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Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

Bea streaked down the bridge and off to the right towards one of the stores. She almost stumbled a few times but amazingly managed to keep running. However, around the side of the building found a problem... There were only two open windows, the bathroom, up near the ceiling kind. There was a dumpster convieniently placed below it for Bea to jump up and slide through, though it'd take long enough for the spiders to see her, should she happen to change her mind and actually try it. There was a key factor to consider here, the spiders could not fit through this window themselves, and would have trouble even getting up to it.

Should be keep with her original plan, she had her choice of an allyway to the right with several dumpsters and boxes to hide in, or straight ahead, with a group a bushes.
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

Shit! Bea had to abandon her plan. Those windows were nice and tight enough for her to get through while leaving the spiders frustrated, but that just meant she would escape into the restroom. There would be only one exit, and considering how close this was to their home territory they could probably figure out that she could only go one way from there, and they would know where to wait. She'd be trapping herself.

Without much time to think the woman decided to just keep plowing forward. Once she was within throwing distance of the alley she crooked her arm and tossed that bullet as far down the alley while throwing it as high as she could. Hopefully she could get behind those bushes and stop moving before the bullet landed, and once the spiders heard the slight plink of metal landing on concrete they should go rushing down that way to catch their prey. Here's hoping this plan works.
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

Stealth Check

1: 2 + 27 = 29 // 11 + 30 = 41 ... failure
2: 3 + 27 = 30 // 7 + 30 = 37 ... failure

The key of Bea's plan, the hope that the spiders would notice the bullets, proved to be a false premise. While Bea managed to hide in the bushes before the spiders were in view, they were making enough noise on their own, plus with the wind and whatnot, that they simply didn't hear the bullets hit. They charged right ahead, into Bea's hiding spot. Of course, they didn't know Bea had stopped to hide, either, and the first tripped right over her, which in turn tripped the second. As they rolled around in the bushes, Bea would have time to react first, either to attack or to run for it again.
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

Seeing her plan completely and utterly fail because she had overestimated these things' intelligence left Bea unprepared for the spiders' continued charge. She could only watch in shock as the bugs bowled into the bushes before crashing right into her. By some odd fluke they managed to trip over her instead of running her flat, and with one momentarily entangling the other she thought it best to get her ass up and out of there before they could recover.

She ran first back to the street then turned right to keep running away from the bridge. As she rounded the corner she would take a moment to glance back and see how much distance she had on her pursuers, then it was back to running for her life while trying to find something else that could help her escape.
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

Bea managed to get about the same distance ahead of the spiders as she had had comming down from the bridge. Streaking out into the street, there was a large run here with no burnt out cars, allowing her a clear shot to any nearby buildings. Across the street was a two story motel complex, a big U shaped building with a pool in the middle, facing the street. The place looked moderately trashed, but in good shape all things considered.

Past that was a residential neghborhood of small, but nice houses. The road dipped and turned, many chances to lose the tail, but would probably be a bit more tiring then the flat out running Bea had now. On the other side of the enteranceway was a main cross street with nonfunctioning stop light and road signs for all the freeway exits, as well as confirmation that Bea was indeed on the street the radio broadcast mentioned.
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

After seeing the motel Bea shot toward it. Out in the open the spiders had a clear advantage with their size and maneuverability, but in a confined space that size should slow them down. The hallways would let them run around easily enough, but the doors to the rooms would be a tight fit for their bulk. They'd have to slow down just a little, and given how the balconies were spaced she could probably lose them by running up to the second floor, jumping out onto the balcony, then either swinging her body to the next room over or maybe even swing down to the first floor and hide in there. Hell, she'd even take a chance to get some breathing room. If she could just sit, relax, reload, and aim she could probably take out one of the spiders with the rifle.
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

Bea ran up through the parking lot. There were a moderate amount of cars lining it, but it wasn't the weekend the monster hit, so the place hadn't been full. The lobby was in the middle of the connecting wing, making the last few meters a mad dash as the spiders started to gain on the streaking girl.

Once inside Bea quickly found the stairwell. The stairs were to the left, elevators to the right. The spiders gain a bit of ground there too, they could climb faster then her, but the tight quarters made up for it a bit. Bea still had a decent lead on them as she found her way into a hotel room with an open door. The room was a mess, causing her to have to leap over a few objects, but the spiders would have a bit of trouble too hopefully. She'd made it to a balcony, now she'd have to make a choice, down, or to the side.
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

Fucking hell, I could really use a bra right now... That was the through running through Bea's mind, not the spiders that were starting to catch up to her, not her body starting to protest having to run without eating anything in the morning, and certainly not the direction she now had to choose. Her body was reacting on instinct, and it chose to jump down. She did her best to try and hook her hands on the landing of the balcony before she plummeted down an entire story. She just had to lessen her momentum before hitting the ground, otherwise she would really bust up her body trying to absorb the impact from an approximately ten foot drop.

If she landed successfully she would take only a fraction of a second to see if they spiders had seen her before rushing to enter the nearest door. Once she reached it she'd try to quietly open it before slipping in and locking herself in. She needed to make sure those things didn't hear her while she tried to hide. She really didn't want to start running some more.
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

Bea didn't land so well. She did manage to slow herself down a bit, but did not roll when she hit, taking the full impact on her legs. She wasn't out just yet, but this would majorly slow her down when she got back up. Even that might taken a minute as she lay on the ground, taking the pain in. The spiders jumped too, landing well, but their aim was a bit off, landing farther then the girl. Soon they'd turn and attack if Bea couldn't force herself back to her feet.
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

"Move..." Her landing was wrong. When she tried to grab the ledge her fingers must not have found enough purchase to halt her movement, and she could feel her body slightly turning when she began to fall once again. She put all her effort into recovery just so she wouldn't land flat on her back or on her side, and once she hit the ground she could feel an intense pressure settling over her entire leg.

"Move..." She fell to the ground shortly after, her legs unable to support her weight at that moment. Even then she could still hear those freaks running, and once she saw them jump over the side and land on each of their eight fucking legs she nearly had it. Screw escape, she was gonna find a way to kill the both of the bastards!

"Move..." She started rising to her feet, her little mantra telling her to get up and find some cover before they had a chance to tackle her two on one. Her legs were screaming at her to stop, but she couldn't. She was not going to let these two assholes touch her, especially after what she went through last night, and if she had to deal with a little pain then so be it.

"Move..." She went straight for the door behind her, praying to whatever god there was that this door wasn't locked and would let her get inside in time to close and secure it before the spiders could catch her. If she made it inside she'd start heading for that hallway again, this time closing doors behind her until she was left in the middle of the motel. The doors should slow those bastards down if they couldn't stop them, and it would give her time to reload and let her body relax. The kick on that rifle was entirely too much, and she needed to let her body prepare for the recoil before she fired once again.
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

Bea limped to a side entrance, barely making it through before the spider were upon her. She was shutting the door as a spider rammed into it, knocking the girl back, but her determination allowed her to hold on. The two fought over the door briefly. Despite putting up a good showing, Bea fails in the end, the spider pushing through into the side hall with her, the other not far behind. However, for the moment, Bea remains free, and has some vital seconds to react.
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

(Feel free to interpret this however you want. I know I'm overstepping my boundaries with it, I'm just tired of this chase.)

"THAT'S IT!" The driver Bea had been carrying was suddenly gripped on both ends and smashed against her own leg. Her leg screamed in torment, but the frustration caused by these fucking bastards trying to run her down drowned it out. The club snapped in two, and once the wedge was tossed aside the woman gripped the handle with both hands. The spider that followed her inside was incredibly close, and with every bit of strength she had she plunged the broken end of her weapon straight into its head. With the metal snapped the end would be incredibly sharp, and she would press until it finally pierced through the underside and drove through the much softer flesh within. She would keep pressing until it the gore covered shaft would poke through the monster's head, and once that was done she'd start jamming it from side to side, tearing the spider apart from the inside out until she left a hole the size of her fist running straight through whatever pitiful excuse for a brain made it think she would would make a nice little fucktoy.

Once she felt it was sufficiently dead Bea threw the corpse off her improvised weapon. Bits of flesh as well as a ton of blood would practically drench the woman, but she didn't notice or didn't care. She only looked to the other spider, a crazy look in her eye that said if it dared to try and get close to her she would do something far worse.
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

(Heh, remember the rule of awsome ;))

Bea was running on pure adrenalin. She barely felt the pain from smacking the club against her leg. The spider was leaping just as she brough up the new spear, impailing itself deep on the rod. It screams and twitches, already seriously injured, but when Bea starts to move the former club around, its the final straw. The monster dies a painful death, screaming with agony as its insides are shredded. It falls to a heap, twitching like crazy, but very much dead.

While this is an amazing victory, the battle is not yet over. The second spider pounces on top of Bea before she could remove the rod from the first. It knocks her all the way down as the two grapple for control.

(You have pretty good odds of winning this fight)
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

Once again Bea was trapped under a spider, but this time she promised herself she wasn't going to let it manhandle her like before. Last time she tried constantly pressing against the spider's legs to try and force some space to move. That was a mistake. There were too many limbs holding her down to gain any leverage. This time she would focus on one. Her struggles would try to somehow capture one leg, and once she had a hold she would trap it with one arm and start pressing against it with the other. She was putting as much pressure as she could on one of the leg's joints. Either she'd break it and make it useless or snap the damned thing off.

(I'm guessing attack since she's trying to cause actual damage.)
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

(I forgot, were you one who ruled out certain things happening to their char or not?)

Most people weren't calm enough to really ever think about how to seriously damage the giant spiders, well, atleast before they became bug food. Bea hit a weak point with her unorthodox tactics. Almost instantly one of the spider's legs snapped with a staisfying crunching. The spider howled in pain, but amazingly kept up its attack. In its fury however, it chooses a poor time to take revenge. It's cock swells, making a jab for Bea's nethers, but misses horribly, drawing another scream, this time of rage.
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

(I know you asked me before somewhere, and I said I didn't mind since this was your game, but I can't seem to find in anywhere. Or maybe I just didn't respond to the question in the OOC thread as my way of saying I wasn't too concerned. Either way I'm fine with whatever you decide.)

When she felt the leg snap Bea smiled viciously. She finally found a weakness she could exploit, and exploit it she would. She immediately started wrestling for another leg, but she also made sure it was on the same side as the one she just broke. When she was a young girl her family had a cat, and she remembered how it once found a normal spider and started attacking the bug. The first thing the cat did was rip off one of the bug's legs. Then it ripped off another, then another, then another. She remembered how the spider walked well enough with one leg missing, but once two were gone it had trouble coordinating itself. If Bea could take another leg on the same side it would be the same as crippling the monster. After that all she had to do was take out a third. The thing would be a sitting duck once it only had one leg remaining on one side.
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

Bea breaks another leg as the spider trashes in its rage. While the last leg almost went ignored by the monster, instead only making it more angry, this one caused it to take note of the danger of its situation. It stops fighting Bea to try and defend itself. It jumps back off, landing poorly, but still standing. It assumes a different posture, not just from the broken legs. The spider lashes out to bite Bea on the hand as the girl scrambles around, now free, injecting warm venom into her veins.

??? = 10 turns
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

She heard it, the sickening snap of a limb now useless. It was music to her ears, but she didn't have the time to enjoy it. With the spider realizing what kind of danger it was truly in it changed its tactics. Bea was soon treated to the creature's massive fangs digging into her hand, and she turned nearly bleach white when she felt something warm pumping into her flesh. She could feel the venom seeping into her veins, the strange warmth pushing further and further into her body with every single beat of her heart.

"You BASTARD!" The venom slowly creeping through her body only served to piss the girl off even more. The hand that was attacked twisted to escape only so she could grab the damned bug's face. She twisted it to the side, the top of its head rolling toward the uninjured side. This would cause it to involuntarily raise its injured side into the air a small bit, and once it had Bea would rush in slapping one of the broken legs as she went. She didn't know how it would feel for the bug, but when a person was smacked on a broken limb they tend to freeze at the sudden shock. She was hoping for that, and during that moment she would target one of the uninjured legs and snap it just like the others.

If that venom was going to kill her she was taking this bastard with her.
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

Bea's technique didn't exactly go as planned, but she does manage to cause the spider some damage. She doesn't break another leg, but the repeated blows the spider is recieving are not able to be shruged off. However, the spider uses the struggle to repin Bea. It didn't have much strategy beyond biting the girl, and with that done, it had no idea how to subdue her. Inside, it was quite puzzled as to why Bea was only fighting harder.

??? = 9 turns
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

"Don't you remember?" With a rather sadistic grin on her face Bea reached up and actually pulled herself closer to the spider trying to keep her pinned. "This was how I got the first one!" With it right on top of her she was that much closer to the legs she was trying to reach. She put everything she had into pinning one and snapping that thing in two. She was determined to leave this spider helpless so she could play the Angel of Death.