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Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

*she seeks out a room that hasnt seen any occupants tonight and just when she find the one unused room she yell down to the floor below* "ugly dog. ket scratching but that was it" *satisfied and done with dealing with people for the night she just goes to lay down and get to sleep in order to recharge her batteries so to speak*
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

Shadowcats Status: HP = 46, P = 33, EP = 33
Alisas Status: HP = 41, P = 38, EP = 33

"Alright then, keep things quiet you two, we're off to bed." Geralt says, and follows Shadowcat up the stairs. When the two reach the second floor, Geralt motions to the first door and says; "I wouldn't sleep in there if I were you, that's the room those two had their fun in. And I wouldn't sleep in the next one either, that one's a bit more disgusting. That leaves two, which one do you want?" He says, looking at Shadowcat. The first two rooms which he had indicated didn't smell very pleasant, the third was a large bedroom with a queen sized bed, and the last was a small room with a little cot currently hidden under a desk.

Gab stays standing, the chairs not very well designed for someone with reversed joints, and stretches, yawning. "Did you sleep well?" The gruff says, a smile appearing on his face.
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

Alisa smiles shyly, looking down at her lap. "Eh... mostly..." Then she blushes.

"Er, until I, um, went into labor... I was surprised... I thought, if I'd gotten pregnant, it would, um, take much longer for the baby to grow."
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

*looks at the cot and frowns before glancing back and the bed and takes on a most uncharacteristic soft tone to her voice hands making a dainty motion. of course she was being a bit on the sarcastic side* "oh well a woman must always rest mst comfortably as she can so i'll take the bed.." *After thats said she just smiles a nice toothy smile and heads for the queensized bed* "not to mention the cots a bit small for me. i toss about in my sleep"
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

Shadowcats Status: HP = 46, P = 33, EP = 33
Alisas Status: HP = 41, P = 38, EP = 33

"I saw that coming, sleep well then." Geralt says, with a laugh, as he heads into the room with the cot. He closes the door behind him, leaving Shadowcat to the pleasantly comfortable bed. The bed has an absurd number of pillows, and several fluffy blankets covering it.

Gab straightens and looks straight at her, his expression unreadable. "Well, normally it would, I am told. But the child was of the Fey. My kind develop as much from the magic in the air as from the life given by their mothers. It takes only hours for us. Was it painful?"
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

Alisa looks down at her hands, fiddling with her fingers. "Er... some... not as much as the horror stories all the mothers told..."

She looks up at Gab, smiling. "But he was SO CUTE... all short baby fuzz and giggles when I hugged him... I was going to show you, but then this man showed up... he had gold skin and white hair... he said he was to take him away, but I said I wanted to, um, check with you, because he just appeared and I figure a demon would be able to do that too... and then he got annoyed, but Geralt showed up and said it was alright, so I let the man - I guess he was a fey lord? - have the kid."

Alisa pauses. "I didn't even think of a name for him..."
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

*not really caring much for the number of pillows and such she just falls down atop the bed and curls up a bit in order to get to sleep*
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

Shadowcats Status: HP = 46, P = 33, EP = 33
Alisas Status: HP = 41, P = 38, EP = 33

Shadowcat quickly falls asleep, the bed proving quite soft.

Gab relaxes, a smile teasing across his lips, and he laughs softly at her description of their child. "It is good that you did not go through much pain. And Geralt and the man you speak of were not wrong, I know of him, and he will see to our childs safety. My people will care for him well, and perhaps, if we leave this place alive, I might take you to him. As for a name, he will take one as he must, when he grows old enough. It is our way." The gruff replies, his eyes shining in the low light, an expression of joy on his face.
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

Alisa grins. "That sounds great... it's good to hear that he'll be in good hands."

She settles back, reassured. "So... did you sleep well, too?"
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

*simply enjoys a quiet rest in a soft bed*
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

Shadowcats Status: HP = 46, P = 33, EP = 33
Alisas Status: HP = 41, P = 38, EP = 33

Gab replies; "Yes, like a stone, in fact. I feel much better after your care and a bit of rest."

(Unless there's anything else that either of you think needs doing, I'll just skip this over to the next day.)
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

(umm i'm gonna sleep until next day arrives so nothing for me)
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

(Hmmm... *hastily flips through the last page* Nope, can't think of anything. Oh, I did spend that 4XP. Not sure how long it'll be before the next "rest period", so no sense letting it sit around... unless we get "XP interest"... :p)
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

Shadowcats Status: HP = 46, P = 33, EP = 33
Alisas Status: HP = 41, P = 38, EP = 33

The night passes uneventfully, the occasional sound of something walking past the quiet house the only disturbance. The dawn comes, and Gab goes upstairs to wake Geralt and Shadowcat while Alisa remains at watch. The four reassemble downstairs, slightly tired but ready to move on.
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

"well then..the morning has come and everyone is in one piece..i think it may be best to move along and not linger here..i do hope everyone is coordinated to walk and eat at the same time for those hungering stomaches.."
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

(Um... I spent 4XP for 4 Mind. Alisa's max stats bumped up a little.)

Alisa shifts a bit restlessly on her chair, patiently waiting for the others to come downstairs.

"That works for me... got any ideas as to where we should go hunting?"

She gets up and lends a hand, clearing away the barricade from the previous evening and opening the way out.
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

Shadowcats Status: HP = 46, P = 33, EP = 33
Alisas Status: HP = 42, P = 42, EP = 35

Gab only shrugs as he helps pull the stacked furniture aside, and Geralt deadpans; "Well, we could always wander aimlessly, couldn't we?" As he chews on a carrot he'd pulled from a pouch on his hip. He offers Shadowcat some of his food, which seems to consist mostly of vegetables.
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

*accepting a piece of the offered food she frowned a bit but just took to munching upon it* "wel aimlessly sounds all well and good...but why not continue on deeper into town i wanna find the center of town..and maybe see what happens."
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

(I'm gonna assume Alisa and Gab ate while they were on watch. Bread or oatmeal from the kitchen, say.)

"Towards the middle sounds okay... that's where the demons are coming from, though, isn't it? So the stronger ones are probably in that area. We'll need to be careful, then."

Alisa gives her bowstring a twang, making sure it's ready for the day to come.
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

Shadowcats Status: HP = 46, P = 33, EP = 33
Alisas Status: HP = 42, P = 42, EP = 35

(Okie dokie.)

Their equipment seemingly in good order, the quarter heads out of their safe house. The ground is a little muddy, but the rain stopped in middle of the night, so it isn't too bad. Geralt glances both ways and then nods to the groups right, saying quietly; "We should go along the main road to the center of town, it's longer but all of the hunter traffic will have kept it relatively safer than the side streets. Unless we'd rather risk the fights for the faster route, that is."