
and two creepy mawl worms
Evelen group can only attack a torso monster in close combat, could be pennalty for the narrow space for some of the ones of her team.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The group quietly followed along after the strange and terrible creatures at Evelen's command, though there was some dissension. Celesta and Gien seemed afraid of the things, and in contrast their new companion wanted to fight them right then and there, as soon as possible. Running was an option, of course, but fighting there by the hole was not; who knew what sort of reinforcements the monsters might call upon from that hole? The passage they were following them through got narrower and narrower as they went, though they managed to remain undetected almost right up until the end, when the brunette's spear clanged against a random piece of metal detritus she hadn't noticed, making enough noise to cause one of the monsters to turn and prepare to fight. They were very close to the fight, enough that Evelen could see it... and she had the feeling that she had made a mistake. It was a bloody sight, an unknown number of soldiers having been slaughtered by the creatures, heads and severed limbs laying all about while five more soldiers fought against the things. They had managed to kill some of them, but there were still three monsters just like the ones Evelen and party had been following, and then two huge worm-like creatures with bladed arms and tentacles, probably the ones who had been lopping off heads. It was probably too late to back down now, and they were only fighting one of the creatures so far, so maybe things wouldn't go too badly... With a gulp the brunette charged at it, stabbing at it with her spear while trying to leave room for some of the others to help her.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Still having some of her own self against the idea of fight these bizzarre creatures, the brunette woman hold her crystal spear, placing her barefoot firm on the stone floor to send her pierce attack toward where she expect her opponent would have a vital point. With all her weight on her blow the weapon pierce through the creature yet this just increase the tension of his muscles before press forward dont caring ththe damage earned as the bloodlust invade his whole self.

At least a dozen of mawls prepare to have a taste of Evelen's meat, a hand holding in place her spear until suddenly Evelen's right ear get parcialy deaf when something fast as abullet pass for inches without cause permanent damage to the human. These objects caused the creature to pull back as Bedelia cut almost at the same instant the arm holding Evelen spear what made the monster unable to hold his place and send back some feets away of the group.

The creature then stand firm in place with a big hole on his chest, dark blood coming out of the hole created by the possible crystal shard, but the muscles around the wound started to press and slowly reduce the wound, a possible instintive attempt to heal himself but would take time than Evelen could take to end this fight. Then an arrow come, it wound badly the creature before the others monsters noticed in part the confrontation. Why is this thing still alive? I dont want to die here! Celine tried to shout what could had been terrible, but her voice was really broken and her mind at the limit now than she saw the horrendous scenne in front of them.

Meanwhile the remain survivors were really exhausted, who know how much they had passed fighting these things and the rest of monsters on the temple. They tried to remain in formation and fight together until suddenly one of the soldiers tried to wound one of the large worms with the weapon at its hand, all the experience and skill were reduced by the wounds and tireness, the weapon hit on a hard point of the caparace and get broken as if it were made of ceramics without cause any damage to the monster who engulf part of the arm, trying to have the arm in place as its blades aim to cut the soldier arm. A female loud shout come of the trapped soldier as she pull as hard as she could to free her arm, the monster should now know than what was hidden behind the full suit was a female, but it looks like it dont care at all and prepare to feed of her arm if nobody stop it.

One of the others four soldiers tried to free the captured soldier hitting the worm, but the spear of this dont do the enough damage, but give time to a second to release the poor woman doing a precise damage to the suit and then slide out the arm now exposed and with soft wounds by the monster mawl. The remain two stay in defense to give the time needed to save the soldier, deflecting any attack than could come and even one withits long sword parry a blow and wound of of the minor creatures. Fortunately the other arms/mawls torso monster take this time to take the remain of the fallen soldiers for itself, adding more limbs to its body and feed its mawls with the dead organs of them.

Soldier very wounded
Torso monster heavily damaged

Gien and Teresa cant attack
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen leaped forward in attack, her spear punching into the strange creature with ease, though it didn't seem to do much good at all. One of the thing's hands grabbed her wrist, holding her while its many mouths salivated at the sight of her... this was not good! She tried to wrench herself away from it, but it was just too strong. Suddenly, though, something flew past her head with a force she could hardly believe, so fast that the displaced air almost ruptured her eardrum. There was a pretty big hole in the creature then, and Bedelia came up to slice off the arm that held the brunette in place, but still the thing wasn't dead. Celesta stuck an arrow in it, but even then... It was trying to heal itself. Evelen had some doubts herself, but she had to press on and finish this fight, she couldn't let it get back to fighting strength no matter what! She lunged forward again, aiming to open the hole in its body even wider, a look of determination and hate in her eyes. There were more of the things in this place to fight, and a few creatures that looked even more deadly than that... but things were going badly for those soldiers, and they could still help. They had already almost taken this one down. If they could work as a team, the rest could be killed as well, especially once they were able to work with the soldiers from the other side.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

With the need to end this creature and so help the soldiers than really were surrounded and in danger, Evelen decide to continue in her attempts to kill the one in front of them, her spear pass easily by the flesh of her foe, but this was also in part what the monster expected. There was not abone than could stop her spear and this pass straigh by one of his many shoulders, but as this happen the creature rush toward her, using his claws to warm the right arm of the brunnete woman.

The damage at the human was soon answered by the anger of the young one, Suzanne's crystals fly again and this followed by the attack of their new ally put an end to the first monster. Who ended with a bigger hole of the one than he could heal with its supernatural powers.

Meanwhile the soldiers werent so weak as the monsters expected, yes one tried first to wound the creature who easily used its power and weight to send it toward a wall, but then one of the soldiers, mostly the leader found an opening in the worm like monster causing it screech in pain, the sound increased the moral of the group and tried to push them away, using the smae place against the other worm, but this dont get away and instead focused in one of them. From its mawl as a crosbow, a needle was sended, piercing across the suit than protected the soldier, the impact make the soldier fall on the floor as female groans come from it.

Just when Evelen was ready to get inside the huge room, her damaged arm feels strange, a sudden itch and change of color in the dmaged area called her attention. Also she noticed the creature taking limbs be ready to face them after have a feast with the fallen soldiers.

Soldier very wounded
Soldier on the floor
Torso monster killed
Big torso monster facing Evelen and group
Worm cratures slighty damaged
Peaceful Torso monster doing nothing or reading a newspaper
Evelen have 1 damage and looks to have a side effect caused by the claws
Gien and Teresa cant attack until all move
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen managed to land a hit on the creature, but it didn't seem to do anything at all. The spear just sank into the monster's flesh and slid right through, and without slowing down it slashed her in the right arm, blood starting to ooze from the wound quickly. The thing didn't live long to celebrate its success, though, as Suzanne and the soldier woman attacked it rather quite viciously, creating a huge hole in its body that there was no recovering from, magic or not. With the strange torso creature they were fighting disabled the brunette picked her spear out of its corpse, looking to the fight of the soldiers in front of them... Things were still going badly, but they had more fight in them than Evelen had thought at first glance. Still, there was something to trouble her, and something kind of major. Her arm where she was wounded was itching like mad, turning colors... and one of the bigger torso monsters had turned to face them. "Guys, we might have to get out of here quickly... I don't know what sort of poison these things have, but it can't be a good sign. I guess we have to keep fighting for now at least" she said, raising her spear nervously, worried vaguely that her arm might betray her somehow... They needed to move out of this hallway so the others could get into the battle, and the speargirl could try and defend herself without opening herself up to attacks as much.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Focused slighty more in her defense, the brunette woman tried to push her forces out of the hallway before the next fight could interrupt this, her spear wounded the next creature at front of them.

With all the many arms on its body, the monster moves toward them, ready to hurt and damage any being in Evelen's group, it was then than another crystal fly across the group and wounded this monster, followed by Bedelia who tried to kill this creature as fast as the last one, but this creature have a bigger quantity of limbs under its possesion and with one of these it stop her sword act followed by spliting some kind of liquid direct to the amazed skilled female warrior who couldnt dodge this. Badelia in the instant groaned and get back, her skin touched by this fluid soon taint her skin with a red sored tone, the pain and damage placed on her would had turned her into an easy prey, but Teresa soon join to push her back

Celesta! try to support us from the back, as you and Gien maintain the rest safe. The blonde sister shout to the younger one, if Evelen could had the time to see behind her she would see Celesta trying to aim as she do what she can to mantain the three broken sluts close her, the tentacles and licks from these girls could make her shoots miss.

With all this Celesta manage to hit at the creature, before fall at her kness for all the stimulation at her nude cum covered green body. Looking than the poor sister will not have too much time before lost herself in the pleasure, Evelen moves to stab the monster who get focused more on dodge Suzanne's spells and soot that strange saliva on her too. The young woman tried to be brave and dont scream, but all her body shivered in pain as she get back, soft teardrops escaping from her cheeks and a strange vapor from her body, as a reaction of the invading substance.

Teresa and the wounded Bedelia manage to hit the monster the enough to save Suzanne from the creature, but this monster looks to still have an endless rage against them without care how much wounded it is now.


Leaded correctly, the soldiers still able to fight join as one theirs attacks, breaking the defense of one of the worms and allowing the rest to hurt this monster until almost pierce it until death, but the strong creature roar and struggle for its life, wounding back one of the brave soldiers and giving the time to the rest of the monsters to surround them.

A last charge of the whole unit put severe damage to this worm, but as this fall the second giant worm rush to the group at its back, this not only bite one of the soldiers's arms, the attack was extreme until the point of fully remove the arm from this poor soul without even cause pain on the human, showing how sharp it mawl was. The severed limb dont let flow any blood drop from it, but the female soldier now without an arm cant do more than scream and fall back scared and almost in shock, the remain of soldiers turn back then and saw the terrible event, there was just not a remain of the limb taken by the worm monster.

Now without count the amputed female soldeier, there were just three soldiers still able to fight, as still the fifth was unharmed and close to lost its maid by the scary moment.

Amputed soldier
Soldier very wounded
Soldier on the floor
Torso monster killed
Big torso monster facing Evelen and group many times wounded
Worm crature slighty damaged
Worm dead
Peaceful Torso
Evelen have 1 damage and looks to have a side effect caused by the claws
Gien cant attack
Suzane and Bedelia have unknown slime on them
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen cautiously attacked the next creature they came across, her spear slicing into its flesh enough to hurt it, but not so much that the weapon was trapped inside of it as before. Suzanne blasted the thing with another of her crystals then, and Bedelia moved in for the kill, but one of the monster's many limbs grabbed her sword, and its counterattack was quite brutal... it spat some kind of acid at her, splattering all over her skin and quickly turning it into a red, sore-covered mess. Teresa managed to get between the wounded girl and the deadly creature. Celesta even managed to shoot it, though the many broken girls around her were starting to bother her, trying to pleasure her... this had all been a mistake. A very big mistake, most likely. The whole group managed to get in hit after hit on their enemy, but it just kept fighting back endlessly, managing to spit more of that horrible acid on Suzanne, which made Evelen all the madder, made her fight even harder. As its rage seemingly grew, so too did hers, and she knew she would have to kill this thing and quickly to prevent any more damage to her family. She would kill it alone if she had to!
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Maybe feeling the anger and courage on teh brunette woman, the creature get into a more defensive stance, this dont stop Evelen to attack and in her actual mind state she fail in the last instant to hurt the creature who was already getting a counter on the spear human, its strange substance was close to get shoot from some of its mawls when a huge crystal sword hit him hard and far away from them. You must be also pissed with that thing. Lets finish it together for hurt our little angel. Teresa who was who send flying that creature said, out of tha mix of inocense.

It was almost certain than the creature would be killed, Evelen prepare herself to give it all when suddenly her wounded arm quickly moves alone and went direct to her birth hole, the sudden surprise made her lost some of her focus, what the monster use to try to beat her, until be taken away once again by Teresa's sword. Behind them the moans started to increase, this time it was not only Celesta, but some parts on Suzanne started to turn into white tentacles than fuck her merciless and Bedelia was trying in vain to control her whole body of merciles masturbate herself with her own weapon.

With all getting worse really quickly, Evelen decide to rush and kill the thing, her spear was taken with her only usable hand and hurt the monster, only to see him still alive the enough to split Evelen with his vile fluid. Her vody instantly squirm between the mix of pain and pleasure, her motherly breasts shout milk out as she softly arch with her own mind hand still rubbing her lower lips. The monster has maybe used a huge amount of his fluids, maybe to also hit Teresa but this last dodged in a quick jump. Evelen can see him, almost dead and trapped with her spear, but she can see what the fluid will cause on her soon and when that happen only Teresa would be there against this and maybe the rest of the creatures.


As Evelen was close to end the monster with a lot of problems on her team, the soldiers were with theirs own issues. There were three of them almost defeated and of the others three, the first was attacked by the last worm, some of its suit get destroyed but dodged at time, there were some wounds but nothing than could take this one down. the rest two continued fighting with the rest of monsters, hurting them softly with theirs weapons. It was a boodly battle, with the worm focused on the leader of the troop who has just lost part of the suit, the damn creature dont stop when his body was damaged by its weapon and the mawl manage to take the rest, leaving that person at mercy of what would come later, even then this warrior dont push back and used all what its weapon could to cut more deep inside the terrible bug.

Meanwhile the remain torso let the two come to him and them suddenly the monster hands hold theirs weapons and lift the soldiers up using, the powerful arms on him to stomp them on the floor and walls, in an attempt to make them lost the only way than they have to protect themselves. He make them swing around in the sky before a last hit on theirs bodies made them release tehirs weapons. Theirs female groans filled the place as they were almost uncouncious after the impact. The creature move to one of them and with his many arms and mawls the screams increased, remains of the suit and then the terrible fluid were seen, the girl naked and red was screaming as some arms were pulling her limbs appart the enough for the mawls get ready to rip them away of her in an instant. Until be stoped by a spear stabbing at the hellish creature and calling his attention when other cut some of his limbs. The almost death soldier return to the fight and with the help of the other soldier who hit a wall were trying to save their ally.

Amputed soldier still unable to act
Soldier very wounded rejoin the fight
Soldier on the floor is still on the floor
Torso monster killed is still dead
Big torso monster facing Evelen and group many times wounded is close to die
Worm crature slighty damaged is giving a fight
Worm dead...dead
Peaceful Torso doing his best... two wounds
Evelen have 2 damage and looks to have a side effect caused by the claws and fluids
Suzane and Bedelia have unknown slime on them and made them lost turns fucking themselves