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RPG [Fenoxo] Corruption of Champions (Formerly Unnamed Text Game)

Re: Champions of Corruption (Formerly Unnamed Text Game)

The drop rate of the magic books from the witch, ESPECIALLY the black magic books, is FUCKING RETARDED LOW right now.

Dunno if it's been changed, or if it will be changed.

They still drop 'em, though.
Re: Champions of Corruption (Formerly Unnamed Text Game)

You can always use Debug mode though, given that you have found at least one of the black books. You should be able to learn all three dark spells that way.
Re: Champions of Corruption (Formerly Unnamed Text Game)

I wonder how exactly do you get the Cerulean bad end(Overuse of the Cerulean Potion)

The wiki is very vague abou tit.
Re: Champions of Corruption (Formerly Unnamed Text Game)

Has anyone actually been able to get the Marble Bad End?
I tried for hours the way it was described on the wiki, to no avail ...

I did, but i never read the wiki about how to do it, so I don't know if the way it's the same descripted there. Still, it's quite simple: ALWAYS MAKE THE MOST MORONIC DECISION! That way, you can't fail! LOL
Re: Champions of Corruption (Formerly Unnamed Text Game)

Cerulean potion bad end = Be hermaphrodite with 50+ corruption, drink cerulean potion lots.

If you just spam the potion in debug mode, though, you can't stack more than 3 encounters, so you might as well just drink a pot, wait, sleep, have encounter, drink a pot, etc.

No Cerulean bad end currently available for non-herms.
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Re: Champions of Corruption (Formerly Unnamed Text Game)

Cerulean potion bad end = Be hermaphrodite with 50+ corruption, drink cerulean potion lots.

If you just spam the potion in debug mode, though, you can't stack more than 3 encounters, so you might as well just drink a pot, wait, sleep, have encounter, drink a pot, etc.

No Cerulean bad end currently available for non-herms.

That's basically what it says in the wiki. The confusing aspect of these bad endings - Cerulian, Marble, ... - seems to be the fact that it apparently takes considerable amounts of time/tries to get the endings. After reading the wiki you might be under the impression, that after summoning the Cerulian Succubus 3 times while being herm and corrupted, the bad ending would happen. Seems to be far from the truth though ...

EDIT: Oh and BTW a new version has been released:
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Re: Champions of Corruption (Formerly Unnamed Text Game)

I can answer some of those questions, or I could point you to the answers posted on Fen's forums.

For Marble's bad end, you need to get permadicted while having a very low affection score. The trick here is to avoid getting a really high affection score before the addiction triggers. My best advice is to get a bottle of milk as soon as possible, and then debug spam it to get you to the point of addiction as soon as possible. Then trigger the addiction with as little interactions as possible. You'll need at least 30 affection to trigger the addiction, and if Fen hasn't changed the scores, the bad end will trigger if you're under 20 affection if you choose that you don't want to be addicted, or under 50 affection if you choose that you want to be addicted. The most extreme affection drop is from blaming her after choosing you don't want to get addicted. Generally actions that fight the addiction decrease affection, actions that go with the addiction increase affection. Once you are addicted and think you have low enough affection, debug spam a bottle of her milk to max out your addiction score and go to sleep for the night.

It is quite apparent that I'll need to reballance this system, but I'm getting to that. I think the major problem is how fast you gain affection, and the odds of each encounter.

Cerulean succubus bad end: each time a herm has sex with the cerulean succubus increases a hidden score towards her bad end (by 2-3 I think). Each day this score is decreased by 1. You need a score of ~20 to trigger the bad end.

Re: Champions of Corruption (Formerly Unnamed Text Game)

The writing of the whole scenario is the problem with Marble, especially when you're partially addicted.
The lack of an option for indifference is the main offender.
The lack of an option for dominance is a further offender.

You don't have to option to shrug and let someone else milk Marble, first of all, starting things off on the same bad foot which is thematic to this encounter.

You randomly encounter her at the farm when you're trying to do something else, and without an option to wave and pass on, you sit and talk with her about inconsequential shit, somehow permitting her to grow more and more clingy over you.
Just because you don't want to hurt her feelings unduly doesn't mean you're all sappy over the fucking cow.

Similarly, in the same addiction path, you only get the options to "comfort" or "blame" her for being a Lacta Bovine, and not one to be indifferent.
Chick's one of the corrupted monsters in the game, so what? It's neither here nor there. If you don't give a damn, or even if you like corrupted creatures or Lacta Bovines in general, that doesn't mean you either hate Lacta Bovines, or like Marble in particular. But those latter two are essentially your conversational options.

When you break your addiction without either humoring her "self-hating" bullshit or "blaming" her, she sort of shuffles into your camp without you having the option to dissuade her, and without the option to either rape/enslave her at camp or to kick her the fuck out.
For no reason at all, you permit her to decide when to fuck you, rather than the other way around.
For no reason at all, let her decide what size of cock she'll take, too, even when you actually wouldn't tolerate bullshit like that.
Hell, as soon as you break your addiction, you run to tell her, even if you don't actually think it's any of her fucking business.

It's absolute nonsense.

Additionally, as to dominance, the rape option that IS available is only halfway satisfying, and it doesn't lead on to an enslavement path either.

I'm afraid the encounter is just plain old deficient.

Can you try to do a better job?
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Re: Champions of Corruption (Formerly Unnamed Text Game)

Or the writer might have different priorities than you (lack of interest in writing an enslavement/rape path).
Re: Champions of Corruption (Formerly Unnamed Text Game)

I'm afraid the encounter is just plain old deficient.

Can you try to do a better job?

...Seriously? That's just plain demeaning. Fenoxo creates/updates this game in his own spare time free of charge, yet you find it necessary to insult him!?

I don't like you ...
Re: Champions of Corruption (Formerly Unnamed Text Game)

Criticism is better than just jumping on the writer's dick at every opportunity.

I don't have an opinion on the Marble scene, but people need to stop being so easily offended when criticism is presented. Grow a spine.
Re: Champions of Corruption (Formerly Unnamed Text Game)

In this case, the criticism practically amounted to a demand to write the content the critic wanted. The Marble events could indeed use a little more choice as well as making it easier to get the bad ending. But the lack of an enslavement path might be due to either a lack of interest or a lack of time.
Re: Champions of Corruption (Formerly Unnamed Text Game)

Firstly, the state of the Marble encounter is not Fenoxo's responsibility.
It lies at the feet of the Dark Master, who will not allow others to modify or improve that aspect of his work.
Surely, whether you like me or not is up to you, but you'd do better to get your facts straight.

EDIT: Speaking of getting facts straight, he does have the line "people can write stuff for my monsters or characters if they want; just run them by me first so that I can tell you if they'll work for the character/creature" in his content discussion thread, I just realised that I'm not 100% sure whether or not he actually WILL allow others to add the missing paths to Marble.

It seems clear enough, though, that he retains sufficient control to refuse to allow CERTAIN improvements or modifications, and the inclination to do so, from the line
"What I will not be doing, sorry for people who ask for this
-Making Marble fully malleable, and letting you turn her into anything.
-Allowing Marble to be infested with cock worms"
And the line:
"Also, please don't offer to write up the scenes yourself. I really don't want them implemented on her, so I'd hate to have to veto them after you'd already put a lot of thought/effort into them."

The part about the Marble Encounter not being Fen's work is true, but if I'm going to recommend accuracy, I'd better be accurate myself.

Secondly, the lack of an indifference option is a pretty objective deficiency, although the lack of an enslavement path may be more subjective.
Its absence in a game like CoC, though, is quite close to an objective deficiency as well.

Thirdly, as I've always said, I'll call things as I see them, at least on the internet.
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Re: Champions of Corruption (Formerly Unnamed Text Game)

Firstly, the state of the Marble encounter is not Fenoxo's responsibility.
It lies at the feet of the Dark Master, who will not allow others to modify or improve that aspect of his work.
Surely, whether you like me or not is up to you, but you'd do better to get your facts straight.

Seems like you got me there, I didn't know that. Brohoof? :p
Re: Champions of Corruption (Formerly Unnamed Text Game)

Brohoof, sir.
Re: Champions of Corruption (Formerly Unnamed Text Game)

Ha! You actually have hit onto the main thing that I've been wondering about for some time, was whether or not you should have the option to just leave during the initial meeting with Marble, so that the two of you aren't considered friends and her events are limited to ones where you can choose to start the friendship. I'll probably add that option eventually.

Enslavement isn't a priority, because I have several other things that I've got planned to make for Marble (purification and corruption quests). The issue here is that she is already somewhat corrupted, and doesn't mind if you're corrupted. Also, corrupting her actually makes her more powerful, as she has a natural talent for controlling corruption having been doing so her entire life. She'll become a sort of partner in corruption towards the champion.

I new paths and options for Marble I'd like to reserve the right to do right now, since I haven't finished her core events yet. If you want new events along those paths though (such as other addiction encounters, or events around the farm) I'd be happy to add them.

In the original version, you had the option to turn Marble down when she asks the PC if they love her at the end of her addiction quest. Fen had to remove it due to game limitations initially, but once he worked out the problem, we decided to leave it as is until someone complained about it. I've been planning on bringing it up sometime.

Re: Champions of Corruption (Formerly Unnamed Text Game)

That's cleared up some misconceptions of my own, thanks for the response.

The "for now" also suggests that if a path comes up which you do not feel interested in writing, or competent to write - and I am speaking specifically of the enslavement route here -
then you'll hand the job off in the future.
That also addresses one of the main concerns I had had.

I'm a fan of the desert tribe and the bee-girls, by the way, but that imp-feeder scene and the goblin-feeder scene are just about the worst.
I don't know if you wrote them or not, but milk that actually decreases arousal or takes the focus off of it is one of the last things I want to see in this sort of game.
The Feeder perk is one hell of a ripoff. D :
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Re: Champions of Corruption (Formerly Unnamed Text Game)

Well, the imp and goblin scenes are mine (and they where done very quickly), but they aren't exactly suppose to be about arousal. The feeder perk is about motherhood, caring, and gentle sorts of things. I do know that a few people like it, but I would be really surprised if everyone did. It's stuff about breast feeding monsters, I'm not really sure what else you'd expect with that.

Are you talking about my updates to the demon tribe and the bee girl? I didn't write the original versions of them.

"For now" basically means until I've finished all of the big parts of her that I want to write. The reason for this is that stuff you may want to see in the game might already happen, or how you want to set it up may simply not work. Waiting for my other stuff to be finished first is to avoid that.
Re: Champions of Corruption (Formerly Unnamed Text Game)

For breast feeding monsters, or breast feeding in general, I'd have wanted something FAR more like the Cerulean Succubus.

If there's anyone at all who likes those feeder scenes as they stand, I guess I'll have to shrug, but damn.

Why do you even need a high corruption for that terrible shit, man.
(Well, I suppose the addictive qualities of the milk might count, and I suppose since lowering your corruption below "50" - which is pretty much the lowest threshold for being awesome - doesn't get rid of the perk, that might be something too, but eh. It's very disappointing.)

Also, I had been under the impression that you had done the originals of the tribe and the bee-girl.

That's a shame, I had thought I was legitimately a fan of some of your work in this game besides the teacher Fetish Cultist. Well, regardless, we'll see what the future holds.
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Re: Champions of Corruption (Formerly Unnamed Text Game)

Well, breast feeding the cerulean succubus is breast feeding a succubus. The Lacta Bovines are suppose to be a bit different. The feeder perk is actually the PC gaining the addictive properties of their milk, and the instinctive desire to feed others and addict them. That's where the corruption comes from. I think you need 30 corruption to gain it, and need to drop under 20 to lose it.

You only like the teacher fetish cultist of mine? She doesn't even have a special scene for her in game yet...

A bit surprised that you like the demon tribe in its current broken form, but aw well. No author can please everyone, but if you are interested in seeing if you'll like some of my other things, I do have them posted on Fen's forums with links from my thread.
