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Flailing Helps! Really! (Flayer and Guan)

Re: Flailing Helps! Really! (Flayer and Guan)

Her armor... let her focus for now it seemed, allowing her to aim without any distractions. Her arrow struck true right into the plant's eye, and she even managed to avoid getting grabbed in retaliation, simply by standing still, however the thing managed to wrap a tendril around her waist. Isabelle though was doing a little worse though and got snatched up it seemed.

"No no no, not today. Mistress Batest would be disappointed in me if I lost my first fight after becoming her pet," Penny thought to herself, yanking her dagger out and cutting the tendril around her before sheathing it and knocking another arrow to fire.
Re: Flailing Helps! Really! (Flayer and Guan)

Approaching the plant was the only real way Isabelle could get in close enough to use her knife, but it was not exactly the smartest idea either as there was the whole tentacle field to deal with, as the maid found out to her dismay. She barely managed to get anywhere before a batch of tentacles grabbed at her, doing so rather effectively to boot as the maid was tied up enough to make her incapable of swinging her weapon. She needed to get out of the grip, so Isabelle struggled against her wannabe captor, hoping for a slip that she could capitalize on to earn her freedom back.
Re: Flailing Helps! Really! (Flayer and Guan)

Isabelle versus plant
12 - 3 = 9
Nat 1.
Isabelle is completely freed.
Penny versus plant.
19 -1 =18
Penny is freed.
Plant versus Isabelle and then Penny.
17 and 11 -2= 15 and 9
5 and another nat 1 o_O
Isabelle is regrabbed for Entangled 1.
Penny is entangled 3 and reeled in. Only escape possible.

Trying to capitolize on a mistake by the plant, Isabelle found her opportunity to kick off the ground as the plant tried to bring her in, spinning hard to slash all the tendrils holding her, and leaving her completely free to move and attack.

backing off she had a tendril refasten around her waste and continued to try and yank her in, but it had to start over it seemed. Penny however, drawing her knife, only had the large tendril around her waist let her go, before wrapping around both her arms tightly, and tugging her Hard towards itself, forcing her to move several steps it's way, soon close enough that if it wanted to, if it got another hard pull in, she knew it would toss her into it's mouth.
Penny Entangled 3/5, Reeled 2/3
Isabelle Entangled 1, Reeled 1/3
Plant 3/4
Re: Flailing Helps! Really! (Flayer and Guan)

"N-No... shit, fucker. Let me go, you bastard," Penny grunted, struggling with the tentacles until she got free, hoping that she could do so, so that she didn't disappoint mistress Batest.

Penny was getting a little tense while the thing was trying to reel her in, having gotten a better hold on her. Assuming she managed to get free, Penny would knock another arrow and fire into the thing's eye again.
Re: Flailing Helps! Really! (Flayer and Guan)

Using some careful wiggling and aiding her attempt with the ground, Isabelle broke free almost as soon as she put her effort into the attempt. Maybe doing the few escape studies she had done was helping her escape the tentacles, the things not being exactly on the level of a properly applied rope tie. But it was not to be a long period of safety as the tentacles were back upon the maid almost straight away. Since they had not really gotten to restraining her yet, Isabelle decided to swing her fairly limited weapon at any part of the plant she could reach. She should probably have taken her sword to this place, as the knife was not particularly practical in the given situation.
Re: Flailing Helps! Really! (Flayer and Guan)

Penny escape
14-3=11 vs 18 Nope.
Isabelle Attack
8-1=7 vs 15 Nope.
Plant tries to nom Penny
14 vs 7 Penny is stuck to the inside of the trap
Plant tries to drag Isabelle closer.
4 vs 10-1=9 Nope.

Penny Bound. Will need Isabelle's help to free herself.
Isabelle Entangled 1/5
Plant 3/4

Penny trying to pull free, made no headway against the tendrils grip before she was tossed up into the mouth of the flytrap, the tendrils sticking her facing up and spread eagle on the left side of it's mouth's interior, the glue inside keeping her tightly stuck down. Since she couldn't do anything about this situation on her own, her armor resumed teasing her, gagging her as it started to stroke her folds and nipples insistently.

Isabelle didn't manage to cut anything with her knife, watching as Penny was grabbed and positioned, seeming to be bait for the large plant for something else, but she staunchly resisted being drawn in any closer herself.

As Penny lounged on her glue, she had to wonder as her armor tormented her since she couldn't cum, why the flytrap wasn't doing anything to her itself. And Isabelle was free to speculate what a flytrap like this would eat that it would need a helpless Viera as Bait....
Re: Flailing Helps! Really! (Flayer and Guan)

Flailing her knife around, Isabelle did not exactly make an impact as she failed to get anything done. The plant did not manage to do much either, at least when it came to the maid. Penny was a different matter entirely, but Isabelle had no idea as to how she might be able to get the bunny out from the bind she was in without risking herself rather haphazardly, so she kept on flailing the knife some more in an effort to maybe cut something bad enough to make a difference.
Re: Flailing Helps! Really! (Flayer and Guan)

As she tried to pull free, Penny simply couldn't manage freedom and was pulled further into the grasp of the plant. Yelping as it pulled her into it, Penny struggled frantically, inwardly cursing herself as the thing pretty much plastered her to the inside of its large gaping maw. When her armor began teasing her again, Penny groaned and squirmed some more.

"N-No, please not right now. I can't let my mistress down," Penny screamed out into her mind, thrashing around as much as she could, hoping against hope that somehow she'd manage to break free, despite the fact that the plant had such a powerful hold on her.
Re: Flailing Helps! Really! (Flayer and Guan)

Penny 13 v 20.
Penny calls for Mistress! 50/100. Not good enough! Stupid collars! >.<
Sorry, still stuck
Isabelle is Flailing! +2 bonus! (Told you it helps)
17+2 is 19 v 11
WATCHA! plant is flailcut
Plant angryfaces!
Plant 19 v 11
Penny is Molested. Arousal capped at 8, Gag removed cos better bait that way. Fucking plants man, I tellz ya.
Plant 19 v 14! Isabelle is Grabbled and Reeled!

Penny, super stuck and as horny as she's allowed to get. No longer gagged.
Isabelle Entangled 2/5 Reeled 2/3
Plant 2/4

Penny, trying to squirm free, managed absolutely nothing as the glue seemed rather perfectly designed just for this purpose. Whatever this damned thing ate? It was attracted to humanoids, and not to plants without flowers. It probably ate fucking bees. BEEES! She was stuck, and just at the edge of her pleasure where she was wanting to cum, but she knew she couldn't every time she felt the armor tug on her clit. But the plant, seeing it's Bait wasn't making any decent sound, poked and prodded at her Gag, and since the armor had never been designed to keep something from getting into her mouth, it retracted reflexively, leaving her free to moan, scream, pant, call for help. Mostly moan.

Isabelle however was flailing away with her knife, and while she managed to slash again at it's eye, making it shudder and squirm in pain, it also managed to loop another tendril around her and drag her a step closer. Just like Penny before, she knew she was in range to be thrown into the sticky interior of the plant, and unlike Penny, well... There was nothing stopping her from cumming her brains out if it decided the maid needed to be fucked into being decent bait.
Re: Flailing Helps! Really! (Flayer and Guan)

(Lol, I love the Penny calls for mistress roll. XD)

"N-No please... s-stop, l-let me go damn you. I can't... I can't think straight. B-Body wants to... c-cum. Mind, doesn't want to, knows that it'd be bad," Penny moaned aloud, squirming about and hoping against hope that she'd manage to squirm free, since that was all she could do.

As Penny's body began heating up more and more, she knew that it would give in eventually, and that there was nothing she could do about it. "I-Isabelle, please... don't get caught too. If you can't s-save me, then just back off," Penny called out to Isabelle, before another moan escaped her lips.
Re: Flailing Helps! Really! (Flayer and Guan)

Fighting on as best as she could, Isabelle was getting results, but they were not good enough. Sensing that there was a good chance she might get trapped if she pushed the offense, the maid opted to try and get herself free instead this turn, just to avoid the instant failure change that was present.
Re: Flailing Helps! Really! (Flayer and Guan)

Escape attempts!
Penny! 10~! Not even REMOTELY good enough!
Isabelle! 16 versus 13! Vines are escaped! Reel counter reset!
Plant versus the Bell of Isa
8 versus 7! Isabelle is entangled 1! Reeled 1/3!
No flail bonus applied this round for lack of flailing!
Isabelle attempts to knife a bitch!
19. Well fuck. That was close! o_O;
Plant is dead. Penny is... Well... you'll see. I think it's funny.

Isabelle, not wanting to get any closer since it would mean Joining Penny in whatever sticky fate the plant had in store for her, struck out with her knife not to wound, but to free herself, able to stop the reeling that would seal her onto the plants mouth and bounce free, only to launch back in and ram the point of her knife straight into the large spinning eye of the plant.

The Venus Flytrap. Which still had Penny inside, wilted, before starting to turn brown, and ultimately die, but it didn't release Penny from within as it did, instead closing around her tightly and trying to swallow her in one last attempt to fill it's gullet. Trapped inside the pulsing, warm walls of plant flesh desperately trying to pull her down into the ground through the stalk, Penny had the delightful experience of finding her body being squeezed and compressed around harder and harder before she felt the plant convulse, and give up, leaving the Viera as a visible, squirming bulge halfway down the stalk, before Isabelle did the saintly thing and cut her loose, Penny sliding free and covered in sticky sap, unbelievably horny, unable to cum, and likely to stick to anything that touched her, or that she grabbed if she felt like it for some strange reason.
Re: Flailing Helps! Really! (Flayer and Guan)

Seeing Isabelle managing to free herself, Penny breathed a sigh of relief. At least she hadn't gotten her new friend captured as well in the process. Just then, the thing began wilting and dying all around her, and Penny gasped as it began to swallow her. Letting out a cute muffled eek, Penny felt her body being constricted more and more, her cute perky butt being squeezed as well as her breasts.

As she was about halfway down the stalk, Penny felt the give out the rest of the way as she came to a halt. "Oh gods, w-what now. I c-can barely think straight," Penny thought to herself.

When Isabelle finally cut her free and she fell out, Penny sputtered a bit and reached out her left hand to Isabelle's right hand before thinking it through and realizing how sticky she was, grabbing her friend's hand to use as support to stand up. "I-Isabelle, I'm going crazy. I-Is this maze always so... wild? I t-think I need to... s-sit down and g-get some relief," Penny said to Isabelle, the arousal in her voice obvious and her cheeks red from how horny she was.
Re: Flailing Helps! Really! (Flayer and Guan)

Getting an opportunity, Isabelle cut herself free from the plant bondage with a quick slash. Capitalizing on the chance she had, the maid plunged forward with another attack in a straight follow-up, somehow managing to push the tip of her teeny blade into the plant's eye. While it was certainly a critical hit, she did not quite expect the end result of it all as the plant withered away.

With the victory in hand, Isabelle had another task to carry out straight away with Penny being stuck inside still. It was nothing that a little knife work couldn't fix, so that was what she did to aid the troubled bunny and got her out. "Not quite on this level, no. Usually they are tamer than this." she answered according to her more recent memories of the maze, letting Penny have her sit time in all due peace. She would not be a bother.
Re: Flailing Helps! Really! (Flayer and Guan)

Penny versus Isabelle.
17 versus 14.
Of course you win this roll. Of course. Sorry Guan.

Left to be horny for now and having to figure that problem out on her own, Penny had no issue grabbing Isabelle's hand, which had the predictable problem of gluing the two together at the hands. Penny using her right hand to grip Isabelle's left. Which meant they could now walk side by side as besties.

Stuck that way until they either got the horny bunny a bath, or until they found something else to do about the sticky coating the Viera had come away with, life would be interesting, and they would succeed or fail together.

There was always the option of going back to get Cerin's or Batest's help or they could continue onward, only being the singular route forward to chose from, which led to a large ornate pedastal and fountain twisted to look like a large steel tree. The water that feel from it dripped steadly from several of the branches at random spots and trickled lazily around several circular patterns cut into the stone base.
Re: Flailing Helps! Really! (Flayer and Guan)

For some unimaginable reason, Isabelle thought she would let Penny be for a bit, but was in fact soon trying to get them back to their feet. Given that there was still a fair bit of goop left, that had the predictable result of getting the two stuck on each other. "Great." she thought, not particularly keen on the arrangement but not seeing an immediate solution to the situation, so she let it be for the moment. Moving on.

In the next place, there was some possible helpful water, which the maid would guide them to at all due speed.
Re: Flailing Helps! Really! (Flayer and Guan)

As she grabbed Isabelle's hand, Penny got up and then tried to pull free so they could try and continue. "Oh... s-sorry Isabelle. I wasn't thinking it was quite that sticky. And... I'm having a little trouble thinking straight right now too. So... please forgive me," Penny panted softly, the arousal getting to her a little more.

Upon moving onward, since Penny didn't want to go back after only one fight after becoming mistress Batest's pet, she let Isabelle lead the way. When they came to the large fountain, Penny heaved a sigh of relief. "I need a drink anyway. And maybe we can get free with some of the water," Penny said, heading over to the fountain, keeping an eye out with all the focus she had left, and climbing straight into the fountain to splash some water upon herself to cool off some, hoping that would help clear her mind some.
Re: Flailing Helps! Really! (Flayer and Guan)

As if only to torment Penny further, since her misfortune greatly pleased whatever foul god ruled this world she called home, her armor decided that clearing her head would not be allowed, and as she was splashed, showed it's appreciation of her gifting it with water by slowly pushing a tendril deep into her folds, taking it's sweet time filling her to her core, pulsing and writhing inside her gently. She still couldn't cum, but that didn't mean it felt any less enjoyable.

Unfortunately for Isabelle who was still glued to Penny, she was caught up in what happened next, as several small lizards, about 8 inches long and a couple wide, slid out from around the back of the Fountain, all sporting large frills. Isabelle would recognize them immediately as Basilisks. Though not dangerous on their own in any sense, the poison they carried in their saliva would encase anyone bitten enough times in stone, and cause their arousal to skyrocket to intolerable levels. The big ones would and could do so with just their gaze, but no such giant lizards were around, and Penny was immediately bitten.

Penny. Petrified 1/5
HP hardly matters. AP 8/10, penetrated.
Isabelle. Petrified 0/5 HP meh AP 3/10
Basilisks! 1 vs 11 -3=8 1 basilisk smushed. 6 remaining.
Basilisks! 10 vs 2 Isabelle Bitten.
Penny versus the Liztards! 10-3=7 v 4 Another lizard smushed. 5 remaining.
Isabelle versus the Wriggly Reptiles! 19 v 18! Another lizard goes squish. 4 remaining!
Penny Petrified 1/5
Isabelle Petrified 1/5

Thankfully both girls reacted quickly even as they felt their muscles cramping slightly before forcibly relaxing, their legs becoming slightly shaky due to the poison as they were bitten, but not before violently squishing, smashing, or splatting 3 out of the 7 little bastards. There would be more to this, they both knew it in their guts, but they were doing well at the start even glued together.
Re: Flailing Helps! Really! (Flayer and Guan)

As if things weren't bad enough, Penny felt her armor teasing her further and not letting her cool down any at all. Penny's legs gave out and she started collapsing into the water, unable to remain standing any longer as the tentacle delved into her folds more and more. She was still prevented from reaching her peak too, which was making things even worse for her.

She was unprepared for what happened next as something bit her leg, and she yelped at the sudden pain, but the wave of arousal that flooded her mind then nearly overpowered any thought of retaliation. However she was able to look around and see the basalisk that attacked them... or rather the small horde of them. "D-Dammit... we gotta get out of here, o-or squash them," Penny panted softly, trying to get back to her feet and attempting to stomp the nearest of the things, trying to keep her mind focused well enough to keep fighting so they could get themselves freed from one another before moving on.
Re: Flailing Helps! Really! (Flayer and Guan)

Somehow, even a simple a task as going to the fountain to clean up the messy gloop turned into a hassle in this labyrinth. Their cleaning operation was interrupted by a bunch of juvenile basilisks, these creatures too being one of the inhabitant of the area that Isabelle had knowledge about, and she was not too keen on them. Their initial defense already produced some results, but the maid knew better to allow that to get to her head. "Get them, we don't have an idea what might be waiting in the next areas, and we can't go back. If something worse comes for us, we won't have much in the way of defense." she replied to Penny, preparing for more return attacks.