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Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

Misty: HP = 50, PP = 65, EP = 90, status = Fine

Mia: HP = 57, PP = 46, EP = 45, Status = pregnant, but otherwise fine

(Ah almost forgot about that mutation to be honest, glad you reminded me of it, so Mia will give birth in 4 and a half months from now.)

As Misty laid down next to her and snuggled up for the night, Mia rolled over onto her side and buried her face in Misty's breasts and snuggled back, seeming very tired from the draining she'd endured, but nonetheless just as satisfied as Misty was from the looks of it. "Yeah... I'll do my best to make you happy my mate," Mia replied as she closed her eyes, already almost asleep herself Misty would see.

Misty would find that the area around them was relatively quiet all things considered, with not much in the way of sounds that were out of the ordinary, a few bugs chirping in the distance and whatnot, maybe a rustle of leaves from a racoon or some other small critter skulking about, looking for something to eat or somewhere to sleep for the night or some such. Drifting off to sleep, Misty would feel Mia swing her right leg up and over her legs just before sleep took her as she nuzzled against her chest one last time, purring softly as she did so.


The next morning, Misty would wake to find nothing had disturbed them in the night, but she would find that Mia wasn't in the bedroll next to her any longer and was sitting next to the fire, getting it burning again by blowing on the smouldering cinders of what was left of it to spark it back up as she used a few twigs and leaves to get it going again before setting a larger log onto it once it was. When Mia had done that she looked back over her shoulder to see Misty awake now, where she smiled and crawled over to her, leaning down and pressing her lips against Misty's. "Good morning my mate. How are you this morning? Good I hope. I was trying to get something nice cooked with what you had in your pack to surprise you with, but you woke up obviously before I could," Mia said as she greeted Misty for the morning, purring as she nuzzled against Misty's neck and kissed her there before raising back up and helping Misty to sit up if she took the hand offered by the cat girl. "As soon as we eat we can get going again, and maybe we can fight something for me to show you what all I know," Mia said, sounding almost eager to fight, which was probably either a good thing or a bad thing for when they found her mentor Evelyn.
Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

"Morning," Misty grumbled tiredly in response to Mia's greeting, wiping sleep out of her eyes. Gazing about blearily, Misty sighed and hugged Mia as the cat-girl nuzzled against her, going so far as to rub behind her feline ears. "I didn't have much to work with.... But I appreciate the sentiment~" she said, and gave the neko an appreciative pinch on the butt. Taking the offered hand, Misty got out of bed naked and slowly rose to her feet, giving herself a brief stretch and yawning.

"Don't wish too hard for that," Misty remarked casually, putting a hand on her hip and slowly glancing around for her own discarded clothing. "I'm not particularly a fan of hurting things, so unless we run into aliens I'd prefer to try and keep from resorting to violence where possible." Assuming Mia was dressed, Misty would follow suit and slowly get her traveling robes back on before moving to help make some breakfast. Once they had eaten and assuming nothing came up that required attention, Misty would see to packing up their modest camp and being on their way.
Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

Misty: HP = 50, PP = 65, EP = 90, status = Fine

Mia: HP = 57, PP = 46, EP = 45, Status = pregnant, but otherwise fine

When Misty rubbed behind Mia's ears it made Mia purr more as she nuzzled against her neck, her body shuddering slightly at Misty's touch. As soon as Mia stopped her nuzzling she pulled Misty on up so they could get a bite to eat. "Yeah, I kind of had to break into one of your rations to make something decent, but I'm sure it'll taste good enough," Mia said as she pulled Misty up, leaving the kitsune behind to stretch out while she finished up with breakfast for the two of them.

Misty would find her clothes neatly folded next to her pack, obviously done so by Mia as the night before Misty had just kind of tossed them to the side when they got in bed the night before, and Mia she could see was already dressed in her same old tattered clothing. "Well I don't really like hurting people either when I can help it, but I'm not afraid to and I won't bat an eye if I have to either," Mia said when Misty mentioned not wanting to resort to violence unless necessary.

There wasn't much left in the way of cooking that needed doing for the breakfast, but Mia didn't turn away Misty's help any and once it was done they ate together, with Mia splitting everything that was cooked with Misty. After breakfast Mia helped Misty gather their things before bouncing on the balls of her feet, ready to get moving once again, looking very eager to get moving again. "I believe that we can get there sometimes later today if we move quickly, because when I ran I was already a little tired and it was a little later in the day too," Mia said as Misty prepared to leave and got her pack up onto her shoulders.
Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

"I figured you did. It's okay," Misty said lightly when Mia admitted to breaking into her rations. "I don't have much left to give out though, we'd better try and scrounge up something more substantial if we can."

"Then let's move!" Misty said after Mia mentioned that they might arrive at her village that day, having dressed and eaten breakfast without further comment. The sooner they got going, the sooner they'd be finished with this, and even though she still held more than a little fear at the prospect of facing the aliens, Misty felt a bit of excitement at the prospect of what might be to come.
Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

Misty: HP = 50, PP = 65, EP = 90, status = Fine

Mia: HP = 57, PP = 46, EP = 45, Status = pregnant, but otherwise fine

"Yeah I agree on that, best to gather what we can when we can. If I had a bow or crossbow then I could hunt us something up around like a fox or something else, and I could use the fur for something a little better to cover myself up with. But alas we don't have a bow of any kind," Mia said while they ate, agreeing on scrounging up more food as they went along so that they didn't run out of other food.

Nodding to Misty, Mia led the way on out of there and onwards towards her old town. Every once in a while Mia stopped and sniffed the ground, getting close and also looking around for the tracks she'd left, which unfortunately the majority of had been washed away in the rain, but she seemed to have found a couple here and there to follow back. They soon made their way down further across the highlands area and made it to a hill just on the edge of sight of the little patch of woods they'd stayed in the night before, and from here they could see down across the way a bit further on the outskirts of what appeared to be a small town, with a couple of small columns of smoke rising in the distance from a building or two that were burning. When Mia saw the devastation of the town she hung her head sadly a little bit, the sight before them telling that the majority of the town had been taken out, but she didn't give up hope just yet and turn around, she looked to Misty and nodded then started off down towards the town anyway, whispering to Misty and motioning to her to try and stay as low as she could while they moved in, with the catgirl darting from bush to bush in the rather tall grass.

They were easily able to move up to the town, which had quite a few buildings in it, but no more than a three to maybe four dozen or so and a couple of those at least looked to have been store houses for supplies or something, the nearest such building being a farm house just outside of the town proper with what little in the way of crops having been left unattended by the owners. There were a few other little farm houses and barns around the main area of the town, but they were all well within sight of the rest. From the one they stopped at, they could see into the town a bit, where they saw a few dead bodies littering the streets. The majority of the houses were still standing amazingly, with the little temple that Mia had spoken of that she'd stayed at being on the northernmost part of town, with the large double doors laying destroyed on the ground. They could also see a couple of scattered alien hunters about, but the only ones they could see so far were on the far side of town down the main street, which they could see from where they were, they didn't have line of sight to any of the other small streets or alleys, of which there were two other streets and several alleyways, some of which were fenced off, so there was no telling really how many aliens were left here, as the majority of them seemed to have moved on and away from this place.

"Well there's the temple Misty, we can circle around over to it if you want to, if miss Evelyn is still here then she'd have gone back to the temple to hide, and there's a couple of cellar rooms she could hide in and a couple of secret rooms hidden in the temple too she might have hidden herself in if she's still here. Gods please let her still be here," Mia said, letting Misty know that they could loop far around the town and in the tall grass before moving up to the temple, muttering a prayer to the gods that this Evelyn was still around in the temple as she finished. "We could also try and loop through the town itself and see if we can make it to the blacksmith's place, unless the aliens took the weapons then he'd have some that I could grab to use and gear up with, but I can still fight with my hands too of course," Mia then suggested, waiting for Misty to decide on how to approach this.
Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

"Hey!" Misty said, affronted when Mia mentioned hunting down a fox. Her tail poofed up, and she glared at the cat-girl as she said; "That's not nice! Leave the poor little foxes alone! How would you like it if I went out and started hunting cats?"

That was about all she had to say on the matter though, and they were on their way shortly afterwards. She didn't even bother to hide the fact that she was staring at Mia's butt whenever she stopped to sniff the ground, but made no effort to dissuade her from her course, not having any better options to find it than relying on the cat-girls tracking skills. Soon enough columns of smoke were seen rising in the distance, and when they drew closer and found the girl's home town devastated Misty gave Mia a light pat on the back. She would have been content to turn right then, but Mia was evidently more hopeful than she, and Misty simply followed along carefully in her wake as they drew closer.

As they crept closer, passing unkept crops that Misty examined carefully in case she might be able to scavenge some food later, the kitsune began to feel a very intense queasiness as she spotted the corpses littering the streets. The temple that Mia had mentioned was still standing, however, and that seemed to be where she thought Evelyn might be hiding. "Alright," she whispered softly, casting her gaze around and spotting some sort of fearsome lizard creatures, those she had heard of appearing out of thin air and tearing the throats from their victims. She subconsciously rubbed at her neck and swallowed nervously, unsure how many such creatures might be around still, but at least right now the creatures only seemed to be wandering about.

"I think it might be best if we find out some more information first.... Where did you say that blacksmith's was?" Misty said, and as she did she drew out a tiny doll from her pack. Animating the tiny construct with a bit of her magic, Misty set it on the ground and directed it where Mia had pointed out, closing her eyes and controlling it directly with her mind. Her tether to it grew more tenuous as it got farther away, but in this case it would be long enough to do what she needed it to do. The tiny creature would circle away so that it wouldn't be seen coming from their location, and make every effort to remain unseen if it could and appear inanimate if one of the aliens looked too carefully at it.

Assemble Contraption X = 4 to make ye doll. 4 EP for a doll with 4 AV, 42 Body, and 8 Mind. Send it in to sneak about.
Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

Misty: HP = 50, PP = 65, EP = 84/90, status = Fine

Mia: HP = 57, PP = 46, EP = 45, Status = pregnant, but otherwise fine

Misty's doll: HP: = 46, status: fine (42 body, 8 mind)

[Using Assemble Contraption with 2 + 4 EP for a total of 6 EP to animate the doll.]

"Oh... s-sorry Misty, I... I'm sorry I shouldn't have said a fox... I just meant, you know, just wild game in general really," Mia said quickly with a look of apology on her face, and there was a slight look of fright there as well at Misty's glare.

Mia said nothing more on the matter either unless Misty was going to that is. When they set off, Mia glanced back over her shoulder whenever she crouched down to get the scent and Misty would notice her grinning each time she did, noticing Misty's eyes staring straight at her ass where her skirt was sliding up when she bent and or crouched over. Noticing Misty's eyes on her ass the first time this happened along the way, Mia shook her butt back and forth enticingly, teasing Misty a bit each time she stopped to check the trail as she made sure they were on the right track. Later on, when Misty pat Mia's back as they witnessed the desolation of her hometown, she'd see a couple of tears sliding down Mia's cheeks for a few moments before she wiped them away and began to move closer.


As they moved in on the farmhouse and entered it, Misty did indeed find a few crops that were salvageable, meaning if they could grab some of them on the way out of the town then they'd have a good amount of food to last them a while provided they could carry it all that is of course, most of it being vegetables.

"Aye, we shouldn't just rush in blindly, because then we'd probably just end up getting caught too. The blacksmith is just across there on the farthest street, you can see the chimney from over here at this window," Mia whispered to Misty from a window that was facing the town, pointing at the top of a tall gray chimney at the far side of town. "The temple of course kept some supplies and stuff inside, but I don't know if any would be left if people were able to flee to safety," Mia added.

When Misty pulled the little doll out of her pack and set it down, then animated it with her power, Mia looked a bit amazed yet again at Misty's show of power, gently poking the little doll in the stomach a couple of times where it just stared up at Misty and awaited her command. "Wow, that's awesome, I'll keep an eye out for you while you take it in, just sit here behind this table here so in case something comes close it won't see you easily and then we can hurry up and find miss Evelyn," Mia said when Misty got prepared to take control of the little animated doll, gently and quietly turning over the kitchen table onto its side and pulling it near the wall so they could hide behind it while Misty did what she had to.

[Stealth: success]

Making its way across the tall grass was surprisingly difficult to say the least, mainly as the doll was so short and small, which made it tough to see which way she needed to direct it. Thankfully though she could make out the rising smoke from the town buildings that were burning which gave her enough to make her way over to the buildings. As her little friend made its way into town on the street with the blacksmith she'd see that there were two more of the lizard like beings there and in one of the houses was a pair of... no a trio of the turned women, she would see as a third stepped into view of the broken down doorway of the house they were in, looking like they were just milling about, or resting... or whatever they did when not actively hunting for people. The doll seemed to go without notice for now at least and at the end of the street she could see through it the blacksmith, and as she closed in stealthily with the doll she would then see that the windows and the door were all busted open or down, and that some of the stuff inside was strewn all over the floor and or broken, but there was some left that could easily be salvaged if they managed to get to the blacksmith, and there was no telling how much in the back of the store to get. Other than the blacksmith, there was a general store just on the next street over that Mia had mentioned that she could take the doll through the alley between buildings to get to and have a look at, where she could find a few other useful items if she wished, or she could head on to the temple and have a look around it with her doll, though heading there would be stretching her mental tether to its limits in order to get there.
Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

(Misty has Overlord, which decreases the EP cost of all summoning powers by 2, thus resulting in Assemble Contraption only costing its X cost. I probably should have explained that in my spoiler last post.)

"Oh don't take that seriously!" Misty exclaimed when Mia seemed distraught by her offense at the idea of hunting a fox for clothing. "I was only joking at your choice of words, don't worry about it."


"That would be best, I'll let you know what I find," Misty whispered back to Mia, allowing the catgirl to stand guard while she sent her doll into the alien-controlled town. The doll, after giving Mia an affronted look as she poked at its stomach, ran off through the tall grass, a slightly difficult task for it initially given its size relative to the tiny puppet. Eventually it got through, however, and broke free into the more open ground.

Her sneaky entrance into the town seemed successful, at least, and Misty let herself relax a little just before her scout nearly walked into one of the three gemini. The kitsune couldn't help but shiver at the sight of one of the corrupted beings, envisioning for a moment herself or Mia turned into one of them and concocting horrors in her imagination that might cause one to become like that. Her inner ruminations were brief, however, and soon enough she maneuvered her minion so that she could see into the blacksmith's shop.

Some stuff was strewn about, but most of it still seemed to be there and intact. There was another shop nearby, a general store, but before she directed her doll through the alleyway toward it Misty quietly reported; "There are at least three corrupted near the blacksmith.... None of them have red hair though, and there's still some stuff inside. I'm going to the general store now." Her report made, Misty had her doll continue on as it had previously, and if they were still undiscovered even then she would stretch her control of the doll and get it all the way to the temple.
Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

Misty: HP = 50, PP = 65, EP = 86/90, status = Fine

Mia: HP = 57, PP = 46, EP = 45, Status = pregnant, but otherwise fine

Misty's doll: HP: = 46, status: fine (42 body, 8 mind)

[I fixed her EP to what it should be since I forgot about her Spirit Aptitude and all. No worries about it though, probably should have checked it myself before I posted last but forgot.]

"M'kay, if you say so Misty," Mia replied, brightening up instantly when Misty said she was only joking about the neko's choice of words before, her tail swishing happily in the air behind her.


"Alright Misty, just be careful, and good, that means miss Evelyn is probably still here somewhere... or... well you know, they already took her away. Also if there's a sword in the blacksmith that I can use in one hand then that'd be good, I'm okay with one and it's always good to have a fallback weapon, but I'm better with my fists really. Miss Evelyn though is really good with one of them, and can do a bit of those spiritual powers like you used too... well I don't know if it's exactly like yours, but you know," Mia whispered as Misty ordered her doll forward through the alley.

As she took the doll through the alleyway, she didn't see much in the way of anyone or anything really. When she got to the end of the alley however through the doll's eyes she could see that she'd nearly run straight into the leg of another hunter skulking about that was only about six feet away from the edge of the alley in the opposite direction of the general store. Peeking down the other way after seeing the hunter stalking off down the street in the other direction, she could see a few other things in the general store through the broken windows. After only a few seconds the hunter was gone and there was nothing else on the street so she had plenty of time to look through the general store before moving on.

Inside the general store it was mostly just tools and an assortment of foods that were there for sale, but behind the counter she could see the money box was still there and didn't seem to have been touched, as well as some camping and travel gear, some boots and shoes, as well as some clothes, though some of those had been shredded by the looks of it.

Once she was done looking around in the general store, Misty was able to move pretty easily out of town by sticking to the alleyways and shadows, her doll going unnoticed as she headed up towards the temple, which was stretching her hold on the doll very thin. Once at the temple, the front doors she could see were busted down, one laying mostly inside of the temple as if it'd been bashed with a battering ram or something, while the other was facing the other direction as if it'd been ripped off its hinges. The small garden that'd once been there was trampled, only a small patch of about 5 or 6 flowers remaining and the whole place looked abandoned really. Some of the pews inside of the temple were overturned and one of them was smashed in the middle of it. Moving inside she could see that there was a door to the left and one to the right, both were open. From where she was in the place, she could see the door to the left led to a kitchen while the one to the right led to other rooms, possibly living quarters for those that had lived there at one point, but she'd have to go in there to find out.

"Well... what do you see Misty? Anything?" Misty would hear Mia ask hopefully.
Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

"There were plenty of swords, it looks like the aliens didn't take much of anything among the goods there... Or in the shop, we might be able to get you some decent clothing and shoes if we can clear the place somehow. The temple door was caved in, but there are plenty of those lizards hanging about.... I'm going to check around the temple," Misty explained in a hushed whisper, and then directed her doll to the left and into the kitchens. Might as well get that out of the way first, though she doubted that she would find anyone there that the aliens hadn't already discovered. What she might find, however, were signs that someone had been sneaking about and stealing food recently, as the aliens either didn't eat in the case of most of them, or ate raw meat in the case of the hunters, at least as far as she knew.

The near miss with the hunter back in the street had startled her, and she very carefully moved her puppet to peek around the corner and into the kitchen. If it was empty of monsters, she would explore it briefly, seeking signs of habitation or perhaps some secret passageway in which survivors might have hidden. If her explorations bore no fruit, it would be the dorms she checked next, using the same level as caution as she used when searching the kitchen.
Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

Misty: HP = 50, PP = 65, EP = 86/90, status = Fine

Mia: HP = 57, PP = 46, EP = 45, Status = pregnant, but otherwise fine

Misty's doll: HP: = 46, status: fine (42 body, 8 mind)

"Okay... well that's good to hear, and if there's only a few of the lizard guys then they shouldn't be too much for us to take when and if we go into town for that stuff, I'm more concerned about the temple for now though. Now uh... let's see... miss Evelyn always told me that there were a few hiding places in the temple, but I don't think your little doll could manage to get into them without one of us there. I think we'd have to go in there ourselves in order to look in them, but there was one in the kitchen area, inside and to the back left of the pantry, which should be... straight across on the opposite wall and to the left a bit from the door leading into the kitchens," Mia whispered to Misty, her voice obviously tense and full of worry as she gave her the location of one of the possible hiding locations that Evelyn might be in.

As Misty directed her doll on and into the kitchens, she would see two doors leading elsewhere, one of which was pulled to in the general direction of the pantry Mia had mentioned, while the other one lay wide open, being a fairly big dining room she could see, with the tables in pretty good condition all things considered and unbroken. If she went over to the pantry with the doll and pushed it open enough to look inside, she'd see the room was fairly dark and the shelves looked to have been looted recently, though more like a lot at once that'd been hastily stuffed into bags or packs, as some jars were broken on the floor and whatnot.

Heading on to the living quarters from there, Misty saw several doors along the hallway, most of which were wide open, but there were a few that were pulled to but not completely shut that she could investigate further by peeking inside of them, but the temple itself seemed to be empty from the looks of it, empty of aliens as well as others, though as Mia said her doll probably couldn't reach all of the hiding places that might have been used.
Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

"So long as we don't let any of them sneak up on us, I'd agree with you there... But they aren't the only threat remember," Misty reminded Mia, and then took a mental note of the hiding place she'd mentioned being present in the kitchen. She spent a moment mentally kicking herself for not giving her doll the ability to fly given Mia's description of most of the places where someone might have hidden to survive, but then resigned herself for needing to check personally later and moved her minion onwards.

Leaving the pantry spot for now, not needing to check it in particular after noting that much of it looked to have been looted and seeing the supply laden packs lying on the floor, Misty moved her doll to the living area. The doll peaked into every room, and upon finding them empty of alien threats would proceed to explore them for a few minutes each, checking under rugs and furniture for trap doors or hidden things but doing nothing more than marking them mentally if she found any. Once the kitsune's doll had finished its exploration of the temple and assuming that there were no other places to explore, she would begin guiding it out of the temple so that it could return to her. No sense leaving a perfectly good tool out of reach, in case she needed a scout again.

"There wasn't anybody obviously in the temple, but I couldn't check it fully with the doll. We're going to have to take care of the aliens before we can do that though... And I might have an idea of how we can do that, unless you've come up with a plan of some sort."
Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

Misty: HP = 50, PP = 65, EP = 86/90, status = Fine

Mia: HP = 57, PP = 46, EP = 45, Status = pregnant, but otherwise fine

Misty's doll: HP: = 46, status: fine (42 body, 8 mind)

As Misty continued her search of the temple, now going thoroughly through the living quarters of the place and checking each room there. It wasn't until the fourth room she came across, which was the second one on the left side of the hall, that she saw another living being. When she went inside and looked around she saw nothing at first, but as she'd turned to leave she saw the crack of a trapdoor in the floor underneath the side of a rug that was nailed down to it at one part, so that when it was shut it would pull the rug back into place to prevent it from being noticed really unless one looked very closely like she had done on a whim almost. It was obviously too heavy for her doll to lift any by itself, so it would have to wait until she'd come in person to do so herself as well along with the kitchen one.

"Hmm... that's true. Go ahead and check the rest of the living quarters then, and be sure to have a peek out the back door which is at the end of the hall the living quarters are down, should be a left turn at the end of that hall which leads directly to the backdoor of the temple. It might be a good way inside since the backdoor faces away from the town and there aren't any farm houses in that direction and all. Then we can check the trapdoors and stuff for survivors, who knows, maybe then we can wipe these things out if we're lucky and get some revenge for miss Evelyn," Mia said, nodding her head as she told Misty where to go next while she kept an eye out herself for anything coming towards them, her voice sounding as if she was beginning to realize that her mentor was gone now as it broke slightly into a half sob before she stopped herself. Though she didn't sniffle or start crying Misty would notice, instead waiting for now to let that out as she understood the situation at hand and the need to remain quiet.

Other than the trapdoor, she saw nothing really until she got to the end of the hallway where she noticed after it turned to the left again one last time that there was another door standing half open, the backdoor that Mia had told her about a minute or so before. Peeking out of it, she would see 2 of the five foot tall tentacled creatures and 2 of the three foot tall ones the aliens had working for them all stepping menacingly after an obviously mature yet still fairly young and beautiful looking woman with red hair, who was wearing only a pair of black stocking and nothing else, and she was a little dirty from various things Misty could see also. She was on her butt crawling backwards away from the things, a scared and slightly tired look on her face as she panted, which made her chest heave. She had quite large breasts that were at least F-cups which jiggled deliciously each time she moved as she crawled backwards, she was naked as the day she was born, had blue eyes, she was just shy of 6 feet tall by maybe a couple of inches, and her red hair went down to just above her ass. She was crawling towards the the small and now mostly broken picket fence around the temple's backyard. threw out a bolt of blackened lightning at one of the four enemies coming towards her as she scrambled back to her feet, which had the added effect of making her breasts bounce again as she dove past the lot of them and towards the doorway that Misty's doll was in, using the opportunity from her lightning attack to do so. The woman's bolt of lightning struck one of the larger creatures, knocking it out of her way just long enough to dart to the doors, and while it didn't seem to have killed it really, it did leave it quite wounded from what Misty could see through her doll's eyes.

It was obvious that whoever the woman was had access to demonic spiritual powers as that had been blackened lightning and not regular lightning, and she was obviously in trouble and in need of help or risk being overwhelmed by sheer numbers, though if Misty wanted to help whoever it was quickly then she wouldn't be able to bring her doll all the way back now and would have to go and pick it up after getting to the temple, leaving the thing in a safe place to grab once there. "What's going on Misty, come on tell me? Did you find some more of the trapdoors? I think there were only like three or four, but you know," Mia asked in a whisper as Misty saw the red headed woman run past her doll, which was in a dangerous place of course, but there was too much going on above its little head for anything to take notice of it and if she backed into the corner of the hallway behind the door as the woman went past and the grabbers followed her, then nothing should spot her doll.
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Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

"Right," Misty said in answer to Mia's suggestion that she check out the back door, and after having discovered a trap door in one of the bedrooms she sent her doll out to do just that, and though her attention was mostly focused on controlling her construct Misty didn't fail to notice Mia's brief sob. She couldn't offer any real comfort, not before she had her doll go down to the end of the hall and peer out into the backyard, at which point she couldn't help but break out into a broad grin despite the dire scene that her construct spied upon.

"So... Evelyn had red hair, right? Did she also happen to have huge tits?" Misty asked conversationally as she already readied her powers to summon another creature, suspecting that Mia would insist on rescue efforts immediately once she heard of the woman's situation. "She's currently cornered in the temple with a quartet of those creatures after her, and she's looking pretty ragged right now. We're going to have to make a run through the center of town to reach her in time," the kitsune quickly added.

Evelyn, if this was indeed the woman that Mia had spoken of, must have been truly desperate to be so sloppy with her energies. Given that she was running naked through the town, that might not be so far from the truth, but Misty knew that a bolt of that lightning shot down the hall could likely disintegrate all four of the tentacled creatures that started after her if she'd thought to do it. Her doll watched her go without moving, and then Misty was left with a decision as the tentacle monsters followed along after the busty redhead. Her doll wouldn't be able to make it back in time for her to reclaim it, but if she simply left it there and dispelled its magics she might arrive to find Evelyn in the middle of having all of her holes stuffed with tentacles. It was unfortunate, as her doll would likely be destroyed in the process, but Misty sighed as she enacted the powers present in it and caused it to blaze suddenly with power.

As the tentacle monsters moved to pass it by, Misty would have it step forward and leap, assaulting the first of the monsters with a vicious uppercut that contained human-like force despite the doll's diminutive size, and then if it wasn't grabbed it would engage in a largely automated running retreat, unleashing the power that it could gather in bursts of brilliant magical energy that could slice through flesh like butter. It would have to buy the priestess whatever time it could, as she would need a few moments to prepare herself and her animated forces.

First, she raised a hand and directed it at the long grass in which they had taken, which tore itself free of its roots as her energies took command of them. The plants swirled together into a whirlwind, its shape vaguely like the head of a cat with a great mane while much of it was left as a formless mass of whirling grass blades, each of them hardened like steel thanks to her magics. It was crafted to be able to hurl those blades against any potential threats as easily as it could use them in melee, but the floating guardian wasn't to be her most powerful summon, at least not in terms of raw energy cost.

Second, she grabbed onto Mia and said; "Hold on to me!" More power rushed from her soul, and suddenly the ground beneath them would tremble and begin to rise. Rounded at first, the earthen golem would rise to stand on thick earthen legs until it towered over the smaller houses, its top flattened and its long, powerful arms formed of lines of stones that it could fling just as its more plant-like comrade could its grass blades. It was sturdier than its comrades, but the magic was limited in many aspects, the first of which beings its agility and ability to avoid any attacks aimed at it. Their ranged options were to be their primary line of attack, and as the mound rose ponderously to its feet - with herself and Mia on top of it - Misty channeled a little bit of extra energy into it, making sure that its strikes would hit home accurately and even as she made it try to defend them as they stood on top of it. After it had risen she first enhanced her eyes, making sure that she could spot any approaching aliens quickly since they had just made their presence quite obvious, and then instructed her minions to begin moving. A bit of her magics were poured into her mound of earth, and then with a firm smack on the ass Mia got a similar empowerment, ensuring that she would be able to help in the church when they arrived at it, as Misty set a course for it immediately and hoped they could arrive in time to save Evelyn.

Misty uses Assemble Contraption to make a Grass Lion (Contraption 2) and a Walking Mound (Contraption 3.) Then she will cast Nature's Lore on herself to increase Perception by (5 + 6 = 6, 6 * 3 = +18) for 4 EP and 1 EP upkeep, and Inner Strength on Mia and on ye Walking Mound for +12 Body each for another 4 EP total, doing so while the Mound carries them into and through the town. She and Mia will ride on top of the Walking Mound while it and the Grass Lion fend off any hunters or similar melee aliens that come within range, Misty herself acting as the spotter. Anything that gets too close to ye Mound gets flattened by it while the Lion flies about. Responses made to magical attacks will have to be done in posts, if any occur.

Grass Lion is made via Assemble Contraption X = 6, with 3 additional points spent to give it more Mind, an additional point spent on doubling its range, and another point spent on giving it the ability to fly. Total EP cost = 11 EP.

Walking Mound is also made via Assemble Contraption, this time with X = 12 and no additional things to worry about.

Misty's total EP cost for summoning = 22 EP, then 4 EP on ye Perception buff to help her spot for ye Grass Lion, then 2 EP per spell with 1 EP upkeep for ye other spells. If not interrupted, that means Misty is spending a total of 11 + 12 + 4 + 3 + 3 = 33 EP across 5 rounds. The last three will be spent on the Walking Mound.

Contraption 1 (Doll)
Body = 42
Mind = 8
HP = 46
Dodge = 25
Speed = 20
Grapple = 42
AV = 4
Melee (+42) 2d6 + 21
Ranged (+42) 3d4 + 8, range = 60 feet

Contraption 2 (Grass Lion)
Body = 58
Mind = 30
HP = 73
Dodge = 44
Speed = 24
Grapple = 58
AV = 4
Melee (+58) 2d6 + 29
Ranged (+58) 3d4 + 30, range = 120 feet

Contraption 3 (Walking Mound)
Body = 96
Mind = 24
HP = 108
Dodge = 50 (max for a Contraption)
Speed = 31
Grapple = 96
AV = 4
Melee (+96) 2d6 + 48
Ranged (+96) 3d4 + 24, range = 60 feet

With ye buff it gets an extra +12 to hit on both attacks and +6 melee damage.

In effect: Doll melee attacks, then backs away and ranged attacks if not grappled by slimy tentacles.

After being summoned, Glass Lion flies 20 feet in the air and moves alongside and above ye Walking Mound as it is also summoned, which Mia and Misty will ride on, with both using their ranged attacks on any aliens coming into their potential range. Walking Mound will use 20 points of defensive fighting to give Mia and Misty an extra 10 Dodge apiece, meaning that it can only move at half Speed. Neither can move on the turn they're summoned, so when it can move Misty will give the Mound a Body buff so that its effective Speed becomes 33, which halved is 17. It can move at full Speed if it only needs to go in a straight line. Buff order: Perception, Mound's Body, Mia's Body.
Last edited:
Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

Misty: HP = 50, PP = 65, EP = 53/90, status = Fine (+18 perception)

Mia: HP = 57, PP = 46, EP = 45, Status = pregnant, but otherwise fine (+12 body from Inner Strength)

Misty's doll: HP: = 0/46, status: Battered and out of commission, but not un-salvageable I say (42 body, 8 mind)

Misty's Grass Lion: HP = 73, status = fine (58 body, 30 mind)

Misty's Walking Mound: HP = 108, status = fine (96 body, 24 mind)

11 + 42 = 53 for Misty's doll, deals 5 + 4 + 21 HP dmg to Adult Grabber B.

Evelyn dealt a total of 30 dmg to Grabber A and killed it, leaving the other smaller grabber and both Adult Grabbers left there in the temple with her.

13 + 40 = 53 for Greater Grabber A, dealing 11 + 12 + 13 = 36 dmg to Misty's doll, -4 from AV for a total of 32 dmg.

12 + 30 = 42 for Grabber B, dealing 11 + 4 + 10 = 25 dmg to Misty's doll, -4 from AV for a total of 21 dmg and slamming it against the wall and knocking it out of commission.

After setting forth, the grass lion spots the hunters ahead of the group, firing its ranged attack at the closer of the two. 15 + 58 = well more the twice as much as needed on Hunter A, dealing 2 + 4 + 2 + 30 = 38 HP dmg -10 from AV for a total of 28 HP dmg.

Both Hunters are running towards Misty and Mia, along with Misty's contraptions, which puts them in range of the Walking Mound.

The Walking Mound uses its ranged attack on the same hunter that the grass lion did. 15 + 96 -20 from defensive fighting = 91 on Hunter A, dealing 4 + 3 + 4 + 24 = 35 dmg, -10 from AV for a total of 25 dmg, enough to kill Hunter A, leaving only the one left in their way.

I'd say since she and Mia are out in one of the farm houses like they are on the edge of town, then she'd have plenty of time to come out of the house and summon her stuff before moving in without anything really noticing them, and she also spends the 33 EP over 5 rounds, not going over her spirit ceiling on any of those turns.

Also does the Walking Mound get +12 more body on top of the 96, or is it 96 after the +12?

"Aye she does have red hair, I think I said that before, and she has quite large breasts too in fact, easily twice as big as mine at least..." Mia replied as Misty continued and finished telling what she'd seen, with Mia jumping to her feet and looking ready for battle as she cracked her knuckles. "Then we've got to hurry Misty, I mean we can't just leave her, and if she's looking that ragged then it must mean she was really desperate to attempt to come out in the daytime, because she's smart and wouldn't do anything dumb like that without a good reason," Mia said quickly, a little louder than she'd intended to, but it made no matter really as her voice still wasn't loud enough to carry into town.

Back through the eyes of her doll, Misty could see who she thought was Evelyn turn the corner of the hallway and start down through the living quarters, throwing a dark red fireball over her shoulder to try and give herself some covering fire and to maybe slow the things down enough to escape from them, which did strike one of the smaller ones behind the larger one in front, frying the thing dead as it came to a halt just inside of the doorway. Misty's doll jumped up right into the larger one that the woman hadn't hit just yet, knocking it into the wall across on the other side of the hall next to the door, its body really blocking the doorway at the moment and preventing the already wounded tentacle creature from getting inside, though the doll didn't kill it unfortunately.

The larger grabber that Misty had her doll strike with all its might swung a tentacle at the thing as it managed to get going again, knocking her doll out of the way as if it were nothing, where the remaining smaller tentacled creature did so as it came in right behind the larger one, flinging Misty's doll into the wall where its head broke off and she lost her mental connection to it. However before she lost it totally she saw the damage wrought to the doll's body as the head fell and landed facing the rest of it, noticing that the left arm had broken off as well, but other than that it looked relatively intact and she may be able to salvage it if and when she got to it and had the time to tinker around with it.

After that Mia followed Misty outside where she watched the kitsune unleashing her powers to assemble more companions out of her surroundings, a look of amazement on her face followed by a look of eagerness to go into battle with Misty. Mia waited until Misty had created both the grassy lion and then when Misty told Mia to hold onto her, Mia did so, staying close by as she brought forth her second summons... which was basically an earth golem really, though whether she called it as such or not was up to her of course. When Misty gave Mia the smack on her ass as she imbued her with increased power, Mia jumped a little and looked over at Misty with a smile. "I don't think this is the time to do that my mate. Now can we please go so I can tear these things to shreds for you and show you how strong I am?" Mia said with a smirk on her face, asking if they could go on to battle with a very confident look on her face.

Once they were off, the pair of them along with Misty's new summoned contraptions all started straight for the temple down the rightmost street of the town which led straight to the temple and had the fewest foes on it thankfully, though there were a couple of the hunters from earlier along the thing. "I don't have anything to throw at them or I would, these ones are up to you Misty. Unless you want me to jump off and take care of them for you while you go help miss Evelyn up at the temple. I can keep everything down here busy I think until you cleared everything up there if you'd like," Mia said, making a suggestion that she looked as if she seriously doubted Misty would agree to it, though putting it forth anyway.

Along the way, they saw a pair of the Hunters that were in the town now on this street, or maybe they had always been there it was hard to tell really. Misty's grass lion launched one of its blades at the nearest of the pair, which sliced right into its shoulder and left a nasty looking cut, where the Hunters both ran at them to attack, though they were just a little too far away to reach that quickly. This gave Misty's earthlike golem a chance to hurl a clump of itself at the wounded Hunter, crushing it under what had been thrown and killing it.

[Whew, I hope I got everything right in that. I went ahead and began moving Misty and Mia out from the farmhouse and towards the temple in order to get the ball rolling and all, doing all of the rolls necessary and stuff, as well as rolling to see if and what they might have to face along the way, which ended up being the Hunters. Let me know if anything looks wrong or out of place or anything okay.]
Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

(All of the rolls look accurate to me. The +12 Body is not included in the stats I posted for it, I only included those in the things that mattered.)

It was a disappointment, but not a surprise when her doll fell. It had bought the woman they were trying to save a moment of time, and even though the tiny puppet wasn't particularly valuable, Misty was glad that it was intact enough that she might be able to salvage it rather than replace it entirely.

Everything else went exactly according to plan, however, and Misty responded to Mia's teasing statement with a grin. "Quite right! We can continue when we've retaken the town," the kitsune replied brightly as they rode across the town on her earthen golem. The initial forces they faced were light, and Misty hadn't yet seen any sign of any creature capable of magic as her two minions scythed down a hunter as it moved to intercept them. The other she flagged her floating sniper to ignore unless it remained the only viable target, moving her earth golem forward and directing the great earthen beast to simply crush it, knowing that the alien would be easily finished off it survived the attack at all.

"You're going to be the one going in there to rescue her," Misty said calmly as her own senses were kept on high alert in case more enemies should appear, something that she considered a certainty. "I'm not so good in close quarters, or even in direct combat at all, so you'll be the one doing the rescuing while I hold things out here and draw their attention," Misty explained calmly, and as she did she concentrated on replacing her doll with something more combat capable. From the earth beneath her Misty called another servant, a figure drawn up from deep beneath them and taking a great deal more of her energy to animate, but all the deadlier for it. "Don't worry," she told the young cat-girl, "you won't be going in alone."

Before her golem, another of its kind rose, smaller but also far far denser. Ore filled with copper and iron mixed in with the solid stone that formed its body, cracks along its form the only portions keeping it from being a perfect marble representation of Misty herself.... Sans her clothing, of course. While her unique sexual characteristics were left for the imagination to supply, it was a fairly good copy of the kitsune in terms of curves, but unlike Misty it was anything but soft. Two spiked fists clanged together as it joined the march towards the temple, branching off to be away from the rest of them in case some magical assault should be launched against them, but its path kept it parallel with them as they traveled on.

If they reached the temple without further mishap, that guardian would enter beside Mia to seek out Evelyn, instructed by Misty to follow the cat-girl's orders while Misty herself remained out in front of the building with her minions, ready to scythe down any aliens that made themselves known. If they didn't... Misty would need to react to that when it happened, assuming that she could.

Assemble Contraption again! X = 12 once more, this time with different fluff but following the same basic rules.

Contraption 1 (Grass Lion)
Body = 58
Mind = 30
HP = 73
Dodge = 44
Speed = 24
Grapple = 58
AV = 4
Melee (+58) 2d6 + 29
Ranged (+58) 3d4 + 30, range = 120 feet

Contraption 2 (Walking Mound)
Body = 96 (108 with buff)
Mind = 24
HP = 108
Dodge = 50 (max for a Contraption)
Speed = 31
Grapple = 96
AV = 4
Melee (+108) 2d6 + 53
Ranged (+108) 3d4 + 24, range = 60 feet

Contraption 3 (Marble Guardian)
Body = 96
Mind = 24
HP = 108
Dodge = 50 (max for a Contraption)
Speed = 31
Grapple = 96
AV = 4
Melee (+96) 2d6 + 48
Ranged (+96) 3d4 + 24, range = 60 feet
Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

Misty: HP = 50, PP = 65, EP = 53/90, status = Fine (+18 perception)

Mia: HP = 57, PP = 46, EP = 45, Status = pregnant, but otherwise fine (+12 body from Inner Strength)

Misty's doll: HP: = 0/46, status: Battered and out of commission, but not un-salvageable I'll say (42 body, 8 mind)

Misty's Grass Lion: HP = 73, status = fine (58 body, 30 mind)

Misty's Walking Mound: HP = 108, status = fine (108 body, 24 mind)

Misty's animated marble statue of herself: HP = 108, status = fine (108 body, mind 24)

Misty's Walking Mound: 3 + 108 = 111 for attack, 1 + 4 + 53 for dmg, -10 from AV for a total of 48 dmg to the second hunter.

Misty's Grass Lion: 2 + 58 = 60 for attack, not really going to bother with the damage since it's dead no matter what really.

As Misty and Mia moved onwards atop her earthen golem, Misty would see her summoned help easily dispatch the other hunter as they got closer to it, with the one they were riding atop slamming a large dirt fist down onto the thing, crushing most of its body, where her flying grassy lion flung another blade of grass straight through the thing's skull and finished it off without much trouble. "Wow, I'd hate to piss you off Misty," Mia said as they rode onwards. "And oh... I thought you might have been coming in with me, but I suppose it's only proper that I be the one to go in and all... but some extra help would be appreciated to say the least," Mia went on to say as Misty summoned up yet another thing to help them out.

When Misty's new contraption was up and ready to fight, it clanged its spiked hands together in a show of readiness as they neared the temple. While she could hear the other creatures in town moving about in response to the ruckus she'd made a few moments before, Misty didn't see any more of them just yet, which may or may not be cause for concern it was hard to say which really. As they neared the dirt road leading up the small hill to the temple though, they heard several noises behind them moving towards them, and when Misty and Mia looked over their shoulders to see what all was alerted to their presence now, they would see the trio of gemini women that Misty had seen before, a pair of hunters, a pair of large grey colored slimes, and a single slightly smaller black colored slime, all bound for the two of them and the hillside, and that wasn't counting what was inside of the temple chasing Evelyn, or had already caught her and were in the process of draining her through rape.

"Well shit... looks like miss Evelyn will have to wait a minute. Gods I hope she managed to run far enough away from there," Mia said as the things neared them, looking ready to fight as she nodded to Misty and hopped down off of the earthen golem carrying them, unless Misty moved to stop her that is, in which case she'd not jump down just yet. "You think we can handle this quick Misty? I'm gonna give those women... things there a good thrashing. There were a few of those here when these things attacked... looks like the majority of them are gone now though," Mia added before the fighting commenced, steeling herself for the fight as she cracked her knuckles... or saying as they rode the earthen golem further if Misty decided to not let Mia dismount just yet.

The lot of their enemies were coming up the street towards them not in a straight line. The gemini trio was about 65 feet back with the black slime about 15 feet behind, while the hunters were in front about 30 feet closer than the gemini trio, and the two large grey slimes were one on either flank, one being about 10 feet back and 5 feet to the left of the pair of hunters that were only separated by 10 feet themselves, while the other large grey slime was about 10 feet ahead and to the right of the gemini trio.

Fixed the Walking Mound's body stat to show the +12 body, and also I hope that you've got a general idea of the enemy placement here. If not then I'll come up with a way to show it better, but here's a list of where they all are, and if I messed up again you know what to do and all that.

Trinity: 65 feet away from Misty, Mia, and the Walking Mound, coming up the street they just came up.
Dark Slime: 15 feet directly behind the Trinity
Hunter A: 25 feet away from Misty, Mia, and the Walking Mound, straight away from them and 15 feet to the right of the line the Trinity and Dark Slime are taking.
Hunter B: 25 feet away from Misty, Mia, and the Walking Mound, and 10 feet to the right of Hunter A.
Greater Grey Slime A: 10 feet back and 5 feet to the left of Hunter A.
Greater Grey Slime B: 10 feet ahead and to the right of the Trinity.

Misty and Mia are about 75 feet from the temple entrance at the moment on top of Misty's Walking Mound, her Marble Guardian is about 20 feet to their left flank, while the Grass Lion is flying about 30 feet above them in an orbiting pattern at the moment since they had stopped.
Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

"I'm no good in close quarters," Misty replied calmly to Mia's assumption, "I would rather stay out here and clean up the town while you deal with the things attacking Evelyn, I'd be more useful and more effective." Inwardly, she silently thought; 'And more able to escape if things went South....'

"Dammit.... Well, not everything can go according to plan," Misty cursed quietly as groups of aliens moved to block them. "She had everything chasing her running down a hall in single file, even if she had to stand and fight, she ought to be fine. I gave her time to try and hide out," Misty said regarding Evelyn as Mia moved down from their perch on top of her golem, and Misty silently made her own preparations for combat. Power flooded through her, enhancing her ability to manipulate and focus the energies around her with her alchemical magics.

Once that was done, she silently urged her minions into battle, the grass lion flying higher and away from her so as to present as few targets as possible to the dark slime, the sort that she knew was able to wield magic much like her own. It was to be her minion's first target with everything that they could bring against it, namely her grass lion and her walking mound's ranged weapons, and to Mia's comment about handling this quickly she simply said; "Just see them destroyed as quickly as possible, and be careful to protect yourself from their magics." Her marble guardian went alongside the lithe cat-girl, aiming to intercept the hunters as best it could. Once the fighting started and unless otherwise occupied, Misty would begin exerting all of her power to try and get rid of the slime mage before it could wreak too much havok.

Grass Lion ranged attacks the dark slime until one of them is dead. The walking mound does the same, moving forward at full speed for round 1 and then at half speed on all subsequent rounds so as to use full 20 defensive fighting, both using their ranged attacks. Marble Guardian goes in to melee ye hunters with 20 defensive fighting as soon as it gets within melee range, otherwise using its ranged attack while it closes in. Misty herself is going to activate Transformation X = 6, granting her an additional 12 AV and 30 Mind thanks to Soul's Strength, with ye bonus Mind only granting half as much Dodge because that's how Transformation works. After that, assuming that horrible things do not happen that she will need to react to, she's going to be poking at ye dark slime with Way of Nature, a level 4 Nature spell.

Costs! Transformation = 6 activation, 2 upkeep. Bolts = 6 EP each.
Bolt Spells (+60) (2d4 + 10 + 2) * 4

Contraption 1 (Grass Lion)
Body = 58
Mind = 30
HP = 73
Dodge = 44
Speed = 24
Grapple = 58
AV = 4
Melee (+58) 2d6 + 29
Ranged (+58) 3d4 + 30, range = 120 feet

Contraption 2 (Walking Mound)
Body = 96 (108 with buff)
Mind = 24
HP = 108
Dodge = 50 (max for a Contraption)
Speed = 31
Grapple = 96
AV = 4
Melee (+108) 2d6 + 53
Ranged (+108) 3d4 + 24, range = 60 feet

Contraption 3 (Marble Guardian)
Body = 96
Mind = 24
HP = 108
Dodge = 50 (max for a Contraption)
Speed = 31
Grapple = 96
AV = 4
Melee (+96) 2d6 + 48
Ranged (+96) 3d4 + 24, range = 60 feet
Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

Misty: HP = 12/50, PP = 65, EP = 45/90, status = Fairly hurt, but still able to fight easily enough (+18 perception, +30 mind, +12 AV, +15 dodge)

Mia: HP = 57, PP = 46, EP = 45, Status = pregnant and extremely pissed off, but otherwise fine (+12 body from Inner Strength)

Misty's doll: HP = 0/46, status: Battered and out of commission, but not un-salvageable I'll say (42 body, 8 mind)

Misty's Grass Lion: HP = 73, status = fine (58 body, 30 mind)

Misty's Walking Mound: HP = 0/108, status = destroyed (108 body, 24 mind)

Misty's animated marble statue of herself: HP = 108, status = fine (108 body, mind 24)

Misty uses Transformation to enhance herself somewhat, gaining +30 mind, +12 AV, and +15 dodge.

Mia: Moves up adjacent to Hunter A and is directly in front of it, then she uses Flurry of Blows to make several attacks against it. 1st attack: 18 + 64 = 82, dealing a total of 1 + 3 + 36 = 40 - 10 from AV for 30 dmg. 2nd attack: 7 + 64 - 8 = 63, dealing a total of 5 + 12 + 36 - 5 = 48 - 10 from AV for 38 dmg, bringing the total dmg to 68, which kills Hunter A.

Grass Lion: Ranged attack on the Dark Slime, rolling, 4 + 58 = 62 to attack the Dark Slime, dealing a total of 1 + 2 + 3 + 30 = 36 dmg to the Dark Slime, which at 1/4 is 9 dmg

Misty's Walking Mound: Moves up as far as it can in on I'm assuming the same straight line the Trinity and Dark Slime are currently on, moving its speed forward, throwing a ranged attack at the Dark Slime, rolling, 5 + 108 = obviously a hit, dealing a total of 4 + 2 + 2 + 24 = 32 dmg on the Dark Slime, which at 1/4 is 8 dmg.

Misty's Marble Guardian: Moves up from Misty's left flank towards Hunter B at a run and is directly in front of it now at melee range, using its melee attack on it as ordered, and also using 20 points into defensive fighting. Rolling, 16 + 76 = 92 to hit, and dealing 1 + 5 + 48 = 54 - 10 from AV dmg for a total of 44 dmg to Hunter B.

Hunter B: retaliates against the Marble Guardian, 8 + 44 = 52 to hit the Marble Guardian, missing because of the defensive fighting that the Marble Guardian has.

Greater Grey Slime A: effectively runs at Mia and attempts to grapple her as much as a slime can run, rolling, 7 + 52 = 59, though it still misses thanks to Misty's buff on Mia.

Greater Grey Slime B: Moves at a run as far as it can at 18 feet and goes into full defense for this turn, gaining +30 dodge and resistance, and +15 perception.

Dark Slime: Moves up at a run a total of 18 feet, then casts Implosion, a level 4 spell, spending 6 EP to do so, directed at Misty's Walking Mound. Base Casting - 34 (passed). 13 + 40 = 53 to attack, hitting the Walking Mound... barely, and dealing, 2 + 3 + 7(mind) + 12(talent) = 24 * 6 = 144 + -4 from AV = 140 dmg to Misty's Walking Mound, destroying it out from under her. (I believe I added and multiplied this correctly at least, if not just let me know, also I tagged the mind and talent numbers so you'd know as well.)

Trinity: Moves up 15 feet and 2 feet to the right of Misty and what's left of her Walking Mound. The Trinity then casts Greater Force Bolt on Misty, a level 3 spell and spending 4 EP to do so. Base Casting: 37 (passed), rolling 15 + 50 = 65 for attack, hitting Misty, dealing 2 + 3 + 8 + 6 = 19 * 3 = 57 - 19 from AV = 38 dmg to Misty. Misty passed the resistance check and was not knocked back or prone also.

I also believe that this is enough dmg to shred Misty's Battlemages robes as well, but not entirely sure.

And I also just now realized that I'm supposed to be taking EP off of Misty for upkeep, adding it up only brings the total out to 2 EP that I missed taking off, but still.

As everyone began moving to start the fighting, with Mia having jumped off of Misty's earthen golem in order to be able to fight since she had no way of fighting from a range. Mia looked back up at Misty as she jumped down and nodded to her when she said to be careful of the enemy magics. "You take care too Misty, and let's take it to these bastards, for the people they've hurt and killed and taken," Mia said as she glanced up to Misty, ready for battle.

As Misty readied her magics on herself as they began moving up she would see Mia moving quickly up at one of the hunters, which she ducked under a swipe of his fist at her face, threw out a fist at his chest, connecting and making him take a step back, reeling from the blow, where she then spun around and caught him in the side of the head with her right foot, which instantly broke his neck and killed him because of the sheer force of her kick. Misty's summoned contraptions all followed their orders from the kitsune, the marble look alike she'd conjured up moving in at the other hunter, smashing it pretty badly, but unfortunately not taking it out like Mia had done her's opponent.

Her grassy lion that was flying above sent a blade of grass at the black slime in the rear of the group, the kitsune knowing its magical capabilities and knowing it was likely the greatest threat here. Her earthen golem also did as ordered and hurled a bit of dirt at it, both that and the grassy blade striking it, though the two didn't damage the thing overly much to say the least.

The greyish slimes both moved up towards Misty and her group, with one managing to get right up next to Mia and attempting to grab the young catgirl, but she nimbly bounced to the side and out of the way before it could manage it, and the other grey slime wasn't able to get close enough to really do anything much, being to slow to manage it. The hunter next to Misty's marble look alike was all but dead on his feet and his attack seemed only halfhearted against the marble contraption, practically bouncing off of it.

The blackened slime however shimmered where it then sent forth a magical spell straight at Misty's earthen golem, which all but shattered the thing directly out from under Misty as it collapsed, merely falling down with her still on top of it. The Trinity of gemini women moved up closer to Misty where she was now standing on the ground herself, where they sent forth a force bolt at her, and though it hurt like hell, Misty was able to stand her ground and to keep fighting. Mia had seen Misty hit by the Trinity and growled furiously as she saw it.

"Nobody hits my mate and gets away with it you bitches, this time I'm not running away from you," Mia shouted angrily for Misty to hear. "Those three are mine Misty," Mia added angrily, looking about to charge at the Trinity.

Misty is now 14 feet ahead of the Trinity and 2 feet to the left.
Mia is 5 feet back and 15 feet to the left of Misty.
Misty's Marble Guardian is 5 feet back from Misty and 25 feet to Misty's left.
Misty's Grass Lion is still 30 feet up directly above Misty.
The Dark Slime is 11 feet directly ahead of Misty and 3 feet ahead of the Trinity and 2 feet to its left.
Greater Grey Slime A is 5 feet ahead of Mia.
Greater Grey Slime B is 9 feet directly to Misty's left.
Hunter B is directly in front of Misty's Marble Guardian within melee reach.
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Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

Things could have gone better. Mia and the marble guardian sprang into action, the cat-girl displaying her martial prowess by killing a hunter and dodging the attack of a slime, while her guardian held one of the reptilian aliens up and looked ready to kill it with another blow. The floating grass sculpture flitted through the air and launched another bladelike portion of itself at the black slime, and her elemental did much the same, inflicting minor damage courtesy of its nature but at least chipping away at the thing. It was all looking good, until the alien casters starting to get involved.

The dark slime she had targeted launched a spell at her golem, and suddenly the creature crumbled into dust beneath Misty's feet just as it was rearing back for another stone throw. The spell caused the earthen creature to cave in on itself, and Misty tumbled to the ground flailing and fell down in a heap as it was obliterated, momentarily stunned as the opening salvo of panic began to set in. Scrambling to her feet, Misty never saw the second spell originating from the trio of gemini coming before it slammed into her chest. Her lightly enchanted robes took some of the edge off of the hit, and that might very well have been the only thing that kept the bolt of pure force from caving in the fragile kitsune's ribcage, but it still sent her tumbling back across the ground as her clothing disintegrated.

When she again scrambled to her feet, Misty was almost fully in the grip of panic. Being the focus of not one but two casters, each of whom were capable of evocation magic far stronger than her own, and also surrounded by the monsters she had heard so many horrifying stories about while naked and badly injured turned out to not be helpful to her calm. Mia's sudden outburst even as she stood on legs made wobbly by pain and fear was a vital thread of sanity for the beleaguered kitsune, and one that she grasped to like a lifeline as she prepared to try and salvage the situation.

Her guardian would finish the hunter, so that much was taken care of. Hopefully Mia would be able to repeat her performance against the trio of slime-coated women and at least distract them, preferably without getting herself killed or raped in the process as well. That left the three slimes, including what was in her mind the more dangerous of the spell casters, for her to deal with. And now with only herself and her grass lion to help with that, Misty was feeling incredibly vulnerable, particularly given her lack of ability to strike multiple foes at once with any real effectiveness. Still, she couldn't run away now, and as the creatures continued to move closer Misty came up with some semblance of an idea.

Cold sweat running down her now bare body, Misty caused her cock to spring forth from her body, an easy effort that thankfully took none of her concentration. With a bit of extra effort she caused a second one to spring forth as well, and with careful control she caused both to come out hard and ready to go despite her present terror at the creatures she was confronted with. "Y... You don't want to kill me!" the kitsune declared brazenly as she stumbled backwards slightly, unable to keep her voice from shaking slightly even as she waved alluringly towards her twin rods. "You don't want to kill me! You want to suck my soul out through these, huh? Well, come on then! Come on over and suck me dry!"

Her taunting, while dangerous, had the end goal of getting the aliens to concentrate on Misty without using their devastating magics. Her own were enhanced by her transformative magics, but she needed to make sure they were tempted into more normal attacks before she could use any of them. With any luck, the siren call of her soul would tempt the aliens into abandoning their more dangerous magical attacks in favor of trying to grab and rape her. She had to make sure that that didn't happen, of course, and with that in mind she imitated a Southern Badarian martadoure's battle with the bull. As the aliens came forth, she would prepare herself to dive out of the way, and if the dark slime took the bait she would blast it with a spell as it passed her by. More or less regardless it would be the target of her spell, and if it could be destroyed all the better for it.

Regardless of her enemy's reaction to her attempts to taunt them, Misty's minions would continue to fight as best they could, her floating lion aiming another shot at the black slime in an effort to chip away at it. Her guardian, in the meantime, would aim to slaughter the remaining hunter and then turn towards one of the grey slimes in order to engage it, hopefully distracting it from attacking Misty entirely.

Yes, it's generally up to GM ruling whether or not a thing damages an armor's TP, and I would usually call it reasonable to say such a spell damaged ye robes. Hurray for naked fluffy tails! Also, Transformation only grants half as much Dodge from ye main stats as it could, so that's only +8 to Dodge. She does get an extra 15 HP out of it though, which puts her temp max at 65 and her current HP at 27.

Misty uses Way of Nature on the Dark Slime using 20 defensive fighting for more Dodge, putting her Dodge stat at 35 + 8 + 20 = 67.
Bolt Spell (+40) (2d4 + 10 + 2) * 4

Her guardian's will be using 10 defensive fighting for the Grass Lion and 20 for the Marble Guardian respectively, also increasing their Dodge.

Contraption 1 (Grass Lion)
Body = 58
Mind = 30
HP = 73
Dodge = 44
Speed = 24
Grapple = 58
AV = 4
Melee (+58) 2d6 + 29
Ranged (+58) 3d4 + 30, range = 120 feet

Contraption 2 (Marble Guardian)
Body = 96
Mind = 24
HP = 108
Dodge = 50 (max for a Contraption)
Speed = 31
Grapple = 96
AV = 4
Melee (+96) 2d6 + 48
Ranged (+96) 3d4 + 24, range = 60 feet