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Fluffy Tails (Hafnium)

Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

(Note: I had to make an edit to the above, having forgotten that Kherem would have been dropped by his upkeep in the turn that he attacked Blackwing. He if, functionally, helpless when Melissa tries to jump him, but can still drain EP in the state.)
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

From her position, Lumi couldn't very well see what the fallen angel was doing, but she was already mentally prepared when a tentacle pressed against her flower and she realizes to her horror that another is pressing against her pucker just before they both dive in, sending a jolt of lightning through her body. Then the white-haired kitsune feels familiar pressure on her soul, as her energies are being drained away. The undeniable pleasure the twinthrusts are causing is blanketed by sickening wave as the drain causes her to pass out...

As the skinny girl wakes up in the infirmary, her instinct immediately warns her that she's in an unfamiliar place, and she quickly returns the incantations of an attack spell and a defensive spell into her mind before opening her eyes to narrow slits and listening to voices around her. Only then do the memories of the fight return and as she realizes where she is, Lumi quietly sits up, looking around for her dagger and her clothes.
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

It all happened so fast; one moment he had been held by the fallen angel, having watched his fellow Kitsunes be on the recieving end of their opponents perverse actions, helpless to save them from such a fate. The next moment, all he had seen was red; of anger, and shortly afterwards of blood. The victory felt shallow, barely registered, as the shadows so tightly formed around tore away from him. A pained gasp, followed by a bloodied cough, was all he managed to utter before falling down on his back, his swords scattered on the sides of him. His vision was blurry, his head throbbing, but he had done it. Even if he hadn't prevented it, he had at least cut short the abuse of Oormi and Lumi's bodies. The roaring crowd, and the announcers declaration of victory, meant much less to him than the safety of his kindred.

Kherem was too exhausted to move, and thus the sight of the Alraunes were a relief. That Oormi and Lumi was being taken care of put his mind at ease, and he for one wasn't going to complain about being taken care of in a similiar manner. But the last member of the foxy fighters appeared to have other things in mind for him. Kherem barely had the time to register Melissa's rapid approach, even less react as she straddled him, his eyes half-lidden, but showed confusion and surprise at her actions. "Melissa, what are you...?", he grunted lowly as Melissa grinded against his partially erect member, and he squirmed in vain beneath her as she rubbed herself against his lightly furred chest.

The Kitsune wasn't sure how to react to this, it was so absurd, so far from anything he had expected that could have happened during this situation. And yet, Melissa didn't show any signs of stopping what she had only just begun. An undignified whimper escaped Kherems lips, followed by an involuntary buck up against the animal-like person that were straddling his lap. And as he took a deep breath in an effort to try and remain calm, the intoxicating scent of arousal from Melissa hit him, making his nostrils flare open briefly. He had a keen sense of smell, perhaps too keen right now; her scent was infectious, the smell of sweat and arousal was so very far from unpleasant to him. And the worst part was, he was too weak to struggle against her.

Her killer - her, former killer, the creature she had expected so strongly to end her life, had saved the beast some trouble. Removing foreign clothes wasn't a task the creature had the mental acuity to deal with at the moment, but her mate had already been depantsed. Removing her own clothes was something she had done hundreds of times - and a good deal of those times, with great speed - so even despite the action's complexity, it was one that she could, and did complete, unfastening and quickly pulling off everything in her way.

Meeting no resistance - not that the kitsune could have offered any if he had wanted to - the female pushed herself up, taking hold of her mate's desired manhood. While she had nothing in the way of desire for foreplay, the human creature was denied immediate satisfaction by Kherem's lack of arousal. "Rrrrrr..." was all the response she could manage, the growl of annoyance coming as she failed to ride the male the way she greatly wanted to, instead only able to slide the half-flaccid length along her folds in failed attempts at penetration. Such annoyance did not last long, however, as the forceful attempts to fill herself with kitsune cock had a predictably encouraging effect on the male's already partly teased erection.

When the boy was hard enough, his mate didn't waste a second before sliding him into her desperate depths. This was hardly for his benefit - concern for the male's pleasure wasn't even gracing her consciousness, the female's only thought was to get something warm and throbbing to buck and press and drag against the inner-surface of her womanhood, to make her squeal and writhe and cum. That lack of concern didn't seem to be stopping the fox from enjoying the experience anyway, of course, given that he looked far from pained at being ridden by the warrior.

Kherem blinked his eyes, a weary, confused look to him, as he saw Melissa so readily, not to mention swiftly, discard her clothes. A faint streak of crimson had begun to show on his cheeks by the time Melissa reached for her desired prize, and his ears would flatten back over his head at the disapproving growl she managed to utter. "Melissa, please...!", his words fell short, trailing off into a whimpering moan as Melissa rubbed her nethers along his shaft. No doubt pleasing to her feral mind, the stimuli she provided was enough to make it serviceable for her desires, as it soon throbbed, proud and stiff, against her sex.

The male had no hopes of preventing what was coming for him next, and as Melissa thrust herself down his manhood, a gasping moan escaped his lips, his exhausted body making an involuntary buck up inside the feral woman, even if it might be all but unnoticeable given his current lack of strength. His hands weakly clenched against the sand-covered ground, trying to brace himself, but it was all in vain; he had no endurance left to try and resist the pleasure Melissa was giving him, and for every one of her thrusts along his member he could feel the pressure within growing more and more, it wouldn't take long before he reached his peak if this continued.

Kherem's few words fell on deaf ears; his body spoke far more to the female. It flushed and it bucked, hungry for the embrace of her slick petals. And when that embrace came, his partner didn't let up for a second - taking him at an animalistic pace that he perhaps wouldn't be able to match... but if he couldn't, too bad! Though she was tired and thinking at the level of a beast, the female was still quite able to use every ounce of sexual skill she had in her more lucid state. There was nothing that came more naturally to the woman than fucking, as evident when her muscles worked, almost without thought, to keep her pinkest flesh flush against the male meat inside of her. She leaned back, trying to angle the cock as deeply and strongly as she could against her g-spot, panting lustfully with each thrust.

Keeping her walls hugging his shaft, as if trying to milk out the male's cum, and thrusting so vigourously and rapidly that he did not get a moments respite was not without consequences for Kherem, of course - concequences that the beast mounting him became aware of.His nice maleness had been so good at stroking the inside of her desperate body, making her groan in pleasure over and over, but his resistance was at its' limit. The lustful creature could see and hear the signs of the male's sac preparing to empty, from his face and his moans - but well before she was satisfied!

Her fun wasn't going to end now, not when she could help it. "Nnnyet!" she yelped out, at a level underneath consiousness, her soul - weak though it was - begining to perform a dastardly trick. The foxes' rising flood suddenly met with a spirit that forced it back, the extension of the beast's will imposing itself over his erection and physically preventing the last switches to his climax to be flicked, leaving him on the edge of orgasm despite her continued thrusts. With his own soul so severely drained, there was nothing her mate could do to prevent the denial of his release, nor the excessive pleasure that continued to flow from his over-stimulated manhood.

Moans and grunts escaped the male kitsunes lips as his smaller companion roughly rode his shaft like a beast in heat, whimpers and ragged breaths coming from him as he was quickly reaching his peak. Just a little longer, and perhaps Melissa would be sated. Oh how wrong he was. Even under his most ideal conditions, he might've not been able to keep up with the woman abusing his shaft so hungrily, and his unsatisfying performance was punished readily. His body braced itself for relief and release, only to be stopped short, his climax held back by Melissa's spirit, making him whine aloud and writhe beneath the cruel female!

Twice he had been proven powerless against Melissa. First as she had begun to ravage his helpless body, and now for a second time as she was denying him release. A weak whimper escaped his lips, as he fruitlessly, franticly, tried to buck and thrust up inside the cruel female nestled on his lap, the female that hungrily clenched around and rode his shaft. Powerless. Against Melissa of all people. He clenched his fists in the sand, as a low, bestial, growl began to rise in his throat. He wasn't going to let this last any longer, he was not going to allow Melissa to have her way with him a second time, once the opportunity would arise, he would make use of his heritage; he was going to drain her soul until she were as exhausted as he were, but no further.

As good as it had felt at first, Melissa's decision to deny him release was too much, too far, for him to accept; this was not how he wanted it. This was not what he had been expecting from her, and he would have none of it.

Kherem's displeasure wasn't matched by the female using him. If anything, his suffering was to her enjoyment, given that the kitsune was as hard as he could ever get. With a temporary handle on his orgasm, she was able to continue riding him relentlessly, hammering herself toward her own climax until her legs were shaky and her body was steeped in pleasure. The kitsune hadn't needed much buildup before his not-orgasm, but while the beast abusing him needed more, it wasn't by too significant a margin - especially once he started draning her essence, the addictive extacy of having her energies sucked away only adding to her enjoyment. With whimpers and squeals, the female lay against the immobile male again, her small and frantic thrusts upon her mate's cock rapidly adding to the near-bursting well of need inside her... until, with a scream, her body began to shudder, the grip of her soul on Kherem relaxing as liquid bliss filled her mind and slicked her thighs, letting him finally add his own virile spunk to the brew. There were remarkably few ways that the animal differed from her (arguably) more inteligent state, but one of them was the acceptance of seed into her womb; in her right mind she would have avoided the creamy filling, but now she couldn't think of anything better than having the thick baby-batter filling her love-tunnel. But, between her orgasm, her lacking energies, and the draining of the Kitsune, she could no longer hold onto consiousness, passing out even as she continued to twitch lightly aganst her companion.

It was another unsatisfying victory for Kherem; even as he drained Melissa's energy, his frustration and his attempts to thwart her efforts only seemed to heighten her enjoyment, much to his continued frustration. It was not in vain however, for as the female cried out in blissful release, he soon followed suit; and he wasn't any more dignified in it than she were, as he howled out his pent-up release. Shuddering and groaning weakly afterwards, he wouldn't last much longer. He had been exhausted even before, and after Melissa's rough treatment of him and his shaft, certainly not any less so.

Still, with his mind veiled in post-climactic bliss, his nostrils filled with the scent of their combined sweat and sex, there was something that stood out, something that seemed to have made it all worth it to endure. For as Melissa's essence had been absorbed into his, a sheepish smile slowly crept over his lips. The womans essence had flowed freely and generously, and he couldn't help but savor it, both for its volume and the particular 'taste' he found in it. A very elusive sort of taste.

Despite his lingering frustration, Melissa's essence had managed to subdue it enough for him to calm down. It had also been enough to restore his own reserves to keep the darkness at bay, even if he were too exhausted to do much at the moment.
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Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

Kherem: HP = 90, PP = 55, EP = 55, Status = Fine

Melissa: HP = 59, PP = 65, EP = 44, Status = Fine

Lumi: HP = 54, PP = 70, EP = 56, Status = Fine

Oormi: HP = 80, PP = 72, EP = 58/60, Status = Fine, +12 Perception (Lesser Strength)

The crowd cheered along with the spectacle of Melissa pouncing onto Kherem's prone form, a sight that Lumi and Oormi were not privy to given that both had fallen unconscious from the abuse suffered at the hands of the black-winged angel. Once the two were finished, with Melissa collapsed onto Kherem's chest, the alraune plopped the woman onto a stretcher and carried her off just like they'd done to Oormi and Lumi, doing the same to Kherem unless he got himself onto his feet. Despite that she'd fallen asleep last, Melissa awakened at about the same time as Oormi and Lumi, leaving Kherem on his own for several hours after the alraune had examined him. He was given his prize money of 120 denarii around then, and the Acheron official didn't seem to care if he was honest enough to share the winnings with his team mates.

Awakening one by one, the victorious warriors were free to do as they liked. Oormi, after being told that her comrades were fine and that she was already under a blanket, was left to her rest by all around her. Eventually, she went off to the booth that she and her companions had waited in prior to their match against the fallen angel, finding it empty. Much of the room was by that point, the other fighters having largely cleared out now that the day's matches were over. Lumi awakened next, and after getting over her moment of fright she spotted her things neatly placed on and beside a table sitting beside her cot. Once she was dressed, she was free to do as she liked, and that left only Melissa unconscious, though she could wake at any moment.

You're free to derp around ic. The only thing that I have anything planned for is when you try to leave the arena, after that you're good to do pretty much whatever you want. Within reason, obviously.
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

Kherem was still recovering by the time the Alraune came to ply Melissa off of him, and grunted quietly as the unconscious woman was pulled away from his shaft. When it was his turn to be carried off on a stretcher, he wouldn't pass up on that opportunity. After he had been brought to the nursery and been exmained and possibly healed up, he'd look for his friends next. He hadn't expected anything else, but it was still relieving to see them being cared for.

First best chance he got, he'd speak to one of the nurses. "Thanks, for looking after them. Once they wake up, can you tell them I'll be waiting in the usual spot? They'll figure the rest out themselves.", smiling faintly, he next looked for his clothes and would put them on, although he left the chainmail off this time; there were no more arena fights to come, and it'd be silly to walk around in armor at all times.

Once clothed and having left, Kherem would eventually find his way to the officials, and recieve his teams reward. It was a lot of money, but stealing from his team was the last thing on his mind. As far as he knew, his team might be out cold for at least a few hours, time he wasn't sure how he was going to spend. His first stop, though, would be the arena shop, as he had something he wanted to sell.

If the shop was still open for business, he'd present his two scimitars, and unless the nurses had decided to clean them, they'd still be stained by Blackwings blood. "Greetings, I would like to sell these, would that be possible here?", if he could sell them off there, he'd smile sadly, but all the same go through the transaction. It was his own handiwork, two of three swords he had made before he headed out into the world, leaving his mother behind. He was however, in need of money, and he did have some plans to rectify being one sword short of his usual fighting style anyways. If he couldn't sell them off, he'd ask for directions to somewhere he could sell them.

Regardless of how things went at the shop, Kherem would next have little else in mind. He'd drift around, walking around the common area as a way of spending his time, and unless something or someone caught his attention he'd likely continue like that for a while, and eventually find his way to the Nursery, to see if he could check on how his friends were recovering. Unless something had happened, he'd eventually after that find his way to the booth the team had occupied previously, and simply remain there, waiting.
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Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

In truth, had the foxgirl known that Kherem would be in the booth awaiting her, she wouldn't have gone there. Whether the alraunes simply hadn't had the chance to pass on the message to her or whether it hadn't registered, she wasn't expecting the other kitsune to be waiting for her to arrive. But it wasn't out of any disdain for the man that she wasn't really looking forward to reuniting with him, just shame.

And beyond that she was still disheveled. Her hair hung freely, a far cry from her norm of putting a painstaking amount of time into styling and otherwise preening it, and hung just past her shoulders in a disorganized mess. Her blindfold hadn't made it back into place either, instead ending up tied around the hilt of her sword. The blind foxgirl's clothing had been donned quickly as well, leaving her robes loosely tied and as a result almost showing cleavage, as her wrap had been done as quickly and haphazardly as everything else. She was a far cry from the prim and proper appearance that she had put so much effort into, though maybe this was simply a case of the outside matching how she felt on the inside.

No, that was silly. She was still alive, and many among Blackwing's victims probably couldn't say the same, so as long as she still drew breath she could and would push forward. Although that wasn't to say that there might not be pain ahead after what had happened, whatever that pain's source, it was better to face her comrades sooner rather than later. So, after several seconds of awkwardly standing and looking at the booth, Oormi eventually advanced and took a seat across from Kherem as if nothing had ever happened.

"The alraunes told me as much, but it's a relief to see that you're well," the blind girl spoke as she took her seat. However, before the taller kitsune had a chance to make his own greeting, she would continue. "Before... Before you say anything, I just wanted to thank you for saving my life. I don't know what happened after I lost consciousness, but I imagine it was either Melissa or you who stopped the angel from devouring my soul entirely and maybe even Lumi's along with it. I promise I will repay both of you this debt some day, and until then if there's anything else I can do to aid you then you need but ask and I'll do my best." She blurted most of the rest out. In truth, Oormi wasn't sure whether it was a good idea to bring the subject up or not, but she felt it was and without any other idea of what to say she could only follow her heart in the matter.
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

Kherem's ears would perk up alertedly as soon as he heard someone approaching the booth, and as soon as Oormi showed herself he turned to look at her. He grimaced slightly, he didn't know what he had expected, seeing Oormi in such a disheveled state compared to what he remembered of her wasn't a good thing. He didn't quite know what to say at first, and that gave Oormi the time to start talking, and he would be silent, and he would listen.

Kherem would be quiet for a few moments after Oormi had finished, to gather his thoughts before he spoke, a few times he would open his mouth to talk, but nothing would come out. When he finally spoke, his tone no doubt spoke of how unhappy he were with the circumstances they were in. "I would have done more, Oormi, if I could have. I... I make no claims in knowing how you feel, but to me, it is a relief to see you here, to hear you talk."

Kherem was silent for a moment, and then growled quietly, frustration evident as he continued speaking. "When you fell unconscious, it had all ended already, I had slain Blackwing. Melissa...", Kherem growled lowly, frustration paving way for surpressed anger. "You don't owe her anything, Oormi. And if you wish to see this as a debt to repay to me, then I have but one thing to ask of you right now..."

Kherem was struggling to keep his anger under control, that part of him was reserved for battle, but there was nothing here for him to vent upon, he wanted something else, something to distract him, to help him take his mind off of current events. His tone took a sharp turn, from frustrated and angry, to trying and keep his anger under control, as if feeling that things were starting to get out of his control. "It might be a bit much of me to ask for, but... can we hug?", Kherem bit his lower lip, and spread his arms out; offering an embrace as much as he was asking for one. He wasn't sure if he was going too far, he would certainly appreciate a comforting embrace right now, and perhaps Oormi could appreciate the same.
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Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

Melissa had a tendency to awake with a start, but this time was peaceful. Given that she was still without her own pants, it didn’t take Melissa long to realise that she’d been having fun –a shame that she couldn’t remember much of it. She recalled a general feeling of terror that left her surprised she was still alive, and at least some degree of lustfulness, but beyond that the humanoid female couldn’t say much. Her conscious mind hadn’t been doing much, if any processing during the fight. She wasn’t certain that the fighters had won, but some half-memories (and her continued existence) made her suspect they had.
…Wait, shit. The cum – which she would be wanting to clean off soon. Fuuuck, she had pretty clearly been filled with it. The warrior was going to need a potion to deal with that, and she was out of funds. Theft was a possibility, but if they had actually won, unnecessary; and the alraune nurse soon arrived to pass on the kitsune’s message, verifying their victory.

Should the nurses have left her weapons somewhere within sight, there would be only one thing that needed to be addressed before the human could go anywhere. “Hey, can anybody spare a water spell?” she asked of the room, Lumi included, thumbing toward the mess Kherem had left on her unclothed half. “A tongue is fine too.” She added, shamelessly.
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

Had her eyes been open, Oormi would've been staring at Kherem for a few moments following his request. Instead, she spent those moments facing him with her eyes closed and her eyebrows raised in surprise. And then her hand darted to cover her mouth, but it was too late. A giggle escaped being hidden by her gesture, and once it escaped more followed. Her little fit became increasingly worse until it was easy to hear despite her efforts and she ended up averting her head in an attempt to better hide it.

When she finally overcame her lapse in control, she did her best to straighten up. "You're a bit of an odd one, aren't you?" She asked with a genuine smile. "Very well! A hug is no price at all to pay," she suggested as she stood up and moved to Kherem's side. "But we ought to make sure it's a proper hug, right?" She asked as she accepted the taller kitsune's embrace, wrapping her own arms around him without much in the way of hesitation.

An odd one, perhaps, and maybe even a bit awkward and perhaps even more naive than herself, but at least Kherem's heart seemed to be in the right place. There was certainly something to be said for that, she believed.
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

Finding her clothes next to her, Lumi forces herself to relax. Quickly cleaning herself up, the skinny girl dresses herself, placing her dagger on her belt just as Melissa asks for assistance. Shrugging, she conjures up a cleansing spray of warm water at Melissa before slipping out of the tent. How do we collect our pay?

The kitsune decides to go looking for the orc who hired them, but before getting far, she spots Kherem and Oormi in the familiar booth, apparently about to get intimate with each other. Trying not to look, she continues past the booth, not wanting to witness what would happen and intent on collecting her pay.
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

Kherem wasn't sure what to expect, as far as reactions to his request went, but as Oormi descended into a fit of giggling, it was as if a heavy weight lifted from his shoulders. By the time Oormi regained control of herself a warm smile had formed on his lips. And it only grew as he heard Oormi's first words, and saw her smile. He wasn't sure what to say, as much as he wanted to say something then and there. He would rise from his seat moments after Oormi rose from her own, and would approach her with open arms. Her third sentence made him nod in agreement, and his words would finally come. "I'd never dare to squander an embrace, wether requested or freely given, Oormi...", his words trailed off, but he hadn't quite finished his sentence, and once the two embraced eachother, he would finish it. "But to bring someone a smile, is more than I could ever hope for."

Given the difference in size, Kherem figured it apt of him to crouch ever so slightly, his legs parting outwards so they wouldn't keep Oormi at a distance, however small it might've been. As soon as her arms wrapped around him, he would embrace her with his own, and hold her gently to his chest. A low murr of joyous contentment slowly rose in his chest and throat, and his tail slowly wagged from side to side aswell. What frustration and anger he had felt previously ahd evaporated entirely. And as much as he wanted this moment to last, he would respectfully let go of Oormi if she made any signs of the hug having lasted long enough.

With Oormi having Kherem's full attention, Lumi's brief glance in their direction would go unnoticed by him.
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

Although feeling slightly awkward at first, the hug proved more comforting than Oormi had expected it to. The bigger kitsune's embrace made her feel a little bit safer, even though she had only met him recently. Nothing quite like having your life saved to form a bond, she supposed. And it had been so long since she had any sort of sort of prolonged and intimate contact with another person, at least willingly. How much time had passed since she hugged her parents, she wondered? She missed them.

That thought was what caused her to gently pull away after the better part of a minute had passed. "Thank you again," she offered, the smile still on her lips. Since she had never spotted Lumi either, she continued. "Although I already owe you a great deal, I was hoping that I might still ask you for another favor... I would very much like a sparring partner to practice with before the rematch with Fiona next week, and I was hoping you might be interested. Your fighting style is not so dissimilar to hers, after all, and we might both improve for the experience."

"And if that doesn't interest you, we could spar for some wager or another in order to spice things up," she offered, the idea sparked by a memory of her time among the fae. Her mother had never let her take the satyrs and gruffs up on their proposed stakes, even though they seemed simple enough to the foxgirl trainee at the time, but things had changed since then, and it had been a fair amount of time since she had last had contact with her parents. Maybe it was time to try something new and on her own terms.
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

“Cheers.” Was all the human gave in response to Lumi’s magic, as she immediately grabbed the nearest obvious cloth like object (which was likely some sort of towel or bandage near the medical ward’s bed) and dried off, with little respect to property laws. Walking around with wet pants – when not being actively caused by someone attractive – wasn’t a prospect the human went for. She was also still wearing a reasonable amount of angel, of course; she would have to clean her clothes soon, but at least the gore was (mostly) on the outside.

Once dried and clothed and carrying her weapons, the daemonchild made her way to the place Kherem’s message had indicated – and she didn’t have Lumi’s inhibitions about interrupting the pair, though of course they had since stopped their canoodling.
“That was GREAT!” was the first indicator of the human’s presence, a louder exclamation than it needed to be. The speaker herself followed it, clearly quite excited about the way things had turned out, and apparently oblivious to any of Kherem’s anger, if he didn’t actively attack her. She was too pumped at the impossible victory to simply stand still, instead flitting from foot to foot and moving her hands emphatically alongside her announcements. “I was so scared; I’m surprised I didn’t piss myself!” She announced, as easily as if it was an internal thought, rather than the external statement Kherem and Oormi (and given her volume, possibly several others) were party to. More than that, she almost sounded happy that she had been scared out of her wits – because, quite simply, she was. Terror was thrilling. “It had us dead to rights, but Kherem, you cut it to ribbons and saved us! I’ve never seen anyone beat an angel before – you’re incredible!” In the same manner as the human had stolen kisses from the kitsune before, she tried to again, though the tallest among them would probably be able to see her coming this time.

Should the bipolar fox do nothing to prevent Melissa from stealing another embrace, once the exchange of saliva had concluded, the immature woman would happily roll off onto the chair next to Kherem, her thoughts moving immediately to her next most relevant venture - getting money. "So, where's the coin we won?" she asked, the already present excitement accentuated by obvious greed.
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

Kherem: HP = 90, PP = 55, EP = 55, Status = Fine

Melissa: HP = 59, PP = 65, EP = 44, Status = Fine

Lumi: HP = 54, PP = 70, EP = 56, Status = Fine

Oormi: HP = 80, PP = 72, EP = 58/60, Status = Fine, +12 Perception (Lesser Strength)

Kherem, upon rising, was instructed to go to the front desk, where he would be given his team's reward money. When trying to sell his scimitars, the shop keeper would buy them for 5 denarii apiece.

If Lumi continued walking past the cubby where Kherem, Oormi, and very shortly Melissa were located, she would find the rest of the arena pit largely empty, the other fighters having left already. The shop workers were still there, as were some guards and the other arena employees, but unless she wanted to walk out of the arena or talk to one of them there wasn't much for her to do. If Lumi asked anyone about where to collect her winnings, she would be told that Kherem had it.
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Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

As Oormi let go of Kherem to pull away, he would let go of her and slightly step back. The quite murr would linger for a little while longer. A warm, a bit sheepish, smile on his lips. As much as he had wanted to say something, he couldn't quite find the words; he had been the one to request the hug, if anything he would be the one thanking her, but he felt happy to have made the smaller Kitsunes mood a little brighter all the same. His ears would perk up as there was mention of a favor being requested, and listen attentively. A broad smile crept upon his lips once the nature of the request was made known to him. "You'd have but to ask, Oormi!", growing excitement were evident in his voice, and his tail would begin to slowly wag back and forth. "I would gladly be your sparring partner, regardless of the reason! I have much to learn when it comes to swordplay, and if there is but the slimmest of chance I can aid you in improving your own, I'd happily spar with you, with or without wagers!"

Excitement was getting the better of him, and it likely showed; he did lack quite a bit in terms of proper training in the use of swordplay, and to spar with the Kitsune swordswoman? Now that was an opportunity he'd be as likely to pass up on as embracing her. Non-existent that is. The mention of wagering however made him more than a little curious, and it might not be too hard to notice. Things were looking quite bright for the tall Kitsune, and he wished this moment could be a lasting one. However, as soon as Melissa made her presence known, his body would tense up, and his tails movement would slow and stiffen to a halt, and his pleasant murr would end abruptly. As the human woman sauntered over to the two Kitsunes, his head would turn to look her way, his eyes narrowing slightly. As Melissa exclaimed her excitement over how the battle had been won, over how happy she were over having been scared, Kherem would only watch her in silence, his body unmoving.

Melissa's praise of his part in winning the fight went on deaf ears, and as she moved in for an embrace and a kiss, he would make a quick step back while turning to face Melissa. Without the slightest sign of hesitation, his right hand swung up, and descended to plant his palm upon the womans forehead, his hand grasping slightly over the top of her head; he wasn't roughly grabbing at her hair so much as lightly grabbing the whole of her head, and only to keep her at arms length. A low growl of rapidly dwindling patience, and growing annoyance, rose within his throat. "I have already fetched our prize money, and everyone will get their fair share of it once we're all gathered, but before that I have a question for you, Melissa.", Kherem's eyes were cold and harsh.

"Did you ask the Nurses if they had any means of... of confirming whether or not my seed have taken root?... And had you simply asked for it, I might've indulged you in a victory romp. But do not think, even for a moment, I will be forgiving of what you did to me out there!", Kherem would let go of Melissa with a slight push, to make it, hopefully, abundantly clear that he didn't want her close to him until these matters were settled.
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Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

Melissa got stopped short by the hand of Kherem, suddenly finding its way onto her scalp. She gave the Kitsune a confused look, but understood enough to step back and listen to him. As she did, her companion’s announcements pulled up recent memories that Melissa’s conscious mind hadn’t yet grabbed onto. “Oh right, you’re the reason I’m full of cum!” she exclaimed happily. “I forgot about that!” Her face fell, however, when the request came for her to announce her plans beforehand, and she was pushed back. “…Nurses aren’t going to know yet, cuz the baby doesn’t get made right away. That why I’ve gotta get the potion, to make sure it doesn’t take.” A harsh tone was all that was really needed for the half-human, half-dead-human woman to realise the kitsune’s annoyance, and she seemed to gain in humility for it. “W-what did I do?” she asked, as uncertain of the answer as Lumi or Oormi would currently be. “Did I do a poor job of it? Though you did blow… Ah, was I fingering your ass? Sorry, lots of guys don’t seem to like that…”
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

"I'm glad! We can go about procuring a place to do so tomorrow, I think today has been busy enough and I imagine we all have our plans for spending our prize," Oormi replied after Kherem had accepted her request. The statement was true enough for her, at least. Almost all of her winnings were already accounted for, between her debt to the nurses and the flowers she intended to purchase for those closest to the knight who had been slain, and anything left was intended for a few new pairs of clothes that she could call her own and lodging for the night.

Oormi didn't get the chance to say anything else before Melissa appeared though. Unlike Kherem, she was initially happy to see the human...ish woman alive and well and in her usual spirits, but of course she had no clue what had happened between the two. And as the two conversed, the blind foxgirl couldn't help but become confused by their interaction. Despite everything that had happened in the match prior, confusion quickly became embarrassment as the talk turned to pregnancy and Melissa questioning her wrongdoings and suggesting the possible cause for Kherem's irritation. "I- er, I can leave you two alone if you'd like me to. This sounds, um, private. I have some business that I need to attend to anyway and could meet with you later. Once the prize is distributed, that is," the foxgirl verbally stumbled for a reason to escape the awkward scene.
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

While Kherem had wanted to continue his conversation with Oormi, Melissa's pressence had swiftly taken his attention, and while the initial joyous remark from the human woman might've been appreciated normally, this was not the time in his mind. As Melissa argued against his initial question, his amber eyes narrowed, and his lips formed into a deep frown. "Did you, or did you not, ask if they had any means available? Do you know for certain what their magics can or can not do, Melissa? Perhaps they could've offered you what a potion would?", Kherem's words were blunt and to the point, not to mention abundant in frustration. And Melissa's following query, asking what she was at fault for, left Kherem's right ear and eye twitching in barely restrained anger as he clenched his fists, but otherwise let her finish. As she did, and Kherem were about to speak, Oormi spoke up, and the tall swordsman would quickly turn his head to look her way, his eyes full of fury for a brief moment, then it dwindled rapidly as he saw her awkwardness over the situation she had been unwittingly dragged into. The harsh frown on his lips, and the fury in his eyes, ebbed away swiftly. This was between him and Melissa, this wasn't something Oormi should have to listen to.

Closing his eyes, and flattening his ears against his head, Kherem took a deep, long, breath, while reaching for the pouch with their prize money in it, as of yet undistributed, and would hold it out towards the swordswoman. His next words were strained, as anger was starting to give away for regret. "I trust you with our prize; that you will return with our share of it, Oormi, and if you find Lumi; she can have her share then and there.", a quiet growl escaping his lips. "I trust that some of my allies won't take advantage of me...", his words trailed off, as if there was more he wanted to say, as he turned his attention back to Melissa. He would stare coldly down at her, but would say no more before Oormi took her leave, be it with or without the money. Once Oormi had walked away, he didn't care if she were within earshot, as long as she was out of eyesight, and would keep glaring at Melissa, picking up his sentence from where he had left it off. "... Because that is what you did, Melissa, when you raped me back there on the arena grounds, when I was laying defenseless after our battle with Blackwing.", his voice was cold, the anger was for the most part gone, replaced with disappointment and contempt.
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

After finding out that Kherem already has their price money, Lumi walks about slowly, not wanting to get caught witnessing an intimate moment but not having anywhere else to go, either. As she notices that the arena is likely about to close for the day, she also pays attention to the guards and how they move about out of habit more than anything else.
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

The foxgirl couldn't very well leave with all the winnings, no matter how much she wanted to escape the awkward situation. This held doubly true if Melissa was in need of a morning after potion. Instead, she pulled sixty coins from the pouch and left the remaining sixty inside it. "I took half, and I'll make sure Lady Lumi gets her share before I leave the arena grounds. I'll meet up with you two later," she suggested as she made to scurry away from the impending ground zero. "I have my waves, so I should be able to find you."

Afterward, she quickly left the two to their brewing argument and sought out Lumi. Given how empty the grounds were, even Oormi would eventually manage to spot her unless the stealthier of the two kitsune chose to actively try to elude her. Unless the other woman specifically avoided the blind foxgirl, the latter would call out to Lumi once she had picked her out of the sea of all the other tie-dyed shapes and objects. "Lumi! I was given this to give to you," she would offer the thirty coins that made up the other foxgirl's portion of the winnings, if given the chance to stride toward the thief-slash-mage. "Your share of the winnings. Um, Melissa and Kherem seem to be having an argument. Something about pregnancy and a finger up Kherem's... Well, anyway, I think we've got some time to spend our winnings and handle any business while they talk. I have to speak with the nurses and then I'll be heading to Eve's Garden and Madame Rosmerta's before locating the others again, I think."