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ACT [???] FantasionR

Re: FantasionR(FanGame)

.. U mad bro? All I did was point out that it isn't neccessarily a problem with his computer, and that you were being rude to him about it. Take a chill pill. I'll admit, I was pretty abrasive in how I called you out on it, but you don't need to give me a paragraph reply.

And yet you still miss the point,
Alright slick if you want to continue this little childish and ignorant flame war of yours I would advise you use PM rather then wasting everone's time by reading posts that no longer have anything to do with this thread.
Re: FantasionR(FanGame)

Incorrect. Not exactly the technical type, but I can unzip zip files. rar files don't work though. When I try it just resaves it unzipped.

When you say "incorrect", I'm allowed to assume you don't have it installed. Install it, and then try again. That was my point, there's nothing technical in my post. I was suggesting that you should install WinRAR and try again.
Re: FantasionR(FanGame)

And yet you still miss the point,
Alright slick if you want to continue this little childish and ignorant flame war of yours I would advise you use PM rather then wasting everone's time by reading posts that no longer have anything to do with this thread.

.. What flamewar?

Anyway, on the topic of the game, I like it. I figured it's probably been mentioned already, but the hit boxes are slightly frusturating. If an enemy gets too close, and if your like me and your first reaction is to try to hit them, you miss and get molested. D:

Other than that pretty neato. I'm far to lazy to try to unlock the bonus characters though. Heheh.
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Re: FantasionR(FanGame)

I like this game and it's already 2 weeks without update... or maybe I don't know something ?

I hope it will be updated. it is fun game ;)
Re: FantasionR(FanGame)

I like this game and it's already 2 weeks without update... or maybe I don't know something ?

I hope it will be updated. it is fun game ;)

I like the game too, but I don't think there are going to be any major updates anytime soon.

By the way, your avatar is the best one I've seen so far. Fuckin' mesmerizing
Re: FantasionR(FanGame)

thnx, u are not the first person pointing that out ;D
Re: FantasionR(FanGame)

is there ever gonna be a point to this game?

like.. leveling up, bosses, a storyline and stuff?
Re: FantasionR(FanGame)

is there ever gonna be a point to this game?

like.. leveling up, bosses, a storyline and stuff?

I hope not. If a storyline, lvling and anything that seems to point to why a sexy girl is fighting sand people that want to rape her are added it will just complicate things. Complicated things make for more thinking, Thinking tends to hurt peoples heads. Keep it simple, answer to why the sexy girl is fighting sand people that want to rape her? is that the sand people are trying to rape her end of story. keep fighting or be raped. plus hard to make games don't tend to get very fair in the complete game category.
Re: FantasionR(FanGame)

Hey wait a sec, who resurfaced this thread?.. Is there an update?.. What's going on?.. *confused*

??? said she was (kinda) on vacation, so I wasn't expecting this thread to come out of dormancy so soon, did I miss something, or did a few people just randomly decide to talk on here and surprise me?

Not mad or anything, just a little confused..
Re: FantasionR(FanGame)

While on the subject of confusion, I'm kinda glad this thread got bumped so it's still slightly around. Anyways "???" if you have done any work, I'd be happy for a partial update :p
Re: FantasionR(FanGame)

Uhm, i've tried this game and i think it's pretty nice, but i still couldn't get the naga. Does anyone know what do i have to do?
Re: FantasionR(FanGame)

thanks! i think ??? should reduce the amount, i left the game when i reached 150 because i tought it was broken >.<
Re: FantasionR(FanGame)

Just reminding you that I'm not dead(and neither is my game). Hopefully it'll stay that way. Just finished base animations for the Ox girl. After she's done, I'll start adding and improving other aspects of the game. There's about one more testing playable on its way before the end of the year(at least). After that, look forward to the full game. :D

Edit: Ox girl completed.

I enjoyed working on the Ox chick. After succubus, she may be next favorite. In order it's:
Succubus, Ox -><-Amazon(may be interchangeable), Marie, Dark Elf, Angel, Nagga

Also(before the page sinks):
I remembered from recently that there were people who couldn't get the game to run. Have you guys gotten it to run by now, or are you still having problems?
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Re: FantasionR(FanGame)

Just reminding you that I'm not dead(and neither is my game). There's about one more testing playable on its way before the end of the year(at least). After that, look forward to the full game. :D

Excellent, can't wait for the second playable demo =D
Re: FantasionR(FanGame)

Start it in Windows 7 64-bit, it doesn't make a window or anything. It just sits in memory (You can see it in the Task Manager) not doing anything.

Tried various compatibility modes, no dice.
Re: FantasionR(FanGame)

Well, can't guarantee anything as far as 64-bit is concerned. On the other hand, you can try switching your language locale to English if it isn't set to that already. You might also try a virtual 32-bit environment(stemming from somebody else' s suggestion).
Re: FantasionR(FanGame)

Do you have a blog or something like that were we see the latest version?
It is kinda annoing to search trough the pages to find the last download link.