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Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

  • Yes. We want to talk to the other tamer in a calm setting.

    Votes: 6 54.5%
  • No. Yell to attract their attention, but keep going.

    Votes: 4 36.4%
  • Forget him. He's a dunce, and his sister is rude.

    Votes: 1 9.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


King of the Impossible
May 5, 2009
Reputation score
Possibly Important Information About Pokégirls
As opposed to the regular subject matter on these boards, where a girl is ravaged by multiple penises, I'm wanting a story involving one dude with access to many vaginas. The Pokégirls setting is a dirty cum-ocean of crossovers that kinda facilitates it. The premise of the world involves a super depressed mad scientist unleashing innumerable sexy super powered babes some 300 years ago whom have since gone wild and feral. The Pokégirl Tamer job class emerged, with parallels to the Pokémon Trainer, with the added benefit that the Pokégirl Tamer gets to fuck his girls because they really need it.

It is extremely important to the story telling that the Tamers do not ever enter battles as serious contenders, though criminals do love to have them targeted.

The current trend in the Pokégirls community is that every author has started a story involving them as a self-insert MC, because an anti-human alliance had figured out how to summon the authors to the Pokégirl world. They want to force the authors to change the world for their benefit, and naturally hilarity ensues. The authors escape captivity, and run amok.

I want in on the action, but I have a few blocks. So I decided to try and make it a CYOAs and get some committee magic into the mix.


So, here's the deal. Humans are extremely squishy. There's been bazillions of attempts of getting an MC that can hold its own on Pokégirl level combat, and these become extremely contrived, lamp shaded or Narutarded. The self-insert series is supposed to keep the MC as the power level of a human, which is why the author him/herself is the MC. But...

As an author of the PkG World, I get a couple of special powers:
  1. The Author gets a Legendary Patron. This is a Pokégirl equivalent to a Legendary Pokémon. The author does not automatically get to bang her, she's just there to give the author a push.
    I chose Moantwo.
  2. The MC knows everything the author knows, being the author him/herself (in this case me). What's in the public knowledge, what isn't, everything I've made up. (I'm so gonna abuse this.)
  3. Having a sense of being "on-screen". example: if Typhonna (PkG Godzilla) shows up, and you know it's going to be a comedy, you might survive
  4. Psychics and Mystics cannot divine the MC's location using their powers. This isn't much help if I keep telling people my real name...
  5. As a side effect to being an author and either being a trapped god or physical manifestation of The Cosmic Awareness, mind reading attempts against the MC fail and can cause serious injury to the attempter.
  6. After chapter 5 or later, the MC can identify any Pokégirl her sees without error. Even if he sees an invisible or disguised one.

So let get started:


Being on my own I can do. But in this post apocalyptic world, all of my skills are useless. I only have one option if I'm going to survive, let alone prosper in this fucked up world, and that's by registering as a Tamer. The sex with exotic and possible fury women is a big plus, but statistically 35% of tamers are never heard from again for various reasons. It's that tough of a job.

I've just made it into a small town, less than 10k people. I didn't see a sign, but it's probably got a perverted name a three year old would come up with. I can see a large white building with a large Pokéball and red cross over the main door. A Pokégirl centre, a place to take the test to become a Tamer and all the responsibilities of being the glorified super-weapon sex-slave dealer.

There's a girl out front near the entrance. She looks human, but some Pokégirls do. She's a Caucasian brunette, wearing a long T-shirt that's a bit big for her, and some simple brown boots. No pants, but the shirt is long enough to reach mid thigh. She isn't overly endowed, so if she is a Pokégirl, she's a low tier evolution.

Decision: What's my next move?
  • Talk to the girl. Ask her what's going on and why she's outside the centre. (2)
  • Talk to the girl for an extended conversation. She's kinda cute, and pantless. (1)
  • Nod politely to the girl, but head inside first. That's Tamer's License is top priority. (1)

Decision: Whether I talk to the girl, or head strait into the centre, I need a name. My real name won't do, since the S-Goth's are probably looking for it to show up. I need an alias.
  • Rocky Bullwinkle. It's so silly and far out, plus the other authors will get the joke, if they were pulled in too. (3)
  • Derick Cockerbiggens. A name that'll fit right in with the locals. Hopefully no locals have the name, itself.
  • Ron Stoppable. It's punny, and brings the powah of fanfiction into play. I may attract a certain athletic red-headed Pokégirl down the road... (2)
  • Cid Phillips. Screw driver joke. Also a Toy Story reference. Some Pokégirls like toys.
Last edited:
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

Ehhh..... it's been years since I kept up with the Pokegirl universe but...meh. *Plugs in choices out of boredom*

C, and A.
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

She has no pants yo, talk the shit out of her.

...At first I was like FUCK YEAH ROCKY BULLWINKLE, but if Ron Stoppable can summon Kim Possible to save our ass from something then I really can't pick anything else. Here's hoping she doesn't get all dead as human-powered characters do.
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

I don't care as long as we name our character after the flying squirrel and bipedal moose.

(I remember watching rocky and bullwinkle as I grew up...)
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

She has no pants yo, talk the shit out of her.

Would be a tempting choice really, but chances are that one already belongs to someone, or is a feral that'll rip your throat out. (...Or fuck your brains out, depending on your luck :V)
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

You are Ron Stoppable, and you want to talk to the girl to ask her what's going on and why she is outside the centre. Her cuteness and pants-less-ness is of no concern to you, as you prefer feet.
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

Would be a tempting choice really, but chances are that one already belongs to someone, or is a feral that'll rip your throat out. (...Or fuck your brains out, depending on your luck :V)

Man, if that other guy's leaving his cute unpantsed girls all over the place it's his fault really. Fuck his shit.

And really, when our amount of girl is this low, a throat and/or brains is the least of our assets. Definitely.
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

If memory serves, registering as a tamer automatically gives you a free girl. Soliciting another tamer's girl gives them the right to nuke the living shit out of you with the brunt of their harem... If I recall anyway.
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

A. talk to her.

A. Rocky. Fucking. Bullwinkle.
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

Next move: Ask the cute pantless girl 'what's up?'
Alias: Rocky Bullwinkle.

As I approach, I get the impression she's bored. She notices me with her brown eyes, and I put on a warm smile to put her at ease. She doesn't smile back, but does nod to acknowledge me. She also glances down toward my waist line, presumably to see if I'm wearing a Tamer's Belt.

I engage. "Hello, I'm new in town. I'm on my way in to become a tamer, but you've caught my attention." She tilts her head and blinks at the last part. "I'm curious as to what your doing outside all by yourself. It doesn't look like you want to be here."

She smirks a bit before replying. "The Centre is holding the last test this year. You either missed the others, or failed," she stresses, "so you better get in since they've probably started already." She folds her arms before finishing. "If you're looking to get me in your harem, you're out of luck. My brother is already taking the test and I'm waiting for him."

I nod as she gives me an info dump, and my eyes widen at the last part. "Well thanks for the info," I answer, "Have a nice day." She only nods back.

Leaving the now confirmed Pokégirl, I head through the glass doors into the centre's lobby. Strait ahead is the main counter, with a large screen on the wall behind it, some chairs and a door to the right and stairs going up to the left. Just as I suspected, a NurseJoy is attending the counter. She looks up and smiles brightly as I walk in, greeting me in a cheerful voice. "Hello, sir. Welcome to the Spanking Meadows' Pokégirl Center. How may I help you."

It takes all my mental discipline not to break out in laughter at hearing the name of the town I'm in. It's certainly more tame that I would have imagined.

"Hello, ma'am," I greet. "I am Rocky Bullwinkle. I heard this centre was hosting the Tamer's test, and I want to take it."

Her smile somehow brightens at my politeness, before frowning. "I'm sorry. The test began twenty minutes ago. You can still take it, but you'll lose time." she informs me. I agree to take the test anyway, having no other options, and she leads me up the stairs into a well lit room filled with desks like those from a high school. Another NurseJoy is standing against the wall in the corner, pretending to supervise the only other occupant, a young man with a mullet. The first Nurse informs the other of my desire to take the test, and seats me next to the other taker as she produces a booklet.

I get a good look at the other guy, who I presume is the brother being waited on. I'd place his age at around 15, and his mood somewhere between anxiety, constipation, and excitement. The supervising Nurse produces a pencil for me and goes back to her wall, while the other disappears back downstairs.

I open the booklet and begin writing the test. It's surprisingly easy, most of the questions in the first half being multiple choice comprising of one right answer and three ludicrously wrong answers, the others being short answer question involving trivia about the Pokégirls. I'm very confident until the second half. It's a personality quiz, and those bother the hell out of me. I always get the feeling that I have multiple personalties and they all have wildly differing opinions how I should behave.

I'm halfway through the personality quiz when the other would be tamer leans over to me "Hey," he whispers. The supervision NurseJoy doesn't notice. "What's the answer for number eighty six."

I flip the book back several pages to the short answer section. He wants to know what kind of beneficial extract you can get by fingering a Cunnydew, a bug type Pokégirl with a very interesting vagina, to orgasm

  1. Tell him you're not gonna help him.
  2. Tell him one of the right answers: A healing potion in the form of Honey.
  3. Sabotage the poor lad: Tell him Cunnydews cum marmalade.
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

#2, and be discreet about it. Hey, he'll owe you one now.
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

#2, and be discreet about it. Hey, he'll owe you one now.

Go with this, no need to be an ass to people... at least not until you have a harem of death machines at your side to make sure you can get away with it.
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

Go with this, no need to be an ass to people... at least not until you have a harem of death machines at your side to make sure you can get away with it.

i agree. be nice, ypu can always nuke him latert if the urge arises.
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

And you don't wanna piss off his sister in case he complains about getting that problem wrong.
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

And you don't wanna piss off his sister in case he complains about getting that problem wrong.

What's your vote? It's a bit unclear.
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

Sorry, #2
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

Seams to be the most popular option. I'll write up the next section when I come back from dinner this evening.

Poll: How many votes should I require to write the next section?
  • First option to three votes? (Current method.)
  • First option to four votes?
  • Only after seven total votes? (What this poll is using.)
  • One update every day. No exceptions. Final destination.
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

A for now, B if more people become interested.
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

A, with a fall back to D.

Also I agree with whatever everyone else voted for the actual story option.
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

Keylo's A/B choice depending on the participation, but if neither condition is met go with D.