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Family Ties (BurningGold)

Re: Family Ties (BurningGold)

Iris Status: HP = 46, P = 33, EP = 33, Grappled, Submission Hold

(No then?)

Grapple: 14 + 48 + 3 = 65 vs 11 + 35 = 46 == Iris wins. (Well, the succubi are pretty much screwed.)
Damage: 10 + 9 = 19 damage.

Iris stabs the woman on top of her squarely, though she doesn't die or even loosen her grip on the young warrior. Luna, meanwhile, hurls another chunk of shadow at the succubus leader.

To-hit: 1 + 26 = 27 vs 41 == Miss.

The demoness avoids Lunas attack, and comes straight at her, while the other two succubi try to hold down Iris, the one that had missed grabbing onto her wrist to try and pull the blade free of its compatriot.

To-hit: 4 + 35 = 39 vs 28 + 12 = 40 == Miss.
Grapple: 15 + 11 + 35 + 17 = 78 vs 19 + 48 + 3 = 70 == Enemies win. (spoke too soon.)

The woman fails to get a hold of Luna, the agile girl pulling away and causing her armor to grow more spikes to prevent the demoness from grabbing her. The other two, however, manage to pull Iris sword from the stabbed succubus, and then force Iris hand down to the ground, twisting her wrist so that she couldn't use it on either of the two demons.
Re: Family Ties (BurningGold)

Iris let a growl out as she was pinned down, agitated that she was unable to attack with her sword now. " Get off of me! " Iris suddenly yelled out as she began to struggle against the two woman, desperately trying to break free of their hold through her own strength. She thrashed about tried breaking free best she could. Although, with this fight being two against one Iris likely didn't have great odds of breaking free. She knew this, and hoped that her sister saw her current struggle and managed to give her some assistance.
Re: Family Ties (BurningGold)

Iris Status: HP = 46, P = 33, EP = 33, Grappled, Submission Hold

Grapple: 9 + 48 + 3 = 60 vs 6 + 16 + 35 + 17 = 74 == Enemy wins.

Iris is unable to struggle free of the two demons. "Hold on Iris!" Luna shouts, as she creates a tentacle of shadow that sprouts off of her back, the appendage immediately forming a bladed tip and striking at the leader who was attack Luna.

To-hit: 13 + 35 = 48 vs 41 = hit.
Damage: 4 + 12 = 16 damage.

The thing cuts across the demoness face, drawing a deep gash and making her gasp in pain and shock. She isn't stunned this time, however, and her eyes burn crimson as she glares at Luna.

Mind vs Mind: 8 + 30 = 38 vs 10 + 9 + 10 = 29 == Enemy wins.

Luna suddenly stops moving, and the succubus woman smiles insidiously; "There's a good child, take solace. I'm going to take away all your worries and all your pain, your sisters too. Just come into my embrace....."

The other two demons smile, their eyes glowing just as brightly, and both glare down at Iris, who suddenly feels an intrusion into her mind, trying to get her to lie still and relax.

Mind vs Mind: 12 + 30 = 42 vs 13 + 10 + 10 = 33 == Enemy wins.

Iris is unable to resist the presence in her mind, and feels her struggles lessen and halt altogether.

(Iris and Luna both lose their next actions, though the tentacle is immune. The ability has a 3 turn cooldown to not make it crippling.)
Re: Family Ties (BurningGold)

When her mind was intruted Iris began to flail about, her fighting becoming more desperate, however this didn't last long. Feeling her desire to struggle come to a sudden halt Iris's eyes seemed to relax as she became still, no longer fighting against the two demon women who were glaring down on her. She remained this way, not making any real movment or sound. However, there was one thing she did while she was in this state. " L-Luna..." the girl mumbled out, still concerned about her best friend.
Re: Family Ties (BurningGold)

Iris Status: HP = 46, P = 33, EP = 33, Grappled, Submission Hold

To-hit: 12 + 35 = 47 vs 41 = hit.
Damage: 8 + 12 = 20 damage.

While Luna herself stands in a daze, the tentacle she'd summoned followed the last instructions he'd given it, slashing at the advancing demoness and catching her by surprise. The shadowy tentacle whips across the womans throat, causing a gout of blood to erupt from her torn neck. Her apparent resilience seems to fail her at this point, as she immediately collapses to the ground, trying to hold her lifes blood in as it spills from her slashed throat. Luna suddenly shakes herself, freed from the demons mind magic.

Grapple: Automatic Success.

Iris begins to resist the demons power, but not before the two succubi strip her naked and force her onto her belly against the stump she'd hit her head on. The taller one holds her down, her arms around Iris neck as the other turns to face Luna, shouting; "You'll pay for that! Drop the magic, or we break your little friends neck!"

Iris is unable to see Lunas face through the armor, but she can sense her friends uncertainty at what to do.
Re: Family Ties (BurningGold)

As afraid as she was at that moment, being naked and close to being killed, Iris kept herself from letting her fear getting the best of her. Because these were demons, she figured they would be as good as dead if they gave in. " Don't do what they say Luna! " Iris yelled out to the girl, " fight them, don't give it!" after what she yelled, Iris quickly began to struggle against the two woman, trying to get up and fight against her, trying to use her own strength to get the woman's hand off of her neck. She hoped she could get up, seeing that she was fighting against only one woman this time she felt a bit confident.
Re: Family Ties (BurningGold)

Iris Status: HP = 46, P = 33, EP = 33, Grappled

Grapple: 9 + 48 + 3 = 60 vs 20 + 35 = 55 == Iris wins.

Iris struggles force the woman to let go of her neck, allowing Luna and her tentacle an opportunity to attack.

To-hit: 17 + 35 = 52 vs 41 = hit.
Damage: 10 + 12 = 22 damage.
To-hit: 16 + 26 = 42 vs 41 = hit.
Damage: 4 + 10 + 5 + 10 = 29 damage.

The dark appendage lashes out once again, giving the tall succubus a nasty belly wound. Lunas piercing chunk of jagged shadow does even greater damage, getting caught in the womans chest and digging itself deep into her flesh. The demon collapses to the ground, dead or dying, leaving only the one on top of Iris.
Re: Family Ties (BurningGold)

With only one left Iris continued to struggle, trying to force the last demoness off. " Both your friends have been finished off! Why don't you give up before you end up like them!?" she didn't think the demoness would consider what she had said but figured trying to reason with her wasn't completely. Maybe the woman would give up before she was killed.
Re: Family Ties (BurningGold)

Iris Status: HP = 46, P = 33, EP = 33

The woman suddenly releases Iris, turns, and runs. Luna seems surprised by this, and the woman gets out of range of her tentacle before it can lash out at her. Standing up and shivering somewhat due to her nudity, Iris believes that she could probably catch up with the woman if she really wanted to.
Re: Family Ties (BurningGold)

Now free, Iris quickly ran to the clothing and armor that had been taken off of her. Getting the clothing then armor back on, along with her equipment, she breathed a sigh of relief. Now in a less embarrassing state Iris turned back to Luna before running over to her. She stopped short of physical contact, and didn't say anything at first. She was very concerned about Luna, seeing that she just murdered two demon's that resembled human beings. " Luna... Are you alright..?" Iris asked, concern apparent in her voice.
Re: Family Ties (BurningGold)

Iris Status: HP = 46, P = 33, EP = 33

The woman quickly disappears into the alley she'd come from, as both Luna and Iris allow her to escape. Turning to Iris and allowing her conjured armor and tentacle to fade away, Luna replies; "Yeah? It's not like that was our first scuffle that got out of hand, and they're just demons. It's not like they were real people. Are YOU okay? You're the one that ended up naked, after all."

(Gain 4 exp.)
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Re: Family Ties (BurningGold)

" Yeah... I'm fine. " Iris replied to Luna. She'd been holding herself back because of the magic armor her friend had summoned, however now that it was gone she could do what she wanted to do the moment the fight had ended. Suddenly, Iris got closer and pulled Luna into a tight embrace. As she hugged the girl she remained quiet for just a moment, before saying, " We should get out of this town before we run into more demons..." after saying that she remained quiet, still not letting Luna out of the hug.
Re: Family Ties (BurningGold)

Iris Status: HP = 46, P = 33, EP = 33

Luna hugged Iris right back, the tight squeezing making her Iris aware that her friend had indeed been more disturbed by the strangers attack than she'd been letting on. "Which way? Still skirting the edge of the town, or do you want to turn around?" Luna asked.
Re: Family Ties (BurningGold)

" I think we would be in this place longer if we turned around. Let's keep going..." Iris hugged her for a few more seconds before loosening her hug, then breaking the embrace. Feeling more then nervous she walked, continuing her journey through this town with Luna.
Re: Family Ties (BurningGold)

Iris Status: HP = 46, P = 33, EP = 33

"Right, lets move on." Luna replies, and moves to walk beside Iris, keeping alert. They hear a sound like a loud bang nearby, from somewhere within the town.
Re: Family Ties (BurningGold)

" Let's keep moving..." Iris said upon hearing the loud bang. She was even more tense then before, but wasn't going to stop. She wanted to get out of this town as quickly as possible.
Re: Family Ties (BurningGold)

Iris Status: HP = 46, P = 33, EP = 33

Luna nods and follows, trusting her friends judgment. It isn't long before they come to understand that it won't be so easy to escape the town, however, as a massive chunk of stone sails past them and into the river. Ducking and looking to where it had come from, the pair spot a single massive bestial demon and two strange insectlike creatures with dozens of tentacles fighting a woman in armor. She seems to have been clipped by the chunk of stone, as she holds her right shoulder at an odd angle, her left hand clenched over it. The trio of monsters close in on her, and she seems to be helpless.
Re: Family Ties (BurningGold)

( Hurray for having a neutral good alignment. )

Iris let a small gasp out upon seeing the woman in danger. She was not only out numbered, but she was injured. She needed help, and the only ones who could provide it were Luna and herself. Iris felt slight intimidation at the massive beast and the two strange things with it, however, she wouldn't let her fear get in the way of helping someone who really needed it. Turning to her sister, a dead serious look on her face, Iris said, " Luna, she's done for if we don't step in. Let's help her! " before unsheathing her sword and charging in. Iris went and attacked one of the tentacle beasts first, lunging at it and thrusting her katana's blade at it.
Re: Family Ties (BurningGold)

Iris Status: HP = 46, P = 33, EP = 33

(Not enough movement.)

Iris rushes to the aid of the woman, Luna lagging slightly behind. Iris gets within 30 feet of the trio of demons, that turn toward their new opponents and ignore their previous target. The woman seems to be getting back on her feet, though her arm still hangs uselessly.
Re: Family Ties (BurningGold)

Looking at her opponents Luna glared daggers at them, showing that she meant business. After a brief attempt at intimidation she turned and looked to the urt woman, her eyes softening. " Get to safety, we'll handle them! " Iris called out to her. She could tell the woman was hurt. With the beat up shape she was in she needed to keep out of this fight. After her call, she looked back to the monsters, her eyes hardening, and continued her advancement. If should could, she would attack one of the tentacle beasts with a lunge.