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Family Matters (AshPrince) GMed by Hafnium

Re: Elizabeth Silver (AshPrince) GMed by Hafnium

HP = 37, PP = 33, EP = 30, Status = Fine

Karina was the first up, with some difficulty as she had to squeeze her overabundant cleavage to get through the improvised trap door into the guest bedroom. Alice was second, feeling so light and frail in Elizabeth's hands that the assassin felt like she could have whirled her around in the air like a lasso with ease, though she might have broken the handmaid.

Elizabeth's peek outside didn't reveal anything worth gaining hope over. The chaos had only spread further. The invaders continued to pour into the city. Fires had spread. The sun was nearly blotted out by the body of the monstrous vessel in the sky, delivering it's payload of alien creatures to rape and plunder the Necropolis. When she looked to the ground she saw the courtyard of the estate. It looked much the same as it had previously, ravaged women and dead guards scattered about. Some of the thoroughly abused women looked less pregnant than they had the night before, some looked freshly bred. The trained rogue also noticed that the amount of men and women seemed to have decreased since last she had seen the grounds...

The perceptive rogue could hear the footsteps outside of the door continue. They went back and forth over and over again. Never coming close to the door itself but obviously passing it repeatedly at a snail's speed. Alice and Karina tensely awaited further instruction from the heiress.
Re: Elizabeth Silver (AshPrince) GMed by Hafnium

Elizabeth groaned slightly, looking the room over again, hands on her hips. This had proved less helpful then she had hoped, but still, best to make the best of it. “Alice, look around, see if you can’t find yourself a weapon or anything else we can use. Karina,” Elizabeth tossed her head toward the hall door, slipping across the hall to it as she silently beckoned Karina over. The Silver rogue raised a hand to the doorknob, unlocking and opening it just a half an inch. She listened carefully, the squid-beasts were quadrupeds, the lizards bipeds, they would each have a different gait, and despite all that had happened, Elizabeth hoped she could still identify a human gait from that of a creature, or perhaps from whatever the guards had become before Karina reduced them to, well, goo.
Re: Elizabeth Silver (AshPrince) GMed by Hafnium

HP = 37, PP = 33, EP = 30, Status = Fine

Stealth: Elizabeth wins.
Perception: Success

The heiress opened the door slowly and methodically. Thanks to the woman's training in the art of stealth, the thing she was eavesdropping on never even seemed to notice the movement. Elizabeth could make out that it was one set of feet. Furthermore, when she heard it walking away the assassin managed to sneak a peek at the source of the footsteps through the small crack in the door. It was a man, or at least she thought it might have been a man at one point in it's existence. By the time Elizabeth had the displeasure of meeting it, it was a vaguely human body and face with countless wriggling stubby pink tentacles sprouting out of various parts of it's body. Quite obviously male, evidence was easily available of that due to it's nudity. It wandered aimlessly, pacing back and forth to random points in the hall. The assassin could also tell that there was more than one of the former humans out in the hallway as well. Although she did not have a solid count as to how many, the rogue could make out at least three. Nothing had noticed her as best she could tell.
Re: Elizabeth Silver (AshPrince) GMed by Hafnium

Elizabeth smirked slightly, it was time to test the intelligence of these thralls. Staying low and behind the door she drew one of her last few throwing knives. Slowly she raised her arm, moving it in a slow arch toward the, mentally mapping the arch the blade would take before pulling her arm back and letting the knife fly, hopefully destined to plant itself in the back of the nearest lurch. Then, before she even had a chance to see if her blade had met it's mark, Elizabeth ducked back behind the door, not closing it entire, hoping to hear the sudden thud of the lurch's frame hitting the floor, but far enough to be well out of sight.
Re: Elizabeth Silver (AshPrince) GMed by Hafnium

HP = 37, PP = 33, EP = 30, Status = Fine

Stealth Check: Enemy wins (Elizabeth rolled a 1...)
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 12 + 8 = 20 - 4 = 16 damage.

Attack: Hit
Damage: (3 + 1) * 5 = 20 damage.

Alice hides!

Elizabeth readied her knife, tracing the creature's footsteps and adjusting her aim accordingly in her mind. With her mental preparation out of the way she brought the door open swiftly and quietly... only to find the mutated man staring straight at her. The rogue let the knife fly anyway, if only because she had been so prepared to throw it anyway, and in the split second before she swung the door closed she could see the throwing weapon bury itself in his chest. A howl erupted a moment afterward and something, or more accurately someone, crashed into the door in front of the heiress. Unfortunately, it wasn't the kind of crash that signified a death. Instead, it was the kind that signified an enraged mutant trying to batter its way into the room, most accurately the bad kind.

Out of the corner of her eye, Elizabeth could see Alice searching for a hiding spot to stay out of the fighting, the maid's search for a weapon abruptly ending as the fighting began. Karina readied herself and her impromptu staff. The daughter of House Silver didn't have much time to consider her comrades, however. The thing slammed into the door again and the rogue could hear more footsteps sprinting towards the source of the noise. Then, with no warning, a fist burst through the door, splintering the wood. The hand was noticeably hurt from the destruction it had wrought upon the door and covered in some of the man's own blood, yet it wasn't serving as a deterrent as he tried to grab at the lean woman. With a target finally in sight Karina acted, the curvy noblewoman pointed her 'weapon' at the limb. Without fanfare, red lines appeared across the mutated flesh and blood began to run freely. A second later and everything below the elbow down was limp, fat and muscle were visible at a glance from the incredibly deep cuts into the appendage. Disgustingly, the arm hadn't been completely severed, instead remaining attached by a single tendon. The offending forearm dangled into the room through the door's newly acquired peephole even as the mutant renewed his efforts to destroy the door.
Re: Elizabeth Silver (AshPrince) GMed by Hafnium

"Nice shot Karina" It was Elizabeth's first thought upon seeing the arm, first reach out toward her and then fall nearly severed just inside the door, and she saw no reason to keep from voicing it. The nimblest of the trio snatched up her blades and raised them across her chest, taking two half steps back from the door, standing facing the door, back to the bed and the majority of the bedroom. She expected the door to become completely useless very shortly, and with any luck, the creatures behind it would follow suit very quickly.

"There's at least three, vaguely man-sized, they don't seem to mind pain, so go for the kill!" Elizabeth barked back, never taking her gaze off the door as the things on the other side closed in. They seemed at least intelligent enough to aid one another, or maybe they were just acting on predatory instinct, or maybe hormonal instinct...
Regardless, one of them was 'unarmed' and one had her knife in his chest. She supposed they could have been the same thrall, but the idea that a single thing could survive both being stabbed, and brutalized...

Activate Scissor Defense
Re: Elizabeth Silver (AshPrince) GMed by Hafnium

HP = 17/37, PP = 33, EP = 30, Status = Injured

Attack: Hits All
Damage: (5 + 2) * 5 = 35 damage.

Enemy 2: Attack vs Elizabeth, Hit, Damage: 7 + 21 = 28 - 22 = 6 damage.
Counterattack! Both hit. 14 + 9 = 23 - 4 = 19 damage. 10 + 9 = 19 - 4 = 15 damage. Dead.
Enemy 3: Attack vs Elizabeth, Hit, Damage: 8 + 21 = 29 - 22 = 7 damage.
Counterattack! Both hit. 12 + 9 = 21 - 4 = 17 damage. 13 + 9 = 22 - 4 = 18 damage. Dead.
Enemy 4: Attack vs Elizabeth, Hit, Damage: 8 + 21 = 29 - 22 = 7 damage.
Counterattack! Both hit. 12 + 9 = 21 -4 = 17 damage. 17 + 9 = 26 - 4 = 22 damage. Dead.

Surely enough, just moments after the nimble assassin stepped back from the door, it was broken off of it's hinges. The first husk of humanity rushed into the room with the door still caught around his stubbornly attached arm. Two more came charging in behind him with a fourth tagging slowly after them. Karina was prepared, however, pointing her 'staff' at the mutant and sent the door flying back into the hallway, person attached, smashing into all of the hostile targets and throwing them to the ground. The man with an arm and a half didn't pick himself up from his assisted egress, the others, however, were still more than eager to continue the attack.

The remaining three came sprinting into the room, charging at the rogue. The first assailant ran in swinging with a haymaker. The rogue was ready, however, and stabbed outward with her left dagger, stopping his powerful swing and planting the blade into his forearm in the same motion. Elizabeth's right arm punched out at head, catching him in the eye with her other weapon. The second assailant came in with little time for the rogue to reposition. Her rigorous training proved to be invaluable, however, as the graceful rogue withdrew her weapons from the first lurch, sending him slumping to the ground. She pivoted on her right heel, bringing the majority of her body out of the way but leaving her right foot out to trip the second mutant. Before it could stumble to the ground, however, her hands moved in a blur, positioning the daggers at its neck so that the momentum of the man's own fall slit his throat.

Fortune seemed to take a turn for the worse, however, as the final enemy smashed into her back. Elizabeth rolled with the strike to lessen the impact on herself, ending up on her knees. The mutant came charging at the now-kneeling rogue only for her to use his impetus against him. With a carefully timed maneuver and push she sent the man rolling over her back. Twisting her body around, the assassin sunk and plunged both daggers into his chest in a single fluid motion. He wheezed a few times, unable to draw in breath with his newly punctured lungs, before dying. With that, the battle was over.

Karina gave a small smile at the efficiency with which the heiress had dispatched the three. The busty noblewoman did seem a little less than enthused at the human nature of those they had slain, however, judging by the way she looked at the corpses. Alice was much more blatantly admiring her mistress, even as she came out of hiding to tend to Elizabeth's wounds. "W-wow, milady!" The handmaiden was not wrong in her admiration, however. Elizabeth had slain three of the hostile things in the course of several seconds. The bedroom was a bloody mess with their bodies strewn throughout it. One dead man was slumped behind a door in the hallway. Nothing else had come at the noise of the struggle, at least.

(Gain 4 XP.)
Re: Elizabeth Silver (AshPrince) GMed by Hafnium

Elizabeth drew her blades free of the final thrall, standing up and rolling one shoulder before stepping back and sitting onto the edge of the bed. She could already bruises starting to form. Still, better than the other guys. “Looks like the damp tramp twins have been making the rounds” The similarities between these things and those they dispatched beneath the sticky nudists had not escaped her. “What’d you think Karina, guests or guards?” If the men downstairs had been transformed, then it seemed logical to the Silver heir that these too had once been human, and whether they had been soldiers or nobles, while it didn’t really matter now, it was something that could be nice to know.

Elizabeth rolled her neck and stretched out her shoulders, blades resting in her lap as she watched the open doorway. “I take this to be one of the guest rooms?” She spoke to Alice as she took the opportunity to look around, the bed was nice, soft. The room was rather lavish, had she more time she might have tried to loot it. “Think you could find our way to the servant’s entrance from here?” Getting outside was a new personal goal, Elizabeth had never taken this long to kill someone before much less a relative, and from the looks of things if she wasn’t quick about it something else could beat her to her cousin. Or else the man might flee, and if he left the Necropolis he could be impossible to find. Though she supposed who she was going to marry was a bit less important a subject now, given the new circumstances.

There was still the question of what had become of the others in the building. She knew the guard captain could at least still be alive, lest the damp twins had gotten to him, but Elizabeth thought him too ‘good and noble’ a man to pause for coitus mid combat, his men on the other hand… And there was still the matter of the stranger. Someone who could defend themselves was always a resource, and Elizabeth was in a position to collect resources.

(Scissor Defense totally just paid for itself ;D)
Re: Elizabeth Silver (AshPrince) GMed by Hafnium

HP = 37, PP = 33, EP = 30, Status = Fine

(I imagine it's not every day that your handmaiden seems ready to proclaim that she wants to be just like you when she... I guess stops being so incompetent at self defense)

"It's hard to tell," the noblewoman responded truthfully, though Karina did not seem as though she wanted to dwell on the matter even if she had known. There were no clothes to speak of, merely nudity and, since Elizabeth had stabbed them, at least, unmoving fleshy tentacles. They had the black hair common of Badaria and were fairly pale by most standards. It turned out that when naked and covered in mutations resultant of alien invaders, commoners and nobles looked remarkably similar.

The subject slowly drifted away, it certainly couldn't do so quickly while the corpses were still in the room, as the heiress asked her handmaid for directions. "Yes, milady, it must not have been occupied." The maid paused thoughtfully, as though trying to get her bearings. "I believe I know of a few entrances near here. Once we're in the passageways we should be fairly safe, even though they reach every corner of the house. Most of the entrances to the maintenance hallways are obscured. Out of sight, out of mind, after all!" Alice exclaimed the last sentence with far more cheer than should have been present, especially given its implications. While she had been speaking, the maid had been multitasking and tending to the bruises her mistress had taken. Unlike the all too numerous times where the maid had healed her open wounds, Elizabeth found that the stinging pain never flared up while her bruises were being mended, just the pleasant tingling.

When her task was done, the handmaiden offered to lead the assassin onward. Assuming Elizabeth didn't have any business in the dead body room and followed, she would find herself led through a few hallways in short order, only to end up facing a wall. A wall which would slide away when Alice moved forward and pulled it to do so, revealing a narrow staircase leading downwards. As was beginning to become a frightfully fashionable occurrence, however, a loud bang issued from a little bit further in the mansion on the same floor before the rogue could enact her escape plan into the servants room. It left Elizabeth with a decision, investigate the latest of many such noises or promptly egress into the servant tunnels.
Re: Elizabeth Silver (AshPrince) GMed by Hafnium

Elizabeth gave a soft and somewhat weary groan as Alice restored the deep bruises she had received from the enthralled men. After checking the bloodied bodies to retrieve her throwing knife, she had no more business in the corpse filled room and such when Alice lead them through the upper halls she followed bidding Karina after the two. She had been a little lost when the young maid had mentioned passageways, and then felt slightly ashamed when they reached the entrance to the servant’s tunnel; of course the Dreslin estate had servant tunnels. She should have thought of that earlier, moving around inside the walls was… a perfect way to move about unseen.

The Silver heiress suddenly had the chilling image of the three women attempting to move about within the narrow tunnels when assaulted by something slithering or tentacled, and then as if to pull her from the unpleasant imagery a loud bang issued from a little bit further in the mansion. Elizabeth twitched like she was going to kill something. It was a knee-jerk reaction; a second after she had a chance to wait & think about it, she made a decision. “Alice;” she took a deep breath and made another, slightly harder decision, and she drew one of her throwing knives. “This is one of my knives. You are to take this, and stab anything in that tunnel that isn’t immediately recognizable as human.” She tried to stress the magnitude of what she was saying. “You are to wait here, with the wall closed, until Karina or I return. Do you understand?

Elizabeth drew her own blades and slashed a long horizontal cross in the wallpaper beside the tunnel entrance. “Karina, you’re with me.” She nodded to the Silrocio daughter, before ducking low and creeping off toward the source of the noise.

Stealth Check
Re: Elizabeth Silver (AshPrince) GMed by Hafnium

HP = 37, PP = 33, EP = 30, Status = Fine

Stealth: Success (Although it wasn't really necessary in this case, you still rolled an 18! >.>)

Alice looked like a frightened child as Elizabeth gave her orders, especially whenever the heiress put emphasis on any a particular part of her directions. She took the knife so clumsily that it might have been considered a miracle if she didn't end up accidentally poking an eye out with it while Elizabeth was gone. Still, the maid nodded very carefully, wide-eyed as she was from the responsibility given to her, and then disappeared into the entrance, sliding the wall into place behind her.

Karina gave a worried nod of her own, though she seemed to have become resigned to whatever fate had in store for her that day. The rogue marked the location of the entrance and then the two set off down the darkened hallways. The only source of light on their journey was provided by the occasional smashed door letting in some sunlight from a window, leaving it slightly more difficult to navigate. The rogue was still perceptive enough to avoid bumping into any of the toppled finery, even if for some reason her observational senses felt like they had dulled since she had arrived at the Dreslin estate for the second time. Karina was a little bit clumsier and required the assistance of the assassin to make it through unscathed.

They had no issue following the sounds, especially since they continued occurring. Loud banging and the sounds of crashing furniture. There was no rhythm to any of the noise. It was when they were almost there that they heard a human roar, muffled by a helmet, followed by the telltale sound of something wooden breaking. They arrived at the site of the noise to find a door off its hinges, broken in two, and discarded on the carpeted floor like used tissue. A few dead mutants lay about the hallway as well, unmoving, though from a distance Elizabeth couldn't tell what, if anything, had killed them. There was also the matter of whatever was in the room with the broken door, which was still ahead of her and to her right. A half a minute before she had arrived the noises had stopped and she couldn't hear anything coming from the room. Karina looked anxious at the scene, to say the least, but said nothing, obviously afraid of drawing the wrong attention.
Re: Elizabeth Silver (AshPrince) GMed by Hafnium

Elizabeth laid her back against the right side wall, drawing her Short Knife in one hand and one of her last two Throwing Knives in the other. She beckoned Karina do the same; she crept up on the unhinged door intent on craning her head around the edge to view the inside with minimal exposure. She was sure to keep her Short Knife at the ready, encase something corrupt crept out of the open doorway, a quick stab to the groin, which as she knelt would be near head level, was in her experience an excellent way to catch a creature, particularly a male one, off guard.

The young rogue, pressed her shoulders back against the wall as she approached the open doorway, doing her best to steady her breathing and keep herself quiet and calm as she craned her head around the open edge.

Stealth Check
Re: Elizabeth Silver (AshPrince) GMed by Hafnium

HP = 37, PP = 33, EP = 30, Status = Fine

Stealth: Success

The rogue slowly crept down the hallway. One foot after the other touching the ground slowly and carefully, balls of her feet connecting with the floor first before expertly shifting her weight and letting the rest her foot follow. Karina did similarly, though she remained several feet back from Elizabeth out of apparent wariness at her own lack of subtlety. When the assassin reached the door, she turned her head and took a look into the room. What the assassin saw inside the room was not hopeful.

There he, or perhaps more accurately it since the invaders had come, stood, nearly seven feet tall. A great sword held in one hand like a toy. Armor covered most of his body with a helmet to guard his skull, but even so it wasn't difficult to tell that he had been mutated beyond redemption. Beyond the occasional added appendage that had wriggled into the fresh air through some crack or unbuckled part of the armor, he emanated a sense of bloodlust. Even the rogue could vividly feel the aura from the lone figure in the room. It could only be described as feeling hated, as though someone in the world really wanted the rogue slain, and it certainly didn't feel like an impotent wish. A quick glance back at Karina would reveal that she was under its effects as well. The busty noblewoman was even slightly shaking while pressed against the wall. The over-sized man had been facing the wall opposite the door, however, and never noticed the heiress.

Beyond the imposing figure in the room, the assassin noticed a few other details. It was a bedroom almost identical to the one they had ended up in but a window had been shattered on the same wall that their potential enemy was facing. The linen chest had been left open and several small sheets littered the ground as well, a few of them tied together. It seemed as though they would be able to leave without forcing a confrontation if the assassin desired.
Re: Elizabeth Silver (AshPrince) GMed by Hafnium

Elizabeth stared inward at the great beast, her initial instinct to simply lead it to its looting. She had no desire to pick a fight with a beast so much larger than her, but there were questions left by her survey of the room. What was the creature? Why was it so much larger than the other? Why did it have armor while the others they had faced stood nude? Was this perhaps the leader of the creature? If so would killing it drive the invaders away? Cripple their aggressions? Elizabeth held no great desire to break the beasts’ siege, but confusing the local enemy could be helpful, and still more questions presented themselves. Why were the linens tied together, and the window broken open?

A moment’s pause and Elizabeth decided to test the creature’s strength. She gestured forward with her Throwing Knife, motioning for Karina to come forward slowly. The Silver daughter raised her knife high, taking careful aim at the back of the beast’s neck, the opening between the bottom of the helmet and the beginning of the breastplate, where the armor was the weakest. A good blow there should at least slow any humanoid beast down. Then, Elizabeth would present herself in the far of the doorway, lure the beast out into the hallway. If Karina was smart enough to remain hidden while the beast undoubtedly came for Elizabeth, than the second it stepped into the hallway the spiritist could blast it with whatever she had.

It seemed a sound enough plan, so with one more glance back to Karina, a wicked smile across Elizabeth’s face, the rogue returned her head to crane around the edge of the doorway, and let her knife fly.

Stealth Check
Called Shot + Sudden Shot
ASAP: Draw Long Knife, stand at the far end of the hall from the open doorway, initiate Scissor Defense, and try to get the titan-thing to step out into the hall for Karina to zap (with a surprise attack?)
Re: Elizabeth Silver (AshPrince) GMed by Hafnium

HP = 26/37, PP = 33, EP = 30, Status = Injured

(Sudden Shot wasn't necessary as you were still in stealth, so I didn't deduct the 10 dodge. Karina failed her stealth check but couldn't have done double damage anyway as she doesn't have Sneaky. )

Turn 1
Stealth: Elizabeth wins (Just barely...)
Attack: Automatic Success.
Damage: 8 + 8 = 16 * 2 = 32 * 2 = 64 - 12 = 52 damage.

Turn 2
Scissor Defense

Attack: Hit
Damage: 2 * 10 = 20 - 2 = 18 damage (Ouch, minimal damage).

Enemy Attack: Hit.
Damage: 33 - 22 = 11 damage against Elizabeth. 29 - 1 = 28 damage against Karina.
Counterattack: Miss & Hit. 16 - 12 = 4 damage.

Karina nodded fearfully at Elizabeth's signals but tried to position herself according to the lean woman's whim. The assassin's training and experience showed its worth again, it took less than a second for her to line up the shot and loose her knife. The weapon whizzed through the air and caught the beastly man in the neck, as she had planned. His blood ran freely down the back of his neck. Yet his reaction wasn't what it probably ought to have been. Instead of dropping and dying like a good whatever-he-had-become, the former human turned towards the rogue slowly, the pale woman could feel his eyes narrowing in on her filled with murderous intent. It was as though his aura had focused in on Elizabeth, there was little reason to doubt that there was no person in the world that he wanted deader.

Since her new enemy didn't seem willing to die himself quite yet, Elizabeth readied herself for part two of the plan, leading the mutant into an ambush. As soon as he roared and began his charge, the rogue was off. She sprinted to take a position on the farer end of the hall so that Karina could finish the thing off from behind. Unfortunately, the busty noblewoman had been overcome by her fear of the aura that the thing put off, obviously feeling it much more acutely than the assassin. As the powerful girl tried to take aim on the mutant, Karina knocked over one of the decorative baubles in the hallway, shattering it and alerting her target. She panicked, throwing her impromptu staff up, and cuts suddenly appeared through the mutant's armor, causing more of his blood to run free, but it didn't even cause him enough pain for him to turn on her. It wasn't Karina's best work, by far.

Elizabeth, seeing that her opponent was still alive despite all the abuse he had taken, set herself into a defensive stance. The armored titan seemed obliged to test her measure, it swung the great sword carelessly with one hand, blasting through the rogue's defense with the blunt of the weapon and sending her sprawling to the ground. When the assassin managed to get her senses back she looked up to find that the arc of his swing hadn't ended with her, the giant had spun in a full circle and smashed the unprepared Karina against the wall, hard. It approached the fallen caster to finish the job and Elizabeth saw an opportunity, jumping to her feet to place a knife in its back. She couldn't get the second knife in him before he spun around to try to backhand her, which she easily ducked.

Karina seemed to still be conscious but wracked with fear and pain. Elizabeth was standing a few feet away from the monster, on the opposite side of it as Karina. The giant was in between them and had shown no intention of slowing down his assault, despite his heavy bleeding.
Re: Elizabeth Silver (AshPrince) GMed by Hafnium

Karina! Trip it!” Elizabeth shouted across the hall. The young girl may have been more badly injured that the Silver rogue, but she still carried her candlestick-staff, and from where Elizabeth stood, it seemed the perfect thing to wedge between the titan’s legs and test that old adage about the bigger they are. Elizabeth didn’t wait long; charging the brute’s unarmed side, throwing herself into the air with the intent of barreling into the thing at a full run, either she’d distract the creature from the wounded girl, or give that extra little shove to knock it on its face.

Regardless of how Karina faired, Elizabeth readied her blades. This brute was wounded, and already had one knife in its neck; Elizabeth intended to see how it faired with a couple more. Should he fall, she would, from her charge, be atop the creature, yet regardless of where she found herself once the two came to a stop, a pair of sudden strikes to the brutish beast’s body, preferable the neck if she was given a choice, would test this creature’s bloodlust against her own.

Continue Scissor Defense (don’t know if I really have to say that)
Charge the fucker in the hope Karina can trip it, either with her staff or magical powers, she is a telekinetic.
And finally Sudden StrikeX2

(I know it's not 'flash it' but tripping is more strategically sound ;p)
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Re: Elizabeth Silver (AshPrince) GMed by Hafnium

HP = 16/37, PP = 33, EP = 30, Status = Badly Injured

(You can say what you want about flashing but that maid's breasts saved Elizabeth's skin! >.>)

Scissor Defense + Sudden Strike!

Karina: Telekinesis
Attack: Hit
Damage: (1 + 2) * 3 = 30 - 16 = 14 damage.

Enemy Attack: Hit. 32 - 22 = 10 damage. Hit. 28 - 1 = 27 damage. Karina is unconscious.

Counterattack! Stealth: Elizabeth wins.
Attacks: Automatic Success.
Damage: 11 + 9 = 20 - 12 = 8 * 2 = 16 damage. 13 + 9 = 22 - 12 = 10 * 2 = 20 damage. Dead (Technically on the first strike but the second still got rolled for the overkill factor. :p).

Karina seemed willing to try anything by that point, desperation clearly on the noblewoman's face. A fairly heavy oaken table flew across the hallway, smashing into the man's knees and sending him to the ground. The durable furniture had even struck with enough force to leave it broken into pieces. Elizabeth tried to strike a finishing blow against him but the over-sized brute wasn't delayed enough by the trip. The rogue had just enough time to to drop into a defensive posture as her target got back up to his knees and swung the sword in a circle again. Karina was hit in the chest and sent sprawling onto the carpet, unconscious. The assassin was ready that time, however, and allowed the blow to clip her, rolling away from it and lessening the impact. Sensing an opportunity, she followed through, leaping at the titanic man and driving both of her daggers through his visor slit and into his cold eyes.

Withdrawing the blades from the man's skull, Elizabeth could be pretty sure that he was dead. The armored man seemed less willing to accept that, however, standing up slowly, one foot after the other. Then, as he stood at his maximum height, more than a foot taller than the heiress, his great sword dropped. The clattering of the blade on the ground was soon followed by a thud as the massive man fell unceremoniously backwards onto the ground, dead. As she had more time to look at the dead mutant, something about him seemed familiar to her...

Beyond that, Karina was beginning to stir, it wouldn't be too difficult to wake her from her unconsciousness. The rogue also had time to search through the room that the dead man had been found in. The hallway was a mess from the battle that had taken place in it, smashed furniture and broken items, there likely wasn't anything of value in the hall proper besides whatever the armored corpse might have on it.

(Gain 4 XP!)
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Re: Elizabeth Silver (AshPrince) GMed by Hafnium

Karina deserved a moment to sleep, so while she waited for the buxom noble to wake of her own accord Elizabeth went about searching the deceased titan, primarily for her throwing knife, lodged somewhere in the back of its neck no doubt, but also with the well armored creature unmoving, she wanted a trophy to commemorate the kill. She felt she deserved it after the ache in her bones the giant lurch’s circular attacks had left her with, so after removing the monster’s helmet and retrieving the throwing knife from its neck, Elizabeth took her Long Knife to its throat and began cutting until the head popped free of the rest of it. This also had the added benefit of assuring that whatever happened after they returned to Alice, the giant remained dead. When Elizabeth killed things, she took it as a matter of pride to make sure they stayed deceased.

Head removed, Elizabeth gripped it in one hand carrying it at her side as she went to explore the bedroom, there she had another goal, first to discover what the beast had been so interested in, and second to secure some linens to wrap her trophy in so it didn’t bleed all over the place… It would probably also be a good idea to find some clean linens to help bandage Karina and herself until they got back to Alice and her healing hands, no sense in leaving a blood trail that could be followed by some of the creatures. She also wanted to cast a careful glance out the broken window, tied linens and a broken window in Elizabeth’s mind, seemed a means of escape by someone more sentient than any of the creatures she had met thus far.
Re: Elizabeth Silver (AshPrince) GMed by Hafnium

HP = 16/37, PP = 33, EP = 30, Status = Badly Injured

The choice not to wake Karina was a prudent one, if only because the sight of Elizabeth sawing through the man's thick neck might have had her vomiting and fainting. After the grisly task of removing the husk's head was finished she noticed a pendant slipping off of his newly acquired stump that could have been worth some denarii. If she chose to take it, it would be easily picked up. It was a golden thing with the symbol of House Dreslin on the front, on the back it was engraved. Duty and honor. It was a fairly simple engraving, overall, with no extravagant calligraphy. Regardless of her choice with the pendant, after recovering her throwing knife, the assassin was off to check the room.

Taking some of the linens, the rogue wrapped the head several times, if only to keep it from dripping blood on the carpet all the way to the hidden door. She would still need tar, preservatives, or some sort of magic to keep the thing from rotting though. Karina and Elizabeth's wounds weren't really of the cutting variety, thankfully the brute had been wielding his great sword as a club rather than a cutting implement, but she still took some of the spare linens to stock up on makeshift bandages. The assassin glanced out of the shattered window next, finding that somebody had indeed used a series of several sheets tied together to rappel down to the courtyard. There was no sight of the person who had made the daring window escape, however, leaving their identity as a mystery.

Karina was still unconscious in the hall, Elizabeth could wake her up easily enough. As best the assassin could tell, there were no more suicidal serial rapists nearby and she could probably give anything else that came to mind a try, at least for the time being.
Re: Elizabeth Silver (AshPrince) GMed by Hafnium

As she walked back to the unconscious Karina, Elizabeth was quiet pleased with herself. She had rescued her friend, obtained a helpful little healing handmaiden, killed a rather large half-man-creature, which from the looks of its medallion, now placed around the Silver Heir’s neck as yet another spoil of war, had most likely been part of the Dreslin’s guard, they never had found the day-shift captain, or the night-shift captain after the ballroom incident. Still whoever it had been, it was deceased and part of Elizabeth’s trophy wall now.

Elizabeth, wrapped head in one hand, returned to Karina’s side, groaning slightly due to her own injuries as she knelt down beside the chocolate haired girl, she set a hand atop her shoulder and tried to rouse her, a few fresh linens ready to wrap around her more grievously injured bits and Elizabeth’s shoulder waiting to help her up, and possibly help her back to the doorway to the servant’s tunnels.