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Fluffy Tails (Hafnium)

Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

"As I said, it's no problem at all! I'm not sure why someone would try to brazenly steal something like that, but as I had the means to help it was my duty to do so," she explained. She turned toward Kherem after discovering that Fiona's party was still in their old cubby. "Excuse me, Master Kherem, I'd like to go speak with Fiona before her team departs for the third place melee. Although you may join me if you'd like." Regardless of whether he chose to or not, or even whether Lumi made it back to the group in time to either decline or join with her attempt to speak to the orc's group, the blind kitsune would go rushing off without much delay.

Upon arriving at her destination, assuming there were no major mishaps along the way, Oormi would announce herself at the first polite opportunity to do so. "Lady Fiona! I came to offer my gratitude for our earlier duel and my thanks to your comrades for the difficult battle," she physically expressed both by folding her hands over her lap and bowing toward the defeated team. She practically telegraphed that there was more to the reason she was there than that by the actions of her tail. The fluffy appendage began to anxiously swish through the air behind her as she straightened, in anticipation of the question she was about to ask. "You humbled me and showed me how much more I had to learn about swordsmanship. So..." she trailed off, her sense of anxiety reaching a peak for some reason that she couldn't put her finger on.

"I came to request a one on one rematch!" The blind foxgirl blurted out with a sudden, overwhelming, and, frankly, confusing fear that the rematch might be rejected. She regained her composure enough to add: "Sometime in the days following the tournament."

A bit forced, I know, sorry! I just wanted to get this done quickly without inconveniencing the rest of the group by making it take several posts.
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

Kherem would nod in agreement, and carefully stash the obtained potion. "I concur, truer words are rarely spoken, Oormi.", he wouldn't have any more business in the store, and so as Oormi next mentioned paying the Orc and her group a visit, he'd nod. "Of course I'll join you, Oormi, I just might consider requesting a duel with her myself.", he smiled, and would trail after the shorter Kitsune over to their previous opponents.

If the two of them managed to approach the group without mishap, he'd remain a little behind and to the left of Oormi. Giving a slight bow of acknowledgement, kind-of like a half-hearted imitation of what his companion did. As he straightened himself though, and noticed the visible excitement of Oormi... He couldn't help but stare as if transfixed by the back-and-forth swaying fluffiness. His right hand twitched ever-so-slightly. Such fluffiness moving so happily back and forth. He was too torn to do much of anything but stare while Oormi continued speaking with the group before them.

Only by the end of it, if the tail was either wagging still, or stiffened by Oormi's anxiety, would the tall Kitsune finally manage to get his act together. Social graces be damned, as he reached forth to the middle of the fluffy tail, and let his hand stroke back along it and finally over the tip as he pulled his hand back, his eyes a little empty looking, as his own tail began to slowly swish back and forth, and his mind trying to compute what he had just done... And then his cheeks turned scarlet at the realization, as embarassment set in, his tail slowing and slightly lowering down, pressing against his clothes in an attempt to hide between his legs.
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Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

Melissa stood, waiting for a good time to slip the potion to whomever would leave the second semi-final match alive. She was confident, composed… something that changed quickly as she saw exactly what was leaving the battle. A single person, wings and appendages around a form she hadn’t quite managed to glimpse yet. She was sure it hadn’t seen her, but it didn’t stop her from tensing up. She had expected a group, but it was clear that this person was alone. Why she might have previously thought she could fight such a creature suddenly escaped the part-daemon; there was a chill in the pit of her stomach as she began to subconsciously appreciate how poorly she must compare to the thing, and the chance of actually managing to give it the potion without being seen, or of the poison even having any effect. An animal part of her wanted to lash out, strike now in the hope of somehow catching it off-guard. While animal parts could be said to be most of Melissa, thankfully there was also another animal part that wanted to run away right now, and that one was the stronger of the two. The invisible human quickly retreated from the edge of the arena’s exit, keeping a good distance between herself and her future opponent as she attempted to at least see where it would go. But if it were to seemingly notice her, or head too close to her hiding-place, the warrior would run, metaphorical tail between her legs once more as she returned to the same area the group had met in after the last match.
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

Kherem: HP = 90, PP = 55, EP = 55, Status = Fine

Melissa: HP = 59, PP = 65, EP = 44, Status = Fine, Invisible

Lumi: HP = 54, PP = 70, EP = 43/56, Status = Fine, Invisibility on Melissa, Illusion

Oormi: HP = 80, PP = 72, EP = 54/60, Status = Fine, +12 Perception (Lesser Strength)

Stepping back into the arena hall, Lumi was free to drop the invisibility spell she'd cast upon Melissa whenever she liked. Oormi and Kherem were easy enough for her to find, as they walked across the room together towards a group that Lumi quickly recognized as their most recent opponents in the arena. The fluffy-tailed duo arrived unmolested, and though their opponents greeted them a bit frostily they weren't pushed away. Fiona, closest to the outside of the group, offered Oormi a wry smile while Presea, the short girl in heavy armor, smiled warmly, the girl in the black dress Medea scowled, and Isolde's gaze flitted back and forth between Oormi and Kherem with awe while she waved at them. They all gave some acknowledgement to Oormi's bow, Fiona and Presea nodding while Isolde's eyes widened even further and Medea pursed her lips, and Fiona offered in response; "You two did alright too.... Definitely not bad for pinkskins with fluffy tails!" Isolde mouthed the words "fluffy tails" right along with her, now staring at Oormi's tail as if transfixed by it as it wagged back and forth behind her.

"You'll improve, I'm sure. Might even be a match for me some day!" the orc added cockily, and then grinned broadly as the kitsune practically blurted out her request for a rematch. "Sure! There are going to be a few sets of duels later on in the week. They've got some, ahhh, extra rules... But I'm sure we could find one to accommodate a fair rematch! We can set it up - did he just do what I think he did?" Fiona's statement and tone changed suddenly after Kherem reached out and touched Oormi's tail, some anger vaguely present in her voice but largely overwhelmed by confusion. That seemed to be a sort of signal to Isolde, however, as the succubus suddenly lunged forth and knelt next to Oormi, at eye level with her tail. "Can I.... Can I... Touch it too~? Pleeeeeeeeeeease!? " she said, her fingers groping the air as if caressing the fluffy appendage.

Melissa, meanwhile, found that she was quite right to be concerned about the one she had almost intended to attack from stealth. Out from the archway came a woman, black feathered wings stretching out into the more open room before settling back behind her, a number of dark red tentacles slowing receding back into her flesh in numerous places. Her dress, a pure white robe with few decorative details, was coated in fresh blood. She reeked of it, the scent powerful enough for Melissa to detect even from a modest distance away, but more than that was something that no physical sense could detect, but that the half-daemon could feel anyway. Wrongness, pure and unadulterated, emanated from the figure that had stepped into the fighter's common room, and headed over to a smaller cubicle, the last one that was unoccupied, as she seemingly didn't notice Melissa in the slightest.
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

Oormi was almost as transfixed on Fiona as Isolde was on her tail when the orc issued her response. If she still had use of her eyes, they might have gleamed with excitement at the orc's acceptance. Instead, the most obvious indication of the kitsune's happiness was in her other vision. She could visualize more and more green underneath the detecting rays of her waves. This green wasn't indicative of the color of Fiona's skin however, but instead, from what Oormi had been able to gather regarding her own strange form of magic, something approximating the orcish warrior's soul. It was a phenomenon of her vision that typically only occurred around those with powerful souls, a person who was experiencing an enormously overwhelming emotion or under extreme duress, or when the foxgirl was truly and completely focused on someone.

So it came as a complete surprise when her tail was suddenly stopped mid subconscious swish by the presence of a hand on it. "Eep!" She gave a start as the hand stroked toward the end of her tail, shocking her. The surprise of it all initially caused her to go rigidly straight, but once she had regained her composure she spun and her hand moved to the hilt of her sword. "P-p-perv... ert?" Her righteous fury was quelled once she realized that Kherem was the culprit, but it didn't stop her hand from lingering on her weapon's grip. "K-Kherem?! Did... Did you just...?" Her hand finally went back to her side and she relaxed from her swordsman's stance, though exasperation remained heavy in her tone.

It was a sense of exasperation that would be renewed as Isolde practically begged to touch her tail. The succubus's interest came at an opportune time for Kherem though, as her intervention took some of the heat off of him. And under the polite request to mimic what had just been done to her without warning, Oormi would end up slumping her shoulders in defeat and sighing. "I... I guess..." Is everyone the same as the faeries?" She bemoaned inwardly.
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

Luckily for Lumi, Kherem stands out in the crowd for his height and ears, so the kitsune soon spots her companions, and silently makes her way towards them. Why are they talking with those four? Maybe they have something planned. I hope they're not as rash as Melissa seems to be.

The white kitsune feels a pang of regret as she thinks of Melissa. Still, she'd have to trust the strange woman for now. After all, they're in the same crew now, even if the crew was different from the ones she had seen before. But then, this crew wasn't for thieving, was it.

The thief is but a few paces away when she sees Kherem caress Oormi's tail, causing the short swordskitsune to become flustered. A rare smile appears on Lumi's face, causing her eyes to sparkle and her lips to twist in unfamiliar fashion as she approaches Kherem from behind, her footsteps almost silent yet casual in the fashion familiar to anyone who had been a successful cutpurse. Stopping only a few feet from Kherem, the thief reaches out, gripping his tail with both of her hands and giving it a firm yoink. "What mischief are you two up to?"
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

The presence given off by the dark-winged woman caused several different negative, conscious reactions in her unseen watcher, and one entirely conscious negative reaction. Oh shit, an angel!? Recognising what the woman was – or, had formerly been – was hardly a chore… where most people went by descriptions of angels, Melissa already knew one personally. And that one scared the hell out of her.

As fast as her legs would take her, the human ran back to her own side’s cubicle, stopping only as she realised Lumi was talking with Kherem and Oormi – and the other group of fighters, at that. If the kitsune was unable to notice her own spell getting close to her, after a few seconds, Melissa would inform the kitsune of her presence…. With a light pat on the butt. Normally, she would have taken even longer and greater advantage of the opportunity to feel up, or otherwise screw with people while invisible, but sighting her soon to be opponent put her closer to panicked than playful.
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

Kherem hadn't listened much to the conversation between Fiona and Oormi to begin with, and even less so took note of the Orcs change of tone in regards to his actions towards Oormi's tail, he didn't even register Oormi's surprised yelp. When realized began to set in about what he had done, and Oormi spun around to face him while reaching for her sword, his first reaction was to take a quick half-step back, arms raising to cover the upper part of his chest and face, body turning slightly as a leg rose up to try covering him further, as the seven foot tall Kitsune cowered before the considerably smaller swordswoman, his tail now easily seen pushing up between his legs in a shameful display. "S-Sorry! I c-couldn't help myself!", he didn't look at Oormi, his eyes shut close as he remained cowering in what was likely a very strange way, but his words were meek and guilty, like a child expecting to be scolded, and it didn't take long before his tail began to flick back and forth in a nervous kind of way.

Lumi had managed to approach just in time when a particularly nervous swish of Kherems tail happened, and the fluffy appendage likely wouldn't have remained in the air behind him for long had she not quickly gripped onto and yoinked it, drawing a surprised yelp from the tall kitsune, and even the slightest of pull proved to be too much for him to keep his balance in his currently unfocused state. He squirmed and spun around as he began to fall, eyes widening in surprise as he saw the yoinker of his tail; none other than Lumi. If his cheeks had been scarlet before, there might not quite be words for the hue now settled upon his cheeks. Unless Lumi proved to be quick to catch on to what was happening, she'd either find herself falling to the floor with a much larger man ontop of her, that'd barely have the time to press his hands down against the floor as to not weigh down on her with his whole weight, or if she did manage to keep out of harms way... She'd likely get to both see, and hear, Kherem falling face-first against the floor, groaning painedly from the impact.
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

As Kherem spins around and starts falling, Lumi might have gotten out of the way, but as something brushes against her butt, she half-way turns, freezing momentarily as she sees no-one there. The moment turns out to be to long as Kherem tips over, bowling Lumi over. Hitting the floor with a thud, Lumi finds herself under Kherem, staring the tall kitsune's face. "Uh... Umm..."

The white kitsune feels blood rushing to her face as Kherem's scent assaults her nose, and she hastily dismisses the invisibility spell even as her face colours, her mouth hanging open.
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

Kherem: HP = 90, PP = 55, EP = 55, Status = Fine

Melissa: HP = 59, PP = 65, EP = 44, Status = Fine

Lumi: HP = 54, PP = 70, EP = 42/56, Status = Fine

Oormi: HP = 80, PP = 72, EP = 54/60, Status = Fine, +12 Perception (Lesser Strength)

Oormi's outraged reaction and Kherem's ashamed one caused Fiona and Presea to rise threateningly, apparently siding with the smaller kitsune, but much of the fire of their anger at the taller kitsune's groping was stolen when Isolde was given permission to do exactly the same thing. For a moment the other two Prancing Paingivers were simply at a loss, watching as Isolde adopted an ecstatic expression. Apparently, the succubus took a number of liberties with Oormi's permission, as she reached out with both hands and stroked her tail adoringly, her eyes sparkling for a moment before giving a delighted squeal and pushing her face into Oormi's fluffiness.

Melissa found Lumi easily enough, spotting her and heading over more or less right when the kitsune crept up and yanked Kherem's tail. She issued her pat on the butt, as Lumi was unable to note her presence despite being the originator of the spell, just as Kherem reacted by flailing about wildly. Fiona and Presea became increasingly confused at their antics, as Kherem toppled over on top of Lumi, knocking her to the floor, and Melissa simply appeared standing right next to the down duo. Isolde was oblivious, content to continue nuzzling Oormi's tail lovingly on the floor until the blind kitsune opted to remove her, and Medea had begun to smirk at them bemusedly from her position in the back.

Fiona, in the meantime, turned to Oormi and exasperatedly asked; "Is this just.... A fluffy tails sort of thing? I don't even.." The orc trailed off, looking back to Kherem, Lumi, and Melissa with a confused frown.
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

The kitsune duelist watched, in her special way, the ensuing chaos unfold with a steadily increasing sense of despair. Several times during it all she feared that she might develop a twitch as things progressed. All the while, the succubus took more and more liberties with her tail. By the end her face came to rest in her palm. It was worse than she had thought, they were just like the faeries.

"No, I don't think so..." Oormi replied when the orc asked her question, carefully turning to face Fiona without dislodging the succubus from her tail. The hand that had planted itself firmly upon her face slid away to nervously curl a lock of hair. "I only arrived in Acheron earlier today, having traveled from a nearby faerie enclave. But I don't think my father or my sister ever did anything like this or went through anything like this, even around the nymphs and satyrs. I certainly hadn't, although my mother interrupted a great many of my conversations with those among the fey who weren't my half-sisters..." It didn't take being able to read her eyes to be able to sense the uncertainty as the blind girl trailed off.

"B-but!" She added, breaking her own silence with a sudden burst of energy as abruptly as she had led off into it. Talking poorly or disassociating oneself from an ally was never the right thing to do, she realized, and as a member of the Foxy Fighters, she needed to defend her teammates' actions even if they did seem a bit odd! "This is just a part of what makes them who they are! Even if they seem a bit irresponsible or even silly, they're really good people on the inside! I'm sure of it!" She exclaimed, perhaps more trying to convince herself than Fiona. Of course, that proclamation's effect felt a little less impressive to the blind duelist when she realized that she herself still had a demoness clinging to her own tail. "Um, miss?" The foxgirl started, turning her head in order to address Isolde. "Could you let go of my tail?"

As much as I know this is a bad idea the thought amuses me and the DERP TRAIN HAS NO BRAKES, so Oormi is totally going to use vibrating touch via her tail on the succubus's face if Isolde doesn't respond or notice her request. >.>
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

Finding the pair in front of her tumbling, Melissa at least had ample time to take a step back and avoid ending up in the pile as well. Still, either noticing that she could now see herself, or that others were looking at her, she groaned, although said nothing. At least, nothing until she saw the succubus from the earlier fight… burying her face into Oormi’s tail? “…What the hell? Alright, just what’s happened since I left?” if anyone was going to say anything about her invisibility, it apparently wasn’t going to be her, at least not right this moment.
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

Kherem winced and closed his eyes as he managed to bring Lumi with him in the fall, barely managing to get his limbs in place to keep himself from falling ontop of her if just barely so. If Kherem hadn't already been blushing furiously, he likely would have by now. "Ah, s-sorry...", his voice was little more than meek whispers, and his ears flattened slightly. For a few moments, he was as if paralyzed, staring into Lumi's eyes. And then he snapped out of it, a look of dawning realization and further embarassment creeping upon his face as he pushed himself up from the floor, and shifted to the side, a hand reaching out for Lumi. "I, uh... s-sorry again...", he stammered out as he offered to help the female Kitsune to her feet, and barely whispered his next few words, as if being uncertain whether or not Lumi would hear them. If she could read lips though, she might very well get the message. "You have pretty eyes..."

Only to grimace painedly as he heard Oormis words around the 'I don't think my father or my sister ever did anything like this'-part. If Lumi had accepted Kherems assistance, she'd soon be on her feet, while Kherem looked a little away and down, with his tail trying to press between his legs again. Kherem would first now notice Melissa, and gave her a forced smile, then opened his mouth in what was likely going to be a greeting... But then Oormis words reached his ears again and he froze up, his eyes slowly blanking out at hearing those words; As if Oormi was trying to convince herself that Kherem wasn't completely hopeless. While it likely hadn't been aimed directly at him, Lumi and Melissa might notice how it seemed to take the words personally, and just like the teasing before their first fight together, it seemed that the embarassment and shame had reached the breaking point.

Kherem turned towards Fiona, and reached out to point challengingly at the Orc, "You", and then clenched his hand as he pulled his arm back a little, using his thumb to motion to himself, "Me. Rematch, someday.", there was a distinct lack of emotion to his words, and he wouldn't even wait for a response before turning to walk away. He had to get away, to get a chance to calm down and cope with the situation. Another thing that might point out a shift in his mood, was the fact his tail was slowly swaying behind him as he walked, in a fairly indifferent, moodless, kind of way.
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Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

Melissa seemed to actually grow somewhat aggravated as she watched the proceedings, her fearful energy being expended instead as annoyance. Despite that, she wasn’t aggravated enough to act, not until Kherem left in a dejected slump – prompting the human to make use of the distraction. Slowly she walked away, tilting her head back as she went, to speak to her partner in crime; “Oh, Lumi, You remember that conversation we were having about your outfit? This just fits in perfectly with what I was saying…” she would continue on for as long as needed, presuming the thief would take the hint and follow her as she steadily left for a space more private; at least one far enough away to speak without the better half of the Foxy Fighters overhearing. She also had to hope that Oormi would still be too engaged with the succubus and orc to feel any reason to join in...
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

Kherem: HP = 90, PP = 55, EP = 55, Status = Fine

Melissa: HP = 59, PP = 65, EP = 44, Status = Fine

Lumi: HP = 54, PP = 70, EP = 42/56, Status = Fine

Oormi: HP = 80, PP = 72, EP = 54/60, Status = Fine, +12 Perception (Lesser Strength)

Casting: Success.
Hit: Derp
Pleasure Damage: 5 + 2 + 8 = 15 PP damage.

Fiona and her comrades just continued to look on in utter bewilderment, save for Isolde who continued to cuddle her tail with almost disturbing amounts of passion. Even so, when Kherem rose and challenged Fiona to a rematch, the orc woman simply nodded to him in agreement and allowed him to be on his way. Presea, meanwhile, glanced at Melissa and asked; "Sooooo, where did you come from exactly? Not many people casually walk around invisible!" Fiona, turning to Oormi after Kherem had departed, simply shrugged and said; "I'll take your word on it, I suppose." When she turned to Isolde and made her request, the succubus looked up with eyes wide, her look so pathetic and longing that Oormi might have been brought to tears if she were actually able to see it.

The succubus gave a light whimper, a noise almost akin to a dog begging for food, and nuzzled against Oormi's fluffy tail, clutching it tightly to herself. As such, Oormi was forced to channel a spell through the soft fuzzy appendage in order to dislodge the succubus. Her whine instantly became a startled groan, and she jumped away before looking at Oormi's fluffy tail in awe, clearly not at all perturbed by the magic that had suddenly worked through the fluffy appendage and into her beyond being surprised by it.
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Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

Lumi had taken her time extricating herself from her position, and that had left Melissa with a question to answer, not that it was overly difficult. "Well, I would be playing pranks, if clutz buttz here could keep her spells up while she falls down..." She gave the offending kitsune a poke with her foot.
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

The foxgirl was completely, utterly confused. Kherem slunk away, Melissa appeared from out of nowhere and had Presea not mentioned that she had been invisible then Oormi would have assumed that she had simply overlooked her, the phrase 'clutz buttz' was used in what had at least initially sounded like a serious conversation, and there was a woman clinging desperately to her tail. With the world whirling around her as it was and each new oddity piling onto the last, she began to feel claustrophobic and panicked. And when she panicked, she turned to the thing she'd been most comfortable with for solving the vast majority of the problems she'd had over the last year: her waves. Without a second thought, her energy manipulated itself in the form of her tail attempting to vibrate the succubus right off of her, without any consideration of how it resembled the normal sort of device that vibrated in Acheron and faerie enclaves alike.

With the succubus falling free of her tail came some minor refuge from all the madness and some clarity of thought. She sighed and slumped her shoulders in defeat, and decided to leave the others to their own business for the moment, though she would need to at least ask Melissa what she and Lumi had been planning given how their actions coincided with the attempted robbery. At some point in all that she could follow after Kherem and find out what had wounded him such. But first, she turned toward Isolde. "Sorry, miss. I was feeling overwhelmed and I panicked," she explained and offered a hand to the succubus to help her up. Assuming nothing went horribly wrong during her gesture, she would turn to Fiona next and continue where her statement had left off. "I've only been in Acheron for so many hours, but those three accepted me, a blind girl who had never lifted a sword before outside of sparring, without question as a member of their team for the arena. To me, that's proof enough that they're a good-natured group."
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

Kherem: HP = 90, PP = 55, EP = 55, Status = Fine

Melissa: HP = 59, PP = 65, EP = 44, Status = Fine

Lumi: HP = 54, PP = 70, EP = 42/56, Status = Fine

Oormi: HP = 80, PP = 72, EP = 54/60, Status = Fine, +12 Perception (Lesser Strength)

(Spider, hurry the fuck up.)

"It's... It's no problem~" the kneeling demoness replied to Oormi, looking up at her with wide eyes and a somewhat dreamy expression. "Really! You could do it again if you like! I wouldn't mind!" She almost looked as if she actively wanted Oormi to do so... And when Oormi offered her a hand up, Isolde accepted it eagerly and stood up, coming fairly close to Oormi in the process and perhaps remaining in contact just a little bit longer than was necessary.

Frowning slightly at Oormi's reply, Fiona and Presea both nonetheless nodded, and the orc supplied; "Fair enough, I suppose we've got our silly moments too! And you lot certainly seemed to fight well together, even if you were a bit disorganized. Like I said, I'm good for a rematch with you whenever you want! With Kherem too, though for him I'd have to add that that offer's good in the arena or in the bedroom!" Presea, on the other hand, seemed interested in something else; "Wait, this was your first real fight? Where were you trained?"
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

"Uh..." The foxgirl was momentarily trailed off into silence as she tried to puzzle out why Isolde might want her to use that particular spell again. Then she remembered something she had seen a fey sorceress doing while enjoying some very personal time, before her blindness. Oormi's face went red as she could almost hear the buzzing and moaning in her head. "No... That's quite alright," she replied hurriedly and then immediately sought a change in the topic.

"I'll be glad for the opportunity, Lady Fiona! Er, I did pass on your message to him. He declined," she answered Fiona first, growing increasingly embarrassed by how the topic seemed to linger on sex and pleasure. But her expression quickly brightened when she answered Presea's question. "Technically my second!" Oormi practically beamed. "We fought another group earlier today, I think they were knights. As for my training, I was instructed at a faerie sanctuary. I was mostly taught by satyrs and gruffs, if you're familiar with the fey, but every once in a while my lessons were handled by a sidhe knight or my mother." She briefly considered parroting the question, but ended up choosing not to. While the blind foxgirl was curious about Presea's training, she was more curious about the short fighter's age. She simply couldn't think of a tactful way to gain the information from the woman.
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

Kherem: HP = 90, PP = 55, EP = 55, Status = Fine

Melissa: HP = 59, PP = 65, EP = 44, Status = Fine

Lumi: HP = 54, PP = 70, EP = 42/56, Status = Fine

Oormi: HP = 80, PP = 72, EP = 54/60, Status = Fine, +12 Perception (Lesser Strength)

"Bah, his loss!" Fiona replied when Oormi delivered Kherem's reply to her lewd offer, taking it with no apparent distress. Presea, when Oormi replied to her question, adopted a bemused smile and said; "Heh, you could say that I'm familiar with the fey, yes. I thought you fought like someone from Summer, and if the damn goats taught you then that explains a good bit, even if you could probably swat most of them like flies! The knight definitely shows though, the goats don't tend to mix magic and martial arts. You're no faerie yourself though, who were your parents?"