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Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

  • Yes. We want to talk to the other tamer in a calm setting.

    Votes: 6 54.5%
  • No. Yell to attract their attention, but keep going.

    Votes: 4 36.4%
  • Forget him. He's a dunce, and his sister is rude.

    Votes: 1 9.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

OK, then the names will be lola vinata and Sonia (i change my vote)
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

All I can think of hearing "Vinata" is that she's waiting to be busted open into candy. :\

It'll probably be hilariawesome later, but right now it just seems silly.

In any case, unless someone else votes for Natasha, I'll just say we name her Lyra, then. We can get a Natasha later.
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

Decision Made: Reach a minimum decency level, go get the ferals, tame the Titacool.

"I'm gonna be right back," I tell Sunset, as I slide out from underneath her. I take a moment to let the shower rinse the suds and juices off of me before turning them off and leaving the washroom in search of a towel. I spend a minute looking around the main taming room, trying to figure out where the towels are kept before finding them in a drawer under the bed. They're large, white and fluffy, and one easily takes the water off of me. Dry enough, I wrap the towel around my waist and head back to the front counter.

The NurseJoy is there waiting. I she's bit flustered, her cheeks a little rosy, and the top three buttons of her uniform are undone, her cleavage on display. I politely notice before inquiring. "How far along are the conditioning cycle?"

"Well, the Bunnygirl and the Titacool are ready," she responds in a slightly more breathy tone, presenting two shrunken Pokéballs, "But the Naga's cycle has just started and will be in there for at least forty minutes..."

I nod and thank her for the balls, then turn to head back when I notice Sunset has followed me, another towel wrapped around her petite form. "I said I'd be right back. You didn't have to follow me," I tell her cheerfully, as I head back to the taming room. I hear her footsteps behind me.

Once in the room, I discard my towel and scan the tiny orbs with my dex, to figure out which is which. I put the Bunnygirl's back on belt, and take the Titacool's back into the washroom with. I almost reach for the faucet, only to have it move on it's own.

I turn, smile and nod at Sunset. "Can you telepathically communicate with people?" I ask her. She says "A-Bra" in response, holding out her hand and wavering it. I shrug. "I'm going to tame the Titacool, but I'm a little nervous. I don't think she'll understand a word I'll say. And she's a predator, and likely be hungry and aggressive. I was hoping you would be able to communicate with her." Sunset shakes her head and holds up three fingers. It takes a second for to realize what she's getting at. "A level 3 taming cycle?" She nods. "Yeah I put her through that. That's standard, right?" Sunset nods again, then turns and leaves the washroom, closing the door behind her.

I blink in confusion, then look at the Pokéball in my hand. "Guess that means I'll be fine," I say to myself. I toss and catch the tiny orb a few time before hitting the expand button, and take the opportunity to truly observe the ball, taking note that the button to expand and contract is raised a bit, and is quite pronounced when shrunk. While the release button isn't and only visible, and thus pressable, when the Pokéball is expanded. Realizing that I was stalling, I aim the ball at the floor and press the release button.

The red light fades, leaving a petite blue girl sprawled face up on the floor. I run my gaze along her body, water from the shower heads splashing across her. She has a well toned muscles that seem to enhance her her obviously feminine curves. While her breasts may be small, for her size she's a bit buxom. I'd place her height just over under under five feet tall. Long black hair, which would reach her waist if she was standing. She has a very cute face, round with pronounced cheeks, and her blue lips seem to be in a constant pout. Her two tentacles are limp on the floor, nearly strait, and are almost half as long as she is tall.

As I sit next to her, she stirs and sits up. "Wa... Where am I?" she says to my complete surprise. "What happened?" she clutches her head, and starts whimpering.

"Hey," I say softly, catching her attention.

She opens her bright green eyes and looks at me, tears begging to well. "I thought I was gonna die," she says, starting to sob, "Did you save me?" She crawls into my lap, and I instinctively wrap my arms around her.

I shush to her, "It's OK. You're safe." The fact that the Pokégirl in my arms complicated thins. On the one hand, she'll completely understand what I say. On the other, she may not be inclined to be part of a harem, considering she was in the wilderness alone. She may be someone's pet Pokégirl that got separated somehow. At the moment, she needed someone to reassure her. "It's OK, tell me what happened."

"I was on my way to the berry bushes for lunch," she cries into my chest, "and I saw this cute Bunnygirl. I wanted her to tame me. So I tried to sneak up on her. I got out of onto a big root behind. Then a Naga fell on me. I tried to get her off. But she got around me and started squeezing. I stung her a couple of times. Then she got her hands around my neck. I don't remember anything else."

I place my index finger under her chin, and turn her face up for me to look into her eyes. "I was hunting for ferals in the swamp when I stumbled on the Naga wrapped around you. Sunset, my A-bra, fought the Naga, and we captured her. We brought you here and had run through the centre's cycles."

Her teary eyes beam with joy as looks back into mine. "Thank you," she whispers. I smile back and we just stare at each other for a moment, before her eyes widen. "Wait. Hunting for ferals? You're a tamer?" She asks in realization. She leans away and looks down at my chest, then jumps out of my lap and crawls backwards away, screaming, "EEK! YOU'RE NAKED!" folding her legs up and crossing her arms over her breast. Her cheeks turn purple with embarrassment. "Uh... I'm not feral," she says nervously, "So, you don't have to tame me."

I start to slowly crawl to wards her. She retracts her tentacles behind her as I approach. Looking strait into her lovely green eyes, "I want to," I say, deepening her blush. "I want you." She swallows nervously, as I reach out to touch her leg. "Be mine," I whisper, running my fingers along her calf. She shivers at the contact, and turns away.

"I don't like violence," she whispers back, "Don't make me fight."

"How about sex battles?" I retort, running my hand over her knee and rubbing her thigh. "I don't mind those." "Then I won't send you into fights. But you will know how, just in case." I run my hand along her inner thigh.

"Make me your Alpha?" "I want the best for my harem. You'll have to be the best choice." "I am." She says, spreading her legs. "I want money." "Hunting ferals, and winning tournaments makes money." I run my hand up her body and massage her breasts. She moans, and grabs my hands, following their movements.

"Promise never to sell me, or wager me as salvage?" "Never. I promise to never share you, either." I lean forward and kiss her cheek, before asking, "What's you name?"

"Sonia Phillips. Well, just Sonia now. What's yours?" "Rocky Bullwinkle."

Her tentacles suddenly wrap around me, pinning my arms. I'm on my back when Sonia aims her dripping pussy over my painfully erect cock, screaming "FUCK ME, ROCKY! FUCK ME NOW!"


Some time later, I stumble out of the washroom in a daze, Sonia back in her Pokéball at her request. I put the ball onto my belt, find a dry towel, wipe myself off, and fall onto the bed, all somehow without noticing that Sunset had gotten the Bunnygirl into the taming restraints. The poor feral was squealing and squirming in delight as the A-bra played the other's body like tavern piano, fingering both holes mercilessly. Somehow, Sunset's expressionless face at odds with her slightly sadistic and perverse activity. She glances at me and nods, acknowledging my presence before returning focus to her victim.


Rocky Bullwinkle: Rookie Tamer
  1. Sunset - A-Bra, Shiny
  2. Lola - Bunnygirl (still feral)
  3. Vinata - Naga (still feral)
  4. Sonia - Titacool
  5. -
  6. -


Decision: Refractory Period. The cannon needs to reload, but that doesn't mean I'm useless.
  1. They're having so much fun. Just watch. :D
  2. Sunset seams to really know what she's doing. Ask for a lesson.
  3. Take a nap. This'll make great dreaming material.
  4. Ball 'em and go to sleep. I feel like shit.
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

2 no reason in particular but new skills are new skills.
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

2 I chose this BECAUSE it's a new skill. If Lola is really enjoying herself right now then some light bondage may be her personal fetish. If we're trying for the StarlightXpress (which I hope we are) then knowing Lola's preferences as well as how to do them well will help get to that Delta bond a little faster. I understand that some sexual preferences change from evolution to evolution, but I don't think there's all that much difference between Bunnygirl and Cabbit.

But we will need to find some carrots later.
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

Huh. So Sonia the Titacool was a Thresholder? I take it that's why she was running solo.

Hrm... I'd vote either 1 or 2... but which one...

As noted, it seems like both of them are indeed having fun, so balling them would be terribly impolite. That said, trying to nap on the bed while Sunset's making Lola squeal probably wouldn't work very well.

Eh, I'll go with 2. Watch for a little bit, then join in. Rocky's penis might not be rock-hard, but there's no reason he can't use his hands while it's resting.
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert


Hey, skills are skills. Plus, like Termite said, if we want to get her to evolve into a StarlightXpress, we'll want to know all we can about the Bunny Girl.
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

Have Sunset do that for the rest of the night. Orgasm denial go.

Actually, no, watch for a couple minutes, then 2.

See if you can think the order to teach you stuff at her.
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

2, for all the same reasons already stated. Knowledge is power.
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

You guys took that skill gain joke seriously. I dunno whether to laugh or cry. Oh, well. No choice but to take it as far as it will go.

Decision Made: Fingering Lessons with Sunset.

Figuring I'll have to tame the Bunnygirl anyway, I decide I may as well get to know her sooner, rather than later. I sit up and observe the two girls. From the bed, Sunset's dainty form obscures most of my view, so I walk over for a better look.

Sunset's right hand fingers are squirming inside the Bunnygirl's pussy, while her left hand is alternating between fingering herself, and groping the other's breasts.

The Bunnygirl, Lola as I decide to call her, is quite adorable. She shapely, having long legs, a perfect hourglass figure, and a modest bust. Her less human features include a coat of thin of chocolate brown fur covering her body, white and thicker around her long feet, hands and the tip of her long ears, much thicker around her head to look like she has a bob cut. Her finger and palms are bare with beige flesh, as are her now hard pink nipples. Her ears are at the top of her head, and are at least a foot long. She has a very adorable face, with a slight muzzle and six, long whiskers, a bare pink nose and lips. Her brown eyes are half closed, her mouth agape with every breath and moan.

She looks at me as I approach, having circled around so that they are to my left, but seams not to care as Sunset continues to finger her and lick her face. I get to within arms reach, and Lola's eyes close, her back arching, as she lets out a breathy wail.

"Having fun without me?" I ask with a playful grin. Sunset looks at me with her default expression and shrugs, pulling her juice covered finger's out of the bunny girls and beginning to lick. "Well, Lola here," I gesture towards the girl in the restraints, "looks like she's had a great time. Is there a trick to it?" Sunset raises an eyebrow and nods.

She finishes licking the juices from her hand, then reaches down to Lola's still dripping pussy, spreading her open with two fingers. Lola moans at the contact. I take the hint and send my own fingers down, sending one all the way in to explore. Lola squeals at my intrusions, then gasps as I begin to twiddle my finger inside her.

But Sunset shakes her head. "Really?" I pause, as little confused. I was certain I was doing the same thing as she was just a moment ago. "So..." I begin as Sunset reaches down, warps her hand around my wrists and pulls me down out of the bunnygirl just a bit, so that only my second knuckle is in. I begin twiddling again and notice that Lola has started squirming and moaning.

"Huh. So she's more sensitive at her entrance than further in," I note matter-of-factually. Then I turn to Sunset, grinning again. "Are you the same way?" I ask playfully, as I send my other finger to her. She nods, then gasps as I begin to work her as well. I take delight in getting both girls to writhe over my hands.

After a moment, Sunset points to Lola then holds up two finger. Taking a hint, I send another into Lola, twiddling both. Sunset then hold up three fingers and points to herself. I oblige her, sending in another finger, then another after a moment, feeling her stretch a bit. In response, she begins moaning, though somehow still maintains her blank expressions. She gropes her breasts with one hand and gropes Lola's with the other.

After several moments of this, Lola lets out another long breathy wail, as Sunset lets out a long low moan, a slick sticky liquid gushing out from both their worked holes running along my fingers and hands.

Gained a New Skill: Basic Fingering

"Well that was educational," I say, as Sunset grabs my wrists, pulls my fingers out of her and up to her face and begins licking them. She uses her free hand to point at Lola. I take my other hand and present my fingers to her, and she eagerly beings licking them clean.

After a moment of licking, Sunset reaches down and gently grips my once again erect cock. I hiss at the contact, as stinging pain ripples across my loins.

Decision: I'm hard again. It kinda hurts...
  2. Enough bondage. Let the girl out of the restraints and tame her on the bed.
  3. Actually, since human girls can tame Pokégirls, Lola is probably not feral anymore. Tame the Naga.
  4. Or put Sunset in the restraints and tame her.
  5. Actually, this is kinda painful, can we take a break? A nap sounds good.
  6. Pain down there is bad. Go ask one of the nurses for medical treatment.
  7. Yes, some 'medical treatment' sounds nice.
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

Well, since a Tamer's most important asset is his ability to bang Pokégirls...

6. Presumably it's just "don't have so much sex so quickly", and the nurse'll prescribe rest and/or more lube. If the latter, follow it up with 2 - Sunset ain't a "human" girl, and can't make Lola un-feral, and I don't think finger-fucking is sufficient to really Tame a Pokégirl.

Is it?
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

6 - I'm gonna agree with DeMatt. If there isn't any kind of creme or something then maybe one of the NurseJoys can use a Cure spell to get us back in the game.
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

7 or 6
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

1. Get some stamina, fucker.
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

6, maybe the nice nurse will give you a stamina drink or something, and have Sunset keep the bunnygirl "warm" while you're gone so you can do 2 when you get back
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

I'll go with 1. I'm not too sure what feral actually means in this setting, but presumably it would be preferable that she doesn't scratch us up and rape us or whatever.

Also, no medical treatment. Acquire pain resistance, you've still got half the harem to go - how're you supposed to care for more if you can't even do 2?

Alternatively, learn to like it.
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

Acquiring Stamina is good and all, but I'd have to say it depends on the degree of the pain. If it's within tolerable limits, I'd say fuck it (no pun intended) and go for 1, then 4. If it really does hurt too much, go with 6 -> 7 (hey, pain is bad, but a chance to bang Nurse Joy? FUCK YES. But be quiet about it, or Brock will steal your penis...)
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

Well, since a Tamer's most important asset is his ability to bang Pokégirls...

6. Presumably it's just "don't have so much sex so quickly", and the nurse'll prescribe rest and/or more lube. If the latter, follow it up with 2 - Sunset ain't a "human" girl, and can't make Lola un-feral, and I don't think finger-fucking is sufficient to really Tame a Pokégirl.

Is it?

Well, somehow human girls tame ferals, and they don't have penises. Well, this one girl does, but she's .

Every vote for 6/7 will be counted as a vote for 7, since that was the whole point of option 7.

1. Get some stamina, fucker.

Who do you think I am? Stamina Man?
A Tamer was travelling the countryside when he came upon a Pokégiurl ranch owned by a human woman whom was as insatiable as a HentaiCute. The tamer had come to ask her to be his human wife.

"I refuse. I like men, but none could ever satisfy me!" she told him. She had very particular tastes, only one lover at a time. She loved to be constantly ravaged non stop for several hours by the same person until satisfied.

"I Madam," he announced proudly "am Stamina Man, the only man in the whole world that can tame 15 consecutive Pokégirls at a time."

"Really"? said the woman. "You can DO that"? "Absolutely" said the tamer.

The woman though about it for a moment and decided that she should test the man before hand.

"Tell you what," she said, "I will have you tame 15 of my Catgirls in row to demonstrate. If you can make them all cum, I will be your wife."

That evening, the main taming room was PACKED. All the residents had crowded into to room to see The Amazing Stamina man, getting rowdy when Stamina Man enters the room. On the beds were 15 Catgirls all awaiting their fate.

Stamina Man struts out to the middle of the room, takes a bow to the crowd, and faces the fifteen ladies and gives then EACH a salute and before you know it he is onto the first Pokégirl!

Within only a moment or two he has finished, her ravished legs limp in total satisfaction, then onto the 2nd lady and the third, the 4th, the fifth, the crowd was going wild with delirium as each conquest fell to his passionate advances.

When he got to the 8th lady he was on her for only a moment when a HUSH and a then a gasp erupted from the crowd...Stamina Man had FAILED on the 8th attempt. He lay prostrate on the ground, exhausted. The ranch owner ran out to him and picked him up and urged him to get back in there and finished the job. But it was NOT in Stamina Man to do so.

The woman, mad and embarrassed, slapped Stamina Man and shouted "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU"?

"I don't know" he said sheepishly, "it all went so well this afternoon at rehearsal".

I'll go with 1. I'm not too sure what feral actually means in this setting, but presumably it would be preferable that she doesn't scratch us up and rape us or whatever.

Also, no medical treatment. Acquire pain resistance, you've still got half the harem to go - how're you supposed to care for more if you can't even do 2?

Alternatively, learn to like it.

Bunnygirls do not have claws. But your vote still goes in.

Also you are a sadist. Smart tamers don't fuck their girls non-stop. They tame one or two every night, based on a scheduled catered to every harem member's needs (and no PkG needs to be fucked non-stop, though some may need daily tamings). Classically, extra tamings are handed out as a reward for exceptional performance, while bad tamers will revoke a scheduled night of tamings as a form of punishment.

Basically, I'm demonstrating that giving in to the urge to stick a pole in every hole like a Roman Legionnaire is gonna sand Rocky's dick into a stumpy nub.

Acquiring Stamina is good and all, but I'd have to say it depends on the degree of the pain. If it's within tolerable limits, I'd say fuck it (no pun intended) and go for 1, then 4. If it really does hurt too much, go with 6 -> 7 (hey, pain is bad, but a chance to bang Nurse Joy? FUCK YES. But be quiet about it, or Brock will steal your penis...)

Yes it's tolerable, if barely, but if we follow up to tame another girl today, we're gonna have to see a NurseJoy about it. Sonia didn't make things easy...

Tally ho!:
  2. Tame the Bunnygirl on the bed. (Follow up suggestion)
  3. Tame the Naga.
  4. Tame Sunset in the restraints. (Follow up suggestion)
  5. Take a nap.
  6. Seek medical treatment. (4)
  7. Seek 'medical treatment'. (2 1/2)

Gonna let this sit another day. I can't get in gear tonight.
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Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

I'm concerned for the well being of our hero. 6. Plus, if nurse joy has some good creams or something then we'll be set... (assuming we get them for free, but hey maybe we can ask for a quick "test"......) 7....